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再燃法烟气脱硝技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了再燃法烟气脱硝技术及其主要影响因素。通过对几种脱硝技术的分析比较,认为再燃脱硝是一种很有前景的脱硝技术,其投资和运行费用界于低NO。燃烧器和选择性催化还原技术之间,有喷氨条件下的先进再燃脱硝效率接近于选择性催化还原技术。总结了国内外对先进再燃脱硝技术各种参数影响条件的研究结果,并论述了该技术的应用要点。  相似文献   
The status of combined heavy metal and organo-chlorine pesticide (OCPs; i.e. HCH and DDT) pollution was investigated and the soil environmental quality of the Taihu Lake watershed, one of the most developed regions in China, was evaluated using a fuzzy comprehensive assessment. Statistical analyses showed the presence of combined pollution in the soil. At many sampling sites, heavy metal concentrations were above corresponding background values, indicating the effects of extraneous pollutants. It has been over 20 years since China banned the use of OCPs, but they can still be found in soil samples of this region. HCH levels at all investigated sites were below the Chinese Environmental Quality Standard for Soils. Fuzzy comprehensive assessment showed that the overall soil quality in this region could be categorized as class I. Nevertheless, the high coefficients of variation for levels of DDT, Cd and Hg indicated the existence of some point-source pollution. Continuous monitoring and further studies of the region are recommended to prevent pollution of farmland from these sources.  相似文献   
When I read the paper"Electrolytes enriched by potassium perfluorinated sulfonates for lithium metal batteries"from Prof. Jianmin Ma's group, which was published in Science Bulletin (doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2020.09.018), I felt excited as presented a multi-factor principle for applying potassium perfluorinated sulfonates to suppress the dendrite growth and protect the cathode from the viewpoint of electrolyte additives. The effects of these additives are revealed through experimental results, molecular dynamics simulations and first-principle calculations. Specifically, it involves the influence of additives on Li+ solvation structure, solid electrolyte interphase (SEI), Li growth and nucleation. Following the guidance of the multi-factor principle, every part of the additive molecule should be utilized to regulate electrolytes. This multi-factor principle for electrolyte additive molecule design (EAMD) offers a unique insight on understanding the electrochemical behavior of ion-type electrolyte additives on both the Li metal anode and high-voltage cathode. In these regards, I would be delighted to write a highlight for this innovative work and, hopefully, it may raise more interest in the areas of electrolyte additives.  相似文献   
王淑惠  刘正超 《环境化学》1999,18(3):216-220
在利用介质阻挡放电对污染物质CF2ClBr进行等离子体降解产物分析的基础上,进一步研究等离子体系中的电子密度。采用动态反应装置,以平行板电极法直接测量。在CF2ClBr的压力为2kPa时,得出该实验条件下的电子密度约为5.0×10^13/m^3。  相似文献   
研究了用Fenton试剂处理选矿废水中残余的黄药,分别考查了氧化时间、反应初始pH值、Fe2+浓度及H2O2用量对黄药降解效果的影响,用正交试验确定了4个因素的最好条件。结果表明:初始pH值和H2O2用量是影响去除效果的主要因素;氧化时间为60 m in,反应初始pH=4,[Fe2+]=20 mg/L,[H2O2]=20 mg/L,黄药的浓度为125 mg/L时,黄药的去除率达到99.5%;初步探讨了Fenton试剂净化废水中黄药的机理是.OH自由基先将黄药氧化为过氧化黄原酸盐,再将其氧化为CO2,黄药得到去除。  相似文献   
采用厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)中温处理含硝基苯废水,研究了工艺条件和硝基苯的降解特点.试验结果表明:在进水COD浓度为2088 mg/L,硝基苯浓度为16.8 mg/L,反应温度为35℃,停留时间为24 h条件下,ABR能有效处理硝基苯废水,COD去除率为86.4%,硝基苯去除率为91.1%;在厌氧条件下,硝基苯降解为苯胺,但苯胺很难再进一步分解;硝基苯的去除历程推断为先吸附后分解.  相似文献   
采用“生物接触氧化 +混凝气浮 +生物炭”工艺处理染整废水 ,COD去除率可达到 90 %以上 ,工程实践表明 ,该工艺处理效果好 ,运行稳定 ,投资省 ,处理后出水可达标排放  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Inappropriate farm management practices can lead to increased agricultural inputs and changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, impacting...  相似文献   
炭素焙烧炉沥青烟净化处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用干式静电除尘技术,对炭素焙烧炉排放的含有烟尘、沥青烟的工业废气进行处理,达到既能高效净化有害气体,又能降低资金投入。处理后的各项指标为:烟尘排放浓度=20.0mg/m3,沥青烟排放浓度=14.2mg/m3,苯并(a)芘排放浓度=0.054×10-3mg/m3,所有污染物均达到排放标准。  相似文献   
以自制Ti基RuO2-IrO2镀层形稳电极为阳极,采用电催化氧化处理偶氮染料甲基橙模拟废水。以硫酸钠为支持电解质,在自然pH条件下分别考察了电解时间、电极间距、电流密度和电解质浓度等因素对甲基橙去除率的影响,并分析其原因。实验结果表明,在自然pH、电极间距为1.0 cm、电流密度为30.0 mA/cm2、电解质硫酸钠浓度为20.0 g/L、电解1.0 h,甲基橙去除率高达90.0%以上。 因此,电催化氧化法作为一种高效、简便的染料废水处理技术,具有一定的应用潜力。  相似文献   
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