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A study has been made on elements organic constituents, TSP, SO2,NO2 of atmospheric pollutants in Beijing. 17 elements, and some PAHs, e. g. B(a)P, B(b, j, k)P, and B(g, h, i)P, in airborne particles by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and HPLC, GC/MS, have been determined respectively. It has been shown that the elements Pb, Zn, S and Cu were more enriched in fine particles and different valence states of sulfur at various sites. It was found that the concentrations of S6+ and S2-were more than 85% and less than 15% of the total sulfur respectively. Concentrations of major PAHs and sulfur-containing compounds increased in winter and in urban area. High values for Pb and Zn in city, Fe and Mn at industrial area and Cu, Al rural sites were obtained respectively. This implies the functions of different elemental sources of various sites. Thus, elements can be from distingushed anthropogenic and natural sources.The main contribution of SO2 was found of to have same seasonal variation as the anthropogenic el  相似文献   
研究10种不同价格香烟燃烧烟气的多环芳烃(PAHs)含量特征,结果表明,每种香烟烟气都含有多环芳烃,但是含量差别较大,平均值为405.405ng/g。在检测出来的多环芳烃中,主要是以2,3环多环芳烃为主,占据的比例达到80%左右。因此香烟烟气中的多环芳烃应该引起人们的广泛关注。  相似文献   
浮游植物是海洋生态系统的主要初级生产者,同时作为食物也是许多水生生物摄取汞的主要途径。本文综述了近年来汞在海洋浮游植物中的最新研究进展,包括汞在浮游植物中的吸收、累积规律及其影响因素,汞对浮游植物的毒性效应(生长抑制、光合作用影响)以及生物的适应机制(汞的还原、螯合解毒、矿化固定等),最后对浮游植物中汞累积和毒性的未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
Nonferrous metal is an important basis material for the development of the national economy, and its consumption directly affects economic development. It has great significance in the effective utilization of nonferrous metals, development of an environment-friendly society, and investigation of the decoupling of nonferrous metal consumption and GDP growth. The decoupling indicators for nonferrous metal consumption and GDP growth (D r) in China from 1995 to 2010 were calculated in this study, and the results were analyzed. A productive model based on BP neural network was established. Then, the decoupling indicators for nonferrous metal consumption and GDP growth in China for the period of 2011–2020 were predicted. For the period of 1995–2010, the annual average decoupling indicators were <1 for copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, and nickel, except for tin, which was 0.21. The analysis showed that the decoupling of nonferrous metal consumption and GDP growth is in a less optimistic situation to copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, and nickel in China from 1995 to 2010. The annual average decoupling indicator for tin was 0.21, which indicates relative decoupling. For the period of 2011–2020, the predicted decoupling indicators for copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, nickel, and tin were between 0 and 1. This finding indicates the implementation of relative decoupling. However, the total consumption of nonferrous metals did not decouple from GDP growth.  相似文献   
乌东德水库为季调节水库,采用宽度平均的立面二维水温数学模型对水库水温结构进行预测,结果表明:乌东德水库水温结构呈季节性分层特征,电站运行对下游水温过程有一定程度的春季低温水和冬季高温水影响。如果采用单层取水方案,在2~8月的下泄水温低于坝址现状水温,最大降幅为2.0℃,下泄低温水将对坝下鱼类产卵繁殖产生不利影响。乌东德水电站拟采取分层取水的措施,对低温水较为敏感的鱼类产卵期3~6月采用叠梁门取水。相比于单层取水,叠梁门方案对低温水的改善效果较明显,下泄水温提高了0.8~1.1℃,能一定程度地减缓升温期水温延迟效应。  相似文献   
平原河网地区非点源污染风险差异化分区防控研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用优化和空间防控策略对非点源污染风险控制及水环境质量的改善具有重要意义。本文以太湖流域典型平原河网地区-上海市青浦区为研究对象,将灰色线性规划模型与最小累积阻力模型相结合,以控制非点源污染风险和增加经济效益、生态效益为目标,进行土地利用结构优化与空间分区防控研究,在空间上划设了水资源保育区、水资源重点防护区、非点源污染一般阻控区、非点源污染中等阻控区及非点源污染重点阻控区,并针对不同分区提出具有针对性的防控措施。与2012年相比,预测2020年优化防控方案下,可减少总氮、总磷的输出10.96%和41.33%。由此表明,优化土地利用结构和构建空间差异化防控机制是有效调控非点源污染风险,实现区域可持续土地利用,促进经济发展和保证生态环境安全的有效途径。  相似文献   
