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文章通过实例,简要阐述了滩海、浅海、深海三种开发模式的特点、主要工艺及其适用性。指出各自存在的问题,并提出相应的建议,为海上勘探开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   
研究臭氧预氧化/曝气生物滤池(O3/BAF)联合工艺深度处理实际城市污水二级出水过程中,后续BAF系统中有机物的生物降解数学模型。以有机底物浓度、填料层高度两个基本变量为控制条件,研究BAF的总体运行常数和填料特性常数,得出BAF有机物生物降解动力学方程为Se/S0=exp(-Kh/qSn0)。出水与进水COD浓度比值(Se/S0)的对数与反应器填料高度(h)之间可表达成一次函数关系。在不同的进水浓度(S0)下,根据ln(Se/S0)~h和关系式m=K/qSn0,得到方程ln(qm)=-nln(S0)+lnK。BAF总体运行常数K和填料特性常数n分别为1.708和0.5063。该模型对BAF工艺有如下指导意义:可以根据设计流量、进水有机物浓度和出水浓度,初步确定BAF的尺寸(如横截面积、高度等)。  相似文献   
直接驯化嗜盐菌处理高盐废水的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从大连旅顺盐场底泥中筛选出适合高盐度的嗜盐菌,在序批式间歇反应器(SBR)中对其进行3.5%(质量分数)盐度的驯化,污泥混合液悬浮固体(MLSS)平均质量浓度达600mg/L。污泥比耗氧速率(SOUR)测量结果显示,内源呼吸阶段污泥SOUR为10.36mg/(g.h),外源呼吸阶段污泥SOUR达到29.09mg/(g.h),表明所筛选的嗜盐菌培养的污泥具有较高活性。利用培养的污泥进行高盐模拟废水处理试验,结果表明,对盐度为3.5%、COD为240~340mg/L的高盐废水,在每周期12h、曝气量0.6L/min、污泥MLSS为600mg/L、污泥龄为18d条件下,COD去除率达95%以上,NH4+-N去除率达61%,TP去除率达55%。改变进水有机负荷对出水COD去除影响不大,该系统耐有机负荷冲击能力较强;盐度负荷的改变对COD的去除影响不大,而NH4+-N去除率有明显变化,在3.5%和5.0%的盐度下,NH4+-N去除率分别为61%和31%。  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  

Nanomaterials have been used increasingly in industrial production and daily life, but their human exposure may cause health risks. The interactions of nanomaterial with functional biomolecules are often applied as a precondition for its cytotoxicity and organ toxicity where various proteins have been investigated in the past years. In the present study, nano-TiO2 was selected as the representative of nanomaterials and lysozyme as a representative for enzymes. By investigating their interaction by various instrumentations, the objective is to identify the action sites and types, estimate the effect on the enzyme structure and activity, and reveal the toxicity mechanism of nanomaterial.  相似文献   
广州市餐厨垃圾不同处置方式的经济与环境效益比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广州市餐厨垃圾采用填埋、焚烧、综合处理3种处置方式的经济和环境效益进行了对比分析。结果表明,对于一座日处理能力为500t的餐厨垃圾处理厂而言,如果采用制取沼气和提炼生物柴油的综合处理方式,则年处置费用约为3833万元,年运输成本约为1825万元,年总收益(主要为出售生物柴油和发电)为7093万元,年净收益可达1435万元;一座日处理能力为500t的餐厨垃圾处理厂通过综合处理提炼的生物柴油若替代普通柴油使用,则每年可减少CO2排放量达110000t,而且餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵过程中产生的CO2也能被有效回收并加以利用。总体来说,综合处理方式既实现了餐厨垃圾的资源化有效利用,也达到了低污染排放的目的,经济与环境效益均达最佳。  相似文献   
The study reported in this paper examined the concentrations of nineteen perfluorochemicals (PFCs), including perfluoroalkyl sulfonates, carboxylates, and sulfonamides in samples collected from Hong Kong wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and sediments. The study was the first to use an external isolator column to assist in the quantification of PFCs in environmental samples without having to make internal modifications to a liquid chromatography system. Perfluorooctanesulfonate was found to be the dominant PFC pollutant in Hong Kong, and the WWTP sludge was the major sink of PFCs discharged from the urban areas. Compared to discharge influenced by industrial activities, much less perfluorooctanoate was found in waste streams. The significantly lower level of perfluorodecanesulfonate in WWTP sludge reflects the important influence of consumer products on PFC distribution. The dominance of even-chain length perfluoroalkyl carboxylates in all of the WWTP sludge samples investigated further suggests the strong aerobic degradation of fluorotelomer alcohols in WWTPs.  相似文献   
To further understand the role of substrates on the heterogeneous reactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the reactions of ozone with anthracene adsorbed on different mineral oxides (SiO2, α-Al2O3 and α-Fe2O3) and on Teflon disc were investigated in dark at 20 °C. No reaction between ozone and anthracene on Teflon disc was observed when the ozone concentration was ~1.18 × 1014 molecules cm?3. The reactions on mineral oxides exhibited pseudo-first-order kinetics for anthracene loss, and the pseudo-first-order rate constant (k1,obs) displayed a Langmuir–Hinshelwood dependence on the gas-phase ozone concentration. The adsorption equilibrium constants for ozone (KO3) on SiO2-1, SiO2-2, α-Al2O3 and α-Fe2O3 were (0.81 ± 0.26) × 10?15 cm3, (2.83 ± 1.17) × 10?15 cm3, (2.48 ± 0.77) × 10?15 cm3 and (1.66 ± 0.45) × 10?15 cm3, respectively; and the maximum pseudo-first-order rate constant (k1,max) on these oxides were (0.385 ± 0.058) s?1, (0.101 ± 0.0138) s?1, (0.0676 ± 0.0086) s?1 and (0.0457 ± 0.004) s?1, respectively. Anthraquinone was identified as the main surface product of anthracene reacted with ozone. Comparison with previous research and the results obtained in this study suggest that the reactivity of anthracene with ozone and the lifetimes of anthracene adsorbed on mineral dust in the atmosphere are determined by the nature of the substrate.  相似文献   
