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Micro-mesoporous ZSM-5 zeolites were obtained by the post-treatment of tetrahydroxy ammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) solution with different concentration. The hierarchical pore structure formed during the desilication process facilitates the dispersion of Pt nanoparticles and Pt/ZSM-5 catalysts exhibit rather high catalytic activity for the deep oxidation of various VOCs at low temperature. The catalyst treated with TPAOH of 0.1 mol/L (Pt/ZSM-5(0.1)) shows the lowest degradation temperature (T90%) of 128 and 142°C, respectively for benzene and n-hexane. Compared with the untreated Pt/ZSM-5 catalyst, the abundant mesopores, small Pt particle size and finely dispersed Pt contribute to the superior catalytic activity and stability of the Pt/ZSM-5 catalysts for VOCs removal. More importantly, the existence of H2O in the feed gases hardly affected the activity of Pt/ZSM-5(0.1) catalyst at the low reaction temperature of 128°C, which is very important for VOCs low-temperature removal in the future practical applications.  相似文献   
郭宪臻  郑文明 《安全》1999,20(1):22-25
应用故障树分析法能系统地分析高炉炉前灼伤的原因,在故障村图上,因果关系明确,并能找出事故发生的主要原因,从而制定措施,以有效地预防事故的发生。  相似文献   
The source apportionment of PM2.5 is essential for pollution prevention.In view of the weaknesses of individual models,we proposed an integrated chemical mass balancesource emission inventory(CMB-SEI) model to acquire more accurate results.First,the SEI of secondary component precursors(SO2,NOx,NH3,and VOCs) was compiled to acquire the emission ratios of these sources for the precursors.Then,a regular CMB simulation was executed to obtain the contribut...  相似文献   
苯并芘(benzo (a) pyrene,BaP)作为多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)的成员,是最早发现也是最具有代表性的环境污染物,通过空气、食物、水源等途径进入人体,引起细胞氧化应激损伤、DNA损伤和基因异常表达导致细胞死亡。研究表明雄性与雌性动物经BaP染毒后,其生殖器官、生殖细胞甚至激素水平均会受到影响,进而影响受精卵形成和胚胎发育,造成不良妊娠结局。因此,近年来BaP的生殖毒性受到广泛关注,其作用机制包括改变胞内活性氧水平、诱导细胞DNA损伤以及调控生殖发育相关基因、类固醇合成相关基因和促凋亡基因影响生殖发育。BaP作为环境毒物,不仅可以影响生态环境的稳定性,还可以影响生物的生殖发育,损害生态环境中的物种多样性,从长远来看,BaP的不良影响不但会威胁到陆地与海洋生物种群的稳定,还会破坏陆地和海洋生态系统的功能。本文将从生殖健康、配子与合子形成以及胚胎发育的角度,详细阐述BaP染毒对生殖系统的毒性作用与机制,为预防BaP引起的生殖危害、减少不良妊娠结局提供理论依据,旨在为BaP的环境毒性行为和对生物的毒性研究提供有效借鉴,为合理预防和缓解因接触BaP等环境毒物而带来的健康影响提供参考。  相似文献   
对羟基苯甲酸丙酯(propylparaben, PrP)作为防腐剂,广泛添加于食品、药品和个人护理品中,其大量使用对水环境构成了潜在威胁。本研究以野生来源的食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)雌鱼为研究对象,开展了不同浓度PrP (0.15、6.0和240.0 μg·L-1)的4 d和16 d暴露实验,以鱼体大脑、鱼鳃和肝脏的组织切片为毒性效应指标,分析了食蚊鱼抗氧化与内分泌功能相关基因mRNA的表达变化。结果表明,不同暴露时间PrP对食蚊鱼的鱼鳃、肝脏组织均造成不同程度的损伤。随着暴露时间延长,大脑的抗氧化相关基因表达量上调,但鱼鳃的抗氧化相关基因和肝脏的catcyp4501a基因表达量下调,氧化应激反应逐渐减弱。PrP暴露4 d后,随暴露剂量的增加,大脑组织的内分泌相关基因呈现先升高后下降的趋势;暴露16 d后,大脑组织的内分泌相关基因相对于对照组呈现升高的趋势。PrP暴露4 d后,与对照组相比,肝脏组织的内分泌相关基因中,低浓度处理组(0.15 μg·L-1 PrP) vtgB基因和高浓度处理组(240.0 μg·L-1 PrP)的arβ基因表达量有显著差异,其他处理组无显著变化;暴露时间延长至16 d时,各处理组肝脏组织样品的erαerβarαarβvtgCvtgB基因的表达量上调,表明PrP对食蚊鱼具有雌激素效应。本研究从鱼体组织损伤和关键功能基因mRNA表达变化,揭示PrP对食蚊鱼的毒性损伤、氧化应激和内分泌干扰作用,为PrP的潜在健康风险评估和安全应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
为了掌握弹药销毁场重金属污染状况与来源,以山西某典型弹药销毁场为例,对该销毁场39个表层土壤重金属(Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Sb、Pb)的污染状况、分布特征与污染来源进行评价与分析.结果表明,弹壳堆放区表层土壤重金属Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Sb、Pb的平均含量分别为 45.57、23.43、325.54、265.43、9.53、0.42、304.17、13174.29 mg·kg-1,其余区域表层土壤重金属Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Sb、Pb的平均含量分别为 102.09、26.75、1137.18、3007.13、7.71、0.95、70.65、2894.97 mg·kg-1,均高于山西省背景值.污染指数评价结果表明,Pb、Zn、Cu、Sb和Cd的累积程度较高.研究区土壤重金属生态危害指数为 2653.35,达到极高生态风险水平.绝对主成分得分-多元线性回归模型(APCS-MLR)表明,Ni、Cd、Zn、Cr和Cu的来源主要为混合源,贡献率为 72.94%,Pb和Sb的主要来源是销毁源,贡献率为53.99%,自然源对As贡献率最大,为44.63%.  相似文献   
