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The substituent chlorine is generally considered to be an agent which reduces the reactivity of organic molecules with regard to the indirect photodegradation by OH radicals. A systematic study of selected, representative classes of compounds, however, reveals that the deactivating influence of chlorine on the OH radical reactivity is actually rather moderate. In individual cases, for instance, chlorine substitution can even lead to an increase in this reactivity. This study is based on both experimental data and on the molecular orbital calculations of OH radical reactivity.  相似文献   
An enzyme immunoassay especially designed for the quantification of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) in erythrocytes has been applied to measure the SOD of outcomes with high risk for Down's syndrome. From 148 fetuses SOD was quantified from erythrocytes of umbilical vein blood and related to the number of cells, the content of haemoglobin (Hb), and to the haematocrit (Hc). Comparative studies between the SOD content of erythrocytes from the fetuses and their mothers resulted in similar SOD levels (14.09 ± 1.20 for fetal and 14.48 ± 1.63 for maternal cells) with a 1.84-fold smaller variance for fetal cells. The best differentiation between normal fetuses and fetuses with Down's syndrome resulted from the SOD/cell ratio followed by the SOD/Hb ratio. Fixing a cut-off value from the probability density functions that the method results in a specificity of 99.99 per cent, the sensitivity to detect cases of Down's syndrome was 99.71 per cent for the SOD/cell ratio, 70.92 per cent for the SOD/Hb ratio, and 60.21 per cent for the SOD/Hc ratio. Nine cases with Down's syndrome were correctly diagnosed by the SOD/cell ratio determination. Eight of these were confirmed as free trisomy 21 by karyotype analysis and one was found to be a triploidy. The latter was not detected by the SOD/Hb and SOD/Hc ratios because of the one-third higher content of haemoglobin and the larger volume of the erythrocytes which resulted in ratios within the normal range.  相似文献   
Toxicology of arsenic in fish and aquatic systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arsenic (As) is found in waters such as seawater, warm springs, groundwater, rivers, and lakes. In aquatic environments, As occurs as a mixture of arsenate and arsenite, with arsenate usually predominating. The unrestricted application of As pesticides, industrial activities, and mining operations has led to the global occurrence of soluble As above permissible levels of 0.010 mg/L. Continuous exposure of freshwater organisms including fish to low concentrations of As results in bioaccumulation, notably in liver and kidney. As a consequence As induces hyperglycemia, depletion of enzymatic activities, various acute and chronic toxicity, and immune system dysfunction. Here we review arsenic chemistry, the occurrence of arsenic in aquatic system, the transformation and metabolism of arsenic; arsenic bioaccumulation and bioconcentration; behavioral changes; and acute and other effects such as biochemical, immunotoxic, and cytogenotoxic effects on fish.  相似文献   
SoilTrEC: a global initiative on critical zone research and integration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil is a complex natural resource that is considered non-renewable in policy frameworks, and it plays a key role in maintaining a variety of ecosystem services (ES) and life-sustaining material cycles within the Earth's Critical Zone (CZ). However, currently, the ability of soil to deliver these services is being drastically reduced in many locations, and global loss of soil ecosystem services is estimated to increase each year as a result of many different threats, such as erosion and soil carbon loss. The European Union Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection alerts policy makers of the need to protect soil and proposes measures to mitigate soil degradation. In this context, the European Commission-funded research project on Soil Transformations in European Catchments (SoilTrEC) aims to quantify the processes that deliver soil ecosystem services in the Earth's Critical Zone and to quantify the impacts of environmental change on key soil functions. This is achieved by integrating the research results into decision-support tools and applying methods of economic valuation to soil ecosystem services. In this paper, we provide an overview of the SoilTrEC project, its organization, partnerships and implementation.  相似文献   
In order to analyse potential influences of soda industryeffluents on the ecological integrity of Traunsee (TS) weinvestigated the fish community of the lake in comparison witha reference lake (Hallstättersee HS) and used a reconstructionfrom the (older) literature concerning the original speciescomposition of Traunsee. Published `Index of Biotic Integrity(IBI)' metrics were considered to be of limited value due tothe relatively low species number in the oligotrophic, Alpinelake. Therefore we included, in addition to speciescomposition, studies on egg distribution, larval fishdensities, life-history parameters (i.e. growth, maturity,fecundity, age and size composition), stress levels and heavymetal content of the dominant whitefish (Coregonuslavaretus), as well as overall fish density and biomass (usinghydroacoustics) to assess the ecological status of the fishcommunity. Two of the original 18 species have disappearedfrom the lake, presumably in connection with the introductionof non-native eel (Anguilla anguilla) and theconstruction of a power plant in the outflow. Silt from grindedlimestone together with highly alkaline pore waters is emittedvia industrial wastewater from Sodaworks and covers part of thelake bottom. We observed that eggs of whitefish were spawnedmainly in the main inflowing river and close to the shore, thusavoiding the silty areas and making the anticipated damage tothe reproductive potential of whitefish neglectable. This wascorroborated by larval surveys done weekly on both lakes fromJanuary to May, which showed halve the density of whitefishlarvae in TS compared to HS. Estimates of potentially spawningfish from hydroacoustic surveys resulted in a ratio of 1(TS) :3 (HS). Analysis of whitefish revealed that they are growingfaster in TS and have higher fecundity leading to somecompensation of lower abundance. High levels of fishing in TSmight have led to this pattern and to depressed yields asindicated by the age composition. Level of oxidative stress andheavy metal content were not discernible from the referencelake. Therefore we concluded that negative impacts on theecological status of the fish community resulted from fisheriesmismanagement and a power plant situated in the outflow of thelake, considered to have damaged spawning places for somespecies, but not from soda industry effluents.  相似文献   
