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精选自Adam Lillicrap, Scott Belanger, Natalie Burden, David Du Pasquier, Michelle R. Embry, Marlies Halder, Mark A. Lampi, Lucy Lee, Teresa Norberg-King, Barnett A. Rattner, Kristin Schirmer, Paul Thomas. Alternative approaches to vertebrate ecotoxicity tests in the 21st century: a review of developments over the last two decades and current status. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 11, pages 2637–2646, November 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3603
An evolutionarily fundamental, yet rarely examined, aspect of host–parasite arms races is the repeatability of individual host responses to parasitism. We examined the repeatability of egg ejection, and the latency to eject, across a time-scale of days (within one breeding attempt), weeks and months (between breeding attempts within one breeding season), and years (across different breeding seasons). The ejection of non-mimetic model eggs by European blackbirds, Turdus merula, showed overall high repeatability (r?~?0.70) and, similar to empirical patterns on most other behavioral traits already studied, showed decreasing repeatability with time. In contrast, latency to ejection showed negligible repeatability overall (r ~0.20) and did not change with time. Ejection rates, latencies to ejection and the repeatability of egg ejection did not differ between young and old females. Previous experience with experimentation (number of model eggs the female received before the focal trial) marginally non-significantly covaried with egg ejection (positively) and with latency to egg ejection (negatively). Repeatability estimates for both egg ejection and latency to egg ejection at the within one breeding attempt time-scale did not statistically differ from those reported in a previous study of a different blackbird population (introduced population in New Zealand). To our knowledge, this is the first comparison of behavioral repeatability between a native vs. introduced population of any animal species.  相似文献   
Crimson-breasted shrikes produce duets which are used in interactions with neighbours and intruders. We examined two major hypotheses explaining duetting, the territorial defence and mate guarding hypotheses, using playback experiments. The responses of 12 pairs towards solo male, solo female and stereo duet playback were analysed using principal component analysis and ANOVA. The measures of response intensity revealed in most cases highly coordinated responses of the pair partners. Although these joint responses could suggest cooperative territorial defence or mutual mate defence, responses to the treatments differed between males and females in terms of three variables. Females increased their answer rates significantly in response to unpaired female intruders, compared to unpaired male intruders. During duet playback, females directed their responses equally at both intruding pair members. In contrast, males were equally responsive towards unpaired male intruders and intruding pairs, but in the latter case directed their responses at the male pair member. In the presence of unpaired female intruders, males increased their solo song rates, but in the presence of intruding pairs, they increased overlapping rates and duetted with their mates. These divergent responses suggest that females use duets for mate guarding against unpaired females, whereas males use solo songs for mate guarding and both solos and duets in territorial defence.  相似文献   
This paper explores the impact of erosion and restoration measures on habitat development and on wave damping by a small salt marsh nestled alongside a dike on the Wadden island of Terschelling. The aim is to advance knowledge about the benefits and possible side-effects of salt-marsh restoration. Analysis of a time series of aerial photographs from 1944 to 2010 indicates that the salt marsh decreased steadily in size after maintenance of accretion works was terminated. In the western part of the marsh, which is accessible to sheep, vegetation is low (5–15 cm) and dominated by Salicornia europaea and by Spartina anglica. In the most intensively grazed parts, vegetation is very scarce. The eastern, inaccessible part of the salt marsh is covered by dense patches of the shrubby perennial Atriplex portulacoides and Spartina anglica (15–25 cm in height). SWAN wave models show that wave height at this location is significantly affected by the areal extent of the salt marsh as well as by the vegetation. High or dense vegetation are in the models nearly as effective in damping waves (with an initial height of 0.15 and 0.5 m) as widening the salt-marsh area by 350 m. A low density of low plants, as observed in the grazed part of the marsh, has almost no wave-damping effect. Even under conditions of sea level rise, a broader salt marsh vegetated with high plants significantly affects modelled wave height. Therefore, salt-marsh restoration is an adaptation measure worth exploring, though an array of effect types must be considered.  相似文献   
The European INventory of Existing commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) lists all substances which were on the European Community Market between 1 January 1971 and 18 September 1981. Substances on EINECS are known as ‘existing’ substances. The EINECS inventory was drawn up by the European Commission to meet the requirements of article 13 of Directive 79/831/EEC [1]. EINECS was published in the Official Journal of the European Communities in 1990 [2]. This paper describes how individual substances, impurities and mixtures were defined and dealt with when registered for the EINECS inventory. It is the first in a series of such papers.  相似文献   
