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Interactions between the red algaPlocamium hamatum J. Agardh (Rhodophyta) and other benthic organisms including the alcyonacean soft coralSinularia cruciata (Tixier-Durivault) were investigated on an inshore fringing reef environment in whichP. hamatum was the dominant large fleshy alga. Field observations of sessile reef organisms including octocorals and sponges living in close proximity toP. hamatum revealed that varying degrees of tissue necrosis were suffered by the invertebrates when in physical contact with the alga. In order to establish whether the chemical constituents of the alga, especially chloromertensene, played a role in this necrosis, manipulative field experiments were carried out in the Pelorus Channel, Palm Island group (18°34S; 146°29E), North Queensland, Australia, in November and December 1988. The first experiment involved the relocation of healthy plants and soft corals into contact and non-contact situations on a mesh grid. In all cases of contact betweenP. hamatum andS. cruciata, the soft coral suffered tissue necrosis (n=6,p=0.0022). The second experiment had the same design, but involved the use of artificial plants both uncoated and coated with natural levels of chloromertensene, in contact withS. cruciata. In all cases of contact with coated treatments, necrosis was observed inS. cruciata (n=4,p=0.025). In cases where uncoated artificial fronds were placed in contact with soft corals,S. cruciata showed minor abrasion effects, but no appreciable necrosis. Coated treatments were not fouled by epiphytes during the experiment and were not consumed by predators. Uncoated treatments were rapidly reduced in size by predation and any remaining material was biofouled. These experiments thus demonstrated that the deleterious effects observed in soft corals in the field were caused by contact with the algaP. hamatum, that these effects were indeed chemically mediated by chloromertensene, and that physical contact without chemical intervention caused no such deleterious effects. This is the first experimental evidence which conclusively demonstrates allelopathy between an alga and other marine organisms and identifies the compound responsible for the observed allelopathic effects.  相似文献   
Both the vertical and horizontal distributions ofEurydice pulchra (Leach) within the water column of the surf zone were recorded throughout complete tidal cycles on a sandy beach in North Wales during the summer of 1989. Upon emerging from the sand, the isopods tended to swim up in the water column, where transport onshore would be facilitated by the wave-induced, onshore currents which laboratory wave-tank experiments have confirmed to occur near the water surface. This combination of active and passive transport to the water's edge results in high numbers of individuals in the narrow swash zone. At and just after the time of high tide, individuals swim to the water/sediment interface where, as again confirmed by wave-tank experiments, the predominant water movement is offshore. Continued swimming near the bottom during the ebb tide before reburrowing in the sand ensures transport downshore and avoidance of stranding above the characteristic level of zonation on the shore. Vertical migrations ofE. pulchra in the water column permit differential exploitation of up and downshore currents to achieve horizontal migration.  相似文献   
The hypothesis was tested that predation-disturbance by epibenthic macrofauna affects the abundance of sediment-dwelling harpacticoid copepods. The copepods inhabited a subtidal seagrass (Zostera marina L.) bed in British Columbia, Canada. The response of the harpacticoid community was observed in controlled field experiments in which epibenthic predators-disturbers were excluded from portions of the seagrass bed. Controlled, exclusion-cage (0.8 m2 area, 7-mm mesh) experiments were conducted within the seagrass bed from late March/early April to mid-June in both 1986 and 1987. Sampling was conducted biweekly. Exclusion of large epibenthic predators-disturbers had little effect on sediment-dwelling harpacticoid copepod density. Total harpacticoid numbers and abundances of dominant species generally did not increase in the exclusion treatment relative to the control. Shifts in species composition of the harpacticoid community did not occur. The treatment control was adequate in simulating the exclusion cage structure. It appears that large epibenthic predators-disturbers have little impact on the abundance of harpacticoid copepod populations at this study site.  相似文献   
Parasites were collected from over 400 albacore (Thunnus alalunga) caught by surface trolling and longlining in the south-west Pacific between 1985 and 1988. Parasites found included 1 apicomplexan, 3 nematode species, 4 cestode species, 1 acanthocephalan, 12 digenean species and 3 copepod species. Twelve of these parasite species which could be accurately recognised and counted were used in the subsequent analyses. Parasite data from albacore caught around New Zealand show a decrease in prevalence of three didymozoid parasites with increasing fish length up to a fork length of 70 to 79 cm. The subsequent increase in prevalence of these didymozoids in large longline-caught fish is consistent with fish returning from spawning in tropical waters where re-infection is presumed to occur. Albacore collected at widely separate locations in the south-west Pacific have differences in parasite prevalence, supporting an hypothesis that juvenile albacore move south to New Zealand from the tropics and do not return until the onset of sexual maturity. Albacore appear to move along the subtropical convergence zone, as indicated by a decline in prevalence and abundance ofAnisakis simplex andHepatoxylon trichiuri from New Zealand to the central South Pacific. This is supported by tagging and seasonal movements of the fishery.  相似文献   
