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To study how global warming and eutrophication affect water ecosystems, a multiplicative growth Monod model, modified by incorporating the Arrhenius equation, was applied to Lake Taihu to quantitatively study the relationships between algal biomass and both nutrients and temperature using long-term data. To qualitatively assess which factor was a limitation of the improved model, temperature variables were calculated using annual mean air temperature (AT), water temperature (WT), and their average temperature (ST), while substrate variables were calculated using annual mean total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and their weighted aggregate (R), respectively. The nine fitted curves showed that TN and AT were two important factors influencing algal growth; AT limited growth as algal photosynthesis is mainly carried out near the water surface; N leakage of phytoplankton and internal phosphorus load from sediment explains why TN was the best predictor of peak biomass using the Monod model. The fitted results suggest that annual mean algal biomass increased by 0.145 times when annual mean AT increased by 1.0℃. Results also showed that the more eutrophic the lake, the greater the effect AT had on algal growth. Subsequently, the long-term joint effect of annual temperature increase and eutrophication to water ecosystems can be quantitatively assessed and predicted.  相似文献   
Based on previous research, the sampling and analysis methods for phthalate esters (PAEs) were improved by increasing the sampling flow of indoor air from 1 to 4 L/min, shortening the sampling duration from 8 to 2 hr. Meanwhile, through the optimization of chromatographic conditions, the concentrations of 9 additional PAE pollutants in indoor air were measured. The optimized chromatographic conditions required a similar amount of time for analysis as before, but gave high responsivity, the capability of simultaneously distinguishing 15 kinds of PAEs, and a high level of discrimination between individual sample peaks, as well as stable peak generation. The recovery rate of all gas-phase and particle-phase samples of the 15 kinds of PAEs ranged from 91.26% to 109.42%, meeting the quantitative analysis requirements for indoor and outdoor air sampling and analysis. For the first time, investigation of the concentration levels as well as characteristics of 15 kinds of PAEs in the indoor air from four different traffic micro-environments (private vehicles, busses, taxis and subways) was carried out, along with validation of the optimized sampling and analytical method. The results show that all the 9 additional PAEs could be detected at relatively high pollution levels in the indoor air from the four traffic micro-environments. As none of the pollution levels of the 15 kinds of PAEs in the indoor air from the 4 traffic micro-environments should be neglected, it is of great significance to increase the types of PAEs able to be detected in indoor air.  相似文献   
研究了4种成片分布的典型岩性(页岩、石灰岩、花岗岩、黄土)区域沉积物金属元素(Li、Na、K、Ca、Sr、Ba、Ti、V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Al等共16种)总量与形态特征.结果表明:这4种岩性区域沉积物金属元素含量与形态均有显著的差别.与其它岩性相比,黄土地区易迁移元素含量高,而重金属含量显著较低;其金属元素残渣态含量高,而有机态、铁锰氧化物态和可交换态含量低.石灰岩地区重金属含量较高,而易迁移元素如Na,Sr等含量则较低;其重金属元素残渣态含量不偏低,表明经风化作用释放出来的重金属参与了次生矿物的形成过程而得以富集.花岗岩地区重金属含量居中,而Fe和Al含量较高;其金属元素残渣态含量不偏高则与风化作用较强有关.页岩地区元素含量与形态均居中,代表了各种岩性的平均水平.  相似文献   
土著微生物修复城市小型湖泊实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用生物制剂及生物修复技术对鞍山市英泽湖进行了净化治理.研究结果表明,经过8~30 d的生物净化,该湖水中的COD、植物营养元素浓度及浊度都有了大幅度的下降.其中COD降至20 mg/L以下,去除率达到70%以上;氨氮降至0.2 mg/L以下,去除率达97%;总磷降低至0.02 mg/L以下,去除率达到60%以上;浊度...  相似文献   
