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Objective and Background

PCB (polychlorinated biphenyle) are typical man-made environmental pollutants that cause a broad spectrum of effects in vertebrates. Although a lot has been studied about the toxic effects of xenobiotic substances on aquatic organisms, their subacute effects are not yet well known. Fish occupies a central position in freshwater food webs and therefore, carp was chosen to be our test organism. The aim of our study was the investigation of subacute effects of Aroclor 1254 (22μg l?1) on respiration, swimming activity, and biotransformation, allowing discussion of changed interaction between the available energy resources.


The respiration experiments under controlled laboratory conditions were run for 29 days (5 d before, 16 d with and 8 d after chemical exposure) with exposed carp compared to the non-exposed fish. Furthermore, the BehavioQuant system quantitatively monitors the positions of each individual fish before (8 d) and during (21 d) PCB exposure and swimming activity (number of horizontal turnings s?1) of animals was calculated. Thereafter, liver samples were taken from animals for analysis of the phase 2 enzyme activity (glutathione-S-transferase). In the respiration experiments were 6 exposure, 6 controll, and 3 solubilizer controll groups (12 animals each group); in the behavioral experiments were 9 exposure, 6 controll- und 3 solubilizer controll groups (6 animals each group), and in the enzyme activity measurements were 9 exposure, 6 controll and 3 solubilizer controll groups (6 animals each group) examined.

Results and Discussion

A clearly increased (33%) oxygen consumption due to the PCB-exposure is found to be reversible; after the exposure period the respiration of carp shows a level comparable to the oxygen consumption during non-exposure time. By evaluating quantitative behavioral parameters of animals, it becomes evident that the exposure to PCB also causes a reversible change in their swimming behavior. Chemical stress leads to a decrease of mean daily swimming activity combined with an increase of the mean number of turnings during the night. Thereafter, the swimming activity shifts to the circadian swimming behavior under control conditions. Furthermore, our measurement of soluble and microsomal glutathione-S-transferase activity of fish liver shows a significant elevation after exposure period.


Our results prove that it was feasible to detect sublethal effects of PCB-mixture on all parameters under these conditions successfully. Our findings imply that fish are able to cope with the chemicals and we purse the hypothesis that the higher physiological energy demand caused by increased activity of enzymes, which are involved in biotransformation of foregin substances, may be related to a higher respiration of fish stressed by xenobiotics.

