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围网养殖对洪湖水质的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从围网养殖对洪湖水质影响的角度出发,依据1990~2006年在洪湖实测的水质数据分析了洪湖水质的时空变化过程及趋势,并发现水质指标中总氮的超标量变化明显。利用环境污染综合指数法,通过围网内和围网外以及围网前和围网后不同水文期的水质情况对比,对洪湖水质变化进行综合评价。结果表明围网内的环境污染综合指数在枯水期要远大于围网外的,围网养殖对湖泊的局部污染严重;围网前水质基本可以达到Ⅱ类水质标准,开始围网后洪湖水质逐步恶化,且围网养殖面积与水质恶化的程度有着相同的变化趋势,总氮的含量变化尤为明显,随着围网养殖规模面积的扩大急速增加。  相似文献   
关于重金属污染的风险评价及其预测模型日益成为环境领域的研究热点。近年来,一种用于预测和评价环境中重金属生物毒性的机理性模型一生物配体模型(BLM)被广泛应用于水体及陆地生态系统。本研究以我国土壤的陆地生物配体模型(TBLM)建构为目标,以土壤溶液系统为媒介,通过17种土壤上重金属铜离子与大麦根长的相互作用关系,发现了土壤中Cu-TBLM的主要影响因素为Cu~(2+)、CuOH~+、Mg~(2+)以及铜离子与大麦根系表面的专性结合能力。基于模型大麦根长预测值与实测值之间的相关关系,通过数学拟合功能求得TBLM中各参数值为logK_(CuBL)=4.87、logK_(CuOH)+=7.62、logK_(MgBL)=1.91、f~(50%)=0.103、β=1.09。本研究所得到的TBLM模型能很好地预测我国土壤中铜对大麦根长的毒害程度,预测值与实测值的相关性达到了90%。本研究结果不仅可以为我们降低重金属离子生物有效性提供有力的理论借鉴,更对我国土壤环境质量保护和长期良性可持续发展具有重要意义。文160余篇。  相似文献   
Precipitation is of great importance to agriculture, environment and ecosystem as a regular precipitation pattern is usually vital to healthy plants; excessive or insufficient rainfall can be harmful. Periodic patterns of precipitation can be studied based on regularly observed data over time. Since regularly observed precipitation data are generally skewed with many zeros, two common analysis approaches have been proposed recently. One approach investigates precipitation using a two-part model where the occurrence and positive amount of precipitation are analyzed separately (Piantadosi et al. in Environ Model Assess 14:431–438, 2009), whereas the other approach handles occurrence and amount simultaneously using a Tweedie’s compound Poisson model for independent observations (Hasan and Dunn in Int J Climatol 32:1006–1017, 2012). The former approach fails to maintain the regular temporal structure of serially observed precipitation, whereas the latter approach ignores serial dependence. As there is generally substantial serial correlation in the observed sequence of precipitation data over time, we introduce a compound Poisson state-space model with serially correlated random effects for daily precipitation data. This approach characterizes both occurrence and amount of precipitation simultaneously while accounting for the corresponding serial correlation. Our main results depend only on the first- and second-moment assumptions of unobserved random effects. We illustrate our method with the analysis of the daily precipitation data recorded at Mount Washington, NH, USA.  相似文献   
凋落叶作为森林凋落物的主要组成部分,其溶出的大量有机质也是森林土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)的主要来源之一。研究森林凋落叶溶出DOM对PAHs增溶作用的影响有利于合理预测及评价森林土壤中PAHs的环境行为和生态风险。本研究采集了南亚热带常绿阔叶人工林的4种常见树种--尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)、木荷(Schima superba)、大叶相思(Acacia auriculiformis)和湿地松(Pinus elliottii)的新近凋落叶为试验材料,研究其DOM含量、组成与性质,对比分析了不同凋落叶DOM对菲的増溶作用及其与DOM性质的相关关系。结果表明,4种凋落叶的可溶性有机碳(DOC)质量分数在C 11.61~36.25 mg·g-1之间,其中尾叶桉的含量最大,湿地松最小。尾叶桉和木荷DOM的主要组分是可溶性糖(SS)和可溶性酚(SP),两者总C量占DOC的比例超过47%,而大叶相思和湿地松中SS和SP两者总量所占比例均低于30%。另外,4种凋落叶DOM的质量分数(以C计)与其电导率的线性关系图中有明显转折点,说明它们均具有表面活性剂的性质。凋落叶DOM在临界胶束浓度(CMC)之上对菲具有不同程度的増溶作用,其与菲的结合系数(logKDOC)的大小顺序为尾叶桉(3.05 L·kg-1)>木荷(3.02 L·kg-1)>大叶相思(2.79 L·kg-1)>湿地松(2.54 L·kg-1),这表明尾叶桉和木荷DOM的增溶作用明显高于大叶相思和湿地松DOM。经分析表明,logKDOC与各DOM在254、280 nm处的特征紫外吸光度值(SUV-A254、SUV-A280)及其SS、SP的相对含量均呈显著正相关(p<0.01),与A240/A420、A254/A400比值呈显著负相关(p<0.01),说明DOM的芳香化程度越高,分子量越大, SS与SP所占比例越高,其对菲的増溶效果越明显。  相似文献   
