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Investigation into the pressure resistance of 8 intertidal species belonging to the genera, Uca, Sesurma, Talorchestia and Littorina from the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Panama sheds light on the relationships between temperature and hydrostatic-pressure resistance. Generally, increasing temperature increases the pressure required to elicit reversible reactions such as increased activity and tetany, or paralysis, wheroas increasing temperature generally evokes the irreversible response of death (LD50) at a decreasing pressure. Tropical stenotherms tend to be more sensitive to hydrostatic pressure than eurythermal-temperate species at the same or similar temperatures.  相似文献   
A three months old clone of 76 asexually produced F2 Heterostegina depressa D'Obbigny, 1826 (Foraminifera) was subdivided into two groups which were cultivated for 5 months, one at 300 lux, the other at 600 lux. Nourishment was provided by symbiotic photosynthesizing algae. The 300-lux group added 1 whorl, the 600-lux group added 1/2 a whorl during the experiment, suggesting that the first group was nearer the optimum for growth than the second. Growth rates reacted but slowly to changes in environmental conditions. Also, specimens within the same culture dish showed great differences in response. In the 600-lux group, many specimens ceased to grow entirely, while others continued. Cessation of growth tends to produce a rounded test shape, by filling-in of the apertural angle, while rapid growth tends to be correlated with flaring tests (i.e., tests with an open spiral). In addition, there is a trend toward increased flaring during normal ontogenetic development. Shell damage is greater in rapidly growing individuals; walls are apparently thicker in slowly growing and in resting individuals. Ecological interpretation of morphological characteristics is hampered by: (1) a lag effect between growth response and environmental change; (2) slowing or termination of growth under stressful conditions with corresponding minor changes in morphology; (3) great variation in response between sibling individuals within the same culture dish; (4) aging effects.  相似文献   
Nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere of marine angiosperms   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
High rates of acetylene reduction were observed in systems containing excised rhizomes of the Caribbean marine angiosperms Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme and Diplanthera wrightii, and the temperate marine angiosperm Zostera marina. For 4 plant and plant-sediment systems the ratio of acetylene reduced/N2 fixed varied from 2.6 to 4.6. For T. testudinum the estimated rates of nitrogen fixation are in agreement with estimated requirements of the plant for nitrogen. For a typical T. testudinum stand, N2 fixation is estimated to be 100 to 500 kg N/hectare per year. Numbers of N2-fixing bacteria in the rhizosphere sediments were roughly 50 to 300 times more abundant than those in the nonrhizosphere sediments, and in both types of sediments were of the same orders as the estimated numbers of heterotrophic aerobes.Canadian IBP Contribution No. 137.  相似文献   
Observations and experiments on the associative behavior of the fish Cryptocentrus cryptocentrus (Valenoiennes) and the shrimp Alpheus djiboutensis De Man from the Red Sea were carried out in artificial burrows. A signal system, bringing about correlated behavior in fish and shrimp, consisted of antennal contact of the shrimp with the fish, tail undulations by the fish and, finally, emergence of the shrimp. The shrimp emerged from the burrow only in the presence of the fish. A constant antennal contact was maintained by the partners while the shrimp was outside the burrow. Emerging from the burrow, the shrimp pushed the fish towards the entrance. Following visual stimulation, the shrimp always retreated back into the burrow with the fish. However, the further back the shrimp was located inside the burrow, the less intense was its retreat with the fish. In the absence of the fish, visual stimulation of the shrimp had no effect. Cleaning of fish by shrimp was observed within the burrow.  相似文献   
The study was carried out in the neritic and estuarine waters of Porto Novo, Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal, India during the period January, 1960 to December, 1967. The average displacement volume of plankton usually varied between 2 and 4 c2/m2. During summer, with a season of high plankton productivity, the average plankton displacement volume rose to 8 c2/m3. Generally speaking, the average zooplankton density (standing crop) was usually between 80,000 and 100,000 organisms/m3, of which copepods alone comprised usually between 70,000 and 90,000 organisms/m3. The average copepod density per sample varied from 30,000 to 50,000 organisms/m3. However, in the summer months, the copepod density was usually not less than 100,000 organisms/m3; in some years this was even higher (from 125,000 to 170,000 organisms/m3). Copepods comprised between 80 and 95% of the zooplankton population. The maximum non-copepod population in the zooplankton seldom reached 30%, was ofter below 25%, and usually less than 20%. During the period March to October (in some years as early as February, and in some years up to November), either an increasing or a steady trend of plankton production was evident. It would appear that salinity and rainfall determine the occurrence and distribution of plankton in Porto Novo.Contribution No. 189 from the Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Marine Biological Station of Annamalai University, Porto Novo, Tamilnadu, India.  相似文献   
