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文章采用计算流体力学软件Fluent数值模拟了1 025 t/h四角切圆煤粉炉内的湍流扩散燃烧,分析了空气过量系数对炉内烟气速度、烟气温度和氮氧化物组分的影响。结果表明:空气过量系数会对炉内流场的空气动力学特性和温度场分布均匀性产生显著影响。煤粉炉膛最佳空气过量系数为1.07,此时炉内温度场、速度场和浓度场的分布可使燃烧中间产物HCN和NH_3较好的将燃料型NO还原为N_2,来充分发挥空气分级燃烧降低NO排放的功效。  相似文献   
分别在G310国道郑州-开封段的杏花营路段两侧150m×150m范围内布设7条垂直于公路的采样子断面,从路肩向两侧每隔10m采集1个表土混合样,共采集226个样品(包括2个对照样品).用ICP-MS测定了土壤重金属(Pb、Cu、Zn、Cd、Cr和Ni)含量,并用Universal Kriging插值法分析路旁土壤重金属空间分布特征.结果表明,路旁土壤重金属呈与道路平行的带状分布,表明6种重金属含量均受公路交通影响,属于公路源重金属.土壤Cr和Cu含量在路基处含量最高,向两侧逐渐下降,呈指数分布;土壤Pb、Zn、Cd和Ni含量在距路基30~50m处出现峰值,呈偏态分布.路旁土壤Pb、Cu、Zn、Cd、Cr和Ni均为交通源重金属.  相似文献   
微生物法降解药渣中残留四环素的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发酵法生产四环素过程中会产出大量废弃药渣,其中含有丰富的营养物质,但同时也残留一定量未提取完的四环素,从而限制其资源化利用。研究筛选到一株对药渣中残留四环具有高效降解作用的优势菌株,经16S rDNA鉴定为无丙二酸柠檬酸杆菌(Citrobacteramalonaticus)。该菌株在35℃、初始pH 5.5、装液量为50 mL、接种量为5%、转速为150 r/min条件下,处理四环素药渣72 h,药渣中残留四环素的降解率为86.1%。  相似文献   
为提高吸附剂对Hg0(零价汞)的吸附效率,利用MOFs(金属有机框架)材料发达的孔隙结构和高比表面积(1 997.010 0 m2/g),采用FeCl3溶液浸渍改性,制备了吸附剂FeCl3@MIL-101(Cr)用于脱除Hg0.在小型固定床反应器上考察了浸渍浓度、反应温度、氧含量等对Hg0去除的影响.结果表明:FeCl3@MIL-101(Cr)在进口ρ(Hg0)为2×10-3 mg/L,c(FeCl3)为0.2 mol/L,反应温度60℃,气体流速400 mL/min,φ(O2)为1%的条件下,吸附穿透时间长达62 h,相应的吸附容量为14.27 mg/g.在此基础上,进一步利用BET(比表面积测试)、SEM(扫描电镜)-EDX(能量色散X射线光谱)、XRD(X射线衍射)、XPS(X射线光电子能谱)等常用表征手段研究了改性前后吸附剂的物理化学特性,证明了吸附剂FeCl3@MIL-101(Cr)吸附零价汞是物理吸附与化学吸附共同作用的结果,含氯官能团在吸附Hg0过程中也发挥了相当大的作用,并且氧气可促进其吸附效果.最后,分析了其吸附机理.研究显示,该种吸附剂在低温条件下具有较为优良的脱汞性能,应用前景良好.   相似文献   
针对一起 330 MW 火电机组发变组出口断路器在无任何保护动作情况下的跳闸故障,采用逐步排查法,通过现场模拟实验,找出了故障的原因,提出有效解决办法并制定了防范措施。应用结果表明:改进措施消除了机组存在的安全隐患,确保了机组的长周期安全运行。  相似文献   
雪花形钢板桩是一种新型异型桩,为研究其在荷载作用下桩身变形特征,开展了雪花形钢板桩桩身变形数值模拟与室内模型试验研究,采用有限差分软件FLAC 3D 构建雪花形钢板桩数值分析模型,并与室内模型试验结果进行对比,验证了数值模型建立的合理性;同时研究了雪花形钢板桩翼缘数量、腹板(翼缘)厚度、腹板(翼缘)长度、桩长和钢板弹性模量对桩身变形的影响。结果表明:在竖向荷载作用下,雪花形钢板桩桩身应变随着深度增加而减小;增加雪花形钢板桩翼缘数量可以减小最大受力及改善桩体受力的均匀性;在相同条件下,雪花形钢板桩桩身应变随着腹板(翼缘)厚度增大而减小,随着腹板(翼缘)长度增大而减小,随着钢板弹性模量的增大而减小;随着桩长增长,距桩顶相同位置处的桩身应变不断增大,但最大应变大小一致发生在桩顶处。  相似文献   
To study how global warming and eutrophication affect water ecosystems, a multiplicative growth Monod model, modified by incorporating the Arrhenius equation, was applied to Lake Taihu to quantitatively study the relationships between algal biomass and both nutrients and temperature using long-term data. To qualitatively assess which factor was a limitation of the improved model, temperature variables were calculated using annual mean air temperature (AT), water temperature (WT), and their average temperature (ST), while substrate variables were calculated using annual mean total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and their weighted aggregate (R), respectively. The nine fitted curves showed that TN and AT were two important factors influencing algal growth; AT limited growth as algal photosynthesis is mainly carried out near the water surface; N leakage of phytoplankton and internal phosphorus load from sediment explains why TN was the best predictor of peak biomass using the Monod model. The fitted results suggest that annual mean algal biomass increased by 0.145 times when annual mean AT increased by 1.0℃. Results also showed that the more eutrophic the lake, the greater the effect AT had on algal growth. Subsequently, the long-term joint effect of annual temperature increase and eutrophication to water ecosystems can be quantitatively assessed and predicted.  相似文献   
