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Sustainable development of the earth's limited water and land resources is of paramount importance because of rising world population and existing conflicting demands for these resources. Enormous capital investment has been made in developing these resources, but now there is irrefutable evidence that such developments have led to major resource degradation. This includes problems of salinisation and damages to ecosystems. The countries predominantly affected by human induced salinisation are located in arid and semi-arid regions of the world and include Australia, China, Egypt, India, Pakistan, USSR, and USA. This paper describes the processes of salinisation, its impacts and the use of quantitative methods in salinity investigation and management. Australia is used as a case study of typical salinity problems and as a demonstration of the fruitful application of quantitative methods. The paper concludes that quantitative methods such as surface water and groundwater models are powerful design, management and predictive tools in salinity investigation. However, application of some models, such as those for unsaturated flow and transport and groundwater solute transport, are not widespread due to uncertainties in describing the complexity of the processes and the lack of hydrodispersive data.  相似文献   
Injection molded specimens were prepared by blending poly (hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) (PHBV) with cornstarch. Blended formulations incorporated 30% or 50% starch in the presence or absence of poly-(ethylene oxide) (PEO), which enhances the adherence of starch granules to PHBV. These formulations were evaluated for their biodegradability in natural compost by measuring changes in physical and chemical properties over a period of 125 days. The degradation of plastic material, as evidenced by weight loss and deterioration in tensile properties, correlated with the amount of starch present in the blends (neat PHBV < 30% starch < 50% starch). Incorporation of PEO into starch-PHBV blends had little or no effect on the rate of weight loss. Starch in blends degraded faster than PHBV and it accelerated PHBV degradation. Also, PHBV did not retard starch degradation. After 125 days of exposure to compost, neat PHBV lost 7% of its weight (0.056% weight loss/day), while the PHBV component of a 50% starch blend lost 41% of its weight (0.328% weight loss/day). PHB and PHV moieties within the copolymer degraded at similar rates, regardless of the presence of starch, as determined by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. GPC analyses revealed that, while the number average molecular weight (Mn) of PHBV in all exposed samples decreased, there was no significant difference in this decrease between neat PHBV as opposed to PHBV blended with starch. SEM showed homogeneously distributed starch granules embedded in a PHBV matrix, typical of a filler material. Starch granules were rapidly depleted during exposure to compost, increasing the surface area of the PHBV matrix.  相似文献   
We studied the relationship between particle-size selectivity and variable particle-size distribution in the American mud snail Hydrobia totteni Morrison (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae) collected in the summer of 1979 and 1982, from saltmarsh mudflats at Flax Pond, Old Field, New York, USA. Using individual size fractions of native sediment, snails fed fastest on intermediate-sized particles (41 to 63 m); this pattern was related to diatom abundance, which was similarly greatest on the intermediate particle-size classes. These results conform to another study, which found a quite different relationship between feeding rate and particle size, but a similarly strong correlation between particle size and diatom abundance. Snails were fed a range of particle-size distributions of glass beads. As median particle size increased, preference shifted towards smaller particles. This shift cannot be explained by feeding rates determined from individual particle-size classes. The most reasonable alternative model is a shift towards feeding on fine particles that occur among the coarser particles that are not ingested. Our data suggest that diatom growth on certain particle sizes is as important to particle selectivity as the particle sizes themselves. Particle size preference cannot be extrapolated from studies of feeding rates on individual size classes since selectivity is qualitatively different in mixtures of various size classes.  相似文献   
Jeong GH  Kim HJ  Joo YJ  Kim YB  So HY 《Chemosphere》2001,44(6):1403-1411
