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The individual of a species is the basic unit which responds to climate and UV-B changes, and it responds over a wide range of time scales. The diversity of animal, plant and microbial species appears to be low in the Arctic, and decreases from the boreal forests to the polar deserts of the extreme North but primitive species are particularly abundant. This latitudinal decline is associated with an increase in super-dominant species that occupy a wide range of habitats. Climate warming is expected to reduce the abundance and restrict the ranges of such species and to affect species at their northern range boundaries more than in the South: some Arctic animal and plant specialists could face extinction. Species most likely to expand into tundra are boreal species that currently exist as outlier populations in the Arctic. Many plant species have characteristics that allow them to survive short snow-free growing seasons, low solar angles, permafrost and low soil temperatures, low nutrient availability and physical disturbance. Many of these characteristics are likely to limit species' responses to climate warming, but mainly because of poor competitive ability compared with potential immigrant species. Terrestrial Arctic animals possess many adaptations that enable them to persist under a wide range of temperatures in the Arctic. Many escape unfavorable weather and resource shortage by winter dormancy or by migration. The biotic environment of Arctic animal species is relatively simple with few enemies, competitors, diseases, parasites and available food resources. Terrestrial Arctic animals are likely to be most vulnerable to warmer and drier summers, climatic changes that interfere with migration routes and staging areas, altered snow conditions and freeze-thaw cycles in winter, climate-induced disruption of the seasonal timing of reproduction and development, and influx of new competitors, predators, parasites and diseases. Arctic microorganisms are also well adapted to the Arctic's climate: some can metabolize at temperatures down to -39 degrees C. Cyanobacteria and algae have a wide range of adaptive strategies that allow them to avoid, or at least minimize UV injury. Microorganisms can tolerate most environmental conditions and they have short generation times which can facilitate rapid adaptation to new environments. In contrast, Arctic plant and animal species are very likely to change their distributions rather than evolve significantly in response to warming.  相似文献   
In order to analyse potential influences of soda industryeffluents on the ecological integrity of Traunsee (TS) weinvestigated the fish community of the lake in comparison witha reference lake (Hallstättersee HS) and used a reconstructionfrom the (older) literature concerning the original speciescomposition of Traunsee. Published `Index of Biotic Integrity(IBI)' metrics were considered to be of limited value due tothe relatively low species number in the oligotrophic, Alpinelake. Therefore we included, in addition to speciescomposition, studies on egg distribution, larval fishdensities, life-history parameters (i.e. growth, maturity,fecundity, age and size composition), stress levels and heavymetal content of the dominant whitefish (Coregonuslavaretus), as well as overall fish density and biomass (usinghydroacoustics) to assess the ecological status of the fishcommunity. Two of the original 18 species have disappearedfrom the lake, presumably in connection with the introductionof non-native eel (Anguilla