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Bart De Smet Laurent Godet Jérôme Fournier Nicolas Desroy Mikaël Jaffré Magda Vincx Marijn Rabaut 《Marine Biology》2013,160(4):751-761
The tube-building polychaete Lanice conchilega can form dense populations, often called reefs, which promote benthic community change and constitute feeding grounds for secondary consumers. The aim of this study was to quantify the role of the L. conchilega reef of the Bay of the Mont Saint-Michel (BMSM) for feeding waders, by combining macrobenthos data, bird counts and bird diet information. Wader densities in the reef were on average 46.6 times higher than in non-reef areas. According to faecal analyses, waders in the reef mainly selected the accompanying fauna and especially crustaceans. The attractiveness of the reef to feeding birds may be largely explained by the high abundance, richness and biomass of macrobenthic species in the reef compared with the rest of the BMSM. 相似文献
Pio DV Broennimann O Barraclough TG Reeves G Rebelo AG Thuiller W Guisan A Salamin N 《Conservation biology》2011,25(6):1229-1239
Considering genetic relatedness among species has long been argued as an important step toward measuring biological diversity more accurately, rather than relying solely on species richness. Some researchers have correlated measures of phylogenetic diversity and species richness across a series of sites and suggest that values of phylogenetic diversity do not differ enough from those of species richness to justify their inclusion in conservation planning. We compared predictions of species richness and 10 measures of phylogenetic diversity by creating distribution models for 168 individual species of a species-rich plant family, the Cape Proteaceae. When we used average amounts of land set aside for conservation to compare areas selected on the basis of species richness with areas selected on the basis of phylogenetic diversity, correlations between species richness and different measures of phylogenetic diversity varied considerably. Correlations between species richness and measures that were based on the length of phylogenetic tree branches and tree shape were weaker than those that were based on tree shape alone. Elevation explained up to 31% of the segregation of species rich versus phylogenetically rich areas. Given these results, the increased availability of molecular data, and the known ecological effect of phylogenetically rich communities, consideration of phylogenetic diversity in conservation decision making may be feasible and informative. 相似文献
Nicolas Goñi John Logan Haritz Arrizabalaga Marc Jarry Molly Lutcavage 《Marine Biology》2011,158(5):1057-1073
This study aims to describe the variability of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) diet in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea and to identify possible relationships between this variability and
the features of different feeding areas, the behavior, and the energetic needs of albacore. Stomach contents from albacore
caught in five zones of the Bay of Biscay and surrounding waters (n = 654) and three zones of the Mediterranean Sea (n = 152) were analyzed in terms of diet composition and stomach fullness. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope and C/N ratios
were measured for white muscle and liver from albacore in the Bay of Biscay (n = 41) and Mediterranean Sea (n = 60). Our results showed a spatial, seasonal, inter-annual, and size-related variability in the diet of albacore. Albacore
diet varied by location in the Mediterranean Sea, with a particularly high proportion of cephalopods, and low δ15N values in the Tyrrhenian Sea. In the Northeast Atlantic, albacore consumed a higher proportion of crustaceans and a lower
proportion of fishes in the most offshore sampling zone than inshore. The digestion states of the major prey reflected a diurnal
feeding activity, indicative of feeding in deeper waters offshore, whereas on the continental slope, feeding probably occurred
in surface waters at night. Important seasonal and inter-annual diet variability was observed in the southeast of the Bay
of Biscay, where preferred albacore prey appeared to be anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus). Stomach fullness was inversely related to body size, probably reflecting higher energetic needs for smaller individuals.
Albacore from the Bay of Biscay had significantly lower δ13C and higher δ15N values compared with albacore from the Mediterranean Sea, indicative of regional baseline shifts, and trophic position and
muscle lipid stores in albacore increased with body size. 相似文献
Barkoh, Aaron and Loraine T. Fries, 2010. Aspects of the Origins, Ecology, and Control of Golden Alga Prymnesium parvum: Introduction to the Featured Collection. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(1):1-5. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00394.x 相似文献
Karageorgos P Latos M Mpasiakos C Chalarakis E Dimitrakakis E Daskalakis C Psillakis E Lazaridis M Kalogerakis N 《Journal of environmental quality》2010,39(6):2170-2178
Piggeries are known for their nuisance odors, creating problems for workers and nearby residents. Chemical substances that contribute to these odors include sulfurous organic compounds, hydrogen sulfide, phenols and indoles, ammonia, volatile amines, and volatile fatty acids. In this work, daily mean concentrations of ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) were measured by hand-held devices. Measurements were taken in several places within the facility (farrowing to finishing rooms). Hydrogen sulfide concentration was found to be 40 to 50 times higher than the human odor threshold value in the nursery and fattening room, resulting in strong nuisance odors. Ammonia concentrations ranged from 2 to 18 mL m(-3) and also contributed to the total odor nuisance. Emission data from various chambers of the pig farm were used with the dispersion model AERMOD to determine the odor nuisance caused due to the presence of H2S and NH3 to receptors at various distances from the facility. Because just a few seconds of exposure can cause an odor nuisance, a "peak-to-mean" ratio was used to predict the maximum odor concentrations. Several scenarios were examined using the modified AERMOD program, taking into account the complex terrain around the pig farm. 相似文献
Studies have shown that pleasant scents favor positive social relationships. However, the effect of pleasant ambient odor on romantic relationships has never been tested. In a field experiment, 18–25 year old women walking alone in a shopping mall were approached by an attractive 20 year old male-confederate who solicited them for their phone number. The women were solicited as they were walking in areas with pleasant ambient odors (e.g., pastries) or with no odor. It was found that women agreed more often to the confederate's courtship solicitation in the pleasant smelling areas. Positive mood induced by ambient odors may explain such results. 相似文献
Treatment of olive mill effluents Part II. Complete removal of solids by direct flocculation with poly-electrolytes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The pre-treatment of three different olive oil processing effluents by means of direct flocculation (i.e. without prior coagulation) was investigated. Four cationic and two anionic poly-electrolytes were tested and most of them were found capable of removing nearly completely total suspended solids (TSS) as well as reducing considerably the concentration of chemical (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD(5)) without altering solution pH. Flocculant dosage was crucial to achieve effective separation. For three cationic and one anionic poly-electrolytes, the minimum dosage required to initiate separation was about 2.5-3 g/L. The remaining two poly-electrolytes failed to cause separation even at dosages as high as 7 g/L. Lime and ferric chloride were also tested as reference coagulants and found quite effective in terms of TSS removal although the degree of COD reduction was generally lower than that with poly-electrolytes. However, lime treatment would require greater dosages and longer treatment times than that with poly-electrolytes and would also increase considerably solution pH. A preliminary cost analysis showed that lime treatment for complete solids removal was generally less costly than that with poly-electrolytes presumably due to its low market price. Nonetheless, cost-benefits may be defied by several drawbacks associated with the use of lime. 相似文献
A mathematical model based on Activated Sludge Model No. 3 (International Water Association, London) and laboratory-scale experiments were used to investigate ammonia conversion by nitrification in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on nitrite accumulation in the SBR. As the dissolved oxygen concentration in the SBR depends on the balance between oxygen consumption and oxygen transfer rates, ammonium conversion was measured for different air flowrate values to obtain different dissolved oxygen concentration profiles during the cycle. The ammonia concentration in the feeding medium was 500 mg ammonium as nitrogen (N-NH4(+))/L, and the maximum nitrite concentration achieved during a cycle was approximately 50 mg nitrite as nitrogen (N-NO2)/L. The air flow supplied to the reactor was identified as a suitable parameter to control nitrite accumulation in the SBR. This identification was carried out based on experimental results and simulation with a calibrated model. At a low value of the volumetric mass-transfer coefficient (kLa), the maximum nitrite concentration achieved during a cycle depends strongly on k(L)a, whereas, at a high value of k(L)a, the maximum nitrite concentration was practically independent of kL(a). 相似文献
Conservation of the marine environment mainly focuses on threatened elements and more precisely on vulnerable and endangered species like birds and mammals. When dealing with the conservation of marine habitats, the scientific community is mainly interested in hot spots of diversity, like seagrass beds in Europe, or hot spots of endemism, like coral reefs in tropical areas. Nevertheless, using the example of a common and widespread marine invertebrate, the sandmason worm (Lanice conchilega, Polychaeta, Terebellidae), we show that vulnerability and rarity are not the only criteria to take into account in order to select the best natural element for conservation. This species can form dense beds that increase biodiversity, are attractive feeding grounds for birds and fishes, and have a high socioeconomic value. In consequence, they have a high functional value that should be considered as an important conservation stake. Through the example of the Chausey archipelago and the Bay of the Mont Saint-Michel (France), we propose a synthetic interdisciplinary approach to evaluate the conservation needs of these beds. The issue is even more pressing when one considers that these natural elements and many similar ones still do not benefit from any legal protection in Europe despite their high heritage value. 相似文献
Dietary exposure to dioxin-like compounds in three age groups: results from the Flemish environment and health study 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Bilau M Matthys C Baeyens W Bruckers L De Backer G Den Hond E Keune H Koppen G Nelen V Schoeters G Van Larebeke N Willems JL De Henauw S;Flemish Center of Expertise for Environment Health 《Chemosphere》2008,70(4):584-592
Lipophilic contaminants are present in the environment and bioaccumulate in the food chain. Therefore, their intake via animal fat of various sources was assessed for three age groups of the Flemish population, participating in a large biomonitoring program of the Flemish government. In total, 1636 adolescents (14-15 years), 1186 mothers (18-44 years), and 1586 adults (50-65 years) participated in the study and completed a semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Individual consumption data were combined, via a so-called simple distribution approach, with recent data on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls, measured via the chemical-activated luciferase gene expression (CALUX) bio-assay in food items available on the Flemish market. The median (95th percentile) estimated intakes of dioxin-like contaminants were 2.24 (4.61), 2.09 (4.26), and 1.74 (3.53) pg CALUX-TEQ kg(-1) bw d(-1) for, respectively adolescents, mothers and adults. These data are in the same range as those found in other European studies. The CALUX-TEQ results of respectively 59.8%, 53.7% and 36.2% of the adolescent, mother and adult population exceed the tolerable weekly intake (TWI) of 14 pg WHO-TEQ kg(-1) bw w(-1), as derived by the Scientific Committee on Food [Scientific Committee on Food, 2001. Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on the Risk Assessment of Dioxins and Dioxin-like PCBs in Food, CS/CNTM/DIOXIN/20 final Brussels, Belgium]. The main contributors of dioxin-like substances are fish and seafood (25-43% of the total intake), added fats (22-25% of the total intake) and dairy products (17-20% of the total intake). 相似文献