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The effect of zinc on soil nitrification and composition of the microbial community in soil was investigated using a full factorial experiment with five zinc concentrations and four levels of biological complexity (microbes only, microbes and earthworms (Eisenia fetida), microbes and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum var. Macho), and microbes, ryegrass and earthworms). After 6 weeks of exposure, the activity of soil nitrifying bacteria was measured and the microbial community structure was characterized by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. Soil nitrification and several PLFA markers were significantly influenced by either zinc addition and/or the presence of earthworms or ryegrass, and one of the most pronounced changes was the increase of fungi and decrease of bacteria with increasing concentrations of zinc. Of particular interest, however, was the potential interaction between the presence of plants and/or earthworms and the effect of zinc, which the factorial study design allowed us to explore. Such an effect was observed in two cases: Earthworms reduced the positive effect of zinc on the fungal biomass (ANOVA, p=0.03), and the effect of earthworms on the soil nitrification activity depended on zinc concentration (ANOVA, p<0.05). The effect of earthworm presence was not very large, but it does show that multispecies tests might give information about metal toxicity or bioavailability that cannot be predicted from single-species tests.  相似文献   
A short outline is given of the floristic composition, structure and distribution of coastal dune vegetation found at Malindi Bay, Kenya. The area was studied by air photo interpretation and field sampling to determine the relationship of plants to aeolian features. TWINSPAN classification was used to distinguish geomorphological units on the basis of their species composition. In this paper, an inventory and first quantitative analysis of vegetation distribution is presented. We identified 174 plant species from 62 families in the sand dunes and several plant communities are distinguished based on the species content and the connection with morphological units.Papilionaceae with 18 species andPoaceae with 17 species were the most represented families. A distinct zonal distribution of the plant communities was found. The most important plant species are the pioneer vegetation consisting ofHalopyrum mucronatum, Ipomoea pescaprae andScaevola plumieri. The woody shrub species which have colonized the established primary dunes and hummock dunes areCordia somaliensis, Pluchea discoridis, Tephrosia purpurea (dunensis). Succulent herbs were identified in the dune slacks and salt marsh that are moist and damp environments.  相似文献   
Pesticides, such as endosulfan, can enter surface waters such as lakes and rivers, potentially posing an ecological risk. Rotifers are a dominant zooplankton species in many inland freshwater lakes in Australia; such lakes can also experience increased salinities. Acute toxicity tests (24?h) were conducted to determine the toxicity of a commercial formaulation of endosulfan to the freshwater rotifer Philodina sp. and to investigate the influence of increasing salinity on endosulfan toxicity. Rotifers were found to be relatively tolerant to endosulfan with an EC50 of 1.75?mg?L?1 (a.i.), with results also suggesting that there are no interactive effects of salinity on endosulfan toxicity.  相似文献   
The purpose of the project was to improve the traffic safety impact and net benefits of the negligent operator probation violator hearing conducted by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. The three hearing formats evaluated varied in several aspects including use of license restrictions (rather than suspension or revocation), hearing duration, use of negotiation and contingency contracting, and use of caseload assignment. The two experimental programs differed primarily in the timing of restriction removal, one employing a single fixed-interval restriction and the other a sequential multiphase restriction strategy. The licensing actions used at the project entry hearing were more liberal than anticipated in all hearing formats. The standard hearing format was superior to the others both in overall traffic safety impact and net benefits. The differences between hearing formats in fatal and injury accidents and in countable convictions tended to favor the standard format. Implementation of either alternative format would probably (p≈.80) result in a decline in program net benefits. The application of a behavior modification paradigm was not successful in the project reported here.  相似文献   
Dust is always present in the air, but when wind erosion occurs, both the flux of soil particles into the air and the particulate concentration increase by orders of magnitude. Previous research1 indicated that median duststorm concentration was 4.85 mg/m3 and median annual hours with duststorms was 45 in the Great Plains during the 1950’s. Of the total soil moved by wind, the suspended particulates probably represent 10% or less.2-3  相似文献   
Organic contaminant concentration data are often lipid normalized to provide an indication of the chemical fugacity in the sample or to compare the relative equilibrium status of samples from the same environment. This study compared lipid normalized PCB and organochlorine concentration data for tissues of individual fish when lipids were measured using chloroform/methanol (CM) or dichloromethane/hexane (DH) extractions. The CM extraction produced higher lipid yields for dorsal muscle (8-fold difference) and carcass (1.7-fold difference) compared to DH extractions, while both methods yielded comparable lipid contents for liver and adipose tissue. Lipid normalized tissue/carcass PCB and organochlorine concentration ratios were variable across tissue types when lipid contents from the CM technique were used, whereas, tissue/carcass concentration ratios approached the expected value of unity for each tissue when DH-derived lipids were used. These data suggest that the tissue lipid content as derived using the DH extraction provided a better surrogate measure of sample partition capacity than tissue lipids determined using the CM technique.  相似文献   
