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A shortened version of Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe method (QuEChERS) for determining the dissipation and residue of imidacloprid present in Zizania latifolia and purple sweet potato was established by using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The average recoveries of imidacloprid in the two crops ranged from 82.12 to 113.79%, with relative standard deviation (RSD) of <7.32%. The dissipation dynamics of imidacloprid in Z. latifolia plants and purple sweet potato plants followed first-order kinetics, with half-lives of 3.2–5.5?days in each of sampling locations. The terminal imidacloprid residues in Z. latifolia and purple sweet potato at each of location were <0.005–0.120?mg kg?1. According to the risk assessment results, both the acute dietary risk quotient and chronic dietary risk quotient values were <1, indicating that imidacloprid is unlikely to pose health risks to humans with normal recommended use. The present study may serve as a valuable reference for the safe and reasonable use of imidacloprid in Z. latifolia and purple sweet potato fields.  相似文献   
刘军  石健将 《环境工程》2008,26(5):44-47
静电除尘电源是静电除尘系统中的关键部分,其性能直接影响除尘器的除尘效果,以静电除尘电源在节能和提高除尘效率上的关键因素为基础,对静电除尘电源的发展进行分析研究。具体阐述了静电除尘电源经历了由单相供电向三相供电、工频调压向高频逆变以及单一供电模式向混合供电模式3条较为明显的发展脉络,指出高频静电除尘电源具有控制方式灵活、输出高电压波形可控、闪络后关闭速度快和重启迅速等优点,是当今静电除尘电源的主要研究发展方向。  相似文献   
选用0.1μm的PVDF中空纤维内压式微滤膜组件,在死端微滤工况下,研究了酵母(平均粒径5.3μm)和高岭土(平均粒径0.7μm)体系在浓度和压力变化时的污染机理及过滤阻力、膜渗透通量的变化规律性。通过恒压堵塞定律积分式的具体形式与实验数据的拟合及根据堵塞过滤定律计算的结果都表明:死端微滤时,酵母体系和高岭土体系均符合滤饼过滤机理。  相似文献   
Ma T  Wan X  Huang Q  Wang Z  Liu J 《Chemosphere》2005,59(2):281-288
The present study was conducted to assess the potential toxicity of the effluent from a large sewage treatment plant (GBD-STP) in Beijing. Japanese medakas (Oryzias latipes) at reproduction active period were exposed to a serial of graded concentrations of the effluent or 100 ng l-1 of 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2, positive control). Growth, gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), reproductive success, induction potency of vitellogenin (VTG) in male fish and that of 7-ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase activity (EROD) in male fish liver were used as test endpoints. The growth suppression of fish was observed in a dose-dependent manner, resulting in significant differences in both body length and body weight of medaka above 5% effluent. This effluent can inhibit the growth of gonad of medakas and are more sensitive to male than to female. At exposure concentration of 40% and higher, there was an unexpected decrease of HSI values, which may be resulted from sub-lethal toxicity of effluent to fish liver. VTG of plasma in males were induced in all exposure concentration levels, but not in a dose-dependent manner. The concentration of 5% effluent would be the lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) affecting reproductive success when examining fertile individuals, fecundity and fertilization rate. The overt CYP1A response and higher reproductive toxicity may be indicative of low process efficiency of this STP.  相似文献   
本文通过对大气质量模式发展历史的回顾,及其发展趋势的讨论,认为城市大气质量预报模式的建立与发展主要受以下三个动态因素的支配:(1)政府环境管理目标;(2)科学进步;(3)计算机及信息处理和通讯技术。结合三要素就建立我国城市空气质量预报系统框架进行了讨论。  相似文献   
The heterogeneity of hydrogeologic properties at different scales may have different effects on flow and transport processes in a subsurface system. A model for the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is developed to represent complex heterogeneity at two different scales: (1) layer scale corresponding to geologic layering and (2) local scale. The layer-scale hydrogeologic properties are obtained using inverse modeling, based on the available measurements collected from the Yucca Mountain site. Calibration results show a significant lateral and vertical variability in matrix and fracture properties. Hydrogeologic property distributions in a two-dimensional, vertical cross-section of the site are generated by combining the average layer-scale matrix and fracture properties with local-scale perturbations generated using a stochastic simulation method. The unsaturated water flow and conservative (nonsorbing) tracer transport through the cross-section are simulated for different sets of matrix and fracture property fields. Comparison of simulation results indicates that the local-scale heterogeneity of matrix and fracture properties has a considerable effect on unsaturated flow processes, leading to fast flow paths in fractures and the matrix. These paths shorten the travel time of a conservative tracer from the source (repository) horizon in the unsaturated zone to the water table for small fractions of total released tracer mass. As a result, the local-scale heterogeneity also has a noticeable effect on global tracer transport processes, characterized by an average breakthrough curve at the water table, especially at the early arrival time of tracer mass. However, the effect is not significant at the later time after 20% tracer mass reaches the water table. The simulation results also verify that matrix diffusion plays an important role in overall solute transport processes in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain.  相似文献   
城市污水处理厂除臭技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍了城市污水处理厂臭气来源、成分及产量。针对目前国内外除臭技术的研究和发展情况,分析了污水处理厂的各种物理、化学和生物除臭方法的技术原理、优缺点和应用现状。结合日本城市污水处理厂的运行实际,重点介绍了一种不产生臭气的新技术——腐殖活性污泥法的工艺流程、特点及其应用现状。  相似文献   
实验利用射频磁控溅射镀膜工艺,分别在光纤和石英玻璃上成功制备了ZnO薄膜。采用X射线衍射仪、原子力显微镜和荧光分光光度计对薄膜进行了测试分析,并对其光催化降解苯酚的性能进行了对比测试。结果表明,该薄膜具有良好的C轴取向性,光致发光峰分别位于362nm、421nm和486nm附近,且随着薄膜样品晶粒的减小而出现蓝移,光纤上ZnO薄膜的光催化能力是以石英玻璃为基底的ZnO薄膜的193倍,光催化效果显著。  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The Huainan mining area is rich in coal resources and has sparse vegetation and many collapsed waterways. Large-scale and long-term underground coal...  相似文献   
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