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Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Lebour have been nearly annual features along the coasts of southern Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, USA, since 1972. In 1990 two hypotheses which have been used to explain the initiation of these blooms in the southwestern portion of the Gulf of Maine were tested using historical records of shellfish toxicity, wind, and river flow. The first hypothesis states that the blooms were initiated or advected to shore by wind-driven coastal upwelling. The second states that established blooms were advected from north to south alongshore in a coastally trapped buoyant plume of water. Of the eleven years examined (1979 to 1989), we found seven cases inconsistent with the wind-driven upwelling hypothesis, and only one case (1985) which contradicts the plume-advection hypothesis. 1985 was an unusual year in many respects, and we suggest that some other mechanism was responsible for the toxic outbreaks. In addition, the wind-driven upwelling hypothesis could not explain the observed north-to-south temporal progression of toxicity each year. The plume-advection hypothesis was found to best explain the datails of the timing and spread of shellfish toxicity in Gulf of Maine waters to the south of Penobscot Bay, Maine. These include the variable north-to-south progression with time, the presence of a toxin-free zone south of Cape Ann, Massachusetts, the sporadic nature of toxic outbreaks south of Massachusetts Bay, and the apparently rare occurrence of high toxicity levels well offshore on Nantucket Shoals and Georges Bank.  相似文献   
Distribution of 118 species of Amphipoda, Mysidacea and Decapoda, sampled in 1984 and 1985 with an epibenthic sledge along a transect from the Skagerrak to the inner Gullmarfjord (Sweden), is described. Amphipods were richest in species in the Skagerrak, while most mysid species were taken at the sill. Deca-impoverished and the Lilljeborgidae, earlier represented by three species, had disappeared since the 1930s. The changes are most likely caused by eutrophication of the fjord. and deep-basin samples; (III) sill samples; (IV) Skagerrak samples. Characteristic species of the groups were identified with a pseudoF-test. Detrended Correspondence Analysis indicated seasonal faunal changes at 42 and 72 m depths. At both depths a shift in numerical dominance from amphipods to mysids was found in winter. The most pronounced changes seemed to occur at 42 m. Changes in composition and abundance of species during a renewal of the bottom water indicated that mysids were influenced by presumed near-bottom currents, while amphipods and decapods were not. Comparison of the present amphipod fauna with the fauna in 1933–37 revealed significant differences. The fauna in the deep basin was impoverished and the Lilljeborgidae, earlier represented by three species, had disappeared since the 1930s. The changes are most likely caused by eutrophication of the fjord.  相似文献   
Filial cannibalism in burying beetles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Infanticide is a common phenomenon in many animal groups, but filial cannibalism, the deliberate killing and consumption by parents of their own young, is extremely unusual. The burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides Herbst has a limited food supply, in the form of a buried corpse, on which to raise its young. On corpses weighing 10–15 g, clutch size in the lab is such that complete hatching can support without severe reduction in the individual weights of final instars. The parents reduce the brood by killing and eating almost half of the first stage larvae. It is suggested that, in the field, predation of eggs and newly hatched larvae may be heavy, and that the excess eggs are laid as an insurance. If survival is then unusually high, superfluous young are killed by the parents before competition for food can occur.  相似文献   
Summary American white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) breeding in colonies at East Shoal Lake, Manitoba, Canada exhibited a mean hatching asynchrony of 2.5 days in 2-egg clutches. This resulted in a size difference between chicks which facilitated sibling dominance, harassment and lack of food for the subordinate chick. Only one young survived per nest. In marked broods, the secondhatched chick survived in 20% of successful nests. Manipulated clutch sizes (1, 2 and 3 eggs or chicks per nest) revealed that the presence of a second chick contributes significantly to the reproductive success of the parents. Results support the hypothesis that the second egg functions as a form of insurance against early loss of the first egg or chick. The parents, by establishing hatching asynchrony, by nonintervention in sibling aggression, and by selectively feeding the dominant chick, maximize their chance of rearing the most viable young.  相似文献   
