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Zusammenfassung  Teil I gibt einen überblick über den Ursprung und die Entwicklung des Begriffes “Nachhaltigkeit” im allgemeinen und für die Landwirtschaft im speziellen. Demnach wird Nachhaltigkeit zwar unter ?kologischen, sozialen und ?konomischen Aspekten diskutiert; eine allgemein anerkannte Definition des Begriffes existiert bisher jedoch weder für die jeweiligen Einzelaspekte noch unter Zusammenführung aller drei Aspekte. Dies erschwert die Ermittlung und Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeit in der Praxis. Ausgehend von der Begriffsentwicklung und den wesentlichen heute definierten Begriffsinhalten wird deshalb für eine nachhaltige Pflanzenproduktion aus prim?r ?kologischer Sicht eine Definition vorgeschlagen. Sie dient als Grundlage für einen methodischen Ansatz, der eine Operationalisierung und damit eine Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeit der Pflanzenproduktion in der Praxis erm?glichen soll (?Teil II).   相似文献   
Floral volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play important roles in plant-pollinator interactions. We investigated the reproductive ecology and floral VOCs of Zygopetalinae orchids to understand the relationship between floral scents and pollinators. We performed focal observations, phenological censuses and breeding system experiments in eight species in southeast Brazil. Floral scents were collected and analysed using SPME/GC-MS. We performed multivariate analyses to group species according to affinities of their VOCs and define compounds associated to each plant. Dichaea cogniauxiana was pollinated by weevils which use their developing ovules, while D. pendula was pollinated by the same weevils and perfume-collecting male euglossine bees. The other species were deceit-pollinated by bees. Zygopetalum crinitum was pollinated by carpenter bees, while W. warreana, Z. mackayi and Z. maxillare were bumblebee-pollinated. The latter was also pollinated by Centris confusa. Breeding system varied widely with no association to any pollinator group. Most VOCs are common to other floral scents. Zygopetalum crinitum presented an exclusive blend of VOCs, mainly composed of benzenoids. The scents of Pabstia jugosa, Promenaea xanthina and the Zygopetalum spp. were similar. The bumblebee-pollinated species have flowering periods partially overlapped, thus neither phenology nor pollinators constitute hybridization barriers among these species. Euglossines are not the only pollinators of Zygopetalinae. Different VOCs, size and lifespan of flowers are associated with distinct pollinators. A distinctive VOC bouquet may determine specialisation in carpenter bees or male euglossines within bee-pollinated flowers. Finally, visitation of deceit-pollinated flowers by perfume-collecting euglossines allows us to hypothesise how pollination by this group of bees had evolved.  相似文献   
Nectar is secreted in particular rhythms throughout the lifespan of a flower, which allows determining the nectar production dynamics. This paper compares nectar features in Mucuna japira and Mucuna urens describing: dynamics of nectar production, floral response to nectar removal, resorption, nectar sugar composition, and variation in nectar sugar composition. M. japira inflorescence bears 12–21 yellow flowers, which are in anthesis for 7 days, whereas M. urens inflorescence bears 36–54 greenish flowers, but only 1–3 flowers are in anthesis simultaneously that last one night. Nectar volume and sugar concentration were measured, and the amount of sugar was estimated. Qualitative and quantitative nectar sugar composition was determined. Both species had a constant nectar sugar concentration (ca. 10% for M. japira and ca. 16% for M. urens) and secreted high volumes of nectar (ca. 340 μl per flower for M. japira and 310 μl per flower for M. urens), during 5 days for M. japira and 6 h for M. urens, but after the first removal, i.e., when flower opening mechanism is triggered, nectar production stops immediately. Nectar resorption occurred in both species. Nectar sugar composition showed some similarities between the species. Variation in nectar sugar composition occurred in both species. The Mucuna species are dependent on their pollinators to produce fruits and seeds, and they have different strategies to promote the necessary interaction with birds or bats, especially related to nectar and flower characteristics.  相似文献   
An inverse dispersion technique in conjunction with Open-Path Tunable-Diode-Laser-Spectroscopy (OP-TDLS) and meteorological measurements was applied to characterise methane (CH4) emissions from an Austrian open-windrow composting plant treating source-separated biowaste. Within the measurement campaigns from July to September 2012 different operating conditions (e.g. before, during and after turning and/or sieving events) were considered to reflect the plant-specific process efficiency. In addition, the tracer technique using acetylene (C2H2) was applied during the measurement campaigns as a comparison to the dispersion model. Plant-specific methane emissions varied between 1.7 and 14.3 g CH4/m3d (1.3–10.7 kg CH4/h) under real-life management assuming a rotting volume of 18,000 m3. In addition, emission measurements indicated that the turning frequency of the open windrows appears to be a crucial factor controlling CH4 emissions when composting biowaste. The lowest CH4 emission was measured at a passive state of the windrows without any turning event (“standstill” and “sieving of matured compost”). Not surprisingly, higher CH4 emissions occurred during turning events, which can be mainly attributed to the instant release of trapped CH4. Besides the operation mode, the meteorological conditions (e.g. wind speed, atmospheric stability) may be further factors that likely affect the release of CH4 emissions at an open windrow system. However, the maximum daily CH4 emissions of 1 m3 rotting material of the composting plant are only 0.7–6.5% of the potential daily methane emissions released from 1 m3 of mechanically–biologically treated (MBT) waste being landfilled according to the required limit values given in the Austrian landfill ordinance.  相似文献   
Unraveling the source of nitric oxide emission during nitrification.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitric oxide production was measured during nitrification in a laboratory-scale bioreactor, operated at conditions relevant to municipal nitrifying wastewater treatment plants. This study aims to determine which type of microorganism and which metabolic pathway is responsible for nitric oxide emission during nitrification. Simulation studies were used to identify which pathway is the main source of nitric oxide emission, based on the following three hypothetical pathways for nitric oxide emission: (a) nitrification, (b) denitrification by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria with ammonium as electron donor, and (c) heterotrophic denitrification. The results of the study suggest that, in a nitrifying reactor treating wastewater containing solely ammonium and nutrients, denitrification by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria is the main nitric-oxide-producing pathway. During the experiments, 0.025% of the treated ammonium is emitted as nitric oxide, independent of the aeration rate imposed. Nitrite presence and oxygen limitation were found to increase the nitric oxide emission.  相似文献   
Feeding ecology of green turtles was investigated between January 2005 and April 2008 at Arvoredo Reserve, Brazil (27°17′S, 48°18′W). Data were obtained through the performance of observational sessions, geo-referenced counts, benthic surveys, capture and recapture of individuals, and oesophageal lavages. This protected area was identified as an important green turtle feeding ground, used year-round by juveniles (curved carapace length = 32–83 cm). Turtles fed close to the rocky shores of the area and selected grazing sites commonly at hard-to-reach, near-vertical portions of the rocks. They were less active in cold months, and more abundant at shallow areas of the reef (0–5 m), where their preferred food items occurred. Their diet was dominated by macroalgae species but invertebrates were also present. Their main food item was the red algae Pterocladiella capillacea, which seems to be eaten through periodical cropping of its tips. Observational methods such as the ones applied here could be incorporated to other research programs aiming to understand the relationships between Chelonia mydas feeding populations and their environment.  相似文献   
The purpose of part II is to develop and to discuss a methodological approach for the practical implementation of sustainable crop production. In part I the term “sustainable crop production” has been defined and explained. Based on this definition the approach presented here entails several steps starting with the identification of the whole range of crop management measures and the emissions and other releases associated with them. Through an impact pathway assessment these releases are traced from their point of origin, the farm or production level, to their end points, namely agroecosystems and adjacent ecosystems. At the ecosystem level condition-indicators, which describe the condition of the ecosystems affected by agricultural crop production measures, need to be selected. For these condition-indicators threshold values (i.e. maximally tolerable values) have to be determined. These should not be exceeded if irreversible changes in the respective ecosystems and ecosystem compartments are to be avoided. By tracing the maximally tolerable values back along their impact pathway, they are transposed to the level of crop production. At the farm level they prescribe a framework within which agricultural crop production must remain to prevent irreversible changes in the affected ecosystems. The framework consists of production indicators and their respective threshold values (i.e. critical uses of farm inputs), which have to be adhered to in order to ensure sustainable crop production.  相似文献   


