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通过正交试验,得到了DAT-IAT工艺和A/DAT-IAT工艺处理城市污水的常规指标去除和生态毒理指标削减的最优运行条件。结果表明,在正交试验的同一工艺中,COD去除最优运行条件的出水COD值优于生态毒性削减最优运行条件的出水COD值,但前者出水的生态毒性较大。由于厌氧池的水解酸化作用,A/DAT-IAT工艺对COD和生态毒性的处理效果均优于DAT-IAT工艺,并且回流总能耗低于DAT-IAT工艺,但是出水COD仍不达标。为了降低进入工艺的COD的总量,以絮凝沉淀做为预处理工艺,并采用Al残留量最小的絮凝剂投药量以降低出水中残留Al带来的生态风险。结果表明,在COD去除最优运行条件下,具有絮凝预处理的工艺对COD的去除效果优于没有絮凝预处理的工艺。絮凝-A/DAT-IAT工艺在COD去除最优运行条件下出水COD为104.46 mg/L,满足排放标准。在毒性削减最优运行条件下,具有絮凝预处理的工艺的出水生态毒性有所上升,但是污染物的总量得到了大幅削减。絮凝-A/DAT-IAT工艺与DAT-IAT工艺相比,在污染物去除效率得到大幅增加的同时,生态毒性得到有效控制,生态安全得到了有效的保障。  相似文献   
华北引黄灌区粮食产量与农业土壤资源质量时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明确作物产量和土壤养分时空变异可以更好地掌握农田生产力和土壤质量情况,对农业资源合理配置以及提高生产力可持续性有着非常重要的意义。利用华北平原引黄灌区下游农田作物产量数据和耕地质量监测数据,对华北平原引黄灌区下游作物产量的演变以及有机质和养分的空间分布进行分析,阐明该地区作物产量、土壤养分的空间分布特征。结果表明:灌区的农田生产力水平存在显著的空间和时空差异。20世纪80年代末以来,农田生产力水平整体呈上升趋势,冬小麦高产田分布在黄河下游北岸中部地区的齐河县和下游南岸三个县,范围是6084.0~6861.0 kg/hm2,夏玉米产量空间分布整体上呈现出中间高两端低的特征,其中齐河县的产量最高,为7524.0 kg/hm2。灌区农田土壤有机质、氮、磷、钾养分具有明显的时空分布差异,有机质和速效钾含量最高的德州市分别为16.30 g/kg和202.40 mg/kg,全氮含量最高的淄博市为1.17 g/kg,有效磷含量最高的泰安市为34.56 mg/kg。研究表明,灌区的生产力水平一直不断在提升,仍有很大的增长空间。掌握养分分布特征和土壤肥力的空间差异来制定合理的施肥措施,可为今后该地区实现精准农业和高产稳产提供科学依据。  相似文献   
由于大量人类活动的影响,大气CO2浓度持续增加,其中约1/3被海洋吸收,导致表层海水pH值降低和碳酸盐平衡体系波动,即“海洋酸化”现象。污染物的海洋环境效应一直是全球环境科学领域研究的热点。在实际环境中,海洋酸化往往与污染物共同存在并作用于海洋生态系统,且海洋酸化极有可能改变污染物的海洋环境行为从而影响其毒性效应。但现有研究大多针对海洋酸化或者污染物单独作用下的毒性效应展开,对海洋酸化与污染物的联合毒性效应的研究不足、亟待加强。为此,综述了近年来海洋酸化与典型污染物(重金属、有机污染物)及新型污染物(人工纳米颗粒)的相关文献,重点阐述了海洋酸化对污染物环境行为的影响和海洋酸化与污染物对海洋生物的联合毒性效应,指出当前的研究不足,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
为探究镉(Cd)对海洋动物的毒性效应,考察了不同质量浓度(0.005、0.05和0.5 mg·L-1) Cd处理对单环刺螠相关免疫生理指标及主要组织中Cd蓄积量的影响。结果表明:Cd胁迫下,血细胞密度(density of hemocyte, DHC)先升后降再升,酚氧化酶(phenoloxidase, PO)活力先升后降,溶菌酶(lysozyme, LSZ)活力先降后升再降,至处理96 h,处理组DHC均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),总蛋白含量变化不显著;除低浓度胁迫组(0.005 mg·L-1)PO活力与对照组相近外,其他处理组的PO和LSZ活力均显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase, SOD)活力和丙二醛(malondialdehyde, MDA)含量总体呈上升趋势,过氧化氢(H2O2)含量先升后降再升,至胁迫96 h,各处理组SOD活力、MDA和H2O2含量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。总之,Cd胁迫对单环刺螠非特异性免疫影响显著,Cd的短期胁迫可刺激DHC、PO和LSZ升高,免疫力增强,而高浓度Cd的胁迫时间较长会造成机体解毒能力下降,持续刺激机体产生过氧化反应,MDA含量升高,可作为单环刺螠在Cd长期胁迫下的免疫检测指标。不同胁迫浓度组单环刺螠肌肉和消化道中的Cd含量随胁迫时间均呈上升趋势,且存在显著的时间-剂量-效应关系(P<0.05),其蓄积量水平为:消化道>肌肉,具有组织特异性。  相似文献   
诺氟沙星是一种被广泛使用的抗生素,但其对轮虫的毒性作用尚不清楚。为调查诺氟沙星对轮虫的毒性及其与藻密度之间的关系,以及各试验终点对诺氟沙星污染的相对敏感性,本文以萼花臂尾轮虫为受试生物,研究了不同斜生栅藻密度(1.0×106、2.0×106和4.0×106 cells·mL-1)下不同浓度(0、5、20、35、50、65和80 mg·L-1)的诺氟沙星对其生命表统计学参数的影响。结果显示,与3个藻密度下的对照组相比,暴露于5~80 mg·L-1诺氟沙星溶液中的轮虫生命期望和世代时间显著延长,净生殖率和种群内禀增长率显著提高。5 mg·L-1的诺氟沙星使生命期望和世代时间的延长幅度随着藻密度的升高而增大,但6个处理组的平均提高幅度却随着藻密度的升高而减小;5 mg·L-1的诺氟沙星对净生殖率和种群内禀增长率的提高幅度随着藻密度的升高而增大,但6个处理组的平均提高幅度却在2.0×106 cells·mL-1的藻密度下最小,4.0×106 cells·mL-1的藻密度下最大。1.0×106 cells·mL-1的藻密度下,诺氟沙星浓度对轮虫后代混交率无显著性影响(P>0.05);2.0×106 cells·mL-1的藻密度下,暴露于5~35和80 mg·L-1诺氟沙星溶液中的轮虫后代混交率显著降低;4.0×106 cells·mL-1的藻密度下,暴露于5、35和80 mg·L-1诺氟沙星溶液中的轮虫后代混交率显著降低。当藻密度为1.0×106和2.0×106 cells·mL-1时,诺氟沙星浓度与轮虫的生命期望、世代时间、净生殖率和种群内禀增长率之间具有显著的剂量-效应关系;当藻密度为4.0×106 cells·mL-1时,诺氟沙星浓度与轮虫的净生殖率和种群内禀增长率之间具有显著的剂量-效应关系。本研究表明,亚致死浓度的诺氟沙星促进轮虫的存活、发育、孤雌生殖和种群增长,促进作用的幅度受藻密度的显著影响。  相似文献   
Zhu  Jun  Fu  Qingling  Qiu  Guohong  Liu  Yurong  Hu  Hongqing  Huang  Qiaoyun  Violante  Antonio 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2019,17(3):1271-1280