anguilla) and theconstruction of a power plant in the outflow. Silt from grindedlimestone together with highly alkaline pore waters is emittedvia industrial wastewater from Sodaworks and covers part of thelake bottom. We observed that eggs of whitefish were spawnedmainly in the main inflowing river and close to the shore, thusavoiding the silty areas and making the anticipated damage tothe reproductive potential of whitefish neglectable. This wascorroborated by larval surveys done weekly on both lakes fromJanuary to May, which showed halve the density of whitefishlarvae in TS compared to HS. Estimates of potentially spawningfish from hydroacoustic surveys resulted in a ratio of 1(TS) :3 (HS). Analysis of whitefish revealed that they are growingfaster in TS and have higher fecundity leading to somecompensation of lower abundance. High levels of fishing in TSmight have led to this pattern and to depressed yields asindicated by the age composition. Level of oxidative stress andheavy metal content were not discernible from the referencelake. Therefore we concluded that negative impacts on theecological status of the fish community resulted from fisheriesmismanagement and a power plant situated in the outflow of thelake, considered to have damaged spawning places for somespecies, but not from soda industry effluents.  相似文献   
Ecological Integrity: Concept,Assessment, Evaluation: The Traunsee Case   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Definitions and concepts relevant to the evaluation of theEcological Integrity of lakes are discussed herein. Theirapplication to Traunsee, a deep lake located in the AustrianAlps which is affected by wastes of salt- and soda-producingindustries, is evaluated, based on 13 contributions published inthis special issue of Water, Air, and Soil Pollution.: Focus.  相似文献   
环境变化背景下北极生物的多样性、分布及其适应性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物个体是对气候变化和紫外线B(UV-B)辐射变化产生反应的基础,而且这种反应会在各种时间尺度上发生.北极地区的动物、植物以及微生物种类的多样性从表面上看是低的,而且从北方针叶林到极地荒漠逐渐减少,但其原始物种却很丰富.与这种物种多样性随纬向梯度减少的趋势相反,一些空间分布范围很广的单一优势物种的优势度则呈增长趋势.全球气候变暖可能会减少该地区的物种多样性,并限制到这些物种的分布范围,尤其是在该地区生物分布的北部边缘,一些极地特有的动物和植物种类会面临着灭绝的危险.最有可能侵入苔原地带的物种是那些目前生存在极地外缘的北方地区生物.许多植物都具有自身的特征使它们能够在以下环境中生存短暂的无冰雪覆盖的生长季节,低的太阳高度角,永久冻结地带及低的土壤温度,贫乏的养分获取条件以及极少的物理扰动.以上这些特征有些可能会限制当地物种对气候变暖的反应,但其最主要的因素是这些物种与那些潜在的入侵物种相比缺乏竞争能力.北极地区陆生动物拥有许多适应特性,这使它们能够适应北极地区剧烈的温度变化.许多动物通过冬眠或迁移来逃避极地地区的恶劣天气和资源短缺.北极地区动物生存的生物环境则相对简单几乎没有天敌、竞争者、疾病、寄生生物,但同时食物资源也很短缺.极地陆生动物可能对由气候变化带来的温暖而干旱的夏季非常不适应,这种变化将会影响到动物的迁移路线、途中栖息地,并会改变冬季积雪的状况和冻融的循环过程.气候变化还会改变动物繁殖和发育的季节,并会引来新的竞争者、捕食者、寄生生物以及疾病等.极地微生物也能很好地适应该地区的气候一些微生物甚至在-39℃的低温下还能进行代谢活动.蓝藻细菌和藻类生物有着很广泛的适应策略,这能够使它们避免(至少可以减少)紫外线的伤害.微生物能够忍受许多环境条件,而且其生长周期很短,这些特点将使它们能很快适应新的生存环境.与此形成对比的是,极地植物和动物很可能通过改变其分布范围而不是积极的生物进化来适应环境的变暖.  相似文献   
控制实验表明,不同物种对每个环境因子变化变量产生的响应也存在着差异.植物往往对营养元素的变化反应最为强烈,尤其是氮素的增加.夏季增温实验表明,木本植物对温度的升高表现出了积极的响应,而地衣、苔藓类植物的丰富度却因增温而降低.物种对增温的响应主要受水分有效性和雪覆盖程度控制.在气候保持湿润的情况下,伴随着夏季温度的升高,许多无脊椎动物种群的数量都有所增加.实验表明,CO2浓度和紫外线B(UV-B)辐射的增加对植物和动物影响较小,但是,一些微生物和真菌却对紫外线B辐射的增加非常敏感,甚至可能会因此产生一些诱导突变而引起流行传染病的爆发.苔原土壤的加温、CO2浓度的升高以及矿物质营养的改善一般都会增加微生物的活动.在温带气候中,藻类往往比蓝藻细菌更占优势.冬季结冰-解冻过程的增加会导致冻壳的形成,从而会大大降低许多陆生动物的冬季存活率,改变这些动物群体的动态过程.厚的积雪会使驯鹿等植食性动物很难采食到雪下的草类植物,同时也不利于其逃避食肉动物的追捕.而无雪期的提前到来则可能会加速植物的生长.物种对气候变化的响应最初可能出现在亚种这一水平上一个具有很高遗传/群系多样性的北极植物或动物物种,演化历史已经使其具有一种适应不同环境条件的能力,这将使它们能够很快适应未来的环境变化.本土知识(IK)、航空照片和卫星图像表明一些物种的分布已经发生了变化北极植被更加趋向灌木化,而且生长也更加旺盛;北极驯鹿的分布范围最近也发生了变化;一些原来在树线以南区域活动的害虫和鸟类也在北极被发现.与此相对应,大多数在北极地区进行繁殖鸟类的数量却都在下降.根据一些模型的预测,随着气候的变暖,苔原带鸟类的数量将会大幅度地下降.据物种-气候响应模型预测,由于受到气候变暖的影响,北极地区现有物种在未来的潜在分布范围都将大大缩小和向北退缩,而一些无脊椎动物和微生物则很可能会迅速向北扩展到北极地区.  相似文献   
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