Spoil heaps are the visible footprint of hydropower production, particularly in vulnerable alpine environments. Speeding up vegetation development by seeding commercial grass species has been a common restoration practice for the last 50 years, but we lack information on whether seeded species decline and allow native plant cover to develop. We visually estimated cover of native vascular plants and five seeded grass species (Agrostis capillaris, Festuca ovina, Festuca rubra, Schedonorus pratensis and Phleum pratense) on eight spoil heaps at different elevations (boreal–alpine zone) in western Norway. Spoil heap vegetation was censused twice (9–20 and 24–36 years after spoil heap construction); the undisturbed surrounding vegetation was also censused on the second occasion. Total cover on the spoil heaps showed some increase, but remained far below that in surrounding areas. Cover of seeded grass species in the surroundings was low (but not negligible), indicating suboptimal establishment ability. Seeded species usually covered less than 20 % of the spoil heaps, and only F. rubra, F. ovina and A. capillaris contributed substantially. Proportional cover indicated better initial establishment by seeded species, but their cover decreased between the censuses on all but the highest located spoil heap. The persistence of seeded grass species is problematic, and despite the decrease in proportional cover, they are likely to persist for decades on spoil heaps, posing a risk of invasion of surrounding areas. We therefore recommend replacing the practice of seeding with more appropriate restoration measures.  相似文献   
Landfills at various stages of development, depending on their age and location, can be found throughout Europe. The type of facilities goes from uncontrolled dumpsites to highly engineered facilities with leachate and gas management. In addition, some landfills are designed to receive untreated waste, while others can receive incineration residues (MSWI) or residues after mechanical biological treatment (MBT). Dimension, type and duration of the emissions from landfills depend on the quality of the disposed waste, the technical design, and the location of the landfill. Environmental impacts are produced by the leachate (heavy metals, organic loading), emissions into the air (CH(4), hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons) and from the energy or fuel requirements for the operation of the landfill (SO(2) and NO(x) from the production of electricity from fossil fuels). To include landfilling in an life-cycle assessment (LCA) approach entails several methodological questions (multi-input process, site-specific influence, time dependency). Additionally, no experiences are available with regard to mid-term behaviour (decades) for the relatively new types of landfill (MBT landfill, landfill for residues from MSWI). The present paper focuses on two main issues concerning modelling of landfills in LCA: Firstly, it is an acknowledged fact that emissions from landfills may prevail for a very long time, often thousands of years or longer. The choice of time frame in the LCA of landfilling may therefore clearly affect the results. Secondly, the reliability of results obtained through a life-cycle assessment depends on the availability and quality of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data. Therefore the choice of the general approach, using multi-input inventory tool versus empirical results, may also influence the results. In this paper the different approaches concerning time horizon and LCI will be introduced and discussed. In the application of empirical results, the presence of data gaps may limit the inclusion of several impact categories and therefore affect the results obtained by the study. For this reason, every effort has been made to provide high-quality empirical LCI data for landfills in Central Europe.  相似文献   
Potentials for the prevention of municipal solid waste   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Waste prevention has been assigned the highest priority under European waste management law. However, the initiatives which have been taken so far have not reduced the regular annual increase in total waste arising across Europe. The purpose of this paper is to quantify and analyze in depth the prevention potential for selected case studies (advertising material, beverage packaging, diapers, food waste, waste from events). Only such measures are considered, which do not require a reduction of consumption. The prevention potentials for household waste in theory are exemplified for the city of Vienna, also with a view to barriers that may reduce the achievable prevention potential. The results show that the prevention potentials for the analyzed individual measures can reach an order of magnitude of some 10% of the relevant waste stream (e.g., advertising material, beverage packaging), or rather 1-3% of municipal solid waste. The prevention potentials appear to be relatively small in relation to the total municipal waste quantities. Methodological shortcomings, such as the missing availability of basic data, make it difficult to exactly estimate the impact of waste prevention measures on waste quantities, which is only one of the effects of waste prevention among other ecological, social and economic aspects.  相似文献   
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