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Modification of electrode surface with carboxylic acid terminated alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) has been found to be an effective approach to improve the extracellular electron transfer (EET) of electrochemically active bacteria (EAB) on electrode surface, but the underlying mechanism behind such enhanced EET remains unclear. In this work, the gold electrodes modified by mercapto-acetic acid and mercaptoethylamine (Au-COOH, Au-NH2) were used as anodes in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) inoculated with Geobacter sulfurreducens DL-1, and their electrochemical performance and the bacteria-electrode interactions were investigated. Results showed that the Fe(CN) 6 3–/4– redox reaction occurred on the Au-NH2 with a higher rate and a lower resistance than that on the Au or the Au-COOH. Both the MECs with the Au-COOH and Au-NH2 anodes exhibited a higher current density than that with a bare Au anode. The biofilm formed on the Au-COOH was denser than that on bare Au, while the biofilm on the Au-NH2 had a greater thickness, suggesting a critical role of direct EET in this system. This work suggests that functional groups such as–COOH and-NH2 could promote electrode performance by accelerating the direct EET of EAB on electrode surface.  相似文献   
Li  Yanbo  Zhou  Zhiwei  Chen  Ning  He  Li  Zhou  Muke 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2019,41(5):2113-2130

Stroke was demonstrated to correlate with seasonal variation. However, the relevant studies were incongruous. To better understand the rules of seasonal impact on ischemic stroke (IS) patients, we performed this meta-analysis. We systematically searched relevant observational studies in Pubmed, Web of science and Embase from January 1, 1980, to November 1, 2017, in English. Patients included in this study were adults who suffered from IS. Stata version 12.0 software was used to pool useful data and calculate incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We also performed heterogeneity and sensitivity analyses and evaluated publication bias. Thirty-three observational studies involving 234,196 participants were incorporated into the meta-analysis. Summer and December were regarded as reference, respectively. The IRRs were calculated showing: IRRWinter 1.05 (95% CI 1.04–1.07), IRRAutumn 1.03 (95% CI 1.02–1.04), IRRSpring 1.02 (95% CI 1.01–1.03). No obvious difference existed among 12 months. Stratified analyses on Köppen classification were also conducted. Between-study heterogeneity was discovered; however, predefined stratified analyses and meta-regression could not reduce this heterogeneity. Our meta-analysis has revealed very little seasonal variation in the overall study. Both cold and hot months may be high risky for IS after stratified by Köppen Climate Classification. Thus, a rationale to environmental setting of risky patient management could be provided. More studies with specific assessments are warranted for further comprehensive investigation.

This report shows an increase of PAH-related microbial functional genes with PAH concentration in soils. Adaptation of microbial communities to organic pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is a crucial issue. However, there is little knowledge on mechanisms ruling microbial community selection. Here, we studied microbial functional genes in soils contaminated by PAHs. We used GeoChip, an advanced functional gene array for gene analysis. Soil PAH concentrations were measured and microbial functional genes were categorized. PAH-related microbial functional genes, bph, nah, nidA, phd, dfb, and qor, were quantitatively expressed. Total microbial functional genes and PAH-related microbial functional genes were compared with PAH concentration by cluster analysis and curve-fitting analysis. We found that the average abundance of PAH-related microbial functional genes increased from 0.13 to 0.33, whereas that of total microbial functional genes decreased from 0.22 to 0.10 when PAHs concentration increased from 1.01 to 164.28 mg kg?1. It was also found that the classification of microbial community structure characteristics based on PAH-related microbial functional genes was closely similar to the classification based on PAHs concentration. Findings reveal that PAH stress promotes the dominance of PAH-related microbial communities.  相似文献   