通过对人均生态承载力内涵的扩展,提出了生态承载系数的概念。从多个时间断面出发,计算2001—2010年安徽省17个地市的人均生态承载力,并选取能源消耗、水资源消耗、SO2排放和COD排放4个评价因子,构建基于人均生态承载力的安徽省资源环境基尼系数和生态承载系数的计算与评价方法。结果表明:(1)安徽省SO2排放的资源环境基尼系数高于0.4的警戒线,能源消耗的资源环境基尼系数接近0.4的警戒线,水资源消耗和COD排放的资源环境基尼系数均处于相对平均等级。(2)总体来看,省内资源型城市马鞍山、淮南,经济较发达城市合肥和沿江工业城市安庆、芜湖是安徽省资源消耗和污染物排放不公平性的主要因子,需要优化资源环境分配;皖南山区城市黄山、池州和宣城是安徽省资源消耗和污染物排放公平性的主要因子。该研究可为安徽省资源环境安全性评估和分配提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The uterotrophic assay has been commonly used to test environmental estrogens in vivo, however, it is often not sensitive enough sometimes. An alternative way is to evaluate estrogenicity through biomarker genes. MicroRNA (miRNA) is a class of regulatory gene, which has been shown to be a good biomarker for many diseases and toxicological effects in recent years, and some evidences showed that estrogen induced response was partially mediated by miRNAs. In this study, two types of microarrays were used to test the 17[3-estradiol (E2) induced miRNA expression profile at different time points in the immature mouse uterus. Statistical analysis showed the aldehyde slide based array had less variation than the amino slide based array, and 11 dysregulated miRNAs were screened out for significant fold change. Real-time PCR was performed to further confirm that 4 out of 7 selected miRNAs, namely miR-451, miR-155, miR-335- 5p, and miR-365, are E2 regulated miRNAs in the uterus. The function of the predicted targets of these miRNAs is involved in cell grow control, which is consistent with the main E2 function in the uterus. MiR-451 had similar strong responses to E2 in the uterus of both immature and overiectomized mice, and could be a potential biomarker for estrogenicity in the uterus.  相似文献   
Phytoremediation technology is regarded as a simple and efficient way to remove heavy metals from contaminated soil. A reasonable disposal of metal hyperaccumulators is always and resource-saving. The a major issue in waste reuse heavy metal-accumulating Cynondon dactylon (L.) was investigated where heavy metals were desorbed by a facile acid-treatment. The result indicated that more than 90% of heavy metals (Zn, Pb and Cu) was extracted from Cynondon daetylon with 0.2 mmol· L^-1 HCl. The plant residue was used to adsorb heavy metals ions. The adsorption fitted the Langmuir isotherm model with the saturation adsorption capacity of 9.5 mg·g^-1 Zn^2+, 36.2 mg·g^-1 Pb2+ and 12.9 mg·g^-1 Cu^2+, and the surface eomplexation and the backfilling of heavy metal imprinting cavities existed simultaneously during the adsorption. The treatment of wastewaters indicated that the plant residue exhibited a high removal rate of 97% for Cu. Also, the material could be recycled. The method offers a new disposal approach for heavy metal hyperaccumulator.  相似文献   
彩叶植物是居住小区的重要组成部分,对居住区绿地的可持续发展具有重要意义。通过对昆明33个居住小区样地的调查表明:乔木类出现频度较高的有14种,红叶石楠的重要地位值最高;灌木类出现频度较高的有15种,金叶女贞重要地位值最高;草本类出现频度较高的彩叶植物共有9种,彩叶草重要地位值最高。通过分析发现,乡土彩叶植物种类较少,彩叶植物配置缺少新意,因而进一步完善居住小区绿地的功能结构非常必要。  相似文献   
农民工职业危害防护需求意愿调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了调查农民工职业危害防护的具体需求意愿及他们对企业职业危害管理现状的认知,分析农民工职业危害防护需求意愿与农民工职业危害防护行为之间的关系。采用问卷调查的定量调查方法进行调查。调查对象中男性农民工409人,女性农民工157人。参与问卷调查的农民工,均接触一种及以上的职业性有害因素。调查内容包括了解公司预防和控制职业病的政策,参与公司的职业危害管理决策,实施的职业性健康安全培训、健康监护、个人防护用品的使用等预防和控制职业病的管理措施等方面,本次调查显示,农民工对于预防职业危害表现出强烈的需求愿望,且对企业的职业危害防护现况表示了不满,倾向于采取极端的行为维护自身的健康权益。但另一方面,农民工实际参与企业职业危害防护的行为率较低,与他们的需求意愿相比有明显的差距。  相似文献   
This study aimed to assess exposure to sound and the risk of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) in orchestral musicians. Sound pressure level was measured in 1 opera and 3 symphony orchestras; questionnaires were filled in. On the basis of that data, the risk of NIHL was assessed according to Standard No. ISO 1999:1990. Classical orchestral musicians are usually exposed to sound at equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure levels of 81?90 dB (10th?90th percentiles), for 20?45 h (10th?90th percentiles) per week. Occupational exposure to such sound levels over 40 years of employment might cause hearing loss (expressed as a mean hearing threshold level at 2, 3, 4 kHz exceeding 35 dB) of up to 26%. Playing the horn, trumpet, tuba and percussion carries the highest risk (over 20%).  相似文献   
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