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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Fusarium wilt caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum (FOC) is the most severe soil-borne disease attacking cucumber. To assess the...  相似文献   
Hydrotalcite and its calcination product were used to treat pure water spiked with various concentrations of boron and geothermal water containing boron as a major undesirable element. The kinetics process of boron sorption by uncalcined hydrotalcite is controlled by the diffusion of boron from bulk solution to sorbent-solution boundary film and its exchange with interlayer chloride of hydrotalcite, whereas the removal rate of boron by calcined hydrotalcite rests with the restoration process of its layered structure. The results of isotherm sorption experiments reveal that calcined hydrotalcite generally has much stronger ability to lower solution boron concentration than uncalcined hydrotalcite. The combination of adsorption of boron on the residue of MgO–Al2O3 solid solution and intercalation of boron into the reconstructed hydrotalcite structure due to “structural memory effect” is the basic mechanism based on which the greater boron removal by calcined hydrotalcite was achieved. As 15 geothermal water samples were used to test the deboronation ability of calcined hydrotalcite at 65 °C, much lower boron removal efficiencies were observed. The competitive sorption of the other anions in geothermal water, such as HCO3 ?, SO4 2?, and F?, is the reason why calcined hydrotalcite could not remove boron from geothermal water as effectively as from pure boron solution. However, boron removal percents ranging from 89.3 to 99.0 % could be obtained if 50 times of sorbent were added to the geothermal water samples. Calcined hydrotalcite is a good candidate for deboronation of geothermal water.  相似文献   
成都市生态城市建设的路径设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章结合成都市自然资源的优势和特点,依据生态原理的基本思想,从城市河流生态的保护与建设;成都绿化的生态建设与城市生态社区示范建设;城乡融合生态系统的基本设计;成都郊县市生态农业、生态聚落的建设和生态建设总体布局与功能分区等五个方面进行了具体的分析,提出了相关的设计路径和措施。  相似文献   
滇缅大震与长江巨洪的遥相关   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
长江、珠江巨大洪水的预测对国计民生关系甚大。本文提出了滇缅地区7级以上大震发生后一年内长江和珠江有可能发生巨洪的预测指标。这一点和后来某些气象学家得到的青藏高原南部(95°E以西)超前异常增温与江淮巨洪有关的结果是一致的,可以说这是相互验证。但这些气象学家未讨论增温的原因,我们的研究则包含这个问题的回答。另外在预测北方旱涝时也要考虑滇缅地区的大震发生与否。  相似文献   
本文提供了被认为比较准确的32种有机分子特征基团红外光谱吸收范围;提出了红外仪扫描时计算机同时采集数据,红外扫描结束后,计算机不用人工干予自动利用有机分子基团的特征吸收峰的峰位、强度信息判断有机分子所含基团的图谱解析方法。并提供了程序设计框图。给出了40个较有代表性化合物的图谱解析实验结果。  相似文献   
已二酸生产副产物——混合二元酸的综合利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用一水合硫酸氢钠作为催化剂,催化己二酸生产副产物——混合二元酸与甲醇反应合成混合二元酸二甲酯。优化工艺条件为:混合二元酸加入量0.1mol,无水甲醇加入量0.5mol,一水合硫酸氢钠加入量4.0g,环己烷加入量20mL,反应时间1.5h。合成混合二元酸二甲酯的酯化反应收率大于97%。经气相色谱检测,产物中酯的质量分数为98.91%。一水合硫酸氢钠可重复使用3次。  相似文献   
炼化污水中污染源以难降解有机物为主,降低污水生物毒性,提高其可生化性是炼化污水达标排放的关键环节。为降低工艺运行成本及产泥量,同时为后续好氧生化处理提供优质水源,实验采用高效厌氧生物反应器处理炼化污水,探讨炼化污水厌氧处理过程中的COD去除率、能源转化效能、微生物菌群变化、可生化性及有机污染物降解效果。结果表明,该反应器对炼化污水COD平均去除率达70.01%,出水中大分子复杂难降解有机污染物转化为以小分子有机酸类为主的有机物,可生化性明显提高,为后续生物处理提供良好运行条件。  相似文献   
污染土壤胶体释放特征及其对锌运移的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
污染土壤样品采自辽宁省某炼锌企业周边农田。通过室内土柱淋溶实验,研究不同pH和离子强度下土壤胶体的释放特征以及对重金属Zn在土壤中运移的作用。结果表明,土壤胶体的释放均呈现先逐渐增强而后渐弱,并趋于稳定。pH和离子强度对土壤胶体的释放有明显的影响,弱酸(pH=6)条件最有利土壤中胶体的释放,其次是中性(pH=7)和碱性(pH=9)条件,在强酸(pH=4)条件下最弱。随离子强度增加,土壤中胶体的释放能力逐渐减弱。淋出液中胶体结合态Zn浓度均超过总Zn浓度的50%,且淋出液中的总Zn浓度与胶体的浓度相关性显著。经SPSS分析,pH=4、6、7和9时,该线性相关系数r分别为0.749、0.948、0.966和0.927,呈极显著相关关系。钙离子强度为0.001、0.01、0.1和0.5 mmol/L时,相关系数r分别为0.921、0.895、0.947和0.907,也呈现极显著相关关系。说明土壤地下水中Zn的运移主要受胶体释放的控制。  相似文献   
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