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Based on shift-share method, this article employs re- gional share, structural shift and competitive shift to analyze the structural benefit and competitive position of agricultural structure in western China by comparing with agriculture, foresting, stockbreeding and fishing before and after Conversion of Farmland to Forest and Grassland (CFFG). Then authors draw following conclusion: while CFFG program has been put in practice, the agricultural structure in western China has some typical characteristics, such as growth faster, structural predominance obvious and more competitive. But the contributiveness from the competition is not too much yet, and the structural benefit of forest estate and stockbreeding are restrained.  相似文献   
Phthalates are developmental and reproductive toxicants for the fetus in pregnant rodents, and the ability of phthalates to penetrate the placenta have been reported. The aims of this study were to evaluate the association between maternal urine excretion, the exposure of fetus to phthalates in amniotic fluid, and the health of newborns. Amniotic fluid and urine samples from pregnant women were collected to measure five phthalate monoesters using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS) and the newborns' birth weight, gestational age, and anogenital distance (AGD) were collected. The median levels of three phthalate monoesters in urine and amniotic fluid were 78.4 and 85.2 ng/mL monobutyl phthalate (MBP); 24.9 and 22.8 ng/mL mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP); 19.8 and Not Detected monoethyl phthalate (MEP). We found a significant positive correlation only between creatinine adjusted urinary MBP and amniotic fluid MBP (R(2)=0.156, p<0.05) in all infants and, only in female infants, a significantly negative correlation between amniotic fluid MBP, AGD (R=-0.31, p<0.06), and the anogenital index adjusted by birth weight (AGI-W) (R=-0.32, p<0.05). Although the influence of prenatal di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) exposure on the endocrinology and physiology of the fetus is still a puzzle, our data clearly show that in utero exposure to phthalates in general has anti-androgenic effects on the fetus.  相似文献   
中国旅游扶贫研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
反贫困是发展研究中最重要的议题之一.近年来,旅游业作为反贫困(扶贫)的一种方式开始受到国内外旅游学界和业界的密切关注.本文基于相关文献,对中国旅游扶贫研究的历程、内容、地域和方法进行了分析,认为我国旅游扶贫研究始于20世纪80年代中后期,经历了起步、初步发展、快速发展三个阶段;研究内容集中于政府、社区、贫困人口在旅游扶贫中的作用,旅游扶贫的战略、模式与思路,旅游扶贫的效应,旅游扶贫中存在的问题与对策等方面;研究区域集中于云南、广西、湖北、贵州、甘肃等贫困人口较多、旅游资源丰富的省份,且偏重区域层面的宏观分析,对景区和村镇等微观单元研究不足;研究方法以定性描述为主.今后应进一步拓展研究领域和深度,突出可操作性和有效性,加强定量研究,推进方法多样化,关注旅游发展与消除贫困的互动机制、旅游扶贫中的相关利益主体、旅游扶贫中本地化产业链的构建、处于不同发展阶段的旅游地反贫困的问题与特征比较研究、旅游扶贫工程的实践性和可持续发展研究等重点问题.  相似文献   
饮用水安全是最大的民生工程,也是自然资源管理研究的热点。基于实地调研、部门访谈和制度条文的梳理与分析,以苏州市太湖水源地为例研究湖泊型水源地管理体制。研究表明:我国水源地管理由国家、省、市、县的法律法规、规章和规范性文件构成相对完善的制度体系,具有水资源和水环境分割管理、流域管理和行政区管理交错的制度特征,初步具备了综合管理的架构;水源保护缺乏流域管治的思维,农村面源污染治理制度支撑不足;在管理手段上以命令控制型手段为主,经济激励与公众参与不足。建立水源地综合管理协调机制,完善经济激励手段,推进公众参与,实施水源地管理共同责任机制将有利于提高水源地管理效率  相似文献   
旅游环境承载力是区域旅游可持续发展的重要评判依据,目前国内外旅游环境承载力研究方法和技术手段仍显不足,多以静态评价分析为主,缺乏动态预测研究,旅游环境承载力定量研究的技术与方法尚需深入探索。本文结合滨海旅游的自身特点,构建由资源、生态、经济、社会四个承载子系统构成的滨海旅游环境承载力评价体系,按照评价体系的层次结构构造判断矩阵,采用层次分析法确定评价指标权重,运用物元评价模型和灰色预测模型,对山东半岛蓝色经济区滨海旅游环境承载力水平进行量化测度与系统分析。结果表明,半岛蓝色经济区滨海旅游环境各个承载子系统存在一定的承载差异,滨海旅游资源和生态环境承载能力较强,滨海旅游经济和社会环境子系统还有较大的承载空间;从时序变化上看,滨海旅游环境综合承载能力不断提高,并呈现可持续的运行态势;从空间差异上看,青岛、烟台、潍坊和威海四个城市滨海旅游环境承载状态处于"良好"等级,而东营、日照和滨州三个城市滨海旅游环境承载状态处于"一般"等级。因此,提高区域整体承载潜力,平衡地区承载差异,对于促进半岛蓝色经济区滨海旅游资源有序开发和滨海旅游产业合理布局具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
