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To evaluate spatial variability of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and to elucidate their determining factors on a field-scale basis, N2O fluxes and various soil properties were evaluated in a 100- x 100-m onion (Allium cepa L.) field. Nitrous oxide fluxes were determined by a closed chamber method from the one-hundred 10- x 10-m plots. Physical (e.g., bulk density and water content), chemical (e.g., total N and pH), and biological (e.g., microbial biomass C and N) properties were determined from surface soil samples (0-0.1 m) of each plot. Geostatistical analysis was performed to examine spatial variability of both N2O fluxes and soil properties. Multivariate analysis was also conducted to elucidate relationships between soil properties and observed fluxes. Nitrous oxide fluxes were highly variable (average 331 microg N m(-2) h(-1), CV 217%) and were log-normally distributed. Log-transformed N2O fluxes had moderate spatial dependence with a range of >75 m. High N2O fluxes were observed at sites with relatively low elevation. Multivariate analysis indicated that an organic matter factor and a pH factor of the principal component analysis were the main soil-related determining factors of log-transformed N2O fluxes. By combining multivariate analysis with geostatistics, a map of predicted N2O fluxes closely matched the spatial pattern of measured fluxes. The regression equation based on the soil properties explained 56% of the spatially structured variation of the log-transformed N2O fluxes. Site-specific management to regulate organic matter content and water status of a soil could be a promising means of reducing N2O emissions from agricultural fields.  相似文献   
The majority of untouched natural boreal forests have been regenerated through large catastrophes, occurring by intervals between 50 and 100 years. Storm and fire will open the landscape, result in a huge amount of dead or dying trees and let the pioneer tree species germinate. These processes are the guideline for Finnish forest management today.The main focus by maintaining the biodiversity in Finnish boreal forest zone is directed to managed forests. Nature-orientated silviculture on stand level is practised. The site type classification, a reflection of the modern concept of biodiversity and developed by Cajander early in 1900s, on the basis of natural vegetation composition of the site, has the central role by choosing tree species, regeneration methods and thinning procedure, and reflects also on the site productivity. The small size of stands, the abundance of natural seedlings in planted stands and the popularity of mixed stands have a positive impact on biodiversity of forests. The protection of small-sized valuable habitats in commercially managed stands, the leaving of retention trees standing and lying in the forest in all phases of the rotation, are activities made for biodiversity. Many insects and fungi are adapted to catastrophes and so they can survive in single stems left on regeneration areas. Maintaining the biodiversity in multifunctional forests is also supported by the new forest legislation and by the criteria of Finnish Forest Certification System.  相似文献   
In situ trampling occurred under experimental conditions to quantify the differences in the responses to anthropogenic trampling in four dominant species of Hawaiian corals, Porites compressa, Porites lobata, Montipora capitata, and Pocillopora meandrina. Trampling was simulated daily for a period of nine days at which time further breakage was minimal. Forty treatment colonies produced 559 fragments. Trampling was followed by an 11-month recovery period. Coral colony and fragment mortality was low. All four species were highly tolerant of inflicted damage, suggesting that some species of corals can withstand limited pulse events that allow time for recovery. Growth rates following trampling were significantly lower in the treatment groups for three of the four species. This study demonstrated that very few trampling events can produce significant changes in growth even after a long recovery period. Survivorship of fragments is clearly size- and species-dependent in M. capitata and P. compressa. Smaller fragments (<5 cm) had higher mortality than larger fragments (>5 cm). High breakage rates for M. capitata and P. compressa are consistent with the nearshore, low-energy regions they inhabit—the same environment frequented by skin divers and waders. Mechanical tests were conducted to determine tensile and compressive strengths. Pocillopora meandrina exhibited the strongest skeletal strength, followed in decreasing order by Porites lobata, Porites compressa, and Montipora capitata. The skeletal strength obtained from the experiments correlate with the wave energy present in the environments in the regions they inhabit, suggesting that structural strength of corals is an adaptive response to hydraulic stress.  相似文献   
Discharge of WHO toxicity equivalents (TEQs) of PCDF/PCDDs to Frierfjorden, Norway has been reduced from an estimated sum of 50-100 kg in the period 1951-1975 to about 6-7 kg in 1976-1990, and further to about 20 g for 1991-2000. In accordance with this, the yearly monitoring since 1987 has shown considerably decreasing contamination in organisms, first highly significant in all indicator species from 1990 to 1991, then levelling off. Present concentrations thus are still high. Compared with estimated "high background" (reference) concentrations of 10 ng TEQ(PCDF/PCDD)/kg w.w. in liver of cod and in hepatopancreas ("brown meat") of crabs, Frierfjord samples in 2001 were about 60 and 70 times higher, respectively. With considerable uncertainty due to large fluctuations, the rate of yearly decrease for TEQ(PCDF/PCDD) in cod liver 1991-2001 has been calculated to 10-12%. A hypothetic target value of 50 ng TEQ/kg w.w. will not be reached until 2015-2020, possibly even later. Including contributions from dioxin-like PCBs and PCNs, the weekly maximum tolerable amount of cod liver and crab hepatopancreas from Frierfjorden in 2001 were about 2-3 g. Multivariate analysis of PCDF/PCDD congener profiles in four fish species, mussels and crabs resulted in five distinct groups, separating four of the species and grouping the remaining two together, hence demonstrating examples of species specific accumulation characteristics.  相似文献   
