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浙北水稻主产区田间土-水磷素流失潜能   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
选取嘉善、余姚、德清、余杭 4个具有代表性浙北水稻主产区 ,研究了水田土 水磷素流失潜能及环境意义 .4稻区高水平磷肥投入促进了土壤富磷化 ,土壤Olsen-P积累的同时 ,相应地提高了土壤生物性有效磷、水浸提磷 ,并提高了土壤磷素的流失潜能 .稻区土壤在富磷化过程中 ,存在着土壤磷素的农学意义向环境意义方向演变的趋势 .在非植稻期 ,稻区农田水体 ,包括沟渠水、田表水、排渠水、暗管排水等总磷 (TP)平均超过了易诱发水体富营养化临界值 ,其中溶解磷 (DRP)占总磷 40% ;主要是源于绿肥田表水及部分排渠中的溶解磷对稻区外水体构成了直接危害 .在非植稻期 ,因稻区间农耕措施的差异导致了土壤富磷水平与对应田表水磷素水平不具相关性 ;在植稻期 ,施磷措施促进水田土壤富磷 ,相应地提高了田表水磷素水平 .  相似文献   
新型低温Fe/AC脱硫剂的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将活性焦担载氧化铁制得Fe/AC脱硫剂用于烟气脱硫,在最经济的烟气脱硫温度窗口(120℃~250℃)显示出高的脱硫活性.考察操作条件对其脱硫活性的影响,并借助EXAFS和TPD表征技术对其内在原因进行探讨.Fe/AC脱硫剂在排烟温度下用于脱硫,其活性明显优于活性焦和纯Fe2O3,且载体炭无氧化烧损.Fe/AC吸硫后形成2种含硫物质:H2SO4和Fe2(SO4)3,H2O和O2的存在可增加Fe/AC对SO2的吸附硫容.由高比表面活性焦制得的Fe/AC有更高的脱硫活性,这源于活性组分Fe2O3在其上良好的分散性.Fe/AC用于脱硫应在适宜空速[(800L/(kg·h)]下操作.  相似文献   
白洋淀地区的多氯联苯污染研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
对白洋淀地区不同类型纸厂排水口底泥及保定市排污渠底泥进行了GC/ECD分析,可萃取有机氯(EOCl)含量测定,检出了多氯联苯和有机氯农药。用截止分子量为1000道尔顿的透析袋方法对相应地区的水体进行了检测,发现水体中可检出含氯农药六六六,但多氯联苯等由于水中存在浓度低未能检出,同样样品的GC/MS/COM结果表明,水体中主要存在的亲脂性有机污染物为:蒽酮、蒽二酮、苯胺、氯代烃、邻苯二甲酸酯类和苯系物。  相似文献   
An integrative technology including the surfactant enhanced sorption and subsequentdesorption and biodegradation of phenanthrene in the soil-water system was introduced and tested. For slightly contaminated agricultural soils, cationic-nonionic mixed surfactant- enhanced sorption of organic contaminants onto soils could reduce their transfer to plants, therefore safe-guarding agricultural production. After planting, residual surfactants combined with added nonionic surfactant could also promote thedesorption and biodegradation of residual phenanthrene, thus providing a cost-effective pollution remediation technology.0ur results showed that the cationic-nonionic mixed surfactantsdodecylpyridinium bromide (DDPB) and Triton X-100 (TX100) significantly enhanced soil retention of phenanthrene. The maximum sorption coefficient Kd* of phenanthrene for contaminated soils treated by mixed surfactants was about24.5 times that of soils without surfactant (Kd ) and higher than the combined effects of DDPB and TX100 individually, which was about 16.7 and 1.5 times Kd , respectively.0n the other hand, TX100 could effectively remove phenanthrene from contaminated soils treated by mixed surfactants, improving the bioavailability of organic pollutants. Thedesorption rates of phenanthrene from these treated soils were greater than 85% with TX100 concentration above2000 mg/L and approached 100% with increasing TX100 concentration. The biodegradation rates of phenanthrene in the presence of surfactants reached over 95% in30days. The mixed surfactants promoted the biodegradation of phenanthrene to some extent in 10-22days, and had no obvious impact on phenanthrene biodegradation at the end of the experiment. Results obtained from this study provide some insight for the production of safe agricultural products and a remediation scheme for soils slightly contaminated with organic pollutants.  相似文献   
