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Evaluation of the efficiency of aircraft liquid waste treatment has previously been conducted to prevent pollution of the environment. The current study aimed to provide a set of practical methods for efficient airport sanitary supervision. Aircraft liquid waste was collected at Longjia International Airport, Changchun from multiple flights. The efficiency of liquid waste treatment as well as the water quality of the wastewater processed via a second-stage wastewater facility were examined by measuring a number of physical, chemical, and biological indices. Our results indicated that treatment solely via resolvable sanitizing liquid was not sufficient. Although the contents of first-class pollutants all met the requirements of the standard criteria, the contents of a number of second-class pollutants did not satisfy these criteria. However, after further treatment via a second-stage wastewater facility installed at the airport, all indices reached second-grade requirements of the discharge standard. We suggest that daily inspection and quarantine indices at airports should include the suspension content, biological oxygen demands after 5 days, chemical oxygen demand total organic carbon content, amino nitrogen content, total phosphorous content, and the level of fecal coliforms.  相似文献   
A new air exchange rate (AER) monitoring method using continuous CO2 sensors was developed and validated through both laboratory experiments and field studies. Controlled laboratory simulation tests were conducted in a 1-m3 environmental chamber at different AERs (0.1-10.0 hr-1). AERs were determined using the decay method based on box model assumptions. Field tests were conducted in classrooms, dormitories, meeting rooms and apartments during 2-5 weekdays using CO2 sensors coupled with data loggers. Indoor temperature, relative humidity (RH), and CO2 concentrations were continuously monitored while outdoor parameters combined with on-site climate conditions were recorded. Statistical results indicated that good laboratory performance was achieved: duplicate precision was within 10%, and the measured AERs were 90%-120% of the real AERs. Average AERs were 1.22, 1.37, 1.10, 1.91 and 0.73 hr-1 in dormitories, air-conditioned classrooms, classrooms with an air circulation cooling system, reading rooms, and meeting rooms, respectively. In an elderly particulate matter exposure study, all the homes had AER values ranging from 0.29 to 3.46 hr??1 in fall, and 0.12 to 1.39 hr-1 in winter with a median AER of 1.15.  相似文献   
五种水生植物对水中铀的去除作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用水培实验,研究了浮叶植物野生水葫芦(Eichhornia crassipes)、漂浮植物浮萍(Lemna minor L)、满江红(Azolla imbircata)、沉水植物菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、挺水植物空心莲子草(Alligator Alternanthera Herb)在初始铀浓度分别为0.15、1.50和15.00 mg·L-1水中的生长状况及它们对水中铀的去除能力.结果表明,在21 d的水培试验期内,满江红对铀表现出了最强的抗性,0.15、1.50和15.00 mg·L-1的铀对满江红的生长抑制率分别只有4.56%、2.48%和6.79%,而满江红对水中铀的去除率分别达到了94%、97%和92%.进一步的试验表明,每1 L水中种植7.5 g满江红,可以获得最大的铀去除率,将初始铀浓度为1.25、2.50、5.00和10.00 mg·L-1的水体降至国家排放标准(GB 23727—2009)规定值(0.05 mg·L-1)以下分别需要17、19、23和25 d.研究结果为进一步开展铀污染水体植物修复的研究打下了基础.  相似文献   