贸易自由化对我国环境的影响——基于ACT模型的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来我国对外贸易发展迅速,但伴随而来的环境污染问题也越来越严重。学术界对我国贸易与环境问题进行了多方面研究,但并未得到一致的结论。文参考ACT模型,试图将贸易自由化对我国环境的影响从经济发展对我国环境的整体效应中分离出来进行研究。本文采用panel数据对我国1992-2004年期间贸易自由化的环境效应进行了实证分析,结果表明:贸易自由化对我国环境消极的规模效应和结构效应远远超过了积极的技术效应,即贸易自由化使我国环境恶化。这主要归因于我国粗放型的经济增长方式以及不完善的环境法规。要改善其不利影响,我国应采用法律和经济措施相结合的办法,从而达到减少贸易的规模效应、改变现有贸易结购以及加强其技术效应的目的。  相似文献   
南水北调中线工程总干渠沿线经过河流水质评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取南水北调中线总干渠工程沿线的19条河流,对其水环境特征进行了为期1年的动态监测。利用单因子污染指数评价每条河流的污染因子和污染源类型,在此基础上,由综合污染指数评价得知,河南的赵河、贾鲁河、河北的孟良河,北京的琉璃河水质为Ⅳ类中度污染;河南的卫河、河北的洨河、天津的北运河水质为Ⅴ类重度污染,天津的独流碱河水质为劣Ⅴ类严重污染。评价Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类、劣Ⅴ类河流水质指标污染分担率确定污染水体主要污染物及其来源。总体来看,水质沿工程总干渠由南到北逐渐恶化,污染类型也由农业型转向工业型。研究结果可为中线工程的水资源合理配置与沿线河流污染的有效控制提供科学依据.  相似文献   
选择位于红壤丘陵区的鄱阳湖流域作为研究对象,利用1 km×1 km分辨率的时序SPOT4 VEGETATION数据,对流域内典型土地覆被--常绿覆被的绿度值、峰值、谷值、年均NDVI(NDVI-I)和NDVI年内极差(NDVI MM)等特征值进行了提取。在此基础上,探讨了不同常绿覆被类型的NDVI指数年内季节变化规律。结果表明:时序NDVI指数基本上能够较好地刻画不同常绿覆被类型之间的差异性,植被指数NDVI特征值随覆被的类型及其生长状态有规律地变化,即NDVI年均值和最小值基本上按“常绿阔叶林>常绿针阔叶混交林>常绿针叶林>常绿针叶-落叶混交林”的顺序变化;典型常绿阔叶林的NDVI指数年内变化曲线基本上没有大的起伏波动;常绿针叶林以及常绿针阔叶混交林占主导地位的常绿混交林NDVI指数年内变化比较和缓,但常在8月和11月有所波动;以常绿针叶林为主、但有较多落〖JP2〗叶林混杂其中的常绿混交林,其NDVI指数年内变化曲线基本上呈和缓的单峰型波动。  相似文献   
Persistent organochlorine pesticides pollutants (OCPs) have been reported to occur at relatively high concentrations in some Chinese waters. In order to map the distribution of organochlorine pesticides in the surface water throughout China, samples were collected from over 600 sites in seven major river basins and three main internal rivers drainage areas during 2003 and 2004. The surface water samples were analyzed for the representative organochlorine pesticides contaminants including lindane (gamma-HCH), p,p'-DDT and heptachlor epoxide. In general, the most frequently detected compound was lindane, being detected in 83.9% of samples (mean=31.3 ng/l; range <0.17-860 ng/l), and the highest concentration was present in the Yellow River basin. p,p'-DDT was detected in 63.1% of the samples collected (mean=14.6 ng/l; range <0.14-368 ng/l) with the highest concentration present in the Huaihe River basin. Heptachlor epoxide was detected in only 9.3% of water samples (range <0.11-10 ng/l). Measured concentrations for the three compounds were low and rarely exceed the environment quality standard for surface water of China. Lindane was more frequently detected at much higher concentrations in the rivers of northern China compared with those of southern China. The sites with higher concentration of lindane and p,p'-DDT mainly occurred in the Yellow River and Huaihe River basins, so the results of this investigation indicate that the organochlorine pesticide contamination of Yellow River and Huaihe River basins should be of particular concern relative to the other basins. When compared with other regions of the world, it appears that the Chinese surface water is moderately polluted by lindane and p,p'-DDT.  相似文献   
农垦与放牧对内蒙古草原N2O、CO2排放和CH4吸收的影响   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
利用优选静态箱/气相色谱法(GC),首次对我国内蒙古草原典型地区进行了人类活动对N2O、CO2和CH4交换通量影响的实验观测结果表明,农垦麦田N2O平均排放通量比原始草原高出3倍,并改变了草甸草原为CO2汇的性质,使其季节排放净通量以C计增加14.3 mg·(m2·h).随放牧强度的增加CO2排放通量呈线性增长,轻牧会引起草原对CH4吸收的大幅增加,而随着放牧压力的增大,增加值迅速回落.农垦麦田与草甸草原相比地-气间CH4交换无显著变化,放牧强度对N2O排放影响无显著规律.土壤湿度和温度是影响草原排放N2O和CO2、吸收CH4季节变化形式的关键因子,而人类活动仅影响排放强度.排放和吸收量年际间差异很大,但主要受降水的影响.N2O和CO2排放与CH4吸收峰值相反现象普遍存在.  相似文献   
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