During July of 1983, 1986, and 1987, we measured rates of oxygen consumption of 234 individuals of 17 species of midwater crustaceans (orders Decapoda, Mysidacea, and Euphausiacea) off the Hawaiian islands at depths from the surface to greater than 1200 m. The routine metabolic rates declined with increasing depths of the species' occurrence to an extent greater than could be accounted for by depth-related changes in body size or water temperature. Most species appeared able to regulate their oxygen consumption down to the lowest oxygen partial pressures found in their depth range (20 mm Hg O2), but did not regulate to such low oxygen partial pressures as did similar midwater crustaceans off California, where oxygen levels reach as low as 6 mm Hg. Metabolic rates of the shallower-living, but not the deepest-living Hawaiian crustaceans were significantly higher than those of Californian crustaceans. This is interpreted as indicating that the metabolic rates of midwater crustaceans are not adapted specifically to differing levels of primary production and that the decline with depth of metabolic rates in these species is not the result of food limitation at depth. The data are, however, consistent with the hypothesis that lower metabolic rates at depth are due to the relaxation of selection pressures relating to visual predation near the surface.  相似文献   
Axenic tissue cultures ofRuppia maritima L. were established and propagated clonally in vitro from terminal rhizome segments collected from Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. Cultures were maintained in a base medium consisting of synthetic seawater supplemented with half-strength Murashige and Skoog salts and 1% sucrose at pH 5.6. The effects of five cytokins [6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin), 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 2-isopentyladenine (2iP), 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enylamino) purine (zeatin), andn-phenyl-n-1,2,3-thidiazol-5yl urea (thidiazuron)] and one auxin [napthalene acetic acid (NAA)] on explant growth and development were investigated. Cytokinin additions resulted in a 3- to 4-fold increase in nodal production, branching, and biomass ofR. maritima after 12 wk in culture. Cultures responded in a dose-dependent manner to 2iP but exhibited broad dose-response curves to kinetin, BAP, zeatin, and thidiazuron. NAA addition resulted in increased leaf and internodal lengths, but reduced the number of leaves per node and the rhizome biomass. The addition of NAA almost completely suppressed root growth in media without cytokinins and had an antagonistic effect on nodal production and branching in cytokinin-supplemented media.  相似文献   
The many abandoned base metal mines of the mid-Wales ore field are sources of extensive pollution. Some of the mineralised veins contain large amounts of pyrite and marcasite and oxidative weathering of these produces sulphuric acid resulting in very acidic mine drainage waters. In addition, the spoil tips associated with these mines can contain abundant iron sulphides. Drainage waters from these sources have pH values as low as 2.6 and are heavily contaminated with metals such as Al, Zn, Cd and Ni.Two of the main rivers of the area, the Rheidol and Ystwyth, intercept heavily contaminated acidic drainage which has a marked effect on water quality. The Rheidol contains over 100 g L–1 Zn for 16 km downstream of the acid water influx. This level is over three times the recommended EEC limit for Zn in salmonoid waters of low hardness.  相似文献   
Four 6-mo mark-and-recapture experiments conducted in Long Island Sound, USA, from 1988 to 1990, involving approximately 2250 individual observations, demonstrated that under natural conditions significantly higher mortality (p0.001, chi-square test) occurred amongMya arenaria (L.) with hematopoietic neoplasia than those diagnosed as non-neoplastic. Using a blood-screening technique, the clams were diagnosed and placed in one of three diagnostic groups based on the severity of the disease (the percentage neoplastic cells per total number of blood cells): non-neoplastic (NN), 0%; low-severity neoplastic (LSN), < 50%; high-severity neoplastic (HSN), > 50%. Mortality of those clams initially diagnosed as HSN ranged from 48% to 78%, depending on the test period, as compared to 3% to 21% for the non-neoplastic. Mortality in the LSN treatment varied from 8% to 34%. Both progression and remission were evident in clams at all stages of the disease. Mortality and rates of progression and remission in individuals appeared to be linked to water temperatures. Differential mortality may be responsible for the apparent seasonal cycle of prevalence in populations.  相似文献   
Surveys of the coral-inhabiting snailCoralliophila violacea (Lamarck) (=C. neritoidea Kiener) were made on shallow fringing reefs (<8 m deep) around Hsiao-Liuchiu, Taiwan, between July and October 1990. The snails were aggregated into patches on the surface of massive poritid coral colonies. Coral colonies >40 cm in diameter were more likely to bear patches of snails than smaller colonies, and also to have more snails. The coralliophilids ranged from 5 to 30 mm in aperture length. The sex ratio of the population was biased toward males (539:279), with only a few small individuals of indistinguishable sex. Snails between 6 and 10 mm were all males, while most snails with aperture lengths 20 mm were females. Judging from the distinct size ranges of males and females within patches and from the observed degeneration of the penis, the snails may have changed sex from male to female with increasing size. Sex-change may occur across a wide size range (10 to 20 mm). The correlation of smallest female size and largest male size among patches indicates that snail size at sex-change is peculiar to each individual patch. Those females in patches with a single female (but many males) were significantly smaller than females in multiple-female patches. It is likely that in the absence of females males change sex at a smaller size, whereas in the presence of large females males delay sexchange until they have reached a larger size. The plasticity of size at sex-change may be adaptive and a result of natural selection at the individual level.  相似文献   
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