济南市道路扬尘排放因子估算及其影响因素研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以济南城市道路为研究对象,采用美国环保署AP-42模型和方法,通过道路分类、优化布点、样品采集、实地观测和计算分析,获得道路粉尘负荷及四种类型道路扬尘的排放因子,探讨了排放因子的主要影响因素。结果表明,路面粉尘负荷随车流量增大而逐渐降低,城市城区路面粉尘负荷多小于城市外围路面,且外围道路路面粉尘负荷随时间和空间变化大;支路和次干道排放因子相对较小,快速路排放因子较高,主干道排放因子最高,其TSP、PM10、PM2.5排放因子分别高达25.239 3 g/VKT、4.731 1 g/VKT、0.597 2 g/VKT;排放因子随平均车重增加呈现逐渐增大趋势;同种类型道路排放因子均随道路粉尘负荷的增加而增加;次干道和快速路排放因子随车流量增大而减小。所获结论可为城市道路扬尘排放估算提供参考。  相似文献   
发酵稻壳对亚铁离子和硫离子的吸附-解吸附特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解发酵稻壳对Fe2+和S2-离子的固定潜力,采用静态批式法研究了发酵稻壳对Fe2+和S2-离子的吸附行为,探讨了反应时间、溶液中Fe2+和S2-浓度、溶液p H、吸附反应环境温度及溶液离子强度对发酵稻壳吸附Fe2+和S2-特性的影响,并进一步通过解吸附试验了解发酵稻壳吸附态Fe2+和S2-的稳定性.结果表明,发酵稻壳吸附Fe2+(r=0.912 1)和S2-(r=0.901 1)的动力学过程均符合Elovich动力学模型,且Fe2+(R2=0.965 1)和S2-(R2=0.936 6)的等温吸附特征可较好地用Freundlich等温吸附模型描述.发酵稻壳对Fe2+和S2-的吸附为非优惠型吸附,其中对Fe2+的吸附为非自发反应,对S2-的吸附为自发反应.发酵稻壳对Fe2+和S2-的吸附过程是一吸热过程,升温有利于吸附作用的进行,发酵稻壳对Fe2+的吸附主要为配位吸附,而对S2-的吸附主要为阴离子交换吸附.一定p H范围内(1.50~11.50)发酵稻壳吸附Fe2+和S2-具有较强的适应性.同时随着离子强度的增加发酵稻壳对Fe2+的吸附量有所增加,而对S2-的吸附量略有减少,进一步证明发酵稻壳对Fe2+的吸附以内层配位为主,对S2-的吸附以外层络合为主.此外,不同p H条件及离子强度下发酵稻壳吸附的Fe2+和S2-解吸率很低,解吸率均小于10.00%.上述结果说明,发酵稻壳对Fe2+和S2-具有较好的吸附能力和环境适应性,吸附态Fe2+和S2-稳定性好,不易再释放.  相似文献   
利用WRF模式(The Weather Research and Forecasting Model)和嵌套网格空气质量模式(NAQPMS)对2016年11月发生在京津冀地区一次PM_(2.5)污染事件进行模拟研究并分析污染过程中的天气形势变化.结果表明,均压场、低空逆温层和偏南暖湿气流输送的存在为北京地区PM_(2.5)形成提供了有利条件,NAQPMS模式能够合理的再现北京大气污染物时空变化,细颗粒物PM_(2.5)和可吸入颗粒物PM_(10)模拟与观测数据相关系数达0.71,模拟数据在观测数据两倍范围内占比(FAC2)达65%.源解析结果表明,在不考虑临时实施减控措施下,11月18日区域外输送对北京PM_(2.5)浓度贡献为55.25%,区域内输送贡献为44.75%,北京东北区域PM_(2.5)外地源主要为河北中部、河北南部、天津和山东,所占贡献为9.67%、9.01%、7.90%和7.99%.污染物主要来源为生活源、交通源和工业源,分别占比39.6%、34.6%和20.0%.而实际上北京在唐山、保定采取一系列控制措施后仍在研究时段内出现高PM_(2.5)浓度,意味着在同样天气形势下需要对河北中部、河北南部、天津和山东等浓度贡献占比大的城市加强减排管控才能有效减缓高PM_(2.5)浓度的出现.  相似文献   
为提高分子筛吸附氨氮的能力,采用碱蚀法对4种不同硅铝比ZSM5型分子筛进行脱硅处理,对比了脱硅前后吸附氨氮性能的差异;结合X射线衍射、扫描电镜等分析手段观察了其孔隙与晶体结构、表面形貌的变化,同时借助X射线荧光光谱、傅里叶红外光谱等表征手段分析了其内部元素组成与骨架基团的变化;考察了分子筛脱硅处理对改善其吸附氨氮性能的影响机制.结果表明,分子筛经脱硅后氨氮吸附量大幅提高,硅铝比越大吸附氨氮性能改善越显著,其中,硅铝比最小的ZSM5-27型分子筛脱硅后的氨氮平衡吸附量由5.81mg/g上升至10.44mg/g,上升幅度亦达79.7%;碱蚀脱硅处理有效降低了ZSM5型分子筛的硅铝比,分子筛硅铝比越大降低越显著.分子筛脱硅后,其介孔比表面积与比孔容增加、孔径分布变得宽泛;晶体结构仍保持完整、晶粒形态变得更加清晰规整;离子交换容量增加、硅/铝氧四面体结构单元作用增强.碱蚀法对ZSM5型分子筛具有骨架脱硅补铝、疏通孔道等多重作用,脱硅后分子筛活性位点增加、氨离子扩散阻力下降,吸附性能得到改善.  相似文献   
Lateral transportation of soil heavy metals in rainfall events could significantly increase the scope of pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a model with high accuracy to simulate the migration quantity of heavy metals. A model for heavy metal migration simulation was developed based on the SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. This model took into consideration the influence of soil p H value, soil particle size, runoff volume, sediment amount,concentration of water-soluble heavy metals dissolved in runoff and insoluble absorbed to the soil