The neutralization of wastewater treatment residues is an issue for many countries. The European Union (EU) legal regulations have limited the use of the residues in agriculture and implemented a ban for their disposal. Therefore, urgent action should be taken to find solutions for the safe disposal of sewage sludge. The problem refers in particular to the new EU member countries, including Poland, where one can now observe an intensive development of sewage system networks and new sewage treatment plants. At the same time, these countries have few installations for thermal sewage sludge utilization (e.g., there is only one installation of that type in Poland). Simultaneously, there are many coal-fired mechanical stoker-fired boilers in some of these countries. This paper presents suggestions for the production of granulated fuel from sewage sludge and coal slime. Additionally, among others, lime was added to the fuel to decrease the sulfur compounds emission. Results are presented of research on fuel with two average grain diameters (approximately 15 and 35 mm). The fuel with such diameters is adapted to the requirements of the combustion process taking place in a stoker-fired boiler. The research was aimed at identifying the behavior of the burning fuel, with special attention paid to its emission properties (e.g., to the emissions of oxides of nitrogen [NO(x)], sulfur dioxide [SO2], and carbon monoxide [CO], among others). The concentration and emission values were compared with similar results obtained while burning hard coal. The combustion process was carried out in a laboratory stand where realization of the large-scale tests is possible. The laboratory stand used made simulation possible for a wide range of burning processes in mechanical stoker-fired boilers.  相似文献   
4A沸石去除水中Pb2+的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在静态条件下,研究了4A沸石对废水中Pb2+的吸附性能,并探讨了影响吸附的因素。实验表明:当温度为30℃,废水pH为5~6,0.01g4A沸石对100mg/LPb2+溶液10mL吸附20min,Pb2+的去除率可达到99%以上。在实验研究条件下,4A沸石对Pb2+的吸附符合Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附方程,相关系数为0.9819和0.9998。经计算,4A沸石对Pb2+的饱和吸附量为125mg/g。4A沸石吸附水中Pb2+达到吸附平衡的时间较短;溶液pH值的变化对吸附效果影响不显著;温度从室温略微升高,Pb2+的去除率略有增大。吸附在4A沸石上的Pb“可回收利用,处理后的4A沸石可以再生,且重复使用性能较好。  相似文献   
During the summertime of 2007/2008, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes across air–water interface were investigated in the littoral zones of Lake Mochou and Lake Tuanjie, east Antarctica, using a static chamber technique. The mean fluxes of CO2 and CH4 were ?70.8 mgCO2 m?2 h?1 and 144.6 μgCH4 m?2 h?1, respectively, in the littoral zone of Lake Mochou; The mean fluxes were ?36.9 mgCO2 m?2 h?1 and 109.8 μgCH4 m?2 h?1, respectively, in the littoral zone of Lake Tuanjie. Their fluxes showed large temporal and spatial dynamics. The CO2 fluxes showed a significantly negative correlation with daily total radiation (DTR) and a weakly negative correlation with air temperature and water temperature, indicating that sunlight intensity controlled the magnitude of CO2 fluxes from the open lakes. The CH4 fluxes significantly correlated with local air temperature, water table and total dissolved solids (TDS), indicating that they were the predominant factors influencing CH4 fluxes. Summertime CO2 budgets in the littoral zones of Lake Mochou and Lake Tuanjie were estimated to be ?152.9 gCO2 m?2 and ?79.7 gCO2 m?2, respectively, and net CH4 emissions were estimated to be 312.3 mgCH4 m?2 and 237.2 mgCH4 m?2, respectively. Our results show that shallow, open, alga-rich lakes might be strong summertime CO2 absorbers and small CH4 emitters during the open water in coastal Antarctica.  相似文献   
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