Ciprofloxacin (CIP), a broad-spectrum, second-generation fluoroquinolone, has frequently been found in hospital wastewaters and effluents of sewage treatment plants. CIP is scarcely biodegradable, has toxic effects on microorganisms and is photosensitive. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic potential of CIP in human HepG2 liver cells during photolysis.


Photolysis of CIP was performed in aqueous solution by irradiation with an Hg lamp, and transformation products were monitored by HPLC-MS/MS and by the determination of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of CIP and of the irradiated samples were determined after 24?h of exposure using the WST-1 assay and the in vitro micronucleus (MN) test in HepG2 cells.


The concentration of CIP decreased during photolysis, whereas the content of DOC remained unchanged. CIP and its transformation products were not cytotoxic towards HepG2 cells. A concentration-dependent increase of MN frequencies was observed for the parent compound CIP (lowest observed effect level, 1.2???mol?L?1). Furthermore, CIP and the irradiated samples were found to be genotoxic with a significant increase relative to the parent compound after 32?min (P?P?Conclusions Photolytic decomposition of aqueous CIP leads to genotoxic transformation products. This proves that irradiated samples of CIP are able to exert heritable genotoxic effects on human liver cells in vitro. Therefore, photolysis as a technique for wastewater treatment needs to be evaluated in detail in further studies, not only for CIP but in general.  相似文献   
In most mammals, female fertility and reproduction are strongly influenced by nutritional status and, therefore, by foraging conditions. Here, we investigate the relationship between food resources, feeding competition, energy intake and reproduction in a group of wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) in northeastern Thailand. Over 2,100 h of data on feeding behaviour, energy intake and activity budgets were combined with data on resource characteristics, female reproduction and physical condition. We found that an increase in food availability had a positive effect on female energy intake and conception rates. In addition, it appeared that females incurred energetic costs during lactation and that females with a better physical condition during the mating season were more likely to conceive. The annual birth season occurred a few months before the annual peak in food availability, causing peak lactation to coincide with a period of high food availability. This suggests that females use the increased food abundance to compensate for the energetic costs of lactation. Neither energy intake rates nor activity budgets were influenced by female dominance rank, even during periods when the levels of contest competition were predicted to be high. In line with this, we found no evidence for rank-related differences in reproduction. The apparently limited influence of feeding competition in female Assamese macaques adds to the debate on the extent to which patterns in feeding competition and fitness can reliably be predicted based on ecological conditions. We suggest that this may partially be resolved by including potential competition-reducing mechanisms into the predictive framework.  相似文献   
Part I gives an overview on the origin and the development of the term “sustainability” in general and for agriculture in particular. This overview shows that the term “sustainability” is used widely in discussing ecological, social and economic aspects; however, there is no generally accepted definition for this term neither for the different aspects, nor for a concept including all the discussed aspects of “sustainability”. This makes a determination and practical implementation of the term “sustainability” difficult. Therefore a definition for a sustainable crop production from the ecological point of view is elaborated based on the discussion of the development of the term and on the identification of the most important applied aspects. This definition forms the basis for a methodological approach to the practical implementation of a sustainable crop production (»part II).  相似文献   
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