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建立了结构-TMD振动方程,推导了无控结构和带TMD受控结构基于功率表达的运动方程,分别解释并给出了各种功率表达参数的物理意义,推导了随机激励下结构耗能功率流均值的随机表达式,对比分析了基于功率法的结构-TMD优化方法与其他优化方法的优化分析结果,并对其减震控制效果进行了对比分析。结果表明,结构-TMD系统的参数可以通过耗能功率流随机分析方法所得均值进行优化,且通过功率法优化后,结构在减震效果上优于其他传统方法得到的结果,从耗能功率均值的随机分析和时程功率分析角度证明了TMD控制的有效性;TMD做功功率为负时对结构有控制效果,起吸收转移能量的作用,且功率幅值越大控制效果越好,做功功率为正时则相反。  相似文献   
为了探究船桥碰撞时船撞力的影响因素,选取合适的船撞力为桥梁设计提供参考,采用动力分析软件 LS ? DYNA,结合沪通长江大桥、天生港专用航道桥以及厦漳大桥三座实桥,分别进行了不同船速、不同通航水位、不同基础形式和不同船型等因素对船撞力的影响分析研究。研究结果表明:船撞力峰值和船速正相关;中通行水位时, 船桥撞击动力响应最大;不同桥墩基础和不同船型对船撞力有较大影响。基于中国铁路规范和有限元计算结果, 考虑了船舶类型和基础类型对船撞力的影响,对船撞力计算公式提出改进方法,所得研究结果可为桥梁抗撞设计和研究提供参考。  相似文献   
土拱效应是桩土作用理论研究的重要依据,但由于对不同截面形式抗滑桩的土拱效应作用机理研究较少,在抗滑桩设计中大多采用传统截面形式,考虑到传统矩形抗滑桩在形成土拱效应方面的不足,提出梯形截面优化抗滑桩截面形式。基于材料力学理论,利用轴向受压杆件的斜截面应力计算模型推导出梯形桩桩侧土拱拱脚受压区应力状态,并结合摩尔—库伦强度准则得出梯形桩桩侧极限承载力,通过算例对比分析梯形与矩形桩桩侧土拱极限承载力,结合数值模拟分析验证理论与计算结果。研究结果表明:梯形截面桩桩侧极限承载力相较于矩形截面有较为明显的提升,最大约为矩形桩的 2.5 倍;相同条件下梯形截面桩桩间土位移与剪应变增量更小,应力集中现象更明显,梯形截面桩对土拱效应的形成与发展更有利。  相似文献   
Excessive inter-contamination with heavy metals hampers the application of biological treatment products derived from mixed or mechanically-sorted municipal solid waste (MSW). In this study, we investigated fine particles of < 2 mm, which are small fractions in MSW but constitute a significant component of the total heavy metal content, using bulk detection techniques. A total of 17 individual fine particles were evaluated using synchrotron radiation-based micro-X-ray fluorescence and micro-X-ray diffraction. We also discussed the association, speciation and source apportionment of heavy metals. Metals were found to exist in a diffuse distribution with heterogeneous intensities and intense hot-spots of < 10 μm within the fine particles. Zn-Cu, Pb-Fe and Fe-Mn-Cr had significant correlations in terms of spatial distribution. The overlapped enrichment, spatial association, and the mineral phases of metals revealed the potential sources of fine particles from size-reduced waste fractions (such as scraps of organic wastes or ceramics) or from the importation of other particles. The diverse sources of heavy metal pollutants within the fine particles suggested that separate collection and treatment of the biodegradable waste fraction (such as food waste) is a preferable means of facilitating the beneficial utilization of the stabilized products.  相似文献   
Overuse of nitrogen (N) fertilizers in agriculture activities has caused severe water pollution in China. The lack of data at producer level hampers decision makers in the development and implementation of efficient policies to curb excessive N-fertilizer use. In a survey of 300 farm households in the Liangzihu Lake basin, we identified factors associated with farmers’ decisions on N-fertilizer use and application rate. Household survey and multiple linear regression models indicate that the average application rate in the study region is 229 kg N ha?1, which exceeds the recommended rate for maximum profit for cereal crops (maize, wheat, and rice) in China of 150–180 kg N ha?1. High N-application rates are associated with low farmland productivity (coefficient = ?15.66, p = 0.02), a high share of off-farm income (coefficient = 27.14, p = 0.003), and a low education level of the household head (coefficient = ?10.83, p = 0.039). Neither physical infrastructure nor access to input markets appears to be related to N-application rates. It may be concluded that excessive use of N in agriculture of Central China is mainly a problem of insufficient awareness and high share of off-farm income.  相似文献   
