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The shore of Lake Aral in Kazakhstan is a perfect area for studying the human adaptation strategy to past climate changes. New archaeological material, gathered along the northern shores during the expedition of the INTAS project CLIMAN, is briefly presented. Changes in settlement activity during the Atlantic and Subboreal are related to lake level changes of the Aral Sea. A previ-ously proposed lake level maximum needs to be revised. In particular the lake level stand at 72/73 m, with an assumed age of 5000 BP is definitely refused. Based on the presented data the maximