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Thermotolerant coliform (TC) loadings were quantified for 49 catchments draining into the North and South Bays of Santa Catarina (SC, southeastern Brazil), an area known for its tourism and aquaculture. TC loadings were calculated based on flow measurements taken in 26 rivers. TC concentrations ere quantified based on surface water samples collected at 49 catchment outlets in 2012 and 2013. Median TC loads ranged from 3.7 × 103 to 6.8 × 108 MPN s?1. TC loadings in the catchments increased in proportion to increases in resident human population, population density and percentage of urbanised area. Catchments with more than 60% of area covered by wastewater collection and treatment systems had higher TC loads per person than catchments with less than 25%. Based on the study catchments, these results indicate that current sewerage infrastructure is ineffective in reducing contamination of faecal origin to surface waters. These findings have important implications for the management of microbiological health hazards in bathing, recreational and shellfish aquaculture waters in the North and South Bays of Santa Catarina Island.  相似文献   
Assessment of groundwater quality plays a significant role in the utilization of the scarce water resources globally and especially in arid regions. The increasing abstraction together with man-made contamination and seawater intrusion have strongly affected groundwater quality in the Arabia Peninsula, exemplified by the investigation given here from the United Arab Emirates, where the groundwater is seldom reviewed and assessed. In the aim of assessing current groundwater quality, we here present a comparison of chemical data linked to aquifers types. The results reveal that most of the investigated groundwater is not suitable for drinking, household, and agricultural purposes following the WHO permissible limits. Aquifer composition and climate have vital control on the water quality, with the carbonate aquifers contain the least potable water compared to the ophiolites and Quaternary clastics. Seawater intrusion along coastal regions has deteriorated the water quality and the phenomenon may become more intensive with future warming climate and rising sea level.  相似文献   
In order to document the impact of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and implementation of regulation on the improvement of the coastal marine environment state, we examined the case of a representative steel mill located at the Gulf of Elefsis (Greece). The evaluation of metal pollution was based on the analysis of major and trace elements, organic carbon, magnetic properties, and sediment accumulation rates, in sediment cores obtained from the vicinity of the plant. The analytical data are discussed in relation to steel production, changes of production routes, and adoption of BAT introduced in order to fulfill EU and national legislation. The results show that the input of pollutants to sediments and the degree of contamination were reduced by approximately 40–70% in the decade 2003–2015 in comparison to the periods of high discharges (1963–2002), whereas the toxicity risks from “high-to-extremely high” were reduced to “medium-to-high.”  相似文献   
An urgent need for a sub-tropical and tropical indicator organism for use in the biological monitoring of pollutants is recognised. To this end, preliminary studies have been undertaken to test the indicator ability of the rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata (=Crassostrea glomerata Gould) for monitoring the trace metals cadmium, copper, iron and zinc. A survey of these trace metals in rock oysters from 54 sites in Hong Kong waters revealed elevated levels of metals in several areas. Profiles of metal abundance in S. glomerata agreed substantially with the distribution of industrial and domestic discharges in Hong Kong, and also with patterns of contamination found in studies of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and of sediments. Application of POLYDIV statistical analysis to these data has aided their interpretation and confirmed the relationship between known areas of contamination and elevated metal levels in S. glomerata. This oyster, which exhibits an unusually great capacity to accumulate a range of elements from the ambient environment, thus appears to be a reliable indicator organism, and may be of great value in global monitoring studies.  相似文献   
Uptake and cellular distribution of cadmium in Mytilus edulis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cadmium uptake has been studied in starved and fed Mytilus edulis L. It is suggested that fairly elevated cadmium contents in fed mussels are not due to contaminated food, but to increased pumping rate when food is available. Highest concentration and main body burden are found in the mid-gut gland. Transport via haemolymph, and selective discrimination at the basement lamina of the mid-gut gland tubuli are regarded as mainly responsible for accumulation. Mercury seems to be processed in a similar way as cadmium. In the tubuli, both metals are immobilized in membrane-bound vesicles, which are finally defaecated.This work was financially supported by the German Research Council (DFG) (Sto 75/4 and Th 158/13).  相似文献   
Short-term incubations in seawater containing H14CO3 - or 3H2O in place of the naturally predominant isotopes can yield highly radioactive preparations of living phytoplankton or zooplankton. Subsequent in situ incubation of these labelled organisms with the community from which they were taken results in the rapid transfer of radioisotope to those species which prey upon them. This technique has been employed to map a portion of a marine food web involving demersal zooplankton; experiments were conducted in summer and autumn on a coral reef and in a subtropical estuary. Similar results were obtained from these initial experiments at each study site during both seasons. Prey supplied as zooplankton (124 to 410 m nominal diameter), which consisted mainly of Oithona oculata, was fed upon by zooplankton size classes ranging from 410 to 850 m and containing amphipods, ostracods, cumaceans and polychaetes. In experiments employing labelled phytoplankton as prey a wide size spectrum was used (10 to 106 m) in order to include representative samples of most of the available planktonic autotrophs as estimated by primary production measurements. In two separate experiments, only 7 out of 63 samples evidenced grazing of phytoplankton by demersal zooplankters. In contrast, labelled diatom auxospores, employed in one experiment as they constituted the most numerically abundant species in the water column, were found to be grazed upon in nearly half the samples examined.  相似文献   
Detailed information is presented on the changes in lipid-class profiles (polar lipids, total neutral lipids, free sterols, steryl esters, triacylglycerols, neutral ether lipids and free fatty acids), which are manifest during the annual reproductive cycle of the seastarAsterias rubens for both the storage organs (pyloric caeca) and utilizing organs (ovaries). The ovaries appear to accumulate all individual lipid components proportional to progression of vitellogenesis. Pyloric caeca, in contrast, show variable lipid-class levels, probably due to more complex processes in these organs, operating simultaneously: digestion of food, accumulation of storage lipids, mobilization of stored lipids and their release. The results are discussed in terms of current knowledge on the role of lipids in echinoderm reproduction.  相似文献   
Summary An equilibrium model is developed which seeks to explain the regulation of queen rearing in honeybee colonies preparing to swarm. The model postulates that there is a balance between nurse bees becoming inhibited from queen rearing and nurses losing their inhibition, and that whether a colony does or does not rear queens reflects the equilibrium percentage of inhibited nurses. This model leads to a quantitative prediction about the size of a conoly's nurse population at which queen rearing should start. Comparing the model's predictions with empirical observations pinpoints data needed for a more complete explanation of control of queen rearing. In particular, the model suggests a central regulatory role for density-dependent changes in the behaviors involved in queen substance dispersal.  相似文献   
R. H. Burris 《Marine Biology》1983,75(2-3):151-155
Corals from the Swain Reefs of the Great Barrier Reef were exposed to 15NH 4 + in sea water, and the disappearance of NH 4 + from the medium and the appearance of 15N in the corals was followed. Disappearance of NH 4 + usually followed a reasonably smooth curve with rate of disappearance decreasing as the concentration of NH 4 + decreased; the decrease in rate was not the result of damage to the corals. The rate of uptake of 15NH 4 + vs concentration did not describe a normal substrate saturation curve, as uptake may have been diffusion limited. 15N was assimilated into the corals in the form of stable organic nitrogenous compounds. Its assimilation usually exhibited an initial lag. An ahermatypic coral did not remove NH 4 + from the medium. Differences in NH 4 + uptake with a 1-h cycle of light and dark were minor. Isolated zooxanthellae assimilated 15NH 4 + as indicated by accumulation of 15N with no lag.  相似文献   
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