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Numerous studies have reported a spectrum of sorption phenomena in soils, sediments, and organic matter isolates of those materials that are inconsistent with a partition model proposed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, a model predicated on a hypothesis that sorption is linear and noncompetitive. To explain these nonideal phenomena, prior studies have proposed a hard-soft (glassy-rubbery) model for SOM (soil and sediment organic matter), while others have attributed them singularly to BC (black carbon: soot and charcoal) particles present in topsoils and sediments. In this study, we demonstrated nonideal sorption behavior (isotherm nonlinearity, competitive effects) for a group of apolar compounds in a large set of natural and model organic materials, including a commercial lignin and humic acids from different sources. Complete oxidation of samples by an acidic dichromate method was taken to signify the absence of BC. (However, polymethylene units are stable even if functionalized on both ends, making the technique unreliable for quantifying BC.) Other samples were inferred free of BC by their source and method of preparation. Characterization by thermalanalytical methods indicated the glassy character of the organic materials. The origin of the nonideal behaviors appears to be the glassy character of these materials. Sorption nonlinearity increased or decreased by changing temperature, cosolvent content, or degree of cross-linking by metal ions as predicted for organic solids in a glassy state. We conclude that macromolecular humic substances in the environment may exhibit nonideal sorption behavior in soils and sediments, quite apart from any such behaviors attributable to BC.  相似文献   
This paper integrates economic, biological, and physical models to explore the efficient combination and spatial allocation of conservation efforts to protect water quality and increase salmonid populations in the Grande Ronde basin, Oregon. We focus on the effects of shade on water temperatures and the subsequent impacts on endangered juvenile salmonid populations. The integrated modeling system consists of a physical model that links riparian conditions and hydrological characteristics to water temperature; a biological model that links water temperature and riparian conditions to salmonid abundance, and an economic model that incorporates both physical and biological models to estimate minimum cost allocations of conservation efforts. Our findings indicate that conservation alternatives such as passive and active riparian restoration, the width of riparian restoration zones, and the types of vegetation used in restoration activities should be selected based on the spatial distribution of riparian characteristics in the basin. The relative effectiveness of passive and active restoration plays an important role in determining the efficient allocations of conservation efforts. The time frame considered in the restoration efforts and the magnitude of desired temperature reductions also affect the efficient combinations of restoration activities. If the objective of conservation efforts is to maximize fish populations, then fishery benefits should be directly targeted. Targeting other criterion such as water temperatures would result in different allocations of conservation efforts, and therefore are not generally efficient.  相似文献   
Research related to the ecological risk management of sediment stress in watersheds is placed under a common conceptual framework in order to help promote the timely advance of decision support methods for aquatic resource managers and watershed-level planning. The proposed risk management research program relies heavily on model development and verification, and should be applied under an adaptive management approach. The framework is centered on using best management practices (BMPs), including eco-restoration. It is designed to encourage the development of numerical representations of the performance of these management options, the integration of this information into sediment transport simulation models that account for uncertainty in both input and output, and would use strategic environmental monitoring to guide sediment-related risk management decisions for mixed land use watersheds. The goal of this project was to provide a sound scientific framework based on recent state of the practice in sediment-related risk assessment and management for research and regulatory activities. As a result, shortcomings in the extant data and measurement and modeling tools were identified that can help determine future research direction. The compilation of information is beneficial to the coordination of related work being conducted within and across entities responsible for managing watershed-scale risks to aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
A two-dimensional model for virus transport in physically and geochemically heterogeneous subsurface porous media is presented. The model involves solution of the advection-dispersion equation, which additionally considers virus inactivation in the solution, as well as virus removal at the solid matrix surface due to attachment (deposition), release, and inactivation. Two surface inactivation models for the fate of attached inactive viruses and their subsequent role on virus attachment and release were considered. Geochemical heterogeneity, portrayed as patches of positively charged metal oxyhydroxide coatings on collector grain surfaces, and physical heterogeneity, portrayed as spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity, were incorporated in the model. Both layered and randomly (log-normally) distributed physical and geochemical heterogeneities were considered. The upstream weighted multiple cell balance method was employed to numerically solve the governing equations of groundwater flow and virus transport. Model predictions show that the presence of subsurface layered geochemical and physical heterogeneity results in preferential flow paths and thus significantly affect virus mobility. Random distributions of physical and geochemical heterogeneity have also notable influence on the virus transport behavior. While the solution inactivation rate was found to significantly influence the virus transport behavior, surface inactivation under realistic field conditions has probably a negligible influence on the overall virus transport. It was further demonstrated that large virus release rates result in extended periods of virus breakthrough over significant distances downstream from the injection sites. This behavior suggests that simpler models that account for virus adsorption through a retardation factor may yield a misleading assessment of virus transport in "hydrogeologically sensitive" subsurface environments.  相似文献   
Organizational transitions may be difficult to implement if employees resist the change. ‘Participation’ and ‘education’ (Kotter and Schlesinger, 1979) are hypothesized to enhance commitment to change, however mechanisms for those effects are unclear. In a sample of employees from seven relocated organizations, a test of our model showed that the effects of justification (a form of education) on intent to remain are mediated by outcome and procedural fairness judgements. Voice (a form of participation) showed no effects on fairness judgments, perhaps because employees did not expect voice in relocation decisions. Supplementary analyses yielded no evidence for direct effects of voice and justification on intention to remain. The findings extend our understanding of fairness to transition settings.  相似文献   
Decisions about energy in developing communities are challenging from a technical standpoint, and because of the unique characteristics that typify them, e.g. limited infrastructure and government budgets, complex social and political arrangements, and economic vulnerability. Against the backdrop of these challenges, the government of Canada's Northwest Territories (NWT) is attempting to reform the region's energy system. This paper provides insights from the decision sciences, stemming from our work on the NWT's energy planning process, about how to structure decisions about energy development and delivery so as to effectively meet a range of stakeholders’ objectives in a transparent and inclusive manner.  相似文献   
Transfer of a Pathogen from Fish to Amphibians   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: Ecological studies of exotic species focus primarily on how invaders directly affect particular resident species. In contrast, little is known about the indirect effects of introduced species on native communities, including how pathogens may be spread by introduced species. We provide evidence suggesting that introduced fish may serve as a vector for a pathogenic oomycete, Saprolegnia ferax , that has been associated with embryonic mortality of amphibians in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, U.S.A. In laboratory experiments, mortality induced by S. ferax was greater in western toad (   Bufo boreas ) embryos exposed directly to hatchery-reared rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) experimentally infected with S. ferax and hatchery-reared trout not experimentally infected than in control embryos. Embryos also developed significant S. ferax infections when raised on soil that was exposed to trout experimentally infected with S. ferax . Furthermore, toad embryos exposed to S. ferax isolated from sites where Saprolegnia outbreaks are common experienced higher mortality than embryos exposed to S. ferax isolated from sites where Saprolegnia outbreaks have not occurred. Given the widespread practice of introducing hatchery-reared fishes, we suggest that fish used in stocking programs could be an important vector for diseases responsible for amphibian losses.  相似文献   
Males of Dawson's burrowing bee are dimorphic in size. Although large (major) males defeat smaller ones in competition for emerging females and therefore are more likely to mate, majors are greatly outnumbered by half-sized (minor) males. Nesting females might produce many minor males, despite their low reproductive value, because female behaviour is governed by a mixed evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), in which case the ratio of majors to minors should not be affected by changes in female condition. In contrast, a conditional-strategy hypothesis predicts that older, wing-worn or stressed females unable to forage efficiently should be especially likely to produce minor offspring, which require less brood provisions. To test these alternative hypotheses, we manipulated the condition of nesting female bees by the addition of weights and the removal of their wing margins. These manipulations, done early in the flight season, failed to increase the production of minor males, a result consistent with the mixed-ESS hypothesis. However, unmanipulated females were far more likely to produce minor males if they were small or if they were nesting late in the season, when foraging conditions had deteriorated, findings that are consistent with a conditional provisioning strategy. Thus it appears that the abundance of minor males is the result of a conditional provisioning strategy of nesting females, which may be superimposed on a fixed tendency to produce large offspring early in the season and small ones later.  相似文献   
Do kin always make better neighbours?: The effects of territory quality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The effects of territory quality on kin-biased territorial defence behaviour and fitness of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were examined by manipulating food and predation risk levels in an artificial stream channel. Groups of related (full sibling) or unrelated fry were observed in the channel under one of four treatments: (1) high food-low predator (high territory quality); (2) high food-high predator; (3) low food-low predator; and (4) low food-high predator (low territory quality). Fish within kin groups always initiated fewer aggressive interactions, defended smaller territories, exhibited higher proportions of threat type territorial defence behaviours (as opposed to overtly aggressive behaviours) and had a higher mean weight increase than non-kin groups. Within both kin and non-kin groups, decreasing territory quality significantly increased the frequency of aggressive interactions, the size of territories and decreased growth. It is argued that while kin-biased territorial defence behaviours are always present, decreased availability of resources and increased predation risk serve to reduce the magnitude of this kin bias. However, even in low-quality territories, the benefit of associating with kin may increase the probability of overwintering survival (increased fitness) of the young fish by increasing body size.  相似文献   
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