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Wild European rabbits of both sexes have separate linear rank orders, which are established and maintained by intensive fights. This paper presents data from a 14-year study (1987-2000) on the population physiology and behavioural ecology of wild rabbits living in a 22,000 m2 enclosure and focuses on the relationship between social rank and reproduction in females. Group composition, social ranks, fecundity and reproductive success were known for all females (n=197) from the outset of their first reproductive season at an age of about 300 days until their death. The annual reproductive success of females was influenced to a large extent by their social rank. This depended on two effects of about equal strength: a higher fecundity of high-ranking females and a lower mortality of their offspring between birth and adulthood. The lifetime reproductive success of the females varied greatly. Only about 50% of all females had any reproductive success (range: on to nine adult offspring). The social rank achieved by the females during their first reproductive season substantially influenced their lifetime reproductive success: The mean reproductive lifespan and lifetime fitness of high-ranking females (ranks 1 and 2) was about 60% greater than that of lower-ranking females, although many of the latter also gained dominant positions in subsequent years.  相似文献   
Summary The stridulatory sounds and movements produced by the females of various bushcricket species (Tettigonoidea: Phaneropteridae: Barbitistini) are compared with those of the males. Behavioral experiments are carried out to determine the significance of the female sounds in acoustic communication. Selection factors involved in the evolution of female stridulation are discussed. The morphological apparatus for sound production has evolved independently in males and females. Whereas males rub a toothed file on the underside of the left wing over the inner edge of the right wing, the plectrum, the females stridulate by rubbing a thickened vein on the underside of the left wing over modified spines on the upper surface of the right wing (Fig. 2). Similarly, the movements responsible for sound production are not homologous in males and females. In the male the audible closing movement is always preceded by wing opening, whereas the female in general initiates the closing movement when the wings are in the resting slightly opened position, and abruptly produces complete closure (Fig. 3, 4 and 5). The female responds to male singing by emitting one to several highly damped sound pulses each lasting less than one ms. The interval between the song of a conspecific male and this response is a very precise species-specific characteristic (Fig. 7). In species with male songs that are complicated in structure or continuous, the females respond only at specific time-after patticular markers in the song of the male. The time interval between male song and female response is an important criterion by which the male identifies conspecific female song (Fig. 8). Because the response delay of the female and corresponding neuronal time window in the male are distinct they may be important in species discrimination.  相似文献   
In this study the levels and distribution of some persistent toxic substances (PTS) were investigated in soils, superficial water, and snow along an altitudinal gradient in the Laja River Basin (South Central Chile). The principal objective was to establish the basin's contamination status. The working hypothesis was that PTS levels and distribution in the basin are dependent on the degree of anthropogenic intervention. Fifteen PAHs, seven PCBs congeners, and three organochlorine pesticides were studied in superficial soil and water samples obtained along the altitudinal gradient and from a coastal reference station (Lleu-Lleu River). Soil samples were extracted using accelerated solvent extraction with acetone/cyclohexane (1:1) for PAHs and organochlorine compounds. Contaminants were extracted from water and snow samples by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE). PAH and organochlorine compound quantification was carried out by HPLC with fluorescence detection and GC-MS, respectively. PCBs in soils presented four different profiles in the altitudinal gradient, mainly determined by their chlorination degree; these profiles were not observed for the chlorinated pesticides. In general, the detected levels for the analyzed compounds were low for soils when compared with soil data from other remote areas of the world. Higher summation operator PAHs levels in soils were found in the station located at 227 masl (4243 ng g-1 TOC), in a forestry area and near a timber industry, where detected levels were up to eight times higher than the other sampling sites. In general, PAH levels and distribution seems to be dependent on local conditions. No pesticides were detected in surface waters. However, congeners of PCBs were detected in almost all sampling stations with the highest levels being found in Laja Lake waters, where 1.1 ng/l were observed. This concentration is two times higher than values reported for polluted lakes in the Northern Hemisphere. The presence of organochlorine compound in snow sampled at the highest elevation point of the basin is indicative of the transport and atmospheric deposition phenomena of alpha-HCH, gamma-HCH and PCB 52, with values being similar to the levels reported in Canadian snow samples. We conclude that environmental PTS substance levels are in general relatively low, although PAHs may be of concern in some areas of the basin.  相似文献   
The results of a co-ordinated monitoring programme for pesticide residues in the European Union and Norway carried out in 1996 and 1997 are presented. The aim of this programme is to work towards a system, which makes it possible to estimate actual dietary pesticide intake for the population of the European Union. Based on a statistically dérived sampling plan and within the limited number of pesticides/commodities analysed, the most critical pesticides (benomyl group and dithiocarbamates) and commodities (mandarine and lettuce) were identified. In case of detected non-compliances, repeated sampling and, if necessary, enforcement actions are to be taken by national authorities. The programme will be continued in the next years.  相似文献   
Summary Mating in the bushcricket Metaplastes ornatus Ramme 1931 entails a number of peculiar genital couplings that precede the transfer of the large spermatophore. During these phase-I couplings, the male introduces his specially structured subgenital plate into the female's genital chamber, performs back-and-forth movements, and turns her genital chamber inside out when he withdraws, whereupon the female carefully cleans her everted genital chamber with her mouthparts. During the last coupling (phase II) the male's subgenital plate is not introduced but the large spermatophore, which averages 22% of a male's body weight, is transferred. Counts of sperm in the spermathecae of females suggested that the phase-I couplings, which occur prior to spermatophore transfer, function to remove, or at least to reduce, the sperm of a female's previous mates. The form of the keel of the male's subgenital plate, its position within the female's genital tract during phase-I couplings, and the back-and-forth movements suggest that the male may stimulate release of sperm from the female's spermatheca by a mechanism similar to fertilization as eggs pass through the genital chamber during oviposition.  相似文献   
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