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Cessna AJ  Waite DT  Kerr LA  Grover R 《Chemosphere》2000,40(8):795-802
The reproducibility of collection of atmospheric residues of the herbicides 2,4-D and triallate as bulk (wet plus dry) deposition samples by paired pan samplers and as particulate (filter) and vapour (PUF/XAD-2 resin cartridge) samples by paired high-volume air samplers was determined. Variability of herbicide concentrations in paired bulk deposition samples was within 25% for 65 and 80% of the samples for 2,4-D and triallate, respectively, with approximately 90% of the paired samples being within a factor of 2 for both herbicides. The vapour samples of 2,4-D and triallate showed similar reproducibilities. The highest reproducibility was observed for the filter samples with 92% of the paired data sets for 2,4-D being within 25% variability. No triallate was detected in the filter samples.  相似文献   
Air quality model simulations constitute an effective approach to developing source-receptor relationships (so-called transfer coefficients in the risk analysis framework) because a significant fraction of particulate matter (particularly PM2.5) is secondary (i.e., formed in the atmosphere) and, therefore, depends on the atmospheric chemistry of the airshed. In this study, we have used a comprehensive three-dimensional air quality model for PM2.5 (SAQM-AERO) to compare three approaches to generating episodic transfer coefficients for several source regions in the Los Angeles Basin. First, transfer coefficients were developed by conducting PM2.5 SAQM-AERO simulations with reduced emissions of one of four precursors (i.e., primary PM, sulfur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and volatile organic compounds) from each source region. Next, we calculated transfer coefficients using two other methods: (1) a simplified chemistry for PM2.5 formation, and (2) simplifying assumptions on transport using information limited to basin-wide emission reductions. Transfer coefficients obtained with the simplified chemistry were similar to those obtained with the comprehensive model for VOC emission changes but differed for NOx and SOz emission changes. The differences were due to the parameterization of the rates of secondary PM formation in the simplified chemistry. In 90% of the cases, transfer coefficients estimated using only basin-wide information were within a factor of two of those obtained with the explicit source-receptor simulations conducted with the comprehensive model. The best agreement was obtained for VOC emission changes; poor agreement was obtained for primary PM2.5.  相似文献   
This study presents the distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg and As in various marine organisms collected along the western coast of Taiwan from 1991 to 1998, and also evaluates the time variation of Cu in oysters before (1980-85) and after (1986-98) the "green oyster" incident. The results show that relatively high geometric mean (GM) concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, As and Hg were generally found in Crassostrea gigas (Cu=229 microg/g, Zn=783 microg/g), Gomphina aeguialtera (Pb=30.3 microg/g), Tegillarca granosa (Cd=2.85 microg/g), Thais clavigera (As=96.9 microg/g) and Parapenaeopsis cornuta (Hg=1.35 microg/g), respectively. Especially, maximum Cu and Zn concentrations (GM=229 and 783 microg/g, respectively) in oysters (C. gigas) from different culture areas were much higher than those of the other organisms by about 1.13-458 and 2.40-63.7 times, respectively. Similarly, rock-shells (Thais clavigera) had a high capacity for accumulating Cu (GM=202 microg/g) and Zn (GM=326 microg/g) under the same physico-chemical conditions. The highest GM Cu and Zn concentrations of 1108 (range from 113 to 2806) and 1567 (range from 303 to 3593) microg/g were obtained in oysters from the Hsiangshan coastal area, one of the most important oyster culture areas in Taiwan. However, the highest GM Cd and As concentrations of 6.82 and 19.3 microg/g were found in oysters from the Machu Islands. Mean Cu concentrations in the oysters from the Erhjin Chi estuary declined from 2194+/-212 microg/g in 1986-90 to 545 microg/g (GM) in 1991-96. In the Hsiganshan area, GM Cu concentrations of 909 microg/g (1991-96) and 1351 microg/g (1997-98) in oysters were significantly higher than those of 201 microg/g (1980-85) and 682 microg/g (1986-90). The gradually increasing levels of Cu and Zn in the oysters from the Hsiangshan area have been observed year by year.  相似文献   
We quantified the distribution of tropospheric ozone in topographically complex western Washington state, USA (total area approximately 6000 km(2)), using passive ozone samplers along nine river drainages to measure ozone exposure from near sea level to high-elevation mountain sites. Weekly average ozone concentrations were higher with increasing distance from the urban core and at higher elevations, increasing a mean of 1.3 ppbv per 100 m elevation gain for all mountain transects. Weekly average ozone concentrations were generally highest in Cascade Mountains drainages east and southeast of Seattle (maximum=55-67 pbv) and in the Columbia River Gorge east of Portland (maximum=59 ppbv), and lowest in the western Olympic Peninsula (maximum=34 ppbv). Higher ozone concentrations in the Cascade Mountains and Columbia River locations downwind of large cities indicate that significant quantities of ozone and ozone precursors are being transported eastward toward rural wildland areas by prevailing westerly winds. In addition, temporal (week to week) variation in ozone distribution is synchronous within and between all drainages sampled, which indicates that there is regional coherence in air pollution detectable with weekly averages. These data provide insight on large-scale spatial variation of ozone distribution in western Washington, and will help regulatory agencies optimize future monitoring networks and identify locations where human health and natural resources could be at risk.  相似文献   
This study was designed to evaluate the association between sugar cane plantation burning and hospital visits in Araraquara in the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil. From June 1 to August 31, 1995, the daily number of visits of patients who needed inhalation therapy in one of the main hospitals of the city was recorded and used as health impairment estimation. Sedimentation of particle mass (the amount of particles deposited on four containers filled with water) was measured daily. The association between the weight of the sediment and the number of visits was evaluated by means of Poisson regression models controlled for seasonality, temperature, day of the week, and rain. We found a significant and dose-dependent relationship between the number of visits and the amount of sediment. The relative risk of visit associated with an increase of 10 mg in the sediment weight was 1.09 (1-1.19), and the relative risk of an inhalation therapy was 1.20 (1.03-1.39) on the most polluted days (fourth quartile of sediment mass). These results indicate that sugar cane burning may cause deleterious health effects in the exposed population.  相似文献   
Endosulfan in the Rhine river   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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