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在分析现有风险理论的基础上,结合海洋施工实际,提出了一种对海洋施工自然风险进行定量评估的模型。根据目标系统各风险事件与影响因素之间存在高度非线性复杂映射的特点,提出了利用BP神经网络拟合方法,对主要风险事件发生概率进行量化的模型。针对传统的梯度下降优化算法收敛速度慢的特点,采用可避免计算Hesse矩阵的Levenberg-Marquardt算法来训练神经网络。这一模型可以模拟专家评价,并准确地按照专家的评定法则进行估算,具有一定的通用性。  相似文献   
分析了六氯苯在沉积物中吸附特性,研究了影响沉积物中六氯苯在均匀电动力学作用下的迁移.结果表明,均匀电动力学过程能有效地促进沉积物中HCB的解吸和迁移,其作用效果与反应时间、沉积物初始pH值、电极电压和电解质投加量等密切相关.  相似文献   
环境中同时存在着多种重金属元素,联合暴露与单独暴露时,重金属在体内的蓄积分布情况也可能有所差异。为探究重金属元素(汞、铬、砷、铅)对镉(Cd)在体内分布的影响,建立了大鼠在Cd暴露下的药代动力学(PBPK)模型,并进行了包括Cd在内5种重金属的联合毒性实验,比较了Cd单独给药与重金属混合物给药2种方式下大鼠肝脏、肾脏中的Cd浓度水平。结果表明,联合暴露高(Hg Cl23.67 mg·kg~(-1),NaAsO_2 3.67 mg·kg~(-1),CdCl_2 10.55 mg·kg~(-1),K_2Cr_2O_7 6.40 mg·kg~(-1),Pb(OOCCH_3)_2·3H_2O 133.33 mg·kg~(-1))、中(HgCl_20.367 mg·kg~(-1),NaAsO_2 0.367 mg·kg~(-1),CdCl_2 1.055 mg·kg~(-1),K2Cr2O70.640 mg·kg~(-1),Pb(OOCCH_3)_2·3H_2O 13.333 mg·kg~(-1))、低(HgCl_2 0.0367 mg·kg~(-1),Na As O20.0367 mg·kg~(-1),Cd Cl20.1055 mg·kg~(-1),K_2Cr_2O_7 0.0640 mg·kg~(-1),Pb(OOCCH3)2·3H2O 1.3333 mg·kg~(-1))剂量组大鼠肝脏中Cd浓度分别为13.37、0.78和0.06μg·g~(-1);肾脏中Cd浓度分别为14.41、1.64和0.15μg·g~(-1)。与对照组相比,暴露组中Cd浓度有显著升高,且不同剂量组之间均有显著性差异。同剂量Cd单独暴露的PBPK模拟结果显示,肝脏及肾脏中的Cd浓度水平落在联合毒性实验结果的浓度范围内,初步推断其他4种重金属的联合暴露并没有影响Cd在大鼠肾脏和肝脏中的浓度分布。  相似文献   
以抗禾谷孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae Wollenweber,cereal cyst nematode,CCN)小麦品系‘E-10’和易感材料‘中国春’为材料,通过人工接种禾谷孢囊线虫二龄幼虫,并在接种线虫后测定根部防御酶苯丙氨酸转氨酶(PAL)和脂氧合酶(LOX)活力变化,研究抗感性材料对线虫侵染后防御酶的响应,以了解作物的抗虫机制.结果发现,‘E-10’和‘中国春’防御酶活力变化存在显著差异,‘E-10’在线虫侵染后6 h,LOX酶活增强,在24 h达到最大值,酶活变化比‘中国春’迅速,暗示‘E-10’启动线虫防御反应更为有效直接.此外,发现小麦在接种线虫后会引起邻近未接种植株根部防御酶活力变化.‘E-10’在接种线虫后12 h,其接触组未接种材料根部PAL酶活增加0.9倍,LOX酶活增加1.1倍,并且‘E-10’未接种植株的酶活变化比‘中国春’更迅速,幅度更剧烈.表明可能有某些气态或挥发性物质参与了小麦防御线虫侵染过程,并且这种现象在抗感材料间差异显著.使用茉莉酸甲酯处理‘E-10’和‘中国春’,小麦根部PAL和LOX酶活并未产生与接触接种线虫材料相一致的变化,表明该气态或挥发性物质并非茉莉酸甲酯.  相似文献   
SOS/umu测试法被广泛应用于化合物和复杂混合物遗传毒性的评价,由于该技术所用菌种为致病菌且操作步骤繁琐等原因,制约了技术的推广应用。研究建立了基于重组大肠杆菌SOS效应的水质遗传毒性检测方法(专利号:ZL201110022476.1),应用该方法评价了某市4座污水厂出水的直接遗传毒性效应,同时以污水处理一厂为例考察了直接遗传毒性效应的季节变化规律以及不同的工艺对水中直接遗传毒性物质的去除情况。结果显示:各污水厂出水均表现出一定的直接遗传毒性,对应的4-NQO毒性当量浓度范围为0.018~0.514 mg·L-1;一年四季中夏季进出水直接遗传毒性效应最高,现有工艺中生化处理工艺段对直接遗传毒性去除效果最佳,去除率为33.33%。该方法操作便利、检测敏感性较高、操作危险性较低,可用于水中直接遗传毒性效应的测试。  相似文献   
北京市不同区域采暖期大气颗粒物中多环芳烃的分布特征   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
利用分级采样器分别采集北京市不同区域采暖期的大气颗粒物,分析多环芳烃的组成及含量.结果表明北京市大气总悬浮颗粒物中总多环芳烃的含量城乡结合带为7486—43687ng·m-3,郊区为11993—39786ng·m-3.在城乡结合带,80%以上的多环芳烃存在于粒径<20μm的颗粒物中;在郊区,77%以上的多环芳烃存在于粒径<20μm的颗粒物中.比较不同环数的多环芳烃在不同粒径范围内大气颗粒物中的分配比例,发现随环数的减少其分配比例呈现归一化.不同粒径范围的颗粒物中苯并(a)芘均与总多环芳烃含量显著相关(p<0001).  相似文献   
