At the smallest scales of sediment transport in rivers, the coherent structures of the turbulent boundary layer constitute the fundamental mechanisms of bedload transport, locally increasing the instantaneous hydrodynamic forces acting on sediment particles, and mobilizing them downstream. Near the critical threshold for initiating sediment motion, the interactions of the particles with these unsteady coherent structures and with other sediment grains, produce localized transport events with brief episodes of collective motion occurring due to the near-bed velocity fluctuations. Simulations of these flows pose a significant challenge for numerical models aimed at capturing the physical processes and complex non-linear interactions that generate highly intermittent and self-similar bedload transport fluxes. In this investigation we carry out direct numerical simulations of the flow in a rectangular flat-bed channel, at a Reynolds number equal to Re = 3632, coupled with the discrete element method to simulate the dynamics of spherical particles near the bed. We perform two-way coupled Lagrangian simulations of 48,510 sediment particles, with 4851 fixed particles to account for bed roughness. Our simulations consider a total of eight different values of the non-dimensional Shields parameter to study the evolution of transport statistics. From the trajectory and velocity of each sediment particle, we compute the changes in the probability distribution functions of velocities, bed activity, and jump lengths as the Shields number increases. For the lower shear stresses, the intermittency of the global bedload transport flux is described by computing the singularity or multifr actal spectrum of transport, which also characterizes the widespread range of transport event magnitudes. These findings can help to identify the mechanisms of sediment transport at the particle scale. The statistical analysis can also be used as an ingredient to develop larger, upscaled models for predicting mean transport rates, considering the variability of entrainment and deposition that characterizes the transport near the threshold of motion. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with sampling submicrometer particles in perisonic flows. The study employed a high volume (30-45 L/min) condensation aerosol generator to produce stearic acid particles having a mean diameter of 0.8μm and a geometric standard deviation of 1.28. The aerosol was diluted with dry air and accelerated to Mach 0.6, 0.8, 1.26, or 1.47 through a flow nozzle. Aerosol mass concentrations were determined using a small bore probe in the jet and by a large bore probe sampling isokinetically upstream of the jet nozzle. The results of both samples were compared to compute the sampling error associated with I ho high spood jot sample. The mass of stearic acid colloctod on polycarbonate mombrono flltors was determined by gravimoirlc and chromalogrophlc mothods. Studies at Mach 0.8 with four sampling probes having Inlet wall to bore area ratios ranging from 3.8 to 0.28 (a knife edge) demonstrated that probe wall thickness effects are not significant when the sample is extracted isokinetically. Subisokinetic experiments using the knife edged probe showed relative errors of 124 ± 12% when sampling at 2 0% of the isokinetic condition. The subisokinetic results are compared favorably with the extended empirical results of other authors. For the supersonic cases it is shown that the subsonic velocity downstream of the sampling probe bow shock can be used in estimating the sampling error. 相似文献
The generation of transient puffs resulting from the batch introduction of liquid waste into a 73 kW (250,000 Btu/h) rotary kiln incinerator simulator was investigated. The liquid was added onto a sorbent, enclosed in cylindrical cardboard containers that were introduced into the combustion chamber one at a time. A statistically designed parametric investigation determined the effects of liquid mass, liquid composition, kiln temperature, and kiln rotation speed on the total magnitude and instantaneous intensity of the pollutant puff leaving the kiln. Liquid "wastes" investigated included toluene, methylene chloride, carbon tetrachloride, and No. 5 fuel oil. Transient puffs from these wastes were monitored using on-line measurements for FID-measurable hydrocarbons, CO, and integrated particulate filter loadings, although the suitability of any one of these indicators depended on the chemical nature of the waste involved. Results demonstrate that puffs formed during transient conditions are generated easily, even with small quantities of wastes and with the kiln operating at 100 percent excess air. High kiln temperatures and increased kiln rotation speeds exacerbated the generation of puffs, due to increased liquid evaporation rates. Transient puffs may contain hazardous products of incomplete combustion (PICs) even though adequate destruction and removal efficiencies are achieved. Mixtures of chlorinated and nonchlorinated principal organic hazardous constituents (POHCs) in the waste can lead to the formation of more diverse chlorinated compounds than are formed from a single chlorinated POHC such as carbon tetrachloride alone. This paper is the second of a series. Its companion paper, Part I, which has been published previously,1 is concerned with solid plastic wastes. 相似文献
Cold heavy oil production with sands (CHOPS) is a common oil extraction method in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan that can result in significant methane emissions due to annular venting. Little is known about the magnitude of these emissions, nor their contributions to the regional methane budget. Here the authors present the results of field measurements of methane emissions from CHOPS wells and compare them with self-reported venting rates. The tracer ratio method was used not only to analyze total site emissions but at one site it was also used to locate primary emission sources and quantify their contributions to the facility-wide emission rate, revealing the annular vent to be a dominant source. Emissions measured from five different CHOPS sites in Alberta showed large discrepancies between the measured and reported rates, with emissions being mainly underreported. These methane emission rates are placed in the context of current reporting procedures and the role that gas-oil ratio (GOR) measurements play in vented volume estimates. In addition to methane, emissions of higher hydrocarbons were also measured; a chemical “fingerprint” associated with CHOPS wells in this region reveals very low emission ratios of ethane, propane, and aromatics versus methane. The results of this study may inform future studies of CHOPS sites and aid in developing policy to mitigate regional methane emissions.