The objective of this study is to investigate the distribution characteristics of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in sediments of the lower Nakdong River of Korea. The sediments were collected using a grab sampler in May 1999. PCBs were extracted in the Soxhlet extractor and cleaned by using adsorption chromatographic techniques and concentrated sulfuric acid. A HP6890 gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector was used for quantification. The results of congener specific analysis showed that the total concentration is ranged over 1.1-141 ng/g dry weight. The levels of PCB congeners are significantly correlated with the total organic carbons (TOC) in the sediments. The major fractions of PCBs in these sediments are congeners containing 4, 5 or 6 chlorine atoms per biphenyl molecule.  相似文献   
Monthly inflow and outflow data were collected from three wet detention ponds in Wilmington, North Carolina, for a 29-mo period. Two ponds drained urban areas consisting primarily of residential, mixed services, and retail usage, while the third mainly drained residential and golf course areas. One of the urban ponds achieved significant reductions in total nitrogen, nitrate, ammonium, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, and fecal coliform bacterial counts. This pond was characterized by a high length to width ratio, with most inputs directed into the upper area, and extensive coverage by a diverse community of aquatic macrophyte vegetation. The second urban pond achieved significant reductions in turbidity and fecal coliform bacterial counts, but there were no significant differences between inflowing and outflowing water nutrient concentrations. There were substantial suburban runoff inputs entering the mid- and lower-pond areas that short-circuited pollutant removal contact time. The golf course pond showed significant increases in nitrate, ammonium, total phosphorus, and orthophosphate in the outflow relative to the inflow, probably as a result of course fertilization. However, nutrient concentrations in the outflow water were low compared with discharges from a selection of other area golf courses, possibly a result of the outflow passing through a wooded wetland following pond discharge. To achieve good reduction in a variety of pollutants, wet pond design should include maximizing the contact time of inflowing water with rooted vegetation and organic sediments. This can be achieved through a physical pond design that provides a high length to width ratio, and planting of native macrophyte species.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic characteristics of prokaryotic phycoerythrin-rich populations of cyanobacteriaSynechococcus spp. and larger eukaryotic algae were compared at a neritic frontal station (Pl), in a warm-core eddy (P2), and at Wilkinson's Basin (P3) during a cruise in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean in the summer of 1984.Synechococcus spp. numerically dominated the 0.6 to 1 m fraction, and to a lesser extent the 1 to 5 m size fractions, at most depths at all stations. At P2 and P3, all three size categories of phytoplankton (0.6 to 1 m, 1 to 5 m, and >5 m) exhibited similar depth-dependent chages in both the timing and amplitude of diurnal periodicities of chlorophyllbased and cell-based photosynthetic capacity. Midday maxima in photosynthesis were observed in the upper watercolumn which damped-out in all size fractions sampled just below the thermocline. For all size fractions sampled near the bottom of the euphotic zone, the highest photosynthetic capacity was observed at dawn. At all depths, theSynechococcus spp.-dominated size fractions had lower assimilation rates than larger phytoplankton size fractions. This observation takes exception with the view that there is an inverse size-dependency in algal photosynthesis. Results also indicated that the size-specific contribution to potential primary production in surface waters did not vary appreciably over the day. However, estimates of the percent contribution ofSynechococcus spp. to total primary productivity in surface waters at the neritic front were significantly higher when derived from short-term incubator measurements of photosynthetic capacity rather than from dawn-to-duskin situ measurements of carbon fixation. The discrepancy was not due to photoinhibitory effects on photosynthesis, but appeared to reflect increased selective grazing pressure onSynechococcus spp. in dawn-to-dusk samples. Low-light photoadaptation was evident in analyses of the depth-dependency ofP-I parameters (photosynthetic capacity,P max; light-limited slope, alpha;P max alpha,I k ; light-intensity beyond which photoinhibition occurs,I b ) of the > 0.6 m communities at all three stations and was attributable to stratification of the water column. There was a decrease in assimilation rates andI k with depth that was associated with increases in light-limited rates of photosynthesis. No midday photoinhibition ofP max orI b was observed in any surface station. Marked photoinhibition was detected only in the chlorophyll maximum at the neritic front and below the surface mixed-layer at Wilkinson's Basin, where susceptibility to photoinhibition increased with the depth of the collected sample. The 0.6 to 1 m fraction always had lower light requirements for light-saturated photosynthesis than the > 5 m size fraction within the same sample. Saturation intensities for the 1 to 5 m and 0.6 to 1 m size fractions were more similar whenSynechococcus spp. abundances were high in the 1 to 5 m fraction. The > 5 m fraction appeared to be the prime contributor to photoinhibitory features displayed in mixed samples (> 0.6 m) taken from the chlorophyll maxima. InSynechococcus spp.