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A soil profile from 0 to 90 cm was collected in an undisturbeded area of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Five centimeter increments of the profile were analyzed for 234,238U, 226Ra, 210Pb and 210Po. The factors affecting the activity distribution of these naturally-occurring radionuclides are discussed for this particular soil type.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the effect of numerous regulations enforced since 1985 to improve air quality on ozone in Europe with the focus on Switzerland, using the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx) for a specific summer period. Several emission scenarios for the year 2010 were also considered. The model results suggest that the emission reductions of ozone precursors should have been effective to reduce ozone production between 1985 and 2000 in northern Switzerland. However, observations do not indicate any significant change in surface ozone levels since early 1990s, except in the region of Zurich where there is a small negative trend. On the other hand, the model predictions match very well the spatial variability of the trends but the calculated trends are around 0.5 ppb year−1 lower than those observed. This difference is similar to the background ozone increase as suggested by the long-term observations at the high Alpine station Jungfraujoch. These results support the hypothesis that the decrease in local ozone production due to emission reductions might have been partly or completely compensated by the simultaneous increase in the background ozone. In 2010, a strict application of the Gothenburg Protocol in Europe would lead to a decrease in peak ozone concentrations by about 5% in Switzerland under the meteorological conditions applied. Our calculations also indicated that emission controls only in Switzerland would not be very effective to improve the air quality in the future. The further development of the background ozone will in any case be very important for the tropospheric ozone levels.  相似文献   
We used multiple linear regression analysis to investigate relationships between late-summer epilimnion thickness, transparency, lake area, acidity and summer weather conditions in a large ($n = 116$) multi-year data set for 9 small Boreal Shield lakes. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was the best individual predictor of late summer epilimnion thickness ($r^{2} = 0.69$). Total chlorophyll~$a$, the number of days between ice-out and late-summer stratification, and lake area collectively explained an additional 14% of the variation in epilimnion thickness. The three attributes of summer weather that we examined, mean daily temperature, mean daily wind speed, and mean daily hours of bright sunshine, did not add to the predictive ability of our regression model. Lake acidity also did not add directly to the predictive ability of the model, likely because DOC concentrations already reflected the effects of pH. Our study supports an increasing body of evidence indicating that the dominant effects of climate change on lake thermal structure in small lakes will be through effects on processes that affect lake transparency.  相似文献   
北美洲SO2排放量的减少激起了人们对加拿大东南部的水生态系统能迅速摆脱酸化的状态的期待.但是只有那些明显减少了排放量的冶炼厂附近的湖泊达到了这种期望值.在临近大西洋的省份魁北克和安大略,受远程污染源影响的湖泊的硫酸根离子(SO2- 4)浓度都有一定降低,但pH和碱度则仅有较少量的提高.对于这种延迟的酸度响应,有如下几种因素可以解释:碱基阳离子含量的下降,干旱加速SO2- 4的迁移,水体内部碱性物质生成机制遭到破坏;同时硝酸盐和有机阴离子含量的提高也可能是其中的原因.对加拿大东南部生物恢复的监测资料非常有限,即使有的话,在萨德伯里(Sudbury)和基拉尼(Killarney)地区以外也很难找到恢复的证据.比如,尽管除了酸化作用外其他因素也对上述现象有一定影响,新思科舍河中的大西洋鲑鱼出现率和安大略湖潜鸟的繁殖成功率实际上正在下降.化学和生物学模型预测,只有比目前法规要求严格的多的SO2排放削减额才能促进广泛的化学恢复和其后的生物恢复,而在加拿大东南部的众多湖泊中重建工业化前的化学与生物学条件或许很难实现.  相似文献   
The unsaturated zone plays a major role in elemental fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. A representative chemical analysis of soil pore water is required for the interpretation of soil chemical phenomena and particularly to assess Trace Elements (TEs) mobility. This requires an optimal sampling system to avoid modification of the extracted soil water chemistry and allow for an accurate estimation of solute fluxes. In this paper, the chemical composition of soil solutions sampled by Rhizon® samplers connected to a standard syringe was compared to two other types of suction probes (Rhizon®?+?vacuum tube and Rhizon®?+?diverted flow system). We investigated the effects of different vacuum application procedures on concentrations of spiked elements (Cr, As, Zn) mixed as powder into the first 20 cm of 100-cm columns and non-spiked elements (Ca, Na, Mg) concentrations in two types of columns (SiO2 sand and a mixture of kaolinite?+?SiO2 sand substrates). Rhizon® was installed at different depths. The metals concentrations showed that (i) in sand, peak concentrations cannot be correctly sampled, thus the flux cannot be estimated, and the errors can easily reach a factor 2; (ii) in sand?+?clay columns, peak concentrations were larger, indicating that they could be sampled but, due to sorption on clay, it was not possible to compare fluxes at different depths. The different samplers tested were not able to reflect the elemental flux to groundwater and, although the Rhizon®?+?syringe device was more accurate, the best solution remains to be the use of a lysimeter, whose bottom is kept continuously at a suction close to the one existing in the soil.  相似文献   