Implications: Methane measurements from cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) sites identify annular venting to be a potentially major source of emissions at these facilities. The measured emission rates are generally larger than reported by operators, with uncertainty in the gas-oil ratio (GOR) possibly playing a large role in this discrepancy. These results have potential policy implications for reducing methane emissions in Alberta in order to achieve the Canadian government’s goal of reducing methane emissions by 40–45% below 2012 levels within 8 yr. 相似文献
Motivated by shallow ocean waves propagating over coral reefs, we investigate the drift velocities due to surface wave motion in an effectively inviscid fluid that overlies a saturated porous bed of finite depth. Previous work in this area either neglects the large-scale flow between layers (Phillips in Flow and reactions in permeable rocks, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991) or only considers the drift above the porous layer (Monismith in Ann Rev Fluid Mech 39:37–55, 2007). Overcoming these limitations, we propose a model where flow is described by a velocity potential above the porous layer and by Darcy’s law in the porous bed, with derived matching conditions at the interface between the two layers. Both a horizontal and a novel vertical drift effect arise from the damping of the porous bed, which requires the use of a complex wavenumber k. This is in contrast to the purely horizontal second-order drift first derived by Stokes (Trans Camb Philos Soc 8:441–455, 1847) when working with solely a pure fluid layer. Our work provides a physical model for coral reefs in shallow seas, where fluid drift both above and within the reef is vitally important for maintaining a healthy reef ecosystem (Koehl et al. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, vol 2, pp 1087–1092, 1997; Monismith in Ann Rev Fluid Mech 39:37–55, 2007). We compare our model with field measurements by Koehl and Hadfield (J Mar Syst 49:75–88, 2004) and also explain the vertical drift effects as documented by Koehl et al. (Mar Ecol Prog Ser 335:1–18, 2007), who measured the exchange between a coral reef layer and the (relatively shallow) sea above.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service has recommended domestic cattle grazing exclusion from riparian corridors for decades. This recommendation was based on a belief that domestic cattle grazing would typically destroy stream bank vegetation and in-channel habitat. Continuous grazing (CG) has caused adverse environmental damage, but along cohesive-sediment stream banks of disturbed catchments in southeastern Minnesota, short-duration grazing (SDG), a rotational grazing system, may offer a better riparian management practice than CG. Over 30 physical and biological metrics were gathered at 26 sites to evaluate differences between SDG, CG, and nongrazed sites (NG). Ordinations produced with nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) indicated a gradient with a benthic macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity (IBI) and riparian site management; low IBI scores associated with CG sites and higher IBI scores associated with NG sites. Nongrazed sites were associated with reduced soil compaction and higher bank stability, as measured by the Pfankuch stability index; whereas CG sites were associated with increased soil compaction and lower bank stability, SDG sites were intermediate. Bedrock geology influenced NMS results: sites with carbonate derived cobble were associated with more stable channels and higher IBI scores. Though current riparian grazing practices in southeastern Minnesota present pollution problems, short duration grazing could reduce sediment pollution if managed in an environmentally sustainable fashion that considers stream channel response. 相似文献
In May and September, 2002, 14 private residential drinking water wells, one dewatering well at a lignite mine, eight surface
water sites, and lignite from an active coal mine were sampled in five Parishes of northwestern Louisiana, USA. Using a geographic
information system (GIS), wells were selected that were likely to draw water that had been in contact with lignite; control
wells were located in areas devoid of lignite deposits. Well water samples were analyzed for pH, conductivity, organic compounds,
and nutrient and anion concentrations. All samples were further tested for presence of fungi (cultures maintained for up to
28 days and colonies counted and identified microscopically) and for metal and trace element concentration by inductively-coupled
plasma mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry. Surface water samples were tested for dissolved oxygen and presence
of pathogenic leptospiral bacteria. The Spearman correlation method was used to assess the association between the endpoints
for these field/laboratory analyses and incidence of cancer of the renal pelvis (RPC) based on data obtained from the Louisiana
Tumor Registry for the five Parishes included in the study. Significant associations were revealed between the cancer rate
