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First trimester prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis was attempted in 350 pregnancies after trans-abdominal chorionic villus sampling. The cytogenetic investigation was performed using both a short-term method (24 h incubation) and cell culture. Adequate samples were obtained in 99·1 per cent and in all these cases the fetal karyotype was established. A chromosome abnormality was found in 2·0 per cent of cases. A discrepancy between the karyotype obtained after 24 h incubation and the karyotype in cell culture was observed in 2·3 per cent. Maternal cell contamination in the cultures was confirmed in 13 of 181 cases where the 24 h incubation revealed a male karyotype. Studies of culture morphology showed that colonies of convoluted cells may serve as a marker for contamination with maternal cells in culture. For the present, we recommend using a short-term method as well as cell culture for cytogenetic investigation until the problems with karyotype discrepancy and maternal cell contamination have been further clarified.  相似文献   
We present a case of fetal abdominal cystic hygroma that presented at 19 weeks of gestation. Ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetus revealed soft tissue enlargement of the left leg and a retroperitoneal mass in the left pelvis and abdomen. This represents the first reported case of prenatal diagnosis of abdominal cystic hygroma.  相似文献   
We evaluated the feasibility, reliability, and acceptability of prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia A by DNA analysis of chorionic villi. Twenty-two women at risk to transmit the abnormal gene were referred for prenatal diagnosis, two of them twice. Two of the 22 women appeared to be non-carriers by DNA analysis. In one of these women, the results were known only after chorionic villus sampling had been carried out. Thirteen of the twenty carriers were heterozygous for an intragenic (Bell or Xbal) marker; six women were only heterozygous for the extragenic DXS52 (Stl4) locus. One of the women was homozygous for all the presently known DNA markers within or closely linked with the factor VIII locus. Twelve of the 22 fetuses at risk were male, ten were female. Seven of the 12 male fetuses were shown to be affected and were subsequently aborted. Four male fetuses appeared to be not affected. In one case, the diagnosis was made by use of an extragenic marker. The woman rejected fetal blood sampling to confirm the diagnosis. After birth, a normal factor VIII level was found in three of the four cases. The fourth pregnancy is still continuing. In one of the 12 male fetuses, no diagnosis at the gene level was possible. DNA analysis is expected to provide maximum certainty as to the phenotype of the fetus for approximately 60 per cent of the women; for another 37 per cent a rate of misdiagnosis of 4–5 per cent applies. In only 3 per cent of the cases will no diagnosis at the gene level be possible as yet. The new possibility of a prenatal diagnosis in the first trimester of pregnancy enabled some of these women to have a family of their own and was appreciated in particular by the women who underwent fetoscopy in an earlier pregnancy.  相似文献   
农田肥料(氮肥、复合肥、有机肥)是我国N2O最大的排放源,其估计直接决定了排放总量的可靠性.为此,重新评估了中国农田肥料N2O的直接和间接排放,选择2008年县域尺度活动数据、具有空间分异性的本土排放因子和参数来重新评估其排放规模、结构、空间格局及不确定性;通过与IPCC、EDGAR等国内外研究结果的对比分析,阐述该排放清单的可靠性和全面性.结果表明,2008年我国农田肥料N2O排放总量为617.1 Gg(处于213.7~1149.2 Gg之间),其中,氮肥直接排放为458.8 Gg(74.5%),有机肥直接排放为121.0 Gg(19.6%),挥发沉降和淋溶径流造成的间接排放分别为28.0 Gg(4.5%)和9.3 Gg(仅占1.5%左右).排放集中在华北平原、东北的松辽平原、华中的淮河流域和四川盆地,以及华南的珠三角、雷州半岛和台湾地区的县(区、市、旗),主要分布在江苏(52.4 Gg)、四川(48.0 Gg)、湖北(43.2 Gg)、广东(40.8 Gg)、河南(39.6 Gg)、安徽(38.4 Gg)、湖南(31.6 Gg)、山东(28.9 Gg),其累积规模为全国总量的52%,其中,近50%的贡献源于164个县(区、市、旗).本排放清单具有更高的准确度和空间分辨率,而基于IPCC (2006)排放因子及参数的估计排放总量高估了约8.3%,对直接排放和间接排放则分别低估了12.5%和高估了330%.此外,在空间格局上还表现出高值区低估和低值区高估的特点,在491和1225个县(区、市、旗)的相对偏差超过了100%和50%,特别指出的是,间接排放在大部分县(区、市、旗)的相对偏差达到135%左右.  相似文献   
Facing the finiteness of fossil fuels and its associated environmental problems, new prospects to cover energy demand are urgently required. Energy from surplus biomass can support an essential contribution to a sustainable energy generation. This paper deals with a case study of surplus biomass available in the Indian state Rajasthan. About 1275 MW electrical power is possible to generate through biomass gasifier based power generation plant through surplus biomass available in Rajasthan. About 1656 tonnes of CO2 can be saved annually by installation of 1 MW biomass gasifier based power plant. The techno economic parameter like net present worth, cost benefit ratio and pay back period are also carried out for this route of power generation and these are about 1.18 million US$, 1.42 and 8 years and 2 months respectively.  相似文献   
通过对新疆不同地区45个煤矿进行采样,分析新疆煤炭汞含量的空间分布特征,同时对燃煤大气汞释放量进行估算,确定新疆煤炭消费对大气汞排放的贡献。结果表明新疆原煤中汞含量处于较低水平,平均含量为5.43×10-2 mg/kg,远小于我国其他地区,新疆原煤汞含量空间分布具有明显的地域差异性,最高点位于奇台地区,原煤汞含量为17.05×10-2mg/kg,最低点位于塔城地区,原煤汞含量为2.03×10-2 mg/kg,总体呈北疆地区高南疆地区低的特点。初步估算显示,2008年新疆各行业燃煤大气汞排放总量为2039.02kg,其中民用燃煤汞排放量约占5.13%,远小于14%~15%的全国平均值,在全国处于较低水平。  相似文献   
As the production of local vehicles increases, the impact of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) wastes to the environment will also increase. ELVs recovery including reuse, remanufacture, and recycle apparently become a strategy in solving this environmental problem. This study identifies the existing conditions of automotive reuse in Malaysia by conducting some interviews in selected local automotive and automotive component manufacturers. Results from the interviews indicated that reuse of automotive components in newly manufactured vehicles has never been practiced by the selected companies. However, there is interest among respondents in developing automotive components for after-market reuse. Some strategies were proposed in this study to initiate automotive components reuse in the local automotive manufacturers including the establishment of the end-of-life directive, enhance research and development on design for reuse and increase reusability and economic benefits of reuse.  相似文献   
The lessons learned from CALFED indicate that ingredients important in the long-term resolution of water management issues may not result in short-term “solutions”. The value of this special issue lies in its identification of ingredients that stimulate re-framing of issues, adapting to new knowledge and innovative decisions. But sustainable water management also requires the political patience to sustain those processes as a means of perpetuating the long-term decision-making necessary to anticipate and/or respond to an ever-changing environment.  相似文献   
种植密度对镉锌污染土壤伴矿景天植物修复效率的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
田间微区试验研究了不同种植密度对伴矿景天生长和地上部重金属吸收量的影响.结果表明,适度增大种植密度可促进伴矿景天的生长,显著提高其地上部生物量,但过分密植对植物地上部增产无显著贡献.种植密度由11万株/hm2上升到44万株/hm2时,伴矿景天地上部Cd、Zn吸取量显著上升,分别由0.208 kg.hm-2上升至0.631 kg.hm-2、13.2 kg.hm-2上升至58.7kg.hm-2;但种植密度从44万株/hm2增大到100万株/hm2时,植物地上部重金属吸取量并无显著提高.伴矿景天种植密度为44万株/hm2时,在Cd、Zn分别为(3.04±0.11)mg.kg-1和(1 299±96)mg.kg-1的污染土壤上种植1 a,对镉锌的修复效率分别达21.1%和4.60%,表明选择适宜的密度种植伴矿景天有利于增大植物地上部Cd、Zn吸取量,从而缩短修复时限.  相似文献   
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