A spatially differentiated, management-revised projection of natural water availability up to 2053 was requested for a basin-wide scenario study about the impact of global change in the Elbe River basin. Detailed discharge and weather information of the recent years 1951–2003 were available for model calibration and validation. However, the straightforward “classic” approach of calibrating a hydrological model on observed data and running it with a climate scenario could not be taken, because most observed river runoffs in Central Europe are modified by human management. This paper reports how the problem was addressed and how a major projection bias could be avoided. The eco-hydrological model SWIM was set up to simulate the discharge dynamics on a daily time step. The simulation area of 134,890?km2 was divided into 2,278 sub-basins that were subdivided into more than 47,500 homogeneous landscape units (hydrotopes). For each hydrotope, plant growth and water fluxes were simulated while river routing calculation was based on the sub-basin structure. The groundwater module of SWIM had to be extended for accurate modelling of low flow periods. After basin-scale model calibration and revisions for known effects of lignite mining and water management, evapotranspiration and groundwater dynamics were adjusted individually for more than 100 sub-areas largely covering the entire area. A quasi-natural hydrograph was finally derived for each sub-area taking into account management data for the years 2002 (extremely wet) and 2003 (extremely dry). The validated model was used to access the effect of two climate change scenarios consisting of 100 realisations each and resembling temperature increases of 2 and 3?K, respectively. Additionally, four different land use scenarios were considered. In all scenario projections, discharge decreases strongly: The observed average discharge rate in the reference period 1961–1990 is 171?mm/a, and the scenario projections for the middle of the twenty-first century give 91–110?mm/a, mainly depending on the climate scenario. The area-averaged evapotranspiration increases only marginally within the scenario period, e.g., from about 570 to about 580?mm/a for the temperature increase of 2?K, while potential evapotranspiration increases considerably from about 780 to more than 900?mm/a. Both discharge and evapotranspiration changes vary strongly within the basin, correlating with elevation. The runoff coefficient that globally decreases from 0.244 to 0.160 in the 2?K scenario is locally governed primarily by land use; 68% of the variance of the decreases can be attributed to this factor.  相似文献   
Feeding dynamics of the Antarctic salps Ihlea racovitzai and Salpa thompsoni were studied in the Lazarev Sea in fall 2004, summer 2005–2006 and winter 2006. Pigment concentrations in the guts of both species were positively correlated with ambient surface chlorophyll a (chl a). No evidence was found for salp clogging even at dense surface concentrations of up to 7 μg chl a L−1. However, gut pigment concentrations had a lower range than ambient pigment concentrations, suggesting that salps increased retention times of ingested material in low-food environments. For medium-sized I. racovitzai and S. thompsoni, estimated individual daily rations reached 7–10 and >100% of body carbon in winter and summer, respectively. Daily respiratory needs of I. racovitzai and S. thompsoni accounted for 28 and 22% of daily carbon assimilation based on pigment ingestion rates in winter, and for 2 and 1% in summer, respectively. The grazing impact of the salp populations on the phytoplankton standing stock was negligible during all seasons due to generally low salp densities. Fatty acid trophic biomarkers in the salps suggest high year-round contributions of flagellates and modest contributions of diatoms to the salp’s diet. These markers showed low seasonal variability for I. racovitzai. The more pronounced seasonality of trophic markers in S. thompsoni were likely related to their generally deeper residence depth in winter linked to a seasonal alternation of sexual and asexual generations.  相似文献   
Analyses of social structures in baleen whales are rare, and so far, they are thought to consist of mostly short and unstable associations. We investigated the association patterns of individual humpback whales from a summer feeding aggregation in the Gulf of St. Lawrence from 1997 to 2005. Photo-identified animals were sexed using genetic methods and were grouped into five categories: juvenile males/females, mature males and lactating/non-lactating females. We calculated half-weight association indices within and between the groups and found that 45% of the observation showed single animals and another 45% small groups (two to three) consisting mainly of mature animals besides lactating females. Using permutation tests, we found evidence for long-term associations between mature males and non-lactating females as well as among non-lactating females. Standardised lagged association rates revealed that these male–female groups disassociated quickly over about 2 weeks, whereas associations increased again towards the beginning of the breeding season. Non-lactating females of similar age engaged in multi-seasonal stable pairs for up to six consecutive feeding seasons; no mature male–female association was observed in consecutive years. The females with the most stable and long-term associations also had the highest reproductive output. While the risk of predation could not explain these long-term bonds, feeding cooperation seemed the most plausible explanation for group forming behaviour during the summer months.  相似文献   
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soil are characterized by strong emission pulses. Although several mechanisms are known to create them, pulses are difficult to predict. Currently there is no established systematic way to identify pulses from long-term static chamber measurement results. In this study we suggest a simple algorithm for pulse identification. The algorithm was applied on time series of N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes from a field study on the long-term impact of fertilization and tillage practice. Between 4 and 9% of N2O values were pulse values; 20-60% of total emission was emitted as pulses. Minimum tillage resulted in more pulses than plowing. In contrast, long-term averages of N2O losses from nitrogen (N) fertilizer were similar (3-4%) for all management practices. N2O emissions per crop yield for increased fertilization practice were double the values for reduced fertilization practice independent of tillage practice. CO2 emission pulses were scarce and there was no significant effect of management practice on CO2 pulse probability.  相似文献   
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