particles. This model was reasonable in Huanjiang watershed, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, south China, covering an area of 273 km~2. The optimal drainage area threshold was determined by analyzing the effects of watershed subdivision on the simulation results to ensure the simulation accuracy. The main conclusions of this paper were:(1) watershed subdivision could affect simulation migration quantity of heavy metals;(2) the quantity of heavy metals transported by sediment accounted for 97%–99% of the total migration quantity in the study watershed. Therefore, sediment played the most important role in heavy metal migration;(3) the optimal drainage area threshold percentage to ensure high simulation accuracy was determined to be 2.01% of the total watershed;(4) with the optimal threshold percentage, this model could simulate the migration quantity of As, Pb and Cd accurately at the total watershed and subwatershed level. The results of this paper were useful for identifying the key regions with heavy metal migration.  相似文献   
A wide range of compounds with various structural features can cause taste and odor(TO)problems in drinking water. It would be desirable to determine all of these compounds using a simple analytical method. In this paper, a sensitive method combining liquid–liquid extraction(LLE) with gas chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry(GC–MS/MS)was established to simultaneously analyze 51 odor-causing compounds in drinking water,including organic sulfides, aldehydes, benzenes, phenols, ethers, esters, ketones, nitrogenous heterocyclic compounds, 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin. Three deuterated analogs of target analytes, dimethyl disulfide-d6, benzaldehyde-d6 and o-cresol-3,4,5,6-d4,were used to correct the variations in recovery, and five isotope-labeled internal standards(4-chlorotoluene-d4, 1, 4-dichlorobenzene-d4, naphthalene-d8, acenaphthene-d10, phenanthrene-d10 respectively) were used prior to analysis to correct the variations arising from instrument fluctuations and injection errors. The calibration curves of the target compounds showed good linearity(R2 0.99, level = 7),and method detection limits(MDLs) below 1/10 of the odor threshold concentrations were achieved for most of the odorants(0.10–20.55 ng/L). The average recoveries of most of the analytes in tap water samples were between 70% and 120%, and the method was reproducible(RSD 20%, n = 7). Additionally, concentrations of odor-causing compounds in water samples collected from three drinking water treatment plants(DWTPs) were analyzed by this method.According to the results, dimethyl trisulfide, dimethyl disulfide and indole were considered to be the key odorants responsible for the swampy/septic odor. 2-Methylisoborneol and geosmin were detected as the main odor-causing compounds for musty/earthy odor in DWTP B.  相似文献   
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