-dominated 0.6 to 1 and 1 to 5 m size fractions, cellular chlorophylla content increased 50- to 100-fold with depth and could be related to increases in maximum daytime rates of cellularP max at the base of the euphotic zone. Furthermore, the 0.6 to 1 m and > 5 m fractions sampled at the chlorophyll maximum in the warm-core eddy had lower light requirements for photosynthesis than comparable surface samples from the same station. Results suggest that photoadaptation in natural populations ofSynechococcus spp. is accomplished primarily by changing photosynthetic unit number, occuring in conjuction with other accommodations in the efficiency of photosynthetic light reactions.  相似文献   
The amount of copper taken up via algae and water byMacoma balthica from the Oosterschelde sea arm, S.W. Netherlands, was established using the radioisotope64Cu. As far as we know, this isotope has never been used before in marine flod chain studies. As a model food source the marine diatomPhaeodactylum tricornutum was allowed to accumulate64Cu for 1 d. These labelled algae were fed to the clams in the presence of the complexing agent EDTA (0.27mM). EDTA was added to prevent uptake of dissolved64Cu that could be leaking from the labelled diatoms. In control experiments, unlabelled diatoms were fed toM. balthica in the presence of dissolved64Cu (with and without EDTA) in order to assure a similar filtration activity. In repeated experiments with varying particulate/dissolved copper ratios, uptake through food always turned out to be at least as efficient as uptake from the water. It was concluded that Cu, associated with food, is well available for uptake byM. balthica.  相似文献   
Herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae from spring and autumn spawning stocks were reared at different constant temperatures from 5° to 17 °C. At equivalent developmental stages, the spring larvae were longer than the autumn larvae and the larvae reared at low temperatures were longer than those reared at high temperatures. At hatching and at the end of the yolk-sac stage, the larvae were induced, by a probe, to make C-start escape responses, which were recorded and analysed using a high-speed video recording at 400 frames s-1. The response was rapid and of short duration. The tailbeat frequency and swimming speed were measured during the burst of swimming following the C-start at different test temperatures and in larvae with different temperature histories. The tail-beat frequency was strongly temperature-dependent, rising from 19 Hz at 5 °C to 37 Hz at 17 °C with no effect of temperature history, season or developmental stage. The burst-swimming speed ranged at hatching from 75 to 90 mm s-1 at 5 °C to 110 to 160 mm s-1 at 17 °C and at yolk resorption from 90–115 mm s-1 at 5 °C to 175–190 mm s-1 at 17 °C. The longer, spring-spawned larvae swam faster than the shorter autumn-spawned larvae. When the swimming speeds were expressed as body lengths (L) s-1, these differences disappeared. Larvae swam from 7–9 L s-1 at 5 °C to 15–20 L s-1 at 17 °C at hatching, and from 8–9 L s-1 at 5 °C to 15–17 L s-1 at 17 °C at yolk resorption. There was, however, a significantly faster specific swimming speed by the larvae reared at 12 °C in spring 1991.Honorary Research Fellow of the Scottish Association for Marine ScienceUnfortunately, Karen Fretwell was drowned in an accident on 9 January 1993  相似文献   
An algal community was used to assess the quality of water of Haranbaree dam and Mosam river of Maharashtra. Pollution tolerant genera and species of 4 groups of algae from each of 3 stations of Haranbaree dam and Mosam river were recorded. By using Palmer's index of pollution for rating of water samples the total score of each station of study area was greater than 20 indicating the confirmed high organic pollution. 34 pollution tolerant genera were recorded at all stations of dam and river. Out of 34 pollution tolerant genera, 27 genera and 33 genera were observed at the dam and river sites respectively. In present study 22 pollution tolerant species are observed at dam and river sites.  相似文献   
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