The major source of dioxin impurities in Japan in the past was agrochemical formulations; more recently, it has been exhaust from waste incinerators. To examine the environmental and genetic factors that influence blood dioxin concentration, we investigated the relationship among dioxin concentrations, dietary habits and cytochorome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) polymorphisms (MspI type and Ile-Val type) in Japanese fishermen and farmers, including also a group of office workers as controls. The mean dioxin concentrations in the fishermen, the farmers and the controls were 161369, 79079 and 100500 pg/g fat, respectively. The elevated dioxin concentration with polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and coplanar-PCBs found in the fishermen may be due to the frequent consumption of fish; no such relationship was found both in the farmers and the controls. We found that the concentrations of congeners found as impurities in certain chemicals such as those previously used in agriculture showed no significant differences among the three groups; we consider it unlikely that the farmers would be directly exposed to dioxins from such chemicals. Thus, it is probable that the primary route of dioxin exposure in the Japanese population is through the food chain via fish consumption, regardless of occupation. No meaningful relationship between blood dioxin concentration and CYP1A1 polymorphisms was found in this study, although there was a significant difference between the concentration of total non-ortho-PCBs in genotypes A and B. Further studies on more subjects, including those of genotype C, are needed to confirm the relationship between blood dioxin concentrations and MspI polymorphisms.  相似文献   
A simple and rapid method for the extraction and cleanup of dioxins from house dust was developed using an accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) method and a multi-layer silica-gel cartridge. It was found that the WHO-TEQ levels of dioxins extracted from the house dust obtained by both a conventional soxhlet extraction and the ASE were almost equal, when the data obtained by both methods were compared. As for the cleanup method, a multi-layer silica-gel cartridge yielded higher dioxin recoveries than the alkaline digestion method. The average values of the dioxins in house dust from Kumagaya city and Sendai city in Japan (Sendai city is bigger than Kumagaya city with respect to the population and industry), were 15.6 pg TEQ/g (8.6-26.0 pg TEQ/g, n=5, Kumagaya city) and 16.0 pg TEQ/g (5.9-30.5 pg TEQ/g, n=5, Sendai city), respectively.  相似文献   
Levels of eight PCB congeners and thirteen organochlorine pesticides were measured in eggs sampled at four yellow-legged gull colonies from the Aegean Sea (NorthEastern Mediterranean) in 1997. There were no significant differences among colony areas in the median concentrations in any of the pollutants whereas cluster analyses did not generally reveal reasonable pollution patterns. The maximum concentrations of four congeners were found at Kinaros colony and of nine compounds were found at Lipsos colony. Fingerprints in both groups were similar in all areas. Of PCBs, congener 28, 118, 138, 180 and of pesticides beta-BHC and 2,4'-DDD were prominently dominant suggesting a particular pollution pattern in this region. Statistically significant correlations were found between most of the higher PCBs in all areas studied. The DDT metabolites correlated mostly with other OCs. We suggest that regional pollution by both groups is not adequately reflected in the eggs of this gull probably due to its extensive scavenging habits and, though information is needed from more colonies, it seems to be a poor biomonitor for organochlorines in this region.  相似文献   
Sewage influents and effluents of different urban areas of Greece, were analyzed for polar pharmaceutical residues, used in human medicine. Drugs investigated were the anti-inflammatory drugs diclofenac and ibuprofen, the metabolite of the drugs clofibrates used as blood lipid regulators, clofibric acid and the analgesics phenazone and propyphenazone. Analysis was carried out using capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring. The method used was involved solid phase extraction (C(18)) and derivatization with pentafluorobenzyl bromide. Diclofenac was detected in every sewage effluent sample.  相似文献   
Decisions on appropriate countermeasures in the case of a contamination of large areas due to fallout from a weapon's detonations or a serious reactor or reprocessing plant accident depend on fallout level and the time period required for the exposure levels to fall below a given intervention limit. This is particularly relevant for countermeasures with high costs and substantial consequences to the population involved, such as relocation or soil perturbation. Natural processes which result in a decrease in activity concentrations in foodstuffs and external exposure with time, are least detrimental to the soil among all countermeasures proposed for rehabilitation of contaminated areas. The impact of these natural self-healing effects (soil sustainability) on the temporal activity reduction in foodstuffs, as well as their effect on the time period required for exposure levels to decrease to sufficiently low levels to allow unrestricted re-utilization and re-settlement of the land, are discussed. Depending on the type of foodstuff, in Central Europe this temporal decrease follows an effective half life of about 0.25-1.3 y from first to second year after fallout, followed by a decrease in milk with an effective half-life of 1-2 y in the next 7 y and about 5 y thereafter, while in cereals and vegetables in Austria a decrease by 2.3 y and in fruit by 1.3 y over a period of more than a decade is observed. In contrast, the decrease in foodstuffs derived from semi-natural environs is much slower by an effective half-life of roughly 8 y. The time-span for adequate recovery of a contaminated territory, therefore, depends on the fallout level and the radionuclides involved and the contribution of natural and semi-natural derived foodstuffs to the diet. It is shown that for 137Cs and a typical Central European diet the time span amounts to about 1 y for a deposition of 300 kBq m(-2) and to about 10 y for a deposition of 10,000 kBq m(-2). Thus it is demonstrated that natural restoration effects may contribute significantly to the environmentally safe and sustainable resettlement of an area substantially contaminated with fission products.  相似文献   
人口密度对森林火灾发生频率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人类活动是引发森林火灾的主要原因之一,在中国、日本等国家,90%以上的森林火灾是由人为因素引起的。为了量化人类活动对森林火灾的影响,本文基于日本的三级网格系统,对日本全国范围内近年来的森林火灾数据、土地利用率数据和人口密度数据进行了综合分析,研究了人口密度对火灾发生频率的定量影响规律。结果表明:森林火灾发生频率与人口密度之间呈现出幂律关系,经过一步的分析,发现两者之间存在具有边界效应的简单关系,即渐近幂律分布。本文的研究结果对于森林火灾的防治,特别是对于火险的预测具有实用意义。  相似文献   
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