The magnitude and physiological characteristics of biological nitrogen fixation have been studied in the oligotrophic waters of the North pacific gyre. The filamentous blue-green algae Trichodesmium spp. and Richelia intracellularis were the important nitrogen-fixing phytoplankton. Most of the nitrogen fixation occurs in the upper 40 m of the water column, with detectable fixation as deep as 90 m, which corresponds to about the 1 % light depth. There was no evidence of photoinhibition of nitrogen fixation, although CO2 reduction was depressed slightly at the highest light levels. The rate of nitrogen fixation in the water column varied throughout the day, being highest in mid-morning and in late afternoon. Relatively high fixation rates were also found during periods of darkness. Elevated oxygen concentrations had a marked inhibitory effect on rates of nitrogen fixation, a pO2 of 0.4 atm causing a 75% inhibition. Data from studies of nitrogen fixation and assimilation rates of 15N-labelled nitrate, ammonium, and urea indicate that nitrogen fixation furnished about 3% of the total daily fixed nitrogen requirement for phytoplankton growth. Studies with isolated colonies of Trichodesmium spp. indicated that 100% of their nitrogen requirement was met by nitrogen fixation. Chemical composition of the Trichodesmium colonies showed that the C:N ratio was 4.1 and that their phosphorus content relative to carbon or nitrogen was much lower than that of the total particulate material in the water column. Elevated ratios of carbon: adenosine triphosphate (ATP) also suggest that phosphorus deficiency may be limiting the growth of Trichodesmium. The magnitude of nitrogen fixation in the gyre is seasonally dependent, with high rates in late summer and autumn. At these times the water column is stratified, with phosphate and nitrate barely detectable in the upper 100 m. Our data suggest that during these months of stratification, biological fixation of nitrogen amounts to about 33 g-at N/m2/day.  相似文献   
Critical thermal maxima (CTM) were determined for winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus, Walbaum) and scup (Stenotomus chrysops, L.), acclimated to ambient water temperature or constant increments above ambient. The acclimation regimes simulated a natural environment by tracking the temperature fluctuations in Point Judith Pond, a small Rhode Island estuary. An elevation in CTM from 30.2° to 35.6°C was observed for scup as the mean acclimation temperature increased from 14.8° to 22.2°C. CTM for flounder increased from 26.4° to 32.4°C over an acclimation range of 4.2° to 23.0°C. The use of CTM studies for predicting the effects of heated effluents is discussed.  相似文献   
This paper redefines a construct previously used to model phytoplankton—zooplankton interactions in such a way as to permit the use of measurable quantities as contruct coefficients. The new construct can use unaltered values of the half-saturation constant for zooplankton grazing on total available food (ks) and the minimum food concentration necessary to stimulate effective feeding (BMIN) reported in the literature. Typical values for these coefficients are 0.1–15 and 0.016–0.19, respectively.  相似文献   
Most resource allocation models developed to aid resource planning have been deterministic; that is, the ecosystem and economic variables are assumed to be known with certainty. It is these elements that present problems concerning risk and uncertainty involved in decision making. The objective of this study is to present a mathematical approach for optimizing resource allocation in management situations in which random events occur. This particular technique of decision analysis is chance-constrained programming. The model makes possible the investigation of risk and uncertainty associated with resource management decision making. Range decision-makers must often stock their range before they are sure of the available forage; thus, the amount of available forage is a random element with which managers must contend. The chance-constrained approach to decision making may be used when such random events occur and when it is not possible to plan exactly for future events. Two parameters are used to adjust the mean value of constraints; these are the standard deviation of the constraint value (Sbi) and the probability term which is specified by the manager (Kαi). The mean values are adjusted by the product KαiSbi. In the study reported here, a Kαi value of 0.57 gave results which appeared to have usefulness. The results indicate that the penalties a rancher must assume for over-estimating his carrying capacity are greater than the penalties for underestimating the carrying capacity. With the value of the standard deviation used in the example, numbers of livestock and the corresponding net revenues should be about 22% less than those indicated by average forage production. With greater variation in forage production, the reduction would be greater. By using these values, the chance-constrained approach can meaningfully incorporate random variables into a decision model.  相似文献   
The estimation of filtering rate from the clearance of suspensions   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The indirect method of determining the filtering rate requires that a suspension feeder be allowed to feed for a given time in a volume of suspension. Six equations have been published by which the filtering rate can be calculated from the observed depletion of the suspension. By applying a standard notation throughout, it is shown that these 6 equations are identical. A graphical method is described by which the filtering rate can be obtained directly from the ratio between the initial and final concentration of suspension, obviating the need for individual calculations.  相似文献   
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