针对页岩气开采过程中所产生的废钻井液处理,采用化学热洗的方法对废钻井液进行了油、水、固三相分离,并使用5%的清洗剂对废钻井液中的泥砂和岩屑进行除油。结果表明:温度为40℃、搅拌转速为160 r/min、破稳剂浓度为50 g/L、清洗剂的浓度为5%时,废钻井液中油的回收率达到了98%,泥砂与岩屑的含油量均小于2%。  相似文献   
赣闽浙三省接合区砂金资源分布广泛,尤以赣东北乐安江、昌江水系最富。本文是在对该区野外调查,取样分析和典型砂金矿床、矿点地质环境分析的基础上,认为冲积型砂金富集与矿源层分布,水系发育规模及地貌条件,含金物质搬运距离,水动力条件,沉积界面微地貌及合金物质沉积后埋藏状况有密切关系,掌握砂金沉积学特点有利于资源的勘探和开发。  相似文献   
新型SBBR处理畜禽废水脱氮实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以畜禽废水为处理对象,将序批式运行模式应用到好氧三相内循环生物流化床中,考察在不同模式下的处理效果及氮的转化情况。实验结果表明,在室温条件下,进水COD浓度为2 000 mg/L左右,总氮为140 mg/L左右时,保持溶解氧在2~2.5 mg/L,交替好氧/缺氧运行方式处理效果优于单一的好氧/缺氧方式;模式为3 h(曝气)-1.5 h(停曝)-1.5 h(曝气)-1 h(停曝)时系统对总氮和氨氮处理效果最好,总氮去除率达到90%,系统主要脱氮方式为同步硝化反硝化和短程硝化反硝化。  相似文献   
为了消除彩色显象管发光粉生产废水中重金属对环境的污染和实现资源回用,用P204-煤油-硫酸体系分离回收废水中的锌。研究结果表明,以皂化P204为萃取剂,经三级逆流Zn^2的率可达99%,共存的Ni^2+几乎不被萃取,Cu^2+的萃取率小于7%;用硫酸溶液对负锌萃取剂进行了二级逆流反萃取,反萃取率达96%以上,反萃浓缩液可返回生产过程作用。  相似文献   
稻秆对铜绿微囊藻抑制作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了稻秆浸出液对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制作用.研究表明,稻秆浸出液中含有的化学物质抑制了铜绿微囊藻的生长繁殖.稻秆浸泡时间的延长,有利于提高浸出液的抑藻效果,但浸泡时间过长则无益于抑藻效果提高,浸泡时间为15 d时,抑制率能高达75.99%.稻秆浸出液投加量达7.5%以上具有显著的抑藻效果.不同部位的水稻秸秆浸出液对铜绿...  相似文献   
Calcium-looping dry reforming of methane (CaL-DRM) strategy mainly relies on novel Ni/CaO-based dual-functional materials, in which its microscopic mechanism remains to be further explored. In this work, molecular simulation of the adsorption and dissociation processes of CO2 was performed on the surface of Ni/CaO dual-functional materials (DFMs) based on density functional theory (DFT). The analyses of electron density, partial density of states, and formation energy suggest that the Ni/CaO model has higher stability and activity than the CaO model. The analyses of the evolution of chemical bonds, adsorption energy, density of states, and charge population after the adsorption of CO2 on the CaO surface and Ni/CaO shows that the modification with Ni made the adsorption of CO2 on Ni/CaO more stable. The transient calculations indicate that the path with the lowest activation energy is the H-mediated dissociation path of chemisorption carboxyl COOH* as an intermediate, which is the possible dissociation path of CO2 on the surface of Ni/CaO DFMs. The dissociation of COOH* into CO* and OH* is the rate-controlling step of the reaction. The DFT results demonstrate that the doping of Ni during the preparation of CaO materials can realize and enhance the CaL-DRM processes, which provide a theoretical basis for the optimum preparation of Ni/CaO-based DFMs. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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