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The literature on noncompliant firms in transferable emissions permit systems offers little guidance to policymakers that must determine how to commit resources to monitor firms and punish violations in such systems. We consider how a budget-constrained enforcement authority that seeks to minimize aggregate noncompliance in a transferable emissions permit system should allocate its monitoring and enforcement efforts among heterogeneous firms. With a conventional model of firm behavior in a transferable permit system, we find that differences in the allocation of monitoring and enforcement effort between any two types of firms should be independent of differences in their exogenous characteristics.  相似文献   
As a further step in developing a systems model of privacy, variables involved in the process of achieving a condition of privacy were examined cross-culturally. Subjects were students from Ireland, Senegal and the United States. Striking commonalities were found in the reasons why subjects required privacy, the affect that was associated with a desire for privacy, the definition of privacy as a condition of the person, the duration of the average privacy experience and the change in affect at the completion of the experience which supported the suggestion that privacy has a therapeutic effect. Within culture, variability was associated with age, gender and in the case of Senegal, with income. Between culture, variability was hardly noticeable. The majority of the subjects in each culture believed that not being disturbed was the most important element of privacy and grief, fatigue and need to focus were the main affective sets associated with seeking privacy. It is believed that several universals have been identified which may be used in later research, and that the study supports a systems-based model of privacy.  相似文献   
Projecting the consequences of warming and sea-ice loss for Arctic marine food web and fisheries is challenging due to the intricate relationships between biology and ice. We used StrathE2EPolar, an end-to-end (microbes-to-megafauna) food web model incorporating ice-dependencies to simulate climate-fisheries interactions in the Barents Sea. The model was driven by output from the NEMO-MEDUSA earth system model, assuming RCP 8.5 atmospheric forcing. The Barents Sea was projected to be > 95% ice-free all year-round by the 2040s compared to > 50% in the 2010s, and approximately 2 °C warmer. Fisheries management reference points (FMSY and BMSY) for demersal fish (cod, haddock) were projected to increase by around 6%, indicating higher productivity. However, planktivorous fish (capelin, herring) reference points were projected to decrease by 15%, and upper trophic levels (birds, mammals) were strongly sensitive to planktivorous fish harvesting. The results indicate difficult trade-offs ahead, between harvesting and conservation of ecosystem structure and function.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01616-9.  相似文献   
Musculoskeletal pain is a common occupational hazard experienced by surgeons. Ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeons are predisposed to neck and back pain due to regular prolonged microscopic work. We conducted a prospective pilot study to investigate the effects of sustained microscopic work on the neck and back, its correlation to surgical experience and to assess the benefits of a prototype postural support chair (PSC) amongst 10 male, ENT clinicians. We used a subjective measure of time to fatigue and pain for the neck and back as well as objective readings from a surface electromyogram (sEMG). We found that an increase in surgical experience correlated with the time taken to experience fatigue and pain in the neck and back. This was corroborated by our sEMG findings. The PSC significantly delayed the sensations in the neck and also eliminated the difference seen amongst the varying seniority of clinicians.  相似文献   
Experience indicates that the most likely explanation for a mixture of 46,XX/46,XY cells in an amniotic fluid sample is that of maternal cell contamination and that a normal male child is to be expected at birth. We report the birth of a normal female child following prenatal diagnosis of such a mixture. Extensive postnatal studies failed to reveal an XY cell line. The possible sources of the XY cell line are discussed, as are the various techniques that were applied in an effort to discover it's origin. Cross-contamination of samples could be ruled out and there was no evidence of an unsuspected twin pregnancy. It is clear from this case that not all 46,XX/46,XY results obtained in amniotic fluid can be assumed to represent maternal cell contamination and some effort should be made to eliminate other potential sources for such a mixture.  相似文献   
Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was employed to investigate levels of genetic differentiation between 13 samples of the neritic squid species Loligo forbesi Steenstrup obtained from throughout the majority of its known geographical range. Six enzyme loci identified in a preliminary study as being polymorphic were screened for variation between samples. No significant differences in allele distribution were detected between any of the samples obtained from the Faroe Bank in the north to Lisbon in the south, suggesting that squid throughout this range in the vicinity of the continental shelf are able to maintain panmixia, and effectively belong to a single population sharing a common gene pool. No clinal variation in allele distribution was detected throughout this range, a result which complements the findings of a detailed morphological companion study of the same individuals. Comparison of this homogenous European continental shelf population with squid from the Azores revealed highly significant (P<0.01) differences in allele distribution at five of the six polymorphic enzyme loci studied. A genetic identity value (I) equivalent to 0.93 over 33 loci was obtained. Analysis of F-statistics suggested migration rates between sites to be as low as one individual per five generations, a rate deemed insufficient under most models to prevent divergence by random genetic drift. The large distance and oceanic depths separating the Azores from continental Europe seem to present an effective barrier to gene flow to L. forbesi, a squid belonging to a family considered to be confined in distribution to relatively shallow, near coastal waters. The two populations of squid in the Azores and along the European continental shelf currently both ascribed to L. forbesi should therefore probably best be regarded as relative subspecies.  相似文献   