China’s large population and deteriorating environment have created great concern related to the sustainability of food production, especially since details related to this topic remain poorly studied. Thus, an integrated analysis of both crop yield and cultivated area is essential for gaining a better understanding of cereal grain production in China and for making corresponding policies designed to achieve food security. In this study, we adopt trend analysis of both provincial yield and cultivated area to assess the subsequent provincial-level cereal production sustainability between 1980 and 2011 with the goal of providing a better understanding of regional agricultural development. The results indicate that while maize shows the most promise for yield improvement, rice and wheat production is experiencing substantial yield stagnation among most provinces across mainland China. In addition, the trends in spatial patterns are prominently different from those of yields. The sizes of the main rice- and wheat-growing areas in China have declined greatly, suggesting that the related production of these cereals should attract more attention from land management planners and farmers. Specifically, the south-eastern coastal provinces have largely failed to sustain both crop yield and area, while the north-eastern provinces have witnessed thriving agricultural production during the last three decades. Moreover, we find that cereal production in China is significantly affected by governmental policies related to the agricultural sector. Thus, this analysis of food production in China will help policymakers to better understand how the potential implications of food security in China may be applicable to countries worldwide.  相似文献   
北京地区植物VOCs排放速率的测定   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16  
植物释放的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)主要集中在异戊二烯和单萜烯上,这些种类的化合物占生物圈VOCs释放量2/3.采用封闭式采样和气相色谱分析对北京地区23种典型植物异戊二烯和单萜烯排放速率进行测定和研究,发现阔叶树(如槐,垂柳等)主要释放异戊二烯;而针叶树(如油松)和果树主要释放单萜烯.同时发现植物异戊二烯的释放受光照和温度的影响,而单萜烯的释放则主要受温度的影响.  相似文献   
Larval amphibians are particularly likely to encounter variation in rearing temperature and resource availability due to variation in aquatic breeding habitats. In this study, plasticity in growth rates, larval mass, larval period, and size at metamorphosis were examined in Rana kukunoris Nikolskii, 1918 under different combinations of temperature and food level. Larval period and larval body mass was sensitive to food level, and varied with temperature. Tadpoles metamorphosed at an older age at low temperature than those reared at warm temperature. Food level was a significant affect on larval period at low temperature, but not at warm temperature. Mass was heavier for tadpoles reared at low temperatures than those reared at warm temperatures. The effect of food level depended on temperature, because larvae reared at low temperature that were offered a high food level achieved a larger size than larvae offered a low food level, but this did not occur at warm temperature. Therefore, we suggest that high food availability at low temperature prolonged developmental periods, thus larvae are larger as metamorphs than those reared at warm temperatures.  相似文献   
本文依据电池串联原理将多组电极串联组合,减少了因电动势测量误差而造成的测定浓度的相对误差,明显地提高了测定的精密度和准确度.对工业废水中S~(2-)离子含量的测定结果令人满意.其相对偏差低于2.5%,方法回收率为97.5—101.7%,明显优于现有离子选择电极测定方法.与比色法进行比较,测得结果基本一致.  相似文献   
The measurements of atmospheric carbonyls concentrations in Beijing were conducted from 12 July to 8 October, 2008, covering the periods of the 2008 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Six carbonyls, including formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, butyraldehyde, valeraldehyde, and hexaldehyde, were identified in all air samples. The total average concentrations of these carbonyls before, during, and after traffic restriction were (48.1 ± 15.2), (36.6 ± 14.5) and (23.4 ± 12.3) μg/m3, respectively. Compared with the period after traffic restriction, the distinct high concentrations of the carbonyls before and during traffic restriction were primarily ascribed to the remarkable contribution of photochemical reactions. With respect to our previous investigation in the summer of 2005, the reductions of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone during traffic restriction period were about 64%, 47% and 27%, respectively, indicating that the air cleaning actions adopted by the Chinese government for the two games were efficient. The lowest levels of atmospheric carbonyls and the extremely high composition proportion of acetone after the traffic restriction were mainly attributed to the long-term effect of the control measures for the two games.  相似文献   
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