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The price of fuelwood has been increasing at a rate higher than that of the consumer price index in most of the major urban centres of India. Today, in terms of cost per unit of energy delivered, fuelwood is more than twice as expensive as kerosene for cooking. This has immense public policy implications. A number of complementary policy interventions are needed so that forests can be saved and the stability of energy supplies can be achieved in developing countries.  相似文献   
Cellulose degrading bacteria were isolated from the intestinal fluid of the silver cricket Lepisma Sp. and a culture was developed anoxigenically in the cellulose degrading medium following standard laboratory techniques. The cellulolytic activity of the microbe was examined in a broth culture using Whatman 42 filter paper as the source of insoluble cellulose. Activity was measured spectrophotometrically (620nm) following Anthrone reaction of the culture filtrate and the sugar produced was quantified as a factor of time. The pH optimum was found to be between 7 and 8. Temperature profile optimum was between 30–37°C.The microbes appeared as white colonies on a solid medium. Morphologically the bacterium is a gram-positive nonspore forming rod which was tentatively identified as a new strain of Cellulomonas sp.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Nutrient data from all available sources for the lower Mississippi River were examined for potential differences among sampling agencies and geographic locations for the period between 1960 and 1998. Monthly means grouped by parameter, sampling location and agency, were calculated and compared as paired sets, excluding those months where data were not available for both sets. Some significant differences were found between various agencies collecting nutrient data on the river, as well as between various stretches of river, especially in the case of phosphorus nutrient data. Results were used to synthesize data sets from which a history of nutrient loading in the Mississippi River was determined. General trends in nitrate+nitrite, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, orthophosphate, total phosphorus and silica loads, as well as changes in nutrient proportions and the specific limiting nutrient (by month) are reported. This study provides a useful summary of contemporary and historical nutrient data that may assist in the evaluation of Mississippi River water quality and its potential effect on the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
Horseradish peroxidase- (HRP) mediated stabilization of phenolic contaminants is a topic of interest due to its potential for remediation of contaminated soils. This study evaluated the sorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) and its HRP-mediated stabilization in two alkali-extracted soils. Alkali extraction reduced the soil organic matter (SOM) contents of the geomaterials and enriched the residual SOM with humin C. Sorption of DCP on these sorbents was complete within 1 d. However, most of the sorbed DCP was removed from the geomaterials by water and methanol, suggesting weak solute-sorbent interactions. The addition of HRP resulted in the generation of DCP polymerization products (DPP), which partitioned between the aqueous and solid phases. The DPP phase distribution was rapid and complete within 24 h. Between 70 and 90% of the added DCP was converted to DPP and up to 43% of the initial aqueous phase contaminant was transformed into a residue that was resistant to extraction with methanol. Bound residues of DPP increased with initial aqueous phase solute concentration and remained fairly constant after 7 d of contact. Contaminant stabilization was noted to be high in the humin-mineral geomaterial. Results illustrate that HRP may be effective in stabilizing phenolic contaminants in subsoils that are likely to contain SOM enriched in humin C.  相似文献   
Madhupur National Park is renowned for severe resource ownership conflicts between ethnic communities and government authorities in Bangladesh. In this study, we applied the Institutional Analysis and Development framework to identify: (i) past and present informal institutional structures within the ethnic Garo community for land resource management; (ii) the origin of the land ownership dispute; (iii) interaction mechanisms between formal and informal institutions; and (iv) change in land management authority and informal governance structures. We identify that the informal institutions of the traditional community have undergone radical change due to government interventions with implications for the regulation of land use, informal institutional functions, and joint-decision-making. Importantly, the government’s persistent denial of the role of existing informal institutions is widening the gap between government and community actors, and driving land ownership conflicts in a cyclic way with associated natural resource degradation.  相似文献   
Fungi were isolated from soil samples corresponding to pesticide-contaminated soil (CS) and noncontaminated soil (NCS) in the Annaba vicinity (Algeria) and identified. The number of isolates obtained from CS and NCS were 263 and 288, respectively. The most frequent species (Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, A. terreus, Absidia corymbifera, and Rhizopus microsporus var microsporus) were not sensitive to the pesticides. The growth of the genus Trichoderma was inhibited by the pesticides, while genera Absidia and Fusarium were stimulated. The 53 species isolated were assayed for their ability to remove metribuzin from liquid medium. Only Botrytis cinerea from NCS and Sordaria superba and Absidia fusca from CS removed more than 50% of the compound after 5 d. Metamitron was very resistant. Among the 21 species tested, only Alternaria solani (from NCS), Drechslera australiensis (from CS and NCS), and Absidia fusca (from CS) reduced the concentration in the medium more than 10% (10-16%). Twelve species were grown with linuron, seven of them were inefficient in removing this compound. The two strains of Sordaria macrospora yielded 22 to 25% depletion, while Botrytis cinerea depleted linuron almost completely. Among the 31 species assayed for their ability to eliminate metobromuron, Botrytis cinerea (from CS and NCS) depleted almost completely the chemical from the medium. Rhizopus oryzae and Absidia fusca from CS removed 40 and 47% of the compound, respectively. No systematic relationships were observed between the soil contamination and herbicide elimination capacities of soil fungi. Absidia fusca and Botrytis cinerea were particularly interesting for bioremediation purposes because they were able to transform efficiently three of the four compounds assayed.  相似文献   
