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基于跨界水资源利用的理论分析及国际环境保护制度构建,对限制领土主权理论必须重新审视.共同利益理论要从根本上解决跨界水资源开发利用问题必须要正视主权、明确水权性质的归属.国际水道非航行使用法公约的现实状况说明,必须厘清跨界水资源水权与流域国家主权的关系、准确把握跨界水资源水权的定性,才能解决环境保护问题.为此,在确定跨界水资源水权性质为主权范围内所有权基础上,应构建事前预防、事后补偿、争端解决等国际环境保护法律机制.  相似文献   
针对在氯化法生产钛白粉的过程中产生的大量高热值废气和氯化钙废水,提出以废气为热源生产二水氯化钙的新工艺。以焚烧的方式处理氯化尾气,将产生的热量用于浓缩蒸发氯化钙废水,生产工业级二水氯化钙产品,达到以废治废的目的。不仅处理了工业废气和废水,在节约能源的同时创造了一定的经济效益。  相似文献   
Estuaries have been described as one of the most difficult environments on Earth. It is difficult to know how to treat the combined wastewater in tidal rivers at the estuary, where the situation is very different from ordinary fresh water rivers. Waste oyster shell was used as the active filler in this study in a bio-contact oxidation tank to treat the combined wastewater at the Fengtang Tidal River. With a middle-experimental scale of 360 ma/day, the average removal efficiency of COD, BOD, NH3-N, TP and TSS was 80.05%, 85.02%, 86.59%, 50.58% and 85.32%, respectively, in this bio-contact oxidation process. The living microbes in the biofilms on the waste oyster shell in this bio-contact oxidation tank, which were mainly composed of zoogloea, protozoa and micro-metazoa species, revealed that waste oyster shell as the filler was suitable material for combined wastewater degradation. This treatment method using waste oyster shell as active filler was then applied in a mangrove demonstration area for water quality improvement near the experiment area, with a treatment volume of 5 × 10^3 m^3/day. Another project was also successfully applied in a constructed wetland, with a wastewater treatment volume of 1 ×10^3 m^3/day. This technology is therefore feasible and can easily be applied on a larger scale,  相似文献   
本文通过对内蒙古包头市2009—2011年PM10浓度和TSP浓度的测定,分析了大气中颗粒物浓度的含量状况。结果表明:2009年3月到9月份之间,出现6次沙尘天气,并且颗粒物浓度超过大气空气质量三级标准,其中最严重的一次PM10浓度达到1.147mg/m^3。PM10浓度一天的变化中,在下午5时和晚间10时达到两个峰值,分别是1.608mg/m^3和1.882mg/m^3。2010年中十一月份的TSP日平均浓度较高,比八月份TSP浓度高7倍。2011年春季空气中颗粒物污染较重,在沙尘天气发生期间,颗粒物浓度含量较高  相似文献   
顾林生  陈志芬  谢映霞 《安全》2007,28(11):1-5
1国内外公共安全形势与城市公共安全的新挑战   进入21世纪,国际公共安全形势日趋严峻,城市面临的灾害形势从传统的自然灾害、火灾、瘟疫等为主扩大到传统灾害和生命线系统故障、信息安全、恐怖事件等非传统灾害共同影响的情况,呈现出以下特点:重大自然灾害的发生频率、量级加大,经济损失更严重;随着工业化、现代化和城市化的发展,事故灾难以及复合型事件的影响日益突出;生物和公共卫生危机严重威胁和影响公众健康;恐怖主义威胁呈现出新型化、大规模化和强灾难性的特点;经济危机连锁反应,各种社会危机交相激荡.……  相似文献   
南京市不同季节大气亚微米颗粒物化学组分在线观测研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
本研究利用Aerodyne气溶胶化学组分监测仪在典型冬季重污染(12月)和夏季(8月)时期分别对南京城市大气非难熔性亚微米细颗粒物(NR-PM1)进行连续在线观测.结果表明,NR-PM1的组分平均贡献为(8月,12月):有机物(51.8%,44%)、硝酸盐(12.8%,23%)、硫酸盐(20.9%,13%)、铵盐(14%,16.8%)、氯化物(0.5%,3.2%).硝酸盐和硫酸盐在8月和12月呈现不同的日变化,如硝酸盐在12月白天呈现增加趋势,表明白天光化学作用对硝酸盐形成起主导作用;12月高浓度的硫酸盐在较高相对湿度的夜间被观测到,而8月在午后出现峰值,这表明在12月和8月硫酸盐的形成可能分别被液相生成和气相光化学作用驱动.8月臭氧污染期间,硝酸盐通过非均相反应在夜间快速形成,日出后,SO_2-4和氧化态有机气溶胶(OOA)同时增加表明二次气溶胶的形成;12月霾污染期间,二次无机组分和具有较高氧化度的OOA逐渐增加.  相似文献   
新污染物环境监测涉及新污染物识别、环境风险评估与管控成效评估等多个目标,科学的环境调查监测有助于最大程度支撑新污染物治理。分析了环境暴露评估对新污染物监测介质、监测尺度、监测数据质量及代表性等方面的要求,借鉴发达国家对新污染物的环境监测实践经验,提出了我国新污染物环境监测总体要求,主要包括:从筛查监测、评估监测和监督性监测3个层次开展监测,以发现问题、评估风险、监督成效。评估监测应包含污水处理厂活性污泥,排放源周边地表水、沉积物、大气、土壤、环境生物等介质,应符合局部尺度环境暴露评估对监测数据的要求,监测报告应包含足够的信息。  相似文献   
阐述了玻璃纸生产中CS2和H2S废气产生的原理,介绍了该废气处理的现状,总结了目前普遍采用的冷凝法、活性炭吸附法、活性碳纤维吸附法、改性活性炭吸附法、螯合铁氧化法、吸收-吸附法等处理方法的特点和效果。介绍了一种先采用螯合铁氧化法、再采用冷凝法、最后采用活性炭吸附法的综合处理工艺,可使废气达标排放。  相似文献   
The main focus of this study was to evaluate long term effects of cadmium on forearm bone mineral density after stopping ingestion of cadmium-polluted rice for 10 years in a Chinese population. A total of 532 persons (338 women and 194 men), living in control, moderately and heavily polluted areas, were included in this study. The residents living in the polluted area ceased ingesting cadmium-polluted rice in 1996. All participants were require to answer a questionnaire and the bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at the proximal radius and ulna. Samples of urine and blood were collected for determination of cadmium in urine (UCd) and blood (BCd).The BMD of subjects living in the heavily polluted area was significantly lower than that of those living in control area in both men and women (p < 0.01). For the people living in the moderately polluted area, only the women's BMD was greatly lower compared to that in the control area (p < 0.05). The BMD declined with the increasing BCd and UCd in both sexes, especially in the highest level (BCd > 5 µg/L, UCd > 10 µg/g crea) groups (p < 0.01). It was found that there were significant differences in the prevalence of osteoporosis among the different areas (χ2 = 13.046, p = 0.0003) and different UCd groups (χ2 = 4.511, p = 0.0337) in women, but not in men (χ2 = 0.962, p = 0.3268; χ2 = 1.906, p = 0.1675). But a significant difference exists in the prevalence of osteoporosis among different BCd groups in both genders (χ2 = 9.304, p = 0.00229, in women; χ2 = 4603, p = 0.0319, in men). This study suggested that cadmium could play a long-term role on bone and more attention should be paid to cadmium effects on bone metabolism after reduction of exposure.  相似文献   
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