Lesser sandeels Ammodytes marinus are eaten by a range of predatory fishes including commercially fished species, but are also exploited at large scale by industrial fisheries. Is availability of sandeels, as key prey source, linked to the body condition of predatory fishes? In the North Sea, the largest sandeel biomass is concentrated in the Dogger Bank region. Here we studied predator–sandeel interactions at two sites differing widely in sandeel abundance and local sandeel fishing effort. Surveys took place in 2004, 2005, and 2006, years when local sandeel densities observed at these sites were low, intermediate, and high, respectively. Five predator species––whiting, lesser weever, grey gurnard, plaice, and haddock––showed better body condition indices in either the years or study area (or both) characterised by higher local sandeel densities, when compared to sandeel-poorer conditions. Moreover, whiting, weever, and gurnard condition was better for those individuals actually observed to have eaten sandeels (based on stomach contents) than for those that had not. As body condition relates to growth, reproduction, and survival, predators in sandeel-rich conditions may be inferred to have a higher fitness. These links between sandeel availability, sandeel consumption, and predator condition hint that, if large-scale localised depletions of sandeels were to occur, negative indirect effects on predatory fish might become apparent, underlining the importance of considering the sandeel fishery in an ecosystem context.  相似文献   
Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) including nickel and chromium are often present in soils overlying basalt at concentrations above regulatory guidance values due to the presence of these elements in underlying geology. Oral bioaccessibility testing allows the risk posed by PTEs to human health to be assessed; however, bioaccessibility is controlled by factors including mineralogy, particle size, solid-phase speciation and encapsulation. X-ray diffraction was used to characterise the mineralogy of 12 soil samples overlying Palaeogene basalt lavas in Northern Ireland, and non-specific sequential extraction coupled with chemometric analysis was used to determine the distribution of elements amongst soil components in 3 of these samples. The data obtained were related to total concentration and oral bioaccessible concentration to determine whether a relationship exists between the overall concentrations of PTEs, their bioaccessibility and the soils mineralogy and geochemistry. Gastric phase bioaccessible fraction (BAF %) ranged from 0.4 to 5.4 % for chromium in soils overlying basalt and bioaccessible and total chromium concentrations are positively correlated. In contrast, the range of gastric phase BAF for nickel was greater (1.4–43.8 %), while no significant correlation was observed between bioaccessible and total nickel concentrations. However, nickel BAF was inversely correlated with total concentration. Solid-phase fractionation information showed that bioaccessible nickel was associated with calcium carbonate, aluminium oxide, iron oxide and clay-related components, while bioaccessible chromium was associated with clay-related components. This suggests that weathering significantly affects nickel bioaccessibility, but does not have the same effect on the bioaccessibility of chromium.  相似文献   

A quantitative method which can be used to gauge the sustainability of existing socio-cultural, economic and environmental constructs is proposed. An underlying assumption of the approach is that a co-evolutionary relationship exists between social, cultural, economic and environmental systems and that these cannot be addressed in a reductionist and deterministic manner. The method focuses on both broad trends and patterns of variance in a multivariate data matrix, it allows the identification of dominant trends as well as underlying tensions, does not treat socio-cultural, economic and environmental heterogeneity as statistical noise and can be applied at different administrative scales. Furthermore, it may be used to identify potential sources of human insecurity, factors that may affect the probability of positive human survival, developmental patterns at odds with the established values system of civil society that can be targeted for political action, and to inform public debate. In addition, the method can be used to identify unexpected synergies between variables and may serve as an early warning system for regional planners.  相似文献   
All ecological communities experience change over time. One method to quantify temporal variation in the patterns of relative abundance of communities is time lag analysis (TLA). It uses a distance-based approach to study temporal community dynamics by regressing community dissimilarity over increasing time lags (one-unit lags, two-unit lags, three-unit lags). Here, we suggest some modifications to the method and revaluate its potential for detecting patterns of community change. We apply Hellinger distance based TLA to artificial data simulating communities with different levels of directional and stochastic dynamics and analyse their effects on the slope and its statistical significance. We conclude that statistical significance of the TLA slope (obtained by a Monte Carlo permutation procedure) is a valid criterion to discriminate between (i) communities with directional change in species composition, regardless whether it is caused by directional abundance change of the species or by stochastic change according to a Markov process, and (ii) communities that are composed of species with population sizes oscillating around a constant mean or communities whose species abundances are governed by a white noise process. TLA slopes range between 0.02 and 0.25, depending on the proportions of species with different dynamics; higher proportions of species with constant means imply shallower slopes; and higher proportions of species with stochastic dynamics or directional change imply steeper slopes. These values are broadly in line with TLA slopes from real world data. Caution must be exercised when TLA is used for the comparison of community time series with different lengths since the slope depends on time series length and tends to decrease non-linearly with it.  相似文献   
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