为了解白鹤滩蓄水运行前黑水河下游鱼类资源的现状、受到的主要威胁及其保护措施,于2014年1~12月在黑水河下游干支流江段采用电捕法进行了渔获物调查。结果显示:12个月共调查发现鱼类28种,隶属于3目8科23属,其中喜流水生境、产粘沉性卵、以着生藻类或/和底栖动物为食物的鱼类种类较多;调查区域鱼类个体规格普遍较小,其中齐口裂腹鱼Schizothorax prenanti、短体副鳅Paracobitis potanini、红尾副鳅Paracobitis varigatus、短须裂腹鱼Schizothorax wangchiachii、前鳍高原鳅Triplophysa anterodorsalis、中华纹胸鮡Glyptothorax sinense和凹尾拟鲿Pseudobagrus emarginatus为调查区域的主要经济鱼类;上半年和下半年的渔获物结构在统计学上差异显著(R=0.81,p=0.1%0.05),鱼类在金沙江干流和黑水河下游之间的相互迁徙比较明显;CPUE呈现先波动下降然后逐月上升的趋势,其中10月份的CPUE最低;丰度生物量比较曲线显示2014年各月的渔获物结构均处于严重干扰状态。黑水河下游河道采砂以及过度捕捞是白鹤滩蓄水前影响黑水河下游鱼类资源的主要因素,建议通过控制采砂的江段、采砂的时间以及全面禁捕保护该区域的鱼类资源。  相似文献   
Removal of heavy metals from a contaminated soil using tartaric acid   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This study reports the feasibility of remediation of a heavy metal (HM) contaminated soil using tartaric acid, an environmentally-friendly extractant. Batch experiments were performed to test the factors influencing remediation of the HM contaminated soil. An empirical model was employed to describe the kinetics of riM dissolution/desorption and to predict equilibrium concentrations of HMs in soil leachate. The changes of HMs in different fractions before and after tartaric acid treatment were also investigated. Tartaric acid solution containing HMs was regenerated by chestnut shells. Results show that utilization of tartaric acid was effective for removal of riMs from the contaminated soil, attaining 50%-60% of Cd, 40%-50% of Pb, 40%-50% of Cu and 20%-30% of Zn in the pH range of 3.5-4.0 within 24 h. Mass transfer coefficients for cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were much higher than those for copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). Sequential fractionations of treated and untreated soil samples showed that tartaric acid was effective in removing the exchangeable, carbonate fractions of Cd, Zn and Cu from the contaminated soil. The contents of Pb and Cu in Fe-Mn oxide fraciton were also significantly decreased by tartaric acid treatment. One hundred milliliters of tartaric acid solution containing HMs could be regenerated by 10 g chestnut shells in a batch reactor. Such a remediation procedure indicated that tartaric acid is a promising agent for remediation of HM contaminated soils. However, further research is needed before the method can be practically used for in situ remediation of contaminated sites.  相似文献   
In the system of nitric oxide removal from the flue gas by metal chelate absorption, it is an obstacle that ferrous absorbents are easily oxidized by oxygen in the flue gas to ferric counterparts, which are not capable of binding NO. By adding iron metal or electrochemical method, Fe^Ⅲ (EDTA) can be reduced to Fe^Ⅱ(EDTA).However, there are various drawbacks associated with these techniques. The dissimilatory reduction of Fe^Ⅲ(EDTA) with microorganisms in the system of nitric oxide removal by metal chelate absorption was investigated. Ammonium salt instead of nitrate was used as the nitrogen source, as nitrates inhibited the reduction of Fe^Ⅲ due to the competition between the two electron acceptors. Supplemental glucose and lactate stimulated the formation of Fe^Ⅱ more than ethanol as the carbon sources. The microorganisms cultured at 50~C were not very sensitive to the other experimental temperature, the reduction percentage of Fe^Ⅲ varied little with the temperature range of 30-50℃.Concentrated Na2 CO3 solution was added to adjust the solution pH to an optimal pH range of 6-7. The overall results revealed that the dissimilatory ferric reducing microorganisms present in the mix-culture are probably neutrophilic, moderately thermophiUc Fe^Ⅲ reducers.  相似文献   
以TiO2为载体,选取过渡金属元素Mn为活性组分,稀土金属元素Ce为活性助剂,采用分步共混法制备了Mn-Ce/TiO2催化剂(活性组分负载量16%),系统研究了TiO2载体的晶型和晶粒尺寸对催化剂脱硝活性的影响。实验结果表明:分别以锐钛矿型和金红石型TiO2为载体制备的催化剂,其低温脱硝活性相差不大,活性组分均以无定型态高度分散于载体中,以金红石型TiO2为载体制备的催化剂中部分TiO2转变为锐钛矿型;以不同晶粒尺寸TiO2载体制备的催化剂的低温脱硝活性相差较大,比表面积较大、晶粒尺寸较小的TiO2载体制备的催化剂,其脱硝活性低于晶粒尺寸较大的TiO2载体制备的催化剂。  相似文献   
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