近年来随着上海市生命科学与生物技术的快速发展,其废弃物的环境排放带来了生态与健康的安全隐患。本文在全面调查基础上,归纳分析了上海生物废弃物排放现状,并从意识层面、法规层面、技术层面和管理层面分析目前存在的问题,随后提出了上海生物废弃物排放控制的分类分级、环境安全评估、排放许可证发放、就地与集中处理结合、排污申报登记等基本管理思路和相应的管理组织结构体系。此外,结合当前需要,提出近期实施对策措施。  相似文献   
为了实现废弃棉织物的高效资源化利用,采用浓磷酸预处理,将棉纤维转化为葡萄糖,并回收高纯度涤纶.以磷酸浓度、磷酸与原料液固比、预处理温度和时间为研究对象,以涤纶回收纯度、葡萄糖收率为考察指标,采用中心组合设计(CCD),建立响应面模型对预处理工艺参数进行优化.并确定了最佳的浓磷酸预处理工艺条件为:磷酸质量分数85%,液固比15:1,预处理时间7 h,预处理温度50℃.在此条件下涤纶回收纯度可达100%,葡萄糖收率可达79.0%,且实验验证值与模型预测值较为接近,模型精度较高.此外,再生纤维素不经干燥直接酶水解,葡萄糖收率可被进一步提高至83.0%.  相似文献   
The present study simultaneously examined people's perceptions of person–organization (PO) and person–supervisor (PS) fit and related these perceptions to employees' commitments. Three‐hundred‐and‐sixty employee–supervisor dyads from Taiwanese organizations reported about their PO fit and PS fit perceptions. In addition, supervisors reported about their perceptions of fit and guanxi with each of their employees. Results indicated that PO and PS fit perceptions both had an independent and additive relationship with organizational commitment. The link between employee PS fit perceptions and organizational commitment was mediated by commitment to the supervisor. Both employee and supervisor fit perceptions contributed to commitment to the supervisor through their influence on the quality of the leader‐member exchange (LMX). Guanxi could not explain additional variance in LMX and supervisor commitment. Implications for theory and practices regarding person–environment fit, commitment, and LMX are discussed. The study findings offered suggestions for a new Theory of Multiple Fits. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本研究以浙江省为例,立足环境资源禀赋的优势和不足,进行产业发展现状和环境资源禀赋的相容性分析,剖析产业发展存在的问题,探索新时期环境资源禀赋支撑产业升级的路径与模式,提出浙江省基于环境资源禀赋的产业发展原则和思路,要支持发展符合环境资源条件和顺应产业发展规律的优质产业,限制发展不符合环境资源条件的低端产业,建议重点发展知识技术密集型产业、海洋经济和临港产业、生态休闲养生产业、现代大农业,并积极推进传统产业转型发展.  相似文献   
中国即将加入WTO,对中国环境服务业来说挑战与机遇共存。中国环境服务业是一个很新的领域,近年有所发展但还存在着很多问题。中国环境服务业应充分利用加入WTO的难得机遇,尽快从政策、管理制度、结构、技术等多方面进行调整,利用内外部双重动力,推动我国环境服务业有更大地发展。  相似文献   
Size distributions of 29 elements in aerosols collected at urban, rural and curbside sites in Beijing were studied. High levels of Mn, Ni, As, Cd and Pb indicate the pollution of toxic heavy metals cannot be neglected in Beijing. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicates 4 sources of combustion emission, crust related sources, traffic related sources and volatile species from coal combustion. The elements can be roughly divided into 3 groups by size distribution and enrichment factors method (EFs). Group 1 elements are crust related and mainly found within coarse mode including Al, Mg, Ca, Sc, Ti, Fe, Sr, Zr and Ba; Group 2 elements are fossil fuel related and mostly concentrated in accumulation mode including S, As, Se, Ag, Cd, Tl and Pb; Group 3 elements are multi-source related and show multi-mode distribution including Be, Na, K, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Mo, Sn and Sb. The EFs of Be, S, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Ga, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Tl and Pb show higher values in winter than in summer indicating sources of coal combustion for heating in winter. The abundance of Cu and Sb in coarse mode is about 2-6 times higher at curbside site than at urban site indicating their traffic sources. Coal burning may be the major source of Pb in Beijing since the phase out of leaded gasoline, as the EFs of Pb are comparable at both urban and curbside sites, and about two times higher in winter than that in summer.  相似文献   
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