牛曦若  张怡菲  徐靖涵  胡斌 《环境化学》2024,43(6):1923-1932
近年来,以有机金属骨架(MOF)为前驱体制备的MOF衍生物得到越来越多的关注.与MOF相比,热解制得的MOF衍生物具有多变的结构、更高的比表面积和更好的稳定性.本研究采用高温碳化MOF成功制备了Fe/NC材料,研究了不同因素对Fe/NC活化PS降解土霉素(OTC)的影响.在OTC初始浓度为20 mg·L-1、PS浓度为3 mmol·L-1、Fe/NC-900投加量为0.2 g·L-1、初始pH值为6.0的条件下,反应20 min后,OTC去除率最高达到89.18%.活性氧物质淬灭实验证实反应体系中存在硫酸根自由基(SO4·-)、羟基自由基(·OH)等多种活性氧物质,其中SO4·-在OTC的降解中起主要作用.在最优催化工艺参数下探究不同水基质对OTC去除的影响.其中Cl-和腐殖酸对OTC的降解几乎没有影响,HCO3-和H2PO4-则表现出轻微的抑制作用,说明Fe/NC的适用范围广.经过五次循环回用后对OTC的降解率仅下降16.85%,表明材料具有较好的重复利用性.本研究为MOF材料在水污染控制领域中的应用提供了新的理论研究,并为四环素类抗生素的降解提供了新思路.  相似文献   
Due to their excellent reliability, low cost, and environmental friendliness, aqueous Zn-ion batteries (AZIBs) present a promising prospect for both mobile and stationary energy storage for smart devices and cities. However, current challenges, such as anode dendrite growth, cathode dissolution, and parasitic side reactions, hinder the practical application of AZIBs. This review first provides an in-depth explanation of the energy storage mechanisms of anodes and cathodes. A comprehensive discussion of typical issues with the anode, cathode, and electrolyte of AZIBs is then presented. Furthermore, the practical considerations and potential applications in the development of smart flexible electronics are illustrated. Finally, the challenges and perspectives for the future development of practical AZIBs are highlighted. This review is expected to serve as a guidepost for the practical applications of AZIBs for clean, sustainable, and efficient energy storage and management in new urban forms.  相似文献   
Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is the bottleneck for electrochemical water splitting due to its sluggish 4-electron kinetics and high formation energy of O═O bond. Multiple kinds of Co-based compounds such as oxides, hydroxides, sulfides, phosphides and so on are demonstrated to possess excellent OER activity. However, these materials will partially or fully convert to CoOOH after OER, and therefore CoOOH receive extensive research interests as the true active species for Co-based OER catalyst in the past decade. Herein, the OER mechanism and synthesis of CoOOH and the strategies are reviewed for enhancing the OER performance of this kind of catalyst. The synthetic methods for CoOOH, including wet-chemical oxidation method, electrochemical oxidation method, molten-salt-assisted synthesis and hydrothermal method will be reviewed and compared. Moreover, the strategies will be summarized for design active CoOOH-based OER catalysts such as element doping and construction of hybrid catalysts in detail. Finally, an outlook is provided about the remaining challenges and future opportunities in this area.  相似文献   
湿地作为水生态系重要拦污屏障和关键缓冲带,其不断累积的微塑料污染负荷不仅破坏了其自身生态系统结构和功能,也因独特的生态位\"塑料际\"增加了水源性传播疾病的扩散.然而,目前尚不清楚湿地微塑料在全球范围内的分布格局及其驱动机制.鉴于此,本研究基于数据汇编、整理和统计分析框架,整合了来自19个湿地的200个微塑料样本数据,以阐释湿地微塑料赋存特征并识别其影响因素.多元统计分析结果表明,湿地类型和环境介质影响微塑料丰度差异,并且内陆湿地的微塑料丰度显著大于海岸湿地.湿地水体和沉积物中微塑料形状和颜色存在显著相似性,并且纤维状的透明微塑料是其主要赋存形态.湿地水体和沉积物中微塑料赋存格局受到微塑料分析方法,包括采样和提取方法的显著影响.此外,地理距离作为主导因素,影响了湿地微塑料的分布,并且观测到微塑料丰度随距离的增加而减少的趋势.本研究基于湿地微塑料数据特征构建的数据驱动框架,既可为更好地掌握湿地微塑料分布格局及其污染状况提供方法参考,也可为湿地甚至其他水生态系统中微塑料的污染管控提供数据支撑.  相似文献   
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