Summary Cock willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) closely guard their mates from predators and conspecific males, and vigorously defend their nests and young. In view of potential costs and benefits of behavioural guarding descisions, I designed a test to examine if, when and how males altered defence priorities. Cock willow ptarmigan were very attentive to their mates throughout the breeding season, unaccompanied hens comprising less than 3% of the sightings of mated females. From the second week of incubation until shortly after hatch, males attempted to guard both mates and offspring. Males guarded mates preferentially over nests until the third week of incubation; they then changed their priority to defence of offspring (nest and/or chicks). The overall defence response initially was strong, but decreased after the first week of incubation. Strength of response increased again in late incubation, and declined as chicks began to fly. Consistency of defence decisions was highest during prenesting and egg laying and lowest during late incubation. Since males defended their mates for a longer period than required for protection of paternity, hypotheses predicting enhanced mate survival and extended paternity options through renesting were examined. Removal of males did not result in reduced survival or increased weight loss of widows during incubation. In light of heavy nest depredation and displacement pressures by conspecifics, mate guarding throughout incubation enhanced male fitness by ensuring paternity in renesting attempts.  相似文献   
Are penguins and seals in competition for Antarctic krill at South Georgia?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) and macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) are sympatric top predators that occur in the Southern Ocean around South Georgia where they are, respectively, the main mammal and bird consumers of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). In recent years the population of fur seals has increased, whereas that of macaroni penguins has declined. Both species feed on krill of similar size ranges, dive to similar depths and are restricted in their foraging range at least while provisioning their offspring. In this study we test the hypothesis that the increased fur seal population at South Georgia may have resulted in greater competition for the prey of macaroni penguins, leading to the decline in their population. We used: (1) satellite-tracking data to investigate the spatial separation of the Bird Island populations of these two species whilst at sea during the breeding seasons of 1999 and 2000 and (2) diet data to assess potential changes in their trophic niches between 1989 and 2000. Foraging ranges of the two species showed considerable overlap in both years, but the concentrations of foraging activity were significantly segregated spatially. The size of krill taken by both species was very similar, but over the last 12 years the prevalence of krill in their diets has diverged, with nowadays less krill in the diet of macaroni penguins than in that of Antarctic fur seals. Despite a significant degree of segregation in spatial resource use by the study populations, it is likely that the South Georgia populations of Antarctic fur seal and macaroni penguin exploit the same krill population during their breeding season. For explaining the opposing population trends of the two species, the relative contributions of independent differential response to interannual variation in krill availability and of interspecies competition cannot be resolved with available evidence. The likely competitive advantage of Antarctic fur seals will be enhanced as their population continues to increase, particularly in years of krill scarcity.  相似文献   
Education and public participation are recognized as important elements of coastal zone management. The current paper describes the Uk’s largest public participation survey concerned with coastal issues. Coastwatch UK involves thousands of volunteers in an annual survey of the coastline. The project has several aims—primarily to provide an insight into the major problems and threats to the coastline and, through the involvement of volunteers, to raise public awareness and aid environmental education at all levels.  相似文献   
The EMAP program has been organized into three primary elements: Multi-Tier Design, Indicators, and Index Sites. The Index Sites program (DISPro - Demonstration Intensive Site Project) is the primary activity within the Index Sites element of EMAP. This project represents an inter-agency effort between EPA/ORD and DOI/NPS to develop a demonstration of an intensive site network of monitoring and research locations throughout the United States, utilizing the Nation's parklands as "outdoor laboratories." Twelve parks were selected to establish this demonstration. These 12 parks were selected because they are readily accessible, have a history of monitoring environmental information, and represent a broad spectrum of ecological communities. EMAP, through DISPro, is examining whether a "network" of sites existing within the parks can be used to address monitoring issues for global-scale environmental stressors (e.g., air pollution) as well as locale-specific stressors (e.g., air deposition, water-borne) and coordinated with cause-effect, issue-based research related to these environmental stressors. As a first activity, EPA will provide each of the sites with the instrumentation to monitor UV-B. The intent of the program is to initiate a consistent air monitoring program at each site to be followed by consistent monitoring within other media. The project will initiate research projects at all the sites (eventually) to examine the effects of environmental stressors of importance at each of the sites.  相似文献   
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