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Observations on the methane oxidation capacity of landfill soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to determine the role of CH4 loading to a landfill cover in the control of CH4 oxidation rate (g CH4 m−2 d−1) and CH4 oxidation efficiency (% CH4 oxidation) in a field setting. Specifically, we wanted to assess how much CH4 a cover soil could handle. To achieve this objective we conducted synoptic measurements of landfill CH4 emission and CH4 oxidation in a single season at two Southeastern USA landfills. We hypothesized that percent oxidation would be greatest at sites of low CH4 emission and would decrease as CH4 emission rates increased. The trends in the experimental results were then compared to the predictions of two differing numerical models designed to simulate gas transport in landfill covers, one by modeling transport by diffusion only and the second allowing both advection and diffusion. In both field measurements and in modeling, we found that percent oxidation is a decreasing exponential function of the total CH4 flux rate (CH4 loading) into the cover. When CH4 is supplied, a cover’s rate of CH4 uptake (g CH4 m−2 d−2) is linear to a point, after which the system becomes saturated. Both field data and modeling results indicate that percent oxidation should not be considered as a constant value. Percent oxidation is a changing quantity and is a function of cover type, climatic conditions and CH4 loading to the bottom of the cover. The data indicate that an effective way to increase the % oxidation of a landfill cover is to limit the amount of CH4 delivered to it.  相似文献   
Humic substances     
GOALS, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Changing environmental conditions and handling stress are well known to cause chronic or acute stress situations in fish with subsequent infections. These requires a therapy by means of antibiotics and chemicals. In contrast to the huge number of pathogens, only a few substances are permitted for application as therapeutics in German aquaculture. Hence, there emerges an urgent need for highly effective and residueless alternatives. MAIN FEATURES: The prophylactic stimulation and training of the defense system of fish by alternative approaches becomes increasingly necessary. One approach is the application of dissolved humic substances (HS) of natural or artificial origin. For example, there exist several reports on the positive effect of HS to fishes. These effects shall be considered in detail. Furthermore, the impact of HS on the constitution of parasites and pathogens will be displayed. The reports on this issue are diverse, if not inconsistent. We try to shed some light on these discrepancies. The last aspect covered by this review is the outdated paradigm that calcium ions act as antidotes. In the presence of HS, even the opposite effect may occur. APPROACH: To overcome old paradigms on HS and their potential interactions with fish and fish parasites, we reviewed recent international literature, as well as 'grey' literature. We also include results from own former and ongoing studies. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: HS are able to increase the physiological condition of the individuals and to reduce adverse physiological and histological consequences caused by stress; the mechanism behind remains obscure. HS detoxify heavy metals and organic pollutants. Damages caused by several fish pathogens, such as bacteria and parasites, can be repaired more quickly in the presence of HS. Some parasites--mainly fungi--appear to be directly affected by HS. Comparing the fungicidal effects of HS from various sources, evidence is increasing that the aliphatic moiety may be the effective structures. However, further research is necessary to relate more physiological and anti-pathogenic effects to the chemical characteristics of HS. CONCLUSIONS: HS are not real alternatives to strong traditional therapeutics. However, they show different advantages in repairing secondary, stress induced damages in fish. The ecophysiological relevance of HS in either aquatic systems or aquaculture is getting conspicuously. PERSPECTIVES: The lack of therapeutic and antiparasitic substances in aquaculture requires new strategies and ways of thinking. The search for alternatives to the 'traditional' chemical therapeutics calls for the intensive research. Inevitably, this search will lead to an intensive contemplation on HS as 'health promoting substances' and/or even therapeutics. Basic research is needed to detect the functional groups of the HS responsible for the effects observed. Health promoting effects of first investigations made in vitro to affect pathogens via application of HS and several field studies with HS raises hopes for a broader utilisation of HS to reduce stress consequences in fish and fish pathogens residuelessly.  相似文献   