This study assessed the enrichment of mercury in the food web from the different community habitats in a zinc-smelting area of China. We used a nitrogen stable isotope technique to analyze trophic level relationships among arthropods and found that the first trophic level consisted of plants in the different community habitats, the second trophic level consisted of herbivores such as locusts and grasshoppers (primary consumers), and the third trophic level included spiders and mantes (secondary consumers). Mercury enrichment in the primary consumers was not evident, but enrichment in arthropods of the third trophic level was significant. The average of enrichment coefficients in spiders and mantes was greater than 1. The δ15N values indicated that mercury concentrations accumulated from primary producers to top carnivorous arthropods increased. In this zinc-smelting area, the biological amplification of mercury in the food web is significant. It is reasonable to assume that humans, located at the top of the food chain, are exposed to biomagnified levels of mercury.  相似文献   
Aquatic plants along the North Canal in Beijing were studied to identify the community structure of aquatic plants and vegetation index of biotic integrity (VIBI), and to provide scientific basis for the management and protection of urban rivers. Aquatic plants from 49 sampling sites along the North Canal were investigated during June 2015. Based on the field data, distributing range analysis, discriminatory power analysis, and correlation analysis were used stepwise to select core metrics from candidate metrics to establish the VIBI assessment system. The VIBI value of each sampling site was calculated as the average of the scaled values of all core metrics. Thirty-six aquatic plant species, including 14 hygrophytes, 13 emergent species, 6 submergent species, 2 floating-leaved species, and 1 floating species were collected. Species diversity was low in the North Canal, and no aquatic plants were recorded in 28 sampling sites, of which 9 sampling sites were dried up. Five sites were in excellent condition (VIBI > 0.60), 5 were good (0.60 > VIBI > 0.38), 7 were fair (0.38 > VIBI > 0.23), and 4 were poor (VIBI < 0.23). Based on the distribution of VIBI, Shahe River and Wenyu River upstream, and Fenghe River located in suburbs had a higher VIBI. Downstream tributaries, such as Qinghe River, Bahe River, and Liangshui River, had a lower VIBI. Correlation analysis showed that habitat quality, habitat complexity, and vegetation diversity along riparian zones were the important factors affecting VIBI along the North Canal, Beijing. Aquatic plants along the North Canal showed low species diversity owing to human disturbance. VIBI along tributaries with limited disturbance from human activities was higher; however, VIBI along tributaries disturbed by frequent human activities was lower. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
昆仑山木孜塔格峰北坡藏羚繁殖地的自然植被   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对阿尔金山国家级自然保护区内藏羚产羔繁殖期的野外考察,研究了昆仑山木孜塔峰北坡藏羚繁殖地的自然植被及其分布,从繁殖地的自然生态特征按摩了藏羚与其繁殖期栖息生之间的关系。结果表明,藏羚对产羔繁殖地的选择不是基于植被条件,而是选择更加安全的区域作为其产羔繁殖地。  相似文献   
在对旋转式滗水器进行了水力学和运动学计算的基础上,对旋转式滗水器进行了动力学计算,给出了其动力学计算公式,与水力学和运动学计算公式一起,共同给出了旋转式滗水器完整的设计计算公式。  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - While nitrogen (N2) fixation is an important process in nitrogen (N) biogeochemical cycling, supplying a significant portion of the N in natural...  相似文献   
根据我们对南岳广济寺森林群落的实地考察及其调查资料统计分析结果,发现该群落是一种尚未报道的新类型,即水丝梨+甜槠-尾叶山茶+花竹-蔓赤 车群丛(Association of Sycopsis sinensis+Castnopsis eyeri-Camellia caudata+Phyllostachys nidularia-Pellionia scabra)。该群落内有维管束植物69科116属149种;其属的区系是以热带性质成分为主,温带性质成分为辅,各占56.19%和43.81%;其种的区系成分以华夏、东亚、中国-日本和华东至华中等四种类型为主,同时本群落具有明显的华东至华中过渡交迭性质。在群落中木本植物和草本植物各占71.14%和28.86%,草本植物中的多年生和一年生类型各占22.82%和6.04%。本群落可以明显划分为乔、灌、草三个层次,每个层次又可以进一步划分为三个亚层。这一群落是中亚热带东部典型常绿阔叶林北部植被地理亚带中的常绿阔叶林,在演替过程中,群落仍将保持以水丝梨为优势种的常绿阔叶林,但其亚优势种——甜槠将可能会被多脉青冈、中华石楠、长叶石栎取代。  相似文献   
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