Studies were carried out to determine optimum conditions for the investigation of symbiotic zooxanthellae in vitro and to gain insight into factors influencing release of photosynthate by the symbionts. Zooxanthellae isolated from the reef coral Agaricia agaricites and incubated with an homogenate of host tissue release twice as much photosynthate as controls in seawater. The animal homogenate retained its stimulatory activity for 3 h at room temperature (ca. 26°C). Release of photosynthate was markedly influenced by time after isolation of algae from the host, variation in homogenate concentration, and prolonged exposure to homogenate. Release was not influenced by cell concentration, light intensity, or glycerol in the incubation medium. If zooxanthellae are labelled in vitro with glucose 14C, the principle product released is alanine 14C. The mechanism of action of homogenate on zooxanthellae in vitro is discussed in terms of its effect on algal cell membrane permeability. A preliminary fractionation of host homogenate is described.  相似文献   
Measurements of primary production in the Baltic Sea over a period of 2 years (1969/1971) by the 14C method are reported. The rate of total annual production for the Baltic Sea proper and the Gulf of Finland including coastal areas appears to lie between 35 and 40 gC·m2, a rate which can be assumed as characteristic for oligotrophic waters with a low production rate. An apparent increase in productivity between the 2 years could be noted. Calculations for the water mass below the halocline show that between 0.7 and 0.8 ml/l oxygen is used up during a period of 3 months required for the development of anoxic conditions. The major portion of the organic matter in the Baltic Sea undergoes decomposition in the sub-photic zone above the halocline. The ratio of organic material in deep water to the total available oxidizable matter appears to remain constant with time; therefore, the apparent increase in productivity in the photic layer does not affect apprecibly the development of anoxic conditions in deep water. Of the different areas investigated, the Gulf of Finland seems to be the most productive. In the southern Baltic Sea, the rate of production over 5 years between 1966 and 1971 has not changed appreciably. In fact, it shows a trend toward a slight decrease, whereas, in other areas of the Baltic Sea, the rate of production indicates an apparent increase. Comparison with oceanic coastal areas of the west coast of Sweden shows that the rate of production there is higher than in the Baltic Sea. Of the micronutrients controlling productivity in the photic layer of the Baltic Sea, nitrate has a stronger limiting effect on plant growth than phosphate, a fact which is in agreement with existing conceptions on the subject. Dissolved iron does not seem to exert any appreciable influence on the productivity.  相似文献   
G. Smaldon 《Marine Biology》1972,17(2):171-179
Quantitative sampling of littoral and sublittoral populations of Pisidia longicornis (L.) and a littoral population of Porcellana platycheles (Pennant) has been carried out over a 2 year period (1970/1972). On the shore, P. longicornis were most abundant at mean low water spring (MLWS), whereas P. platycheles were found mostly at lower mid-shore level. Differences were found between littoral and sublittoral P. longicornis. Sublittoral females are gravid for a slightly shorter period (April to September), carry more eggs, and are smaller than littoral females. It is suggested that their lifespan may also be shorter than that of littoral individuals. Young of both species settle in autumn and grow until December, when growth ceases until the following spring. Numbers decline in the summer months due to the mortality of older individuals. Many sublittoral and some littoral P. longicornis are sexually mature towards the end of their first year on the shore, and may copulate after the early spring moult and carry eggs in the subsequent summer months. P. platycheles appear to follow a similar basic pattern, but results are less clear.  相似文献   
The results of 281 respiration analyses of pelagic copepods sampled in the South Moroccan and Canarian area are described. The copepods used in experimentation were collected from various bathymetric levels: hyponeustonic species (Anomalocera patersoni, Pontellopsis villosa, P. regalis, Labidocera wollastoni, Pontella lo biancoi), epipelagic species (Centropages typicus, Temora stylifera, Calanus helgolandicus, Acartia clausi), meso and bathypelagic species (Pleuromma xiphias, P. abdominalis, Euchaeta acuta, Undeuchaeta plumosa and some other rare species). Analysis of the metabolismtemperature curve makes it possible to describe different modes of adaptation in relation to geographical distribution, altitudinal repartition, and dietary characteristics. When all species are studied together, a strong correlation exists between the log of respiration and the log of weight. The regression coefficient varies with temperature; it is strongest at a temperature near that of the natural thermic conditions.  相似文献   
Vertical profiles of physical, chemical and phytoplanktonic parameters are described, at the level of the thermocline, in the area of Banyuls-sur-Mer, France. The results show that the thermocline divides two masses of water: (1) Mediterranean surface water with low nutrient concentrations and a salinity below 38.00 ‰; (2) deep, nutrient-rich upwelled water (N?NO3 >3 μat-g·l-1, P?PO4>0.3 μat-g·l-1, >38.30 ‰ S), which comes from the upper limit of the Mediterranean intermediate water, usually located at the 200 m level. Consequently, conditions are suitable for high production rates at the bottom of the thermocline, where Chl a is above 0.5 mg·m-3; dominant species are Nitzschia delicatissima and N. pungens. A diagram is presented explaining the different effects of the pycnoclines on primary production: eutrophication at the pycnocline levels is the result of passive accumulation of phytoplankton and organic matter during sedimentation, and/or of reduced diffusion of nutrients from deep waters towards the surface.  相似文献   
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