Necromass stocks account for up to 20% of carbon stored in tropical forests and have been estimated to be 14-19% of the annual aboveground carbon flux. Both stocks and fluxes of necromass are infrequently measured. In this study, we directly measured the production of fallen coarse necromass (> or = 2 cm diameter) during 4.5 years using repeated surveys in undisturbed forest areas and in forests subjected to reduced-impact logging at the Tapajos National Forest, Belterra, Brazil (3.08 degrees S, 54.94 degrees W). We also measured fallen coarse necromass and standing dead stocks at two times during our study. The mean (SE) annual flux into the fallen coarse necromass pool in undisturbed forest of 6.7 (0.8) Mg x ha(-1) x yr(-1) was not significantly different from the flux under a reduced-impact logging of 8.5 (1.3) Mg x ha(-1) x yr(-1) With the assumption of steady state, the instantaneous decomposition constants for fallen necromass in undisturbed forests were 0.12 yr(-1) for large, 0.33 yr(-1) for medium, and 0.47 yr(-1) for small size classes. The mass weighted decomposition constant was 0.15 yr(-1) for all fallen coarse necromass. Standing dead wood had a residence time of 4.2 years, and approximately 0.9 Mg x ha(-1) x yr(-1) of this pool was respired annually to the atmosphere through decomposition. Coarse necromass decomposition at our study site accounted for 12% of total carbon remineralization, and total aboveground coarse necromass was 14% of the aboveground biomass. Use of mortality rates to calculate production of coarse necromass leads to an underestimation of coarse necromass production by 45%, suggesting that nonlethal disturbance such as branch fall contributes significantly to this flux. Coarse necromass production is an important component of the tropical forest carbon cycle that has been neglected in most previous studies or erroneously estimated.  相似文献   
通过综合采用古湖泊学技术和分子遗传技术重现汉纳(Hannah)湖--个从工业酸化、金属污染及动物灭绝中恢复的湖泊--中水蚤属(Daphnia)群落组成的长期型式.像许多浮游动物一样,水蚤属可以产出能生存几十年,甚至一百年以上的滞育卵.然而,过去20年D.mendotae在汉纳湖中的出现可能是从其他附近湖泊扩散的结果,而不是从沉积物卵库移居而来的.我们利用聚合酶连锁反应(PCR),单股构象多形现象(SSCP)以及排序进行的成因测试结果表明,D.mendotae滞育卵在过去250年沉积物记录中没有发现,在该地区金属冶炼作业之前,该生物群落由D.pulicaria控制.在湖泊化学复原之后这一物种的变化与早期湖泊酸性的历史变化一致.在汉纳湖的整个远古历史中,环境波动可能决定了群落组成.将这一分子一古湖泊学方法扩展到其他湖泊应该有助于更准确地阐述生物复原过程.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity might increase the performance of social groups by improving task efficiency or disease resistance, but direct experimental tests of these hypotheses are rare. We manipulated the level of genetic diversity in colonies of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile, and then recorded the short-term task efficiency of these experimental colonies. The efficiency of low and high genetic diversity colonies did not differ significantly for any of the following tasks: exploring a new territory, foraging, moving to a new nest site, or removing corpses. The tests were powerful enough to detect large effects, but may have failed to detect small differences. Indeed, observed effect sizes were generally small, except for the time to create a trail during nest emigration. In addition, genetic diversity had no statistically significant impact on the number of workers, males and females produced by the colony, but these tests had low power. Higher genetic diversity also did not result in lower variance in task efficiency and productivity. In contrast to genetic diversity, colony size was positively correlated with the efficiency at performing most tasks and with colony productivity. Altogether, these results suggest that genetic diversity does not strongly improve short-term task efficiency in L. humile, but that worker number is a key factor determining the success of this invasive species.Communicated by L. Sundström  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the oral bioavailability of lead in soil collected from a former smelter site in Sandy, Utah, USA. Sprague-Dawley rats (approximately 4 weeks of age, 5 of each sex in group) were given either soil lead or lead acetate mixed in a purified diet (AIN-93G ) at four different concentrations for 31 consecutive days. Food consumption measurements were used to compute mean daily lead exposures for the soil lead and lead acetate groups. The lead acetate treatment yielded higher concentrations of lead in the blood and bone than the soil lead treatment. Mean blood lead values ranged from below the detection limit (3 g dL–1) to 27.25 g lead dL–1 for the lead acetate groups at dose levels of 0.10–2.91 mg lead kg body weight–1 and from below the detection limit to 8.8 g lead dL–1 for the soil lead groups at doses of 0.11–3.43 mg lead kg body weight–1. At these same doses, mean bone values ranged from 0.52 to 26.92 g lead g–1 for the lead acetate groups and from 0.64 to 13.1 g lead g–1 for the soil lead groups. Relative per cent bioavailability was estimated by modelling the dose-blood concentration curves for the lead acetate treatment and the dosed soil lead treatment, and then comparing doses that produce an equivalent blood lead concentration. The ratio of the doses of lead acetate and soil lead that produced the same tissue response (i.e., concentration) provided an index of relative bioavailability. For lead, the bioavailability of soil lead relative to lead acetate was 41% at a blood concentration of 6 g lead dL–1.  相似文献   
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