The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the definition of reference conditions, i.e. pristine conditions, for all surface waters. As the present state of Danish coastal waters cannot be referred to as pristine, reference conditions have to be assessed by analysis of historical data or by the use of models. Using Randers Fjord as an example, the aim of this work was i) to demonstrate possibilities and restrictions of assessing reference conditions by historical data and by modelling; and ii) to demonstrate how ecological conditions have changed along with eutrophication. The ample historical data from Randers Fjord allowed us to assess reference conditions with respect to benthic macrophytes and benthic fauna. Models of varying complexity enabled us to assess reference conditions for nutrients, chlorophyll a, Secchi depth, and eelgrass. We conclude that models can be a useful supplement to assess reference conditions, though they are presently restricted by the lack of quantitative links between eutrophication and species composition.  相似文献   
Der VII. Internationale Kongre? für ?kologie ergab die M?glichkeit, auch einige Spezialisten aus der ?kologischen Spurenelementforschung in Florenz zusammenzubringen. Dabei zeigte sich deutlich, da? noch wesentliche Arbeit auf dem Weg zu einem generellen Verst?ndnis der Wirkung einzelner Elemente und ihrer Spezies vor uns liegt. Obwohl auf analytischem Sektor beachtliche Durchbrüche durch die Entwicklung leistungsf?higer Methoden bewerkstelligt wurden, bleiben noch wichtige Fragen zur essentiellen und/oder toxikologischen Wirkung einzelner Spurenelemente zu beantworten. Hieraus lassen sich aus den Beitr?gen der Teilnehmer des Symposiums folgende Forderungen ableiten:
1.  Es ist nicht einzusehen, da? sich die aktuelle Spurenelementforschung im wesentlichen auf nur 1/3 der chemischen Elemente des chemischen Systems der Elemente beschr?nkt. Mit gleicher Intensit?t wie Cadmium, Quecksilber und Arsen sollten auch Elemente wie beispielsweise Lanthan, Platin und Antimon in spurenanalytische Fragestellungen vermehrt einbezogen werden. Die analytischen Techniken hierfür stehen weitgehend zur Verfügung.
2.  Der Totalgehalt an Elementen ist ein erster Hinweis auf Vorkommen und Verteilung einzelner Spurenelemente in der Umwelt, bietet aber h?ufig nicht die M?glichkeit, etwas über deren Wirkung auszusagen. Hierzu ist es notwendig, die “Speciation”, das hei?t, die Bindungsform des jeweiligen Elementes in der zu untersuchenden Umweltprobe n?her zu ermitteln, um daraus m?gliche Effekte und Wirkungen auf Organismen und Organismengemeinschaften abzuleiten.
3.  Die Qualit?t der analytischen Daten, die bei derartigen Untersuchungen gewonnen werden, sind einer strengen Qualit?tskontrolle durch Einsatz und Entwicklung weiterer Referenzmaterialien, Ringanalysen und anderer Steuerungsmechanismen zu gew?hrleisten.
4.  Die überw?ltigende Datenmenge, die in den letzten 30 Jahren in der Spurenelementforschung zusammengetragen wurde, entbehrt derzeit jeglicher generalisierender Auswertung. Es wird daher vorgeschlagen die Daten, soweit sie analytisch brauchbar sind, aus den letzten 20 bis 30 Jahren in Form einer Datenbank zusammenzutragen und hieraus m?gliche Zusammenh?nge und notwendige Schlu?folgerungen für weitere Untersuchungen abzuleiten.
5.  Die Bioindikation bzw. das Biomonitoring sollte verst?rkt betrieben werden, da M?glichkeiten einer fl?chendeckenden, zeitaufl?senden Untersuchung einzelner Effekte spezifischer Spurenelemente er?ffnet werden. Die sich hieraus ergebenden Folgerungen für m?gliche Sanierungs-oder prophylaktische Ma?nahmen ergaben sich nicht nur aus Forderungen in diesem Symposium, sondern auch auf weiteren Symposien des gesamten INTECOL-Kongresses.