Wang L  Wu Y  Sun H  Xu J  Dai S 《Environment international》2006,32(7):907-914
Spatial distribution of nonylphenol polyethoxylates (NPEOs) and nonylphenol (NP) was investigated in a field study in Lanzhou Reach of the Yellow River. NPEOs and their metabolites were found in the river, with the maximum dissolved concentrations of 6.38 nmol/L for NPEOs, 0.19 nmol/L for nonylphenol ethoxy acetic acids (NPECs) and 0.79 nmol/L for NP, respectively. The maximum concentrations in the sediment and suspended particle samples were 1.50 and 5.09 nmol/g for NPEOs and NP, respectively. The effects of particles, light and microorganism on the dissipation of NPEOs in the river water were investigated based on lab-scale experiments. When natural particles were removed, 72% and 22% degradation of NPEOs were achieved at 120 h in non-sterile and sterile conditions with light, respectively. Different concentrations of NPECs were also observed in these experiments. When suspended particle matters (SPMs) were present, about 38-50% of NPEOs were sorbed to the particulate phase in only 1 h. As a result, the degradation of NPEOs and production of NPECs were inhibited. However, the combined sorption and degradation in the presence of SPMs resulted in lower dissolved NPEO concentrations than those in the absence of SPMs. Biodegradation was the most important pathway for NPEOs degradation in the river water, while NPECs seemed to be produced through both biological and abiological pathways.  相似文献   
通过室外及室内控制试验,研究5种常见填料作为原材料制成的仿生植物对污染水体氮素的去除性能,结果表明,仿生植物原材料的差异将直接影响其附着生物膜特性,其附着生物膜量、硝化强度、反硝化强度以及硝化细菌、反硝化细菌均表现为:软性填料﹥组合填料﹥悬浮填料﹥立体弹性填料﹥半软性填料。水深对仿生植物附着生物膜亦有不同程度的影响,其中生物膜量随水深的增加并未表现出明显的分层效应,而生物膜硝化作用强度、硝化细菌随水深的增加逐渐降低,但生物膜反硝化作用强度、反硝化细菌则随水深的增加则呈现出逐渐增加的趋势。5种不同材质的仿生植物对水体TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N具有较好的去除效果,去除率表现为:软性填料﹥组合填料﹥悬浮填料﹥立体弹性填料﹥半软性填料﹥对照系统。同时,仿生植物种植密度也影响其对水体氮素的去除效果,表现为CK〈7株·m-3〈13株·m-3〈20株·m-3,研究结果将为仿生植物的野外实际应用及我国城市重污染河道水质原位修复提供技术支持。  相似文献   
为了提升二次气溶胶的模拟精度,在区域大气环境模式RegAEMS中加入了硫酸盐气溶胶的两种新生成机制(NO2+SO2化学过程和过渡金属催化氧化(TMI))以及二次有机气溶胶(SOA)生成的挥发性有机物基集(VBS)方法.模拟了2020年1月上海市两次中度污染过程,并与观测数据进行对比验证.研究发现,两次污染过程硫氧转化率(SOR)均大于0.4,PM2.5主要组分为SO42-、NO3-、NH4+等水溶性离子,占比为61.25%~63.85%.SOA占比为2.92%~3.0%.加入NO2+SO2化学过程和过渡金属催化氧化(TMI)后,硫酸盐模拟精度明显提升(相关系数(R)从0.49~0.63提升至0.58~0.67,相对标准偏差(NMB)从-35.0%~-36.5%提升至-17.3%~-14.2%).两种化学过程在污染发展阶段平均贡献占比为23.3%~27.9%,这可能是造成污染条件下SO42-浓度迅速增加的主要原因.VBS机制能够较好地模拟出SOA的变化趋势(相关系数为0.53~0.56),由于硫酸盐和SOA生成机理的改进,RegAEMS在PM2.5的模拟精度上有所提升(相对标准偏差(NMB)从-13.5%~-6.0%提升至-9.0%~-3.3%).  相似文献   
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