Environmental Chemistry Letters - The sorption of heavy metals by soil constituents reduces the absorption of these pollutants by crops and vegetables, and thus limit food contamination. Low...  相似文献   
Estimated anthropogenic Hg emission was 11.9 tons in Pearl River Delta for 2014. Quantifying contributions of emission sources helps to provide control strategies. More attentions should be paid to Hg deposition around the large point sources. Power plant, industrial source and waste incinerator were priorities for control. A coordinated regional Hg emission control was important for controlling pollution. We used CMAQ-Hg to simulate mercury pollution and identify main sources in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) with updated local emission inventory and latest regional and global emissions. The total anthropogenic mercury emissions in the PRD for 2014 were 11,939.6 kg. Power plants and industrial boilers were dominant sectors, responsible for 29.4 and 22.7%. We first compared model predictions and observations and the results showed a good performance. Then five scenarios with power plants (PP), municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI), industrial point sources (IP), natural sources (NAT), and boundary conditions (BCs) zeroed out separately were simulated and compared with the base case. BCs was responsible for over 30% of annual average mercury concentration and total deposition while NAT contributed around 15%. Among the anthropogenic sources, IP (22.9%) was dominant with a contribution over 20.0% and PP (18.9%) and MSWI (11.2%) ranked second and third. Results also showed that power plants were the most important emission sources in the central PRD, where the ultra-low emission for thermal power units need to be strengthened. In the northern and western PRD, cement and metal productions were priorities for mercury control. The fast growth of municipal solid waste incineration were also a key factor in the core areas. In addition, a coordinated regional mercury emission control was important for effectively controlling pollution. In the future, mercury emissions will decrease as control measures are strengthened, more attention should be paid to mercury deposition around the large point sources as high levels of pollution are observed.  相似文献   
Nitrogen‐doped carbon‐dots (N‐CDs) are synthesized using a solid‐state method and applied as nanofertilizers. Specifically, 70 g of mung bean seeds are cultivated in the aqueous solution of N‐CDs (0.2 mg mL−1) and yields 646 g of bean sprouts; this yield is significantly higher than that obtained in the pure water control (i.e., 550 g of bean sprouts from 70 g of beans). Furthermore, blue florescence is observed during the sprouting process, which gradually migrates from the beans to the root ends, implying the absorption and migration of the N‐CDs during this process. This work demonstrates that the N‐CDs not only serve as a new fertilizer for promoting plant growth but also enable in vivo monitoring of the plant growth progress of plants, opening up new possibilities of CDs‐related materials for future agricultural applications.  相似文献   
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