An extensive road system with rapidly increasing traffic produces diverse ecological effects that cover a large land area. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of roads with different traffic volumes on surrounding avian distributions, and its importance relative to other variables. Grassland bird data (5 years) for 84 open patches in an outer suburban/rural landscape near Boston were analyzed relative to: distance from roads with 3000–8000 to >30,000 vehicles/day; open-habitat patch size; area of quality microhabitat within a patch; adjacent land use; and distance to other open patches. Grassland bird presence and regular breeding correlated significantly with both distance from road and habitat patch size. Distance to nearest other open patch, irrespective of size, was not significant. Similarly, except for one species, adjacent land use, in this case built area, was not significant. A light traffic volume of 3000–8000 vehicles/day (local collector street here) had no significant effect on grassland bird distribution. For moderate traffic of 8000–15,000 (through street), there was no effect on bird presence although regular breeding was reduced for 400 m from a road. For heavier traffic of 15,000–30,000 (two-lane highway), both bird presence and breeding were decreased for 700 m. For a heavy traffic volume of ≥30,000 vehicles/day (multilane highway), bird presence and breeding were reduced for 1200 m from a road. The results suggest that avian studies and long-term surveys near busy roads may be strongly affected by traffic volume or changes in volume. We conclude that road ecology, especially the effects extending outward >100 m from roads with traffic, is a sine qua non for effective land-use and transportation policy.  相似文献   
Declines in salmon stocks and general watershed health in Washington State, USA, have led to an increase in stream restoration and enhancement projects initiated throughout the state. The increasing number of projects has also raised questions regarding the monitoring of these efforts. Project managers receiving hydraulic project approvals (HPAs) were surveyed to determine whether monitoring was taking place on their projects. About half the project managers surveyed reported the collection of baseline data and the use of biological, physical, chemical, or other water quality measures for their projects. Of those who reported collection of monitoring data, only 18% indicated that monitoring was required. Respondents were also asked to rank the importance of various project goals on a Likert scale. Project managers with projects focusing on “engineering” goals (e.g., roadbed stabilization) were less likely than other project managers to collect baseline monitoring data. Project managers with projects focusing on “restoration/ecological” or “fisheries” goals were more likely than other project managers to collect monitoring measures. Although monitoring appears to be taking place in slightly more than half of the projects surveyed, the nature of the data collected varies widely across projects, and in most cases the monitoring effort is voluntary. This suggests that project sponsors, funders, and managers must consider the issues involved in requiring appropriate monitoring, establishing standardized monitoring guidelines, the time frames in which to monitor, providing other incentives for conducting monitoring, and ensuring adequate funding for monitoring efforts.  相似文献   
Grain Cd concentrations were determined in the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Soissons, Brigadier, and Hereward grown in 1994,1996, and 1999, respectively, in soils of a long-term field experiment to which sewage sludges contaminated with Zn, Cu, Ni, or Cr had previously been added. Soil pore water soluble Cd and free Cd2+ increased linearly with increasing total soil Cd (R2=0.82 and 0.84, respectively; P<0.001). Similarly, soil pore water free Cd2+ increased linearly with increasing soil pore water soluble Cd (R2=0.98; P<0.001). There was no evidence of a plateau in soil pore water Cd concentrations with increasing soil Cd concentrations. Grain Cd concentrations were significantly correlated with total soil Cd (P<0.001), soil pore water Cd (P<0.001), and free Cd2+ (P<0.001). A slight curvilinear relationship between grain Cd and soil Cd was apparent, but there was no plateau, even at the maximum soil Cd concentration of about 2.7 mg kg(-1). The relationship between soil pore water Cd and grain Cd was linear for all three cultivars. The slopes were in the order 1994 > 1996 > 1999, with more Cd being taken up into the grain by Soissons grown in 1994, and least by Hereward grown in 1999. For Soissons, Cd concentration in the grain greater than the EU limit (0.24 mg kg(-1) dry wt.) occurred at soil Cd less than the current UK limit of 3 mg kg(-1) for soils receiving sewage sludge. In contrast, for Brigadier and Hereward, grain Cd concentrations were near to and less than the EU limit, respectively, at soil Cd concentrations of 3 mg kg(-1).  相似文献   
Mechanisms of nutrient attenuation in a subsurface flow riparian wetland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Riparian wetlands are transition zones between terrestrial and aquatic environments that have the potential to serve as nutrient filters for surface and ground water due to their topographic location. We investigated a riparian wetland that had been receiving intermittent inputs of NO3- and PO4(3-) during storm runoff events to determine the mechanisms of nutrient attenuation in the wetland soils. Few studies have shown whether infrequent pulses of NO3- are sufficient to maintain substantial denitrifying communities. Denitrification rates were highest at the upstream side of the wetland where nutrient-rich runoff first enters the wetland (17-58 microg N2O-N kg soil(-1) h(-1)) and decreased further into the wetland. Carbon limitation for denitrification was minor in the wetland soils. Samples not amended with dextrose had 75% of the denitrification rate of samples with excess dextrose C. Phosphate sorption isotherms suggested that the wetland soils had a high capacity for P retention. The calculated soil PO4(3-) concentration that would yield an equilibrium aqueous P04(3-) concentration of 0.05 mg P L(-1) was found to be 100 times greater than the soil PO4(3-) concentration at the time of sampling. This indicated that the wetland could retain a large additional mass of PO4(3-) without increasing the dissolved P04(3-) concentrations above USEPA recommended levels for lentic waters. These results demonstrated that denitrification can be substantial in systems receiving pulsed NO3- inputs and that sorption could account for extensive PO4(3-) attenuation observed at this site.  相似文献   
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