Davis SM  Drake KD  Maier KJ 《Chemosphere》2002,48(6):615-620
Boron is an essential nutrient for plants and the potential exists for efficient removal of this element by wetland treatment systems due to accumulation by plants. To evaluate the efficacy of using Spirodella polyrrhiza to treat boron-contaminated wastewater or to be a suitable species for removing other nutrients from boron-containing wastewater the toxicity of this micronutrient was determined using standard methods. Frond production is apparently a more sensitive endpoint than either growth rate or the presence of abnormal fronds. Frond production in S. polyrrhiza was significantly reduced at 3.55 mg B/l. Significant reductions in growth rate and the percentage of abnormal (chlorotic, necrotic, and dead) fronds were observed at 18.9 and 22.4 mg B/l, respectively. The EC50 for frond production, frond growth rate, and abnormal fronds were 14.3, 11.7, and 17.7 mg B/l, respectively. S. polyrrhiza did not remove significant amounts of boron from the treatment solutions under the conditions and concentrations existing in this study. The inability of S. polyrrhiza to remove even small amounts of boron from the test solutions indicates this species is not suitable for treating boron-containing wastewater, even those with low boron concentrations.  相似文献   
Both intraspecific spatial aggregation and temporal priority effects have the potential to increase long-term species coexistence. Theory and models suggest that intraspecific aggregation can facilitate coexistence via limited dispersal or asymmetric interaction distances. During community assembly, intraspecific aggregation may also delay interactions between more and less competitive species, thus creating opportunities for priority effects to facilitate longer-term coexistence. Few empirical studies have tested predictions about aggregation and coexistence, especially in the context of community assembly or ecological restoration. We investigated (1) impacts of intraspecific aggregation on the assembly of eight-species communities over three years, (2) the scale dependence of these impacts, and (3) implications for California prairie restoration. We planted eight native species in each of 19, 5 m wide, octagonal plots. Species were either interspersed throughout the plot or aggregated into eight, 2.2-m(2), wedge-shaped, monospecific sectors. Over three years, species diversity declined more quickly in interspersed plots than in aggregated plots. Two species had higher cover or increased more in interspersed than aggregated plots and were identified as "aggressives." Four species had higher cover or increased more in aggregated than interspersed plots and were identified as "subordinates." Within aggregated plots, aggressive species expanded beyond the sector in which they were originally seeded. Cover of aggressive species increased faster and reached higher values in sectors that were adjacent to the originally planted sector, compared to nonadjacent sectors. Cover of aggressive species also increased more and faster near plot centers, compared to plot edges. Areas near plot centers were representative of smaller aggregation patches since species were planted closer to heterospecific neighbors. Two subordinate species maintained higher cover near plot edges than near plot centers. Moreover, two subordinate species maintained higher cover when seeded in sectors farther away from aggressive species. These results suggest that initial intraspecific aggregation can facilitate species coexistence for at least three years, and larger aggregation patches may be more effective than smaller ones in the face of dispersing dominants. The creation of temporal priority effects may represent an underappreciated pathway by which intraspecific aggregation can increase coexistence. Restorationists may be able to maintain more diverse communities by planting in a mosaic of monospecific patches.  相似文献   
In the spring of 1989, an experimental study of the spawning behaviour of Calanus finmarchicus was carried out in Malangen, northern Norway. Here, a single cohort of females reproduce from mid-March to May, approximately coinciding with the wax and wane of the spring phytoplankton bloom. An evaluation of population characteristics such as the proportion of adults, sex ratio, as well as gonad maturation and daily productivity of the females clearly reveals three phases within the population's reproductive period. In between incline and decline, the highest spawning rates (on average >20 eggs female-1 d-1, equivalent to 5.7% body C d-1) occur after the males have disappeared from the population and almost all females have mature gonads. During this period, the ratio of adults to copepodid Stage Vs changes from dominance of adults to that of CVs. Although first egg production was observed prior to the phytoplankton increase, it is suggested that the onset of the phytoplankton spring bloom in the first few days of April enhances the final maturation of ovaries in the females and therefore triggers the onset of the main spawning period. The clutch sizes (max. 95 eggs clutch-1) vary with the age of the females, while the spawning frequencies depend on the available food quantities. The overlap of an estimated minimal 4 wk spawning period for the individuals leads to a main reproductive phase for the population of ca. 3 wk, during which time mean clutch sizes and spawning frequencies are maximal (highest average clutch size: 70 eggs female-1 clutch-1, 100 to 60% of the females spawning). This period ends before the end of the phytoplankton bloom. Calculated by stepwise interpolation and summation of the mean daily egg production in the population, an average female produced ca. 600 eggs during the spring bloom in Malangen 1989. We suggest that reproduction and population development of C. finmarchicus in spring follows a reproducible pattern for a given temperature regime and non-limiting food conditions. In the case of clearly identifiable cohorts, it seems possible to trace the state of reproduction by evaluating population parameters.  相似文献   
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