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鉴于我国污染地块环境管控法规制度缺失,土壤环境监管方面基本处于空白的实际,为了加强对污染地块的风险管控,规范对污染地块的开发利用,文章从厘清污染地块监管责任、明确监管责任、建立污染地块风险管控制度等方面提出了具体对策,建立了相关的风险管控制度,以期为我国污染地块环境管控提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
在城乡一体化发展背景下,农村内部现代化进程不断加快,而与之配套的社会公共服务设施与管理体制尚不健全,使得农村环境污染不断加剧.经问卷调研,东北严寒地区村镇环境突出的问题是水体和空气污染严重,垃圾围村现象普遍,工业企业生产及道路交通使得噪声污染加剧,工业企业污染较重.探究环境污染形成机制包括:农村粗放的经济发展模式、农民生活形式现代化和模式传统化的矛盾、农民环保意识薄弱以及城乡二元化体制结构使得东北严寒地区村镇环境不断恶化.文章最后提出了针对性的对策建议.  相似文献   
推进生态文明建设、建设美丽中国成为社会主旋律.文章从生态资源、生态空间、生态产业、转型发展等方面分析了济宁生态文明建设的优势,从战略顶层设计角度出发,研究提出了生态文明建设的总体要求、生态功能分区定位和实施步骤,针对近期济宁市生态文明建设存在的问题,从体制创新、制度体系、转型升级、考核监督、大气治理、水污染防治、城乡绿化等方面提出了具体的对策建议.  相似文献   
研究在低水温条件下,进厂污水中有机物浓度较低时(污水平均BOD5为45 mg/L左右),漳扎污水处理厂生化系统较优的运行工况。研究结果表明,在上述情况下,较优的连续运行工况为:污泥回流比为75%左右,MLSS为3 200~3 500 mg/L,生化池处的溶解氧在0.7~1.3 mg/L之间;较优的间歇运行工况为:以曝气3 h停曝3 h的方式运行,生化池处的溶解氧在3~5 mg/L之间,污泥回流比为75%左右,MLSS为3 200~3 500 mg/L。上述两种运行工况对污水中的污染物质都有较高的去除率,能成功避免污泥解絮的发生,使系统中的微生物平稳过冬;其中间歇曝气方式能达到节能减耗的目的,建议在旅游淡季时采用该方式运行。  相似文献   
2007年7月17日9时左右,位于美国堪萨斯州山谷中心的巴顿溶剂公司的威奇托工厂发生了爆炸和火灾事故。11名当地居民和1名消防队员接受了医学治疗。这次事故导致大约6000名山谷中心居民的撤离,摧毁了1个储罐区域并且极大地影响了巴顿溶剂公司的经营业务。  相似文献   
多介质环境目标值的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了多介质目标德的SAM/Ⅰ的方法。多介质目标值包括环境目标值和排放目标值。点源分析包括SAM/ⅠA,SAM/ⅠB,SAM/Ⅰ,SAM/Ⅱ。在缺少环境质量标准的情况下,使用多介质环境目标值有较强的适用性,且具有省时、省力、经济等特点。本文将多介质目标值的SAM/ⅠA点源分析方法引入聚氯乙烯生产废水的环境评价中,取得较为满意的结果。  相似文献   
环境中的多氯二苯并二(口恶)(口英)(PCDD_s)和多氯二苯并呋喃(PCDF_s)是当今最受重视的污染物之一,其中PCDD_s有75个异构体而PCDF_s有135个异构体,它们的毒性大小显著地依赖于氯原子的取代数和取代位置,由于这类污染物的低溶解度和高的辛醇/水分配系数,主要分布在土壤(85%)和沉积物(14%)中,只有1%进入空气、水和生物体.在自然环境中这类污染物代谢降解速度缓慢,从而增加了环境污染的复杂性.而鉴别这类污染物就成为一个主要研究课题.  相似文献   
Recently, layered double hydroxide-peroxodisulfate (LDH-PDS) as an advanced oxidation system can effectively remove organics by the pathway of free radical. However, little has been known if there is a potential risk regarding the formation of high toxic iodine byproducts through another pathway when LDH-PDS is used in high iodide waters at coastal areas. Therefore, this study investigated phenol degradation pathways and transformation products to evaluate both removal mechanism and potential risk by LDH-PDS in high iodide waters. The results showed that in LDH-PDS system, with the degradation of PDS, phenol degraded till below detection limit in 1 hr in the presence of iodide, while PDS and phenol were hardly degraded in the absence of iodide, indicating iodide accelerated the transformation of PDS and the degradation of phenol. What is more, it reached the highest phenol removal efficiency under the condition of 100 mg/L LDH, 0.1 mmol/L PDS and 1.0 mmol/L iodide. In LDH-PDS system, iodide was rapidly oxidized by the highly active interlayer PDS, resulting in the formation of reactive iodine including hypoiodic acid, iodine and triiodide instead of free radicals, which contributed rapid degradation of phenol. However, unfortunately toxic iodophenols were detected. Specifically, 2-iodophenol and 4-iodophenol were formed firstly, afterwards 2,4-diiodophenol and 2,6-diiodophenol were produced, and finally iodophenols and diiodophenols gradually decreased and 2,4,6-Triiodophenol were produced. These results indicated that LDH-PDS should avoid to use in high iodide waters to prevent toxic iodine byproduct formation although iodide can accelerate phenol degradation.  相似文献   
In 2013,China issued "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan(Action Plan)" to improve air quality.To assess the benefits of this program in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH)region,where the density of population and emissions vary greatly,we simulated the air quality benefit based on Ben MAP to satisfy the Action Plan.In this study,we estimate PM_(2.5) concentration using Voronoi spatial interpolation method on a grid with a spatial resolution of 1 × 1 km~2.Combined with the exposure-response function between PM_(2.5) concentration and health endpoints,health effects of PM_(2.5) exposure are analyzed.The economic loss is assessed by using the willingness to pay(WTP) method and human capital(HC) method.When the PM_(2.5) concentration falls by 25% in BTH and reached 60 μg/m~3 in Beijing,the avoiding deaths will be in the range of 3175 to 14051 based on different functions each year.Of the estimated mortality attributable to all causes,3117 annual deaths were due to lung cancer,1924 – 6318 annual deaths were due to cardiovascular,and343 – 1697 annual deaths were due to respiratory.Based on WTP,the estimated monetary values for the avoided cases of all cause mortality,cardiovascular mortality,respiratory mortality and lung cancer ranged from 1110 to 29632,673 to 13325,120 to 3579,1091 to 6574 million yuan,respectively.Based on HC,the corresponding values for the avoided cases of these four mortalities were 267 to 1178,161 to 529,29 to 143 and 261 million yuan,respectively.  相似文献   
依据美国环保署颁布的储罐VOCs排放量核算公式,从环境参数、原油参数和储罐结构参数3个方面对外浮顶储罐VOCs排放的影响进行了研究,其中包括了边缘密封排放挂壁排放、浮盘附件排放和浮盘着陆期间排放等几个相关排放核算数学公式。结果表明:环境风速增大,环境温度升高或太阳辐射强度提高均导致排放量增大;原油温度升高或原油周转量增加也导致排放量增加;储罐直径增加,罐漆颜色浅,或者罐壁锈蚀情况好会降低VOCs排放量。  相似文献   
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