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Injury-producing mechanisms associated with rear-end impact collision has remained a mystery not withstanding numerous investigations devoted to its scrutiny. Several criteria have been proposed to predict the injury-causing mechanism, but none have been universally accepted. The challenge lies in determining a set of testing procedures representative of real-world collisions, wherein the results obtained are not only the same as human testing, but remain consistent with various subjects and impact conditions. It is hypothesized that one of the most important considerations in the testing methodology is the effect of initial seated position (ISP) on occupant kinematics during a rear impact collision. This study involves two parts that evaluates the effects of ISP during rear-end impact. In the first part, head acceleration results of computer simulation using Hybrid III TNO rear impact dummy (TRID) are compared to physical impact testing (PIT) of humans. The second part focuses on the computer simulation using TRID to obtain different neck parameters such as NIC (Neck Injury Criterion), NIJ (Neck Injury Predictor), neck forces and moments to predict the level of neck injury such as whiplash associated disorder (WAD) during low speed rear-end impact. In PIT, a total of 17 rear-impact tests were conducted with a nominal 8-km/hour change in velocity to 5 subjects in four different seated positions comprising of a normal position (NP) and three out of positions (OOP). The first position was a NP, defined as torso against the seat back, looking straight ahead, hands on the steering wheel, and feet on the floor. The second position was a head flex position (HFP), defined as the normal position with head flexed forward approximately 20 degrees. The third position was a torso lean position (TLP), defined as the normal position with torso leaned forward approximately 10 degrees away from the seat back. Lastly, a torso lean head flex position (TLHFP), defined as the normal position with the head flexed forward approximately 20 degrees and torso leaned forward approximately 10 degrees. The head acceleration plots from PIT reveal that for the third and fourth positions (TLP and TLHFP) when the subject torso leaned forward, the peak head acceleration for the subject decreased and there was also a delay in reaching the peak. The Hybrid III-TRID anthropomorphic test dummy (ATD) was used in the same four different seated positions using computer simulation software MAthematical DYnamic MOdel (MADYMO 6.0) and the head acceleration results were compared to PIT. The comparison demonstrates that the Hybrid III-TRID ATD with MADYMO can be a reliable testing procedure during low-speed, rear-end impact for the four ISPs considered since the head acceleration plots deviated within the range of PIT head acceleration plots for different human subjects. This ensures that the second part of the study with neck injury using computer simulation results is a reliable testing procedure. It can be observed that MADYMO results have a greater error when compared to PIT when more than one OOP condition is employed as in TLHFP. All these observations would help in providing a tool to better understand the injury mechanisms and provide an accurate testing procedure for rear-end impact.  相似文献   
Colonization studies may function as natural experiments and have the potential of addressing important questions about community assembly. We studied colonization for a guild of epiphytic lichens in a former treeless heathland area of 170 km2 in southwest Norway. We investigated if epiphytic lichen species richness and composition on aspen (Populus tremula) trees corresponded to a random draw of lichen individuals from the regional species pool. We compared lichen communities of isolated young (55-120 yr) and old (140-200 yr) forest patches in the heathland area to those of aspen forest in an adjacent reference area that has been forested for a long time. All thalli (lichen bodies) of 32 selected lichen species on trunks of aspen were recorded in 35 aspen sites. When data for each site category (young, old, and reference) were pooled, we found the species richness by rarefaction to be similar for reference sites and old sites, but significantly lower for young sites. The depauperated species richness of young sites was accompanied by a skew in species composition and absence of several species that were common in the reference sites. In contrast, genetic variation screened with neutral microsatellite markers in the lichen species Lobaria pulmonaria showed no significant differences between site categories. Our null hypothesis of a neutral species assembly in young sites corresponding to a random draw from the regional species pool was rejected, whereas an alternative hypothesis based on differences in colonization capacity among species was supported. The results indicate that for the habitat configuration in the heathland area (isolated patches constituting < 0.4% of the area) lichen communities may need a colonization time of 100-150 yr for species richness to level off, but given enough time, isolation will not affect species richness. We suggest that this contradiction to expectations from classical island equilibrium theory results from low extinction rates.  相似文献   
This study analyses distribution and abundance patterns of mesozooplankton communities at 13 stations in the coastal waters over a marine outfall area in the northeastern South China Sea. Cruises were conducted in March, June and September 2002, and plankton samples were collected with a 333 microm North Pacific net. The Mesozooplankton was dominated by calanoid Copepods, Cladocera, Chaetognatha and Pteropoda. Stations located near the entrance of the harbor provided a relatively higher abundance of Noctilucales and Radiolarians. In total, 20 zooplankton groups were identified in which, Calanoida, Cladocera, Chaetognatha, Pteropoda, Poecilostomatoida and Appendicularia comprised 92.77% of the total zooplankton abundance. Copepoda dominated in all three cruises, comprising 65.32% of the total mesozooplankton abundance. Samples collected in June recorded higher mesozooplankton abundance than March and September samples. Onshore stations recorded higher BOD values, higher abundance of Noctilucales and Radiolarians and a relativelylower abundance of the overall mesozooplankton. Total mesozooplankton abundance did not correlate significantly with temperature, pH, or dissolved oxygen, but correlated negatively with BOD.  相似文献   
Planktonic developing organisms are generally assumed to be good dispersers showing little genetic structuring in neutral markers. At first glance, this also applies to the planktonic developing periwinkle Tectarius striatus, an endemic gastropod from Macaronesia (i.e. Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands), where the only sign of genetic structuring hitherto is provided by a non-significant allozyme/RAPD heterogeneity between the Cape Verde Islands and the other archipelagos. However, partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase I genes now show that the Cape Verde Islands and the three other archipelagos have no haplotypes in common, whereas the latter three do share several haplotypes. Nevertheless, this highly disjunct haplotype distribution does not entail a phylogeographic break separating the haplotypes of both areas in two reciprocally monophyletic groups. This remarkable geographic and phylogenetic structuring may be explained by assuming that T. striatus colonized the Macaronesian archipelagos in periods when sea levels were lower (and/or volcanic activity was higher), so that seamounts peaked above sea level and could act as stepping-stones. Yet, after the last glacial period seamounts submerged, thus preventing further stepping-stones mediated dispersal of T. striatus between the Cape Verde Islands and the other archipelagos, while not affecting dispersal among the latter because of their closer proximity and connectivity. Hence, these contrasting patterns of neutral genetic variation in T. striatus show that genetic structuring in planktonic developing species may be far more complex than is usually assumed.  相似文献   
The complete set of enzymes that catalyze the reactions from l-phenylalanine to substituted cinnamyl alcohols is now known. The latter compounds are the primary building stones of lignin. The individual reactions and the possible modes of regulation of this pathway are discussed. The polymerization of cinnamyl alcohols to lignin is mediated by peroxidase. The significance of cell-wall-bound peroxidases in this process and the origin of hydrogen peroxide are reviewed. Finally, the possible role of lignification in relation to disease resistance is discussed.  相似文献   
A note on a non-stationary point source spatial model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A point source, non-stationary covariance structure model is proposed, having only one additional parameter over a standard, stationary covariance structure, spatial model. Additionally, the proposed model is demonstrated to fit better than the three extra parameter, point source, non-stationary spatial model proposed by Ecker and De Oliveira (Commun Stat Theory Methods 37:2066–2078, 2008). The proposed model is fit from a Bayesian perspective and illustrated using a house sales dataset from Cedar Falls, Iowa.  相似文献   
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