Recommendation and Outlook

Further experiments should investigate the effects of PCB on ecophysiological parameters of carp fed with exposed natural food allowing discussion of ecological consequences.  相似文献   
The caterpillars of the oleander hawk moth, Daphnis nerii (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) feed primarily on oleander (Nerium oleander). This plant is rich in cardenolides, which specifically inhibit the Na+K+-ATPase. Since some insects feeding on cardenolide plants possess cardenolide-resistant Na+K+-ATPases, we tested whether D. nerii also possesses this strategy for circumventing cardenolide toxicity. To do so, we established a physiological assay, which allowed direct measurement of Na+K+-ATPase cardenolide sensitivity. Using Schistocerca gregaria, as a cardenolide-sensitive reference species, we showed that D. nerii Na+K+-ATPase was extremely sensitive to the cardenolide ouabain. Surprisingly, its sensitivity is even higher than that of the cardenolide-sensitive generalist, S. gregaria. The presence or absence of cardenolides in the diet of D. nerii did not influence the enzyme’s cardenolide sensitivity, indicating that target-site insensitivity is not inducible in this species. However, despite the sensitivity of their Na+K+-ATPase, caterpillars of D. nerii quickly recovered from an injection of an excessive amount of ouabain into their haemocoel. We conclude that D. nerii possesses adaptations, which enable it to feed on a cardenolide-rich diet other than that previously described in cardenolide specialized insects, and discuss other potential resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   
Samples of air (gas and particulate phases), bulk deposition, aquatic settling material and sediments were collected in Lake Maggiore (LM) in order to determine their content of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Air (gas and particulate phases) concentrations were 0.5 pg m(-3), 80 pg m(-3), 13 pg m(-3) and 106 pg m(-3) for SigmaPCDD/Fs, SigmaPCBs, Sigma dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs) and SigmaPBDEs, respectively. Deposition fluxes ranged from 0.7 ng m(-2) d(-1) for SigmaPCDD/Fs to 32 ng m(-2) d(-1) for SigmaPCBs. Aquatic settling material presented concentrations of 0.4 ng g(-1) dry weight (dw) for SigmaPCDD/Fs, 13 ng g(-1) dw for SigmaPCB, 3.4 ng g(-1) dw for SigmaDL-PCBs and 5.7 ng g(-1) dw for SigmaPBDEs. Mean sediment concentrations were 0.4 ng g(-1) dw for SigmaPCDD/Fs, 11 ng g(-1) dw for SigmaPCB, 3 ng g(-1) dw for SigmaDL-PCBs and 5.1 ng g(-1) dw for SigmaPBDEs. Similar PCDD/F and DL-PCB congener patterns in all the environmental compartments of LM point to an important, if not dominant, contribution of atmospheric deposition as source of these pollutants into LM. In contrast, PBDE congener distribution was not similar in the different environmental compartments. BDE 47 dominated air and settling material, while BDE 209 was the predominant congener in the bulk atmospheric deposition. Moreover, sediments showed two distinct PBDE congener profiles. Lower PBDE concentrated sediments were dominated by congeners 47 and 99, while BDE 209 dominated in higher PBDE concentrated samples. This suggests the influence of local sources as well as atmospheric input of PBDEs into LM.  相似文献   
In this work the flushing features of a tidal active coastal basin, the Venice lagoon, have been investigated. The water transport time scale (TTS) has been computed by means of both an eulerian and a lagrangian approach. The obtained results have been compared in order to identify the main differences between the two methods.  相似文献   
Brominated flame retardants (BFRs), particularly polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), are widely present in human populations. In order to investigate human exposure pathways and associations with socioeconomic and lifestyle factors, 393 breast milk samples from mothers living in various regions throughout Norway were analyzed. Up to ten PBDE congeners were measured in all the samples, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and BDE-209 in subsets of 310 and 46, respectively. The median concentrations of the sum of the seven most prominent PBDEs (BDE-28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154 and 183), BDE-209 and HBCD were 2.1, 0.32 and 0.86 ng/g lipids, respectively. These concentrations are comparable to the levels generally observed in human populations in Europe. The frequency distributions were quite skewed with long tails towards higher concentrations. Maternal age, parity, education, having a cohabitant employed as electrician, and ventilation were factors significantly associated with some of the BFRs, although these factors only explained a small amount of the variability (R2 0.04–0.16). The mothers' diet was not found to influence the breast milk PBDE and HBCD levels. Our results show that sources other than the diet are important for the variability seen in breast milk BFR concentrations and that exposure from the indoor atmosphere should be emphasized in future studies.  相似文献   
The potential effects of organochlorines (OCs) and brominated flame retardants on reproduction and survival were studied in tawny owls (Strix aluco) in Central Norway over a period of 19 years (1986-2004). Concentrations of 14 OCs and five polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were measured in eggs (n=104), and Principal Component Analysis was used to produce composite measurements of pollutants; i.e. PC1 and PC2, which accounted for 85% of the variation in contaminant concentrations. There was no evidence for adverse associations between pollutants (PC scores) and life-history traits such as clutch size, probability of producing fledglings and survival, when controlling for potentially confounding variables. Moreover, there was no evidence for interactions between pollutants and vole abundance suggesting no synergistic effects of food stress and pollutants on these life-history traits. There was, however, some evidence for a non-linear negative association between p,p'-DDE (1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethylene) and eggshell thickness. This suggests that the concentrations of pollutants in this ecosystem were too low to affect reproduction and survival in an owl predominantly consuming prey at low trophic levels, but may be sufficient to cause eggshell thinning at the highest concentrations.  相似文献   
For decades there has been a controversial debate over how far religious faith communities are specifically engaged in ecological practices (EP). Therefore we studied four Austrian and two German Benedictine monasteries religious ethics and spirituality as a means of a driving force for initiating EP. We draw upon theories of organizational learning processes and capacity-building of sustainability to interpret our empirical findings. The majority of monasteries are highly engaged in EP, initiated either as an outcome of individual activities or through a specific mostly informally acting group, but rarely an organizationally or systematically integrated goal of the monasteries, or a focus of capacity building. Monasteries follow a technical and economic decision-making process in implementing EP. Spirituality plays a limited role in the initiation of EP. The environment of monasteries–acceptance or critique against ecological practices–influences the monasteries decisions. Institutionalization of ecological practices into the monasteries organizational structure is rare.  相似文献   
Dioxin analysis in food and feed can be characterized as an analytical application where very high accuracy is required at very low levels of contamination. Gas chromatography (GC) in combination with 13C-label isotope dilution (ID) high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) is the reference congener-specific technique characterized by pronounced selectivity, precision and trueness at parts-per-trillion (ppt) and sub-parts-per-trillion (sub-ppt) levels. The quality of the analytical data produced routinely by a laboratory should be adequate for its intended purpose, i.e., one will seek a compromise between the cost and time needed and the consequences of incorrect decisions due to erroneous results. The requirements for reproducibility are usually dependent on the analyte concentrations and have been expressed in various empirical functions. While Horwitz or modified functions are widely useful for many purposes, it would be difficult to expect these functions to cover every analytical problem. This study reports on precision characteristics achieved by the GC-ID-HRMS reference method for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) in food and feed in two interlaboratory method-performance studies among expert laboratories with long-standing experience in this field. Striking linear functions in log scale between reproducibility standard deviation and congener's level over a concentration range of 10(-8)-10(-14)g per g fresh weight are observed. The data fit very well to a Horwitz-type function of the form sR=0.153c0.904, where sR and c are dimensionless mass ratios expressed in pg g(-1) on fresh weight, regardless of the nature of the toxic congeners, food and feed matrices, or sample preparation methods. We demonstrate that the proposed function is suitable for use as a fitness-for-purpose criterion for proficiency assessment in interlaboratory comparisons on dioxins and related compounds in food.  相似文献   
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