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A restoration-promoting integrated floating bed and its experimental performance in eutrophication remediation 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Yiming Guo Yunguo Liu Guangming Zeng Xinjiang Hu Xin Li Dawei Huang Yunqin Liu Yicheng Yin 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2014,26(5):1090-1098
Numerous studies on eutrophication remediation have mainly focused on purifying water first, then restoring submerged macrophytes. A restoration-promoting integrated floating bed (RPIFB) was designed to combine the processes of water purification and macrophyte restoration simultaneously. Two outdoor experiments were conducted to evaluate the ecological functions of the RP1FB. Trial 1 was conducted to compare the eutrophication purification among floating bed, gradual-submerging bed (GSB) and RPIFB technologies. The results illustrated that RPIFB has the best purification capacity. Removal efficiencies of RPIFB for TN, TP,NH4+-N, NO3-N, CODcr, Chlorophyll-a and turbidity were 74.45%, 98.31%, 74.71%, 88.81%, 71.42%, 90.17% and 85%, respectively. In trial 2, influences of depth of GSB and photic area in RPIFB on biota were investigated. When the depth of GSB decreased and the photic area of RPIFB grew, the height of Potamogeton crispus Linn. increased, but the biomass of Canna indica Linn. was reduced. The mortalities of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and Bellamya aeruginosa in each group were all less than 7%. All results indicated that when the RPIFB was embedded into the eutrophic water, the regime shift from phytoplankton-dominated to macrophyte-dominated state could be promoted. Thus, the RPIFB is a promising remediation technology for eutrophication and submerged macrophyte restoration. 相似文献
再生水中5种抗生素抗性菌的紫外线灭活及复活特性研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
抗生素抗性菌作为再生水中的新兴污染物而受到广泛关注.为探明紫外线对抗生素抗性菌的灭活和消毒后抗性菌的复活潜能,研究了以城市污水为水源的再生水(简称"再生水")中青霉素抗性菌、氨苄青霉素抗性菌、头孢氨苄抗性菌、氯霉素抗性菌和利福平抗性菌的紫外线灭活特性,并考察了再生水中的抗生素抗性菌在黑暗条件下的复活潜能.结果表明,20mJ·cm-2紫外线消毒剂量下,实际再生水中青霉素抗性菌、氨苄青霉素抗性菌、头孢氨苄抗性菌和氯霉素抗性菌的灭活率均高于4-log,与总异养菌群灭活率相当,而利福平抗性菌的灭活率(3.7-log)略低于总异养菌群.紫外线消毒后,再生水静置22 h后,抗生素抗性菌普遍出现复活现象,当紫外线消毒剂量为常规剂量20 mJ·cm-2时,消毒后再生水中的抗生素抗性菌菌落形成能力高达3-log.因此,常规的紫外线消毒剂量不能有效控制再生水储存或运输过程中抗生素抗性菌的复活. 相似文献
基于DRASTIC的丽水市地下水防污性能评价 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
地下水防污性能反映地下水系统遭受污染的可能性,可以为土地利用规划、地下水资源保护规划、地下水水质监测等提供科学依据。此论文结合丽水市的水文地质条件,对DRASTIC评价模型进行了改善,建立了符合丽水市的DRAMTIC评价模型。该模型由大气降雨入渗补给量、地下水埋深、包气带介质、水力传导系数、含水层厚度、地下水开采强度、地形坡度等7个因子组成,以乡镇单元等为界线划分不规则评价单元,评分体系由单因子区域分布规律确定,采用主成分—因子分析法分析各因子的权重体系;利用差分法对各因子加权叠加的综合指数进行等级划分,应用GIS技术得到丽水市地下水防污性能评价图。该模型的评价结果客观科学,能有效的为规划部门及地下水资源管理部门服务。 相似文献
焦化废水回用作循环冷却水的腐蚀特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用静态旋转挂片法研究了焦化废水回用作循环冷却水的可行性,主要对焦化废水生化处理出水和焦化废水深度处理出水的腐蚀特性进行考察.结果表明,焦化废水生化处理出水腐蚀速率较小,仅为0.025 573 mm/a,远远低于《水处理剂缓蚀性能的测定 旋转挂片法》(GB/T18175—2000)标准值(≤0.125 mm/a),挂片表面腐蚀轻微,仅有几个点蚀,不需深度处理即可回用作循环冷却水.通过UV-Vis,FTIR及GC/MS分析可知,焦化废水生化处理出水中含有C—O,CO等极性官能团及非极性基团,与目前常用有机缓蚀剂结构相似,在回用作循环冷却水的过程中可能起到缓蚀剂的作用. 相似文献