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对土壤中常见的三种粘土矿物对Pb2+的吸附作用及其主要影响因素进行了探讨。结果表明,三种粘土矿物对Pb2+的吸附能力顺序为:蒙脱石>伊利石>高岭石。蒙脱石对Pb2+的吸附受pH的强烈影响,pH高有利于对Pb2+的吸附。与蒙脱石形成复合体形式的有机化合物的存在不利于蒙脱石对Pb2+的吸附。  相似文献   
全球海洋油气开发重特大火灾事故频发,油气生产安全面临严峻挑战,以我国浅海某中心平台组为研究对象,对可能发生的三相分离器喷射火火灾、管线交叉处喷射火火灾、生产平台池火火灾以及储罐平台池火火灾,采用FDS软件建立该平台组的火灾动力学模型,对油气泄漏后火灾的发展态势、火场温度、热辐射强度、设备温度以及不同火灾工况的对比分析,研究火灾发生后对人员伤害,以及平台上油气管线、分离器、油气储罐、平台栈桥等重要设备安全性的影响,并提出操作人员和重要设备的安全距离。针对火灾事故风险控制提出建议措施,对海上火灾风险分析未来研究方向进行阐述。  相似文献   
针对乙烯裂解装置污水会逸散出少量的VOCs气体,其苯系物及烯烃类物质含量高、恶臭明显、湿度大、浓度波动大,治理难度极大,所处环境为火灾爆炸危险区域且废气可能达到爆炸下限,安全控制措施要求高这一情况,建成了国内首套防爆型低温等离子体VOCs废气治理设施,在某石化公司防爆1区安全运行一年,实践证明:苯系物、烯烃、硫化物的去除效率可达98%以上,达到国标的各项要求,电气安全控制措施能够满足防爆1区。  相似文献   

Global environmental change places unavoidable pressure on water resources and agronomic crop production systems. Irrigation development is a credible measure to alleviate the challenge of food safety under water shortages, but it needs sufficient basis. The aim of this study is to address the problem of balancing water scarcity with food requirements, which are the key components of water security in regions with population growth. Marginal water productivity (MWP) indices for irrigation water performance and productivity evaluation were established in the current study. Based on the analysis of the regional water-crop relationship and spatial differences of MWP in China, the priorities for developing irrigation areas in different types of regions are discussed in this study. The results show that high MWPs are mainly in semi-arid regions with precipitation (P) between 500 and 1000 mm, while low MWPs mostly occur in areas with P more than 1000 and less than 500 mm. The significance and spatial distribution patterns of MWP are different than those of conventional irrigation water use efficiency evaluation indices, so its role cannot be replaced for the real production capacity of irrigation water evaluation. The strategies for global environmental change adaptation suggested in this study are taking MWP for irrigation water productivity evaluation and the priority irrigation schemes for agronomic crop determination; increasing MWP by means of irrigation efficiency and crop variety improvement worldwide; and raising global food production through the expansion of irrigation area in the regions hold high MWP and abundant water resources.

对公司煤基烯烃项目中煤尘存在的岗位进行了分析,对存在煤尘的岗位进行了检测,并对超标岗位超标原因进行分析,提出建议。  相似文献   
实验室进行的测试结果均存在测量误差,但是通过实验室的质量保证与质量控制方法,可以减少测量误差,提高数据的精确性、完整性和可比性,确保测量结果的可靠性.  相似文献   
The curve of ion exchange ratio(%)-pH of the interactionbetween suspended particles with Cd(II) in the Yellow River wasstudied. The effects of lysine on this curve have been alsoinvestigated. The results showed that (1) Cadmium in Cd(OH)+ formin the suspended particles exchanges with the cations.The exchangeratio of Cd2+ is nearly at its greatest value in the range of pH(8.0-8.5) in natural aquatic system; (2) Ion exchange ratiodecreases as the concentration of Cd2+ raises from 8.9×10-6 mol/L to 2x8.9 x 10-6mol/L; (3) At the lysine concentration of 6.8x10-6 mol/L, it can promote the ion exchange ratio; (4) Adsorption of thesuspended particles to cadmium is weaker in seawater and Jin ShaRiver than in the Yellow River.  相似文献   
研究区主要的成岩作用类型有胶结、溶解、硅化、白云石化、压实-压溶和去白云石化作用等,详细研究了每种成岩作用的矿物岩石学特征及对孔隙形成、演化的影响。把研究区成岩环境划分为大气淡水成岩环境、海水成岩环境、混合水成岩环境、埋藏成岩环境和晚期表生成岩环境五大类.总结了每种成岩环境的成岩组构特征、成岩标志、δ18O和δC及微量元素Na+、Sr2+的分布规律。此外,还探讨了深水斜坡相粉-细晶白云岩和台地浅滩相颗粒白云岩的成岩演化序列与孔隙演化,最后概括出了研究区碳酸盐岩的成岩作用模式。  相似文献   
辽东湾海冰晶体结构及其内部叶绿素的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文介绍了1996年冬季首次辽东湾生态环境调查中的海洋背景条件。扼要地阐述了辽东湾海冰一般概况,分析辽东湾冰样晶体结构、存储条件及其与冰内和冰下海水叶绿素之间的关系。辽东湾冰内叶绿素符合其它结冰海区的一般规律。根据辽东湾冰层底部实测盐度变化规律阐明海冰对冰下海水营养盐的贡献。最后对深入开展结冰海区生态环境调查工作的技术、侧重点和意义做了讨论。  相似文献   
底泥中酸性挥发硫及同步浸提金属的测定   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
同步浸提金属与酸性挥发硫的比值在判断底泥重金属生物毒性方面有重要意义.描述了一套测定底泥酸性挥发硫和同步浸提金属的仪器装置和分析程序.从气体流速、反应时间、酸浓度、硫含量等方面研究了酸性挥发硫测定的最适反应条件.在此条件下酸性挥发硫的测定回收率可达90%以上.该方法的最低检出限为002μmol/g(干泥).  相似文献   
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