Estimated anthropogenic Hg emission was 11.9 tons in Pearl River Delta for 2014. Quantifying contributions of emission sources helps to provide control strategies. More attentions should be paid to Hg deposition around the large point sources. Power plant, industrial source and waste incinerator were priorities for control. A coordinated regional Hg emission control was important for controlling pollution. We used CMAQ-Hg to simulate mercury pollution and identify main sources in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) with updated local emission inventory and latest regional and global emissions. The total anthropogenic mercury emissions in the PRD for 2014 were 11,939.6 kg. Power plants and industrial boilers were dominant sectors, responsible for 29.4 and 22.7%. We first compared model predictions and observations and the results showed a good performance. Then five scenarios with power plants (PP), municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI), industrial point sources (IP), natural sources (NAT), and boundary conditions (BCs) zeroed out separately were simulated and compared with the base case. BCs was responsible for over 30% of annual average mercury concentration and total deposition while NAT contributed around 15%. Among the anthropogenic sources, IP (22.9%) was dominant with a contribution over 20.0% and PP (18.9%) and MSWI (11.2%) ranked second and third. Results also showed that power plants were the most important emission sources in the central PRD, where the ultra-low emission for thermal power units need to be strengthened. In the northern and western PRD, cement and metal productions were priorities for mercury control. The fast growth of municipal solid waste incineration were also a key factor in the core areas. In addition, a coordinated regional mercury emission control was important for effectively controlling pollution. In the future, mercury emissions will decrease as control measures are strengthened, more attention should be paid to mercury deposition around the large point sources as high levels of pollution are observed.  相似文献   
O3 increment is mainly caused by changes in meteorology rather than emissions. Emission reduction is effective to reduce O3 nationwide, especially in summer. Strengthened NOx controls are necessary to meet the ambient O3 standard. We have quantified the impacts of anthropogenic emissions reductions caused by the Air Pollution Control Action Plan and changes in meteorological fields between 2013 and 2017 on the warm-season O3 concentration in China using a regional 3D chemical transport model. We found that the impact on daily maximum eight-hour (MDA8) O3 concentration by the meteorological variation that mostly increased O3 was greater than that from emission reduction, which decreased O3. Specifically, the control measures implemented since 2013 in China have reduced SO2, NOx, PM2.5, and VOC emissions by 33%, 25%, 30%, and 4% in 2017, while NH3 emissions have increased by 7%. The changes in anthropogenic emissions lowered MDA8 O3 by 0.4–3.7 ppb (0.8%–7.6%, varying by region and month), although MDA8 O3 was increased slightly in some urban areas (i.e. North China) at the beginning/end of warm seasons. Relative to 2013, the average 2 m temperature in 2017 shows increments in North, North-east, East, and South China (0.34℃–0.83℃) and decreases in Central China (0.24℃). The average solar radiation shows increments in North, North-east, and South China (7.0–9.7 w/m2) and decreases in Central, South-west, and North-west China (4.7–10.3 w/m2). The meteorological differences significantly change MDA8 O3 by -3.5–8.5 ppb (-8.2%–18.8%) with large temporal variations. The average MDA8 O3 was slightly increased in North, North-east, East, and South China. The response surface model suggests that the O3 formation regime transfers from NOx-saturated in April to NOx-limited in July on average in China.  相似文献   
炼焦过程排放挥发性有机物的排放特征和组成分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为控制炼焦排放以及为预防城市大气污染提供可靠的污染源数据支持,利用不锈钢采样罐和全自动预浓缩/GC/MS系统,研究了58-Ⅱ型和JN43-80型焦炉在装煤时刻和炼焦过程(包括装煤时刻)中挥发有机物(VOCs)的排放特征及其组成分布,分析了焦化行业排放VOCs的反应活性。研究发现,在装煤时刻和炼焦过程中,58-Ⅱ型焦炉产生的总挥发性有机物(TVOCs)浓度分别为7022μg/m~3和6266μg/m~3;JN43-80型焦炉产生的TVOCs浓度分别为4185μg/m~3和3298μg/m~3。装煤时刻产生的TVOCs浓度明显高于炼焦过程产生的。炼焦过程无组织排放的VOCs包含烯烃、烷烃、芳香烃、卤代烃以及少量的醛和酮,其中乙烯、乙烷、丙烯、苯、甲苯等为主要成分。这些产生的VOCs反应活性各不相同,活性最大的是烯烃类物质,其活性占TVOCs反应活性比重为(86.2±2.1)%;其次是芳香烃类物质,其活性比重为(9.2±3.1)%;反应活性最大的5个物种分别是丙烯、乙烯、1,3-丁二烯、1-丁烯以及苯乙烯。  相似文献   
研究名特优产品土壤重金属分布、来源及其潜在风险对科学管理、安全利用土壤和作物资源具有重要意义.以姜湖贡米产地为研究对象,对名特优产地土壤中的As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn进行采样和测定,利用多元统计法进行重金属的相关性讨论,采用ArcGIS 10.2进行重金属空间分布插值分析,利用富集因子法和PMF法对重金属污染进行定量源解析,并进行了潜在生态风险评价.结果表明:①研究区土壤重金属As、Cd、Cu、Hg、Pb和Zn含量均低于农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(GB 15618-2018)规定的筛选值,土壤生态环境风险低;Cr和Ni最大值均超风险筛选值,但风险低;研究区pH主要分布范围为6.05~6.69,是适合水稻生长的pH范围.②墨河对pH和重金属的空间分布具有指示意义.这与元素的表生地球化学特征息息相关;而Hg和Cd受人为影响显示了不同的空间分布特征,Hg沿河流西侧为中高值分布区,Cd的空间分布南北差异较为显著.③基于富集因子法和PMF的定量源解析结果显示,研究区重金属主要来源为耕地农业源、混合源、燃煤源和自然源.各种来源的贡献率分别占24.2%、35.4%、9.5%和30.9%.④研究区Hg中强生态风险指数沿墨河西侧分布,而Cd的中度潜在生态风险点集中在墨河两侧耕地中,其他元素潜在生态风险指数(Er)均<40.Cd和Hg为研究区主要潜在生态风险元素,而Cd仍是研究区耕地土壤中的主要潜在污染元素.  相似文献   
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