and the presence in drinking water of organic compounds, the fungi Zygomycetes, the nutrients PO4 and NH3, and 13 chemical elements. Presence of human pathogenic leptospires was detected in four out of eight (50%) of the surface
water sites sampled. The present study of a stable rural population examined possible linkages between aquifers containing
chemically reactive lignite deposits, hydrologic conditions favorable to the␣leaching and transport of toxic organic compounds
from the lignite into the groundwater, possible microbial contamination, and RPC risk. 相似文献
A field study was conducted to evaluate the effects of exotic earthworm invasions on the rates of leaf litter disappearance in a northern hardwood forest in southcentral New York, USA. Specifically, we assessed whether differences in litter quality and the species composition of exotic earthworm communities affected leaf litter disappearance rates. Two forest sites with contrasting communities of exotic earthworms were selected, and disappearance rates of sugar maple and red oak litter were estimated in litter boxes in adjacent earthworm-free, transition, and earthworm-invaded plots within each site. After 540 days in the field, 1.7-3 times more litter remained in the reference plots than in the earthworm-invaded plots. In the earthworm-invaded plots, rates of disappearance of sugar maple litter were higher than for oak litter during the first year, but by the end of the experiment, the amount of sugar maple and oak litter remaining in the earthworm-invaded plots was identical within each site. The composition of the earthworm communities significantly affected the patterns of litter disappearance. In the site dominated by the anecic earthworm Lumbricus terrestris and the endogeic Aporrectodea tuberculata, the percentage of litter remaining after 540 days (approximately 17%) was significantly less than at the site dominated by L. rubellus and Octolasion tyrtaeum (approximately 27%). This difference may be attributed to the differences in feeding behavior of the two litter-feeding species: L. terrestris buries entire leaves in vertical burrows, whereas L. rubellus usually feeds on litter at the soil surface, leaving behind leaf petioles and veins. Our results showed that earthworms not only accelerate litter disappearance rates, but also may reduce the differences in decomposition rates that result from different litter qualities at later stages of decay. Similarly, our results indicate that earthworm effects on decomposition vary with earthworm community composition. Furthermore, because earthworm invasion can involve a predictable shift in community structure along invasion fronts or through time, the community dynamics of invasion are important in predicting the spatial and temporal effects of earthworm invasion on litter decomposition, especially at later stages of decay. 相似文献
A comprehensive experimental investigation for an inclined ($60^{\circ }$ to vertical) dense jet in perpendicular crossflow—with a three-dimensional trajectory—is reported. The detailed tracer concentration field in the vertical cross-section of the bent-over jet is measured by the laser-induced fluorescence technique for a wide range of jet densimetric Froude number $Fr$ and ambient to jet velocity ratios $U_r$. The jet trajectory and dilution determined from a large number of cross-sectional scalar fields are interpreted by the Lagrangian model over the entire range of jet-dominated to crossflow-dominated regimes. The mixing during the ascent phase of the dense jet resembles that of an advected jet or line puff and changes to a negatively buoyant thermal on descent. It is found that the mixing behavior is governed by a crossflow Froude number $\mathbf{F} = U_r Fr$. For $\mathbf{F} < 0.8$, the mixing is jet-dominated and governed by shear entrainment; significant detrainment occurs and the maximum height of rise $Z_{max}$ is under-predicted as in the case of a dense jet in stagnant fluid. While the jet trajectory in the horizontal momentum plane is well-predicted, the measurements indicate a greater rise and slower descent. For $\mathbf{F} \ge 0.8$ the dense jet becomes significantly bent-over during its ascent phase; the jet mixing is dominated by vortex entrainment. For $\mathbf{F} \ge 2$, the detrainment ceases to have any effect on the jet behavior. The jet trajectory in both the horizontal momentum and buoyancy planes are well predicted by the model. Despite the under-prediction of terminal rise, the jet dilution at a large number of cross-sections covering the ascent and descent of the dense jet are well-predicted. Both the terminal rise and the initial dilution for the inclined jet in perpendicular crossflow are smaller than those of a corresponding vertical jet. Both the maximum terminal rise $Z_{max}$ and horizontal lateral penetration $Y_{max}$ follow a $\mathbf{F}^{-1/2}$ dependence in the crossflow-dominated regime. The initial dilution at terminal rise follows a $S \sim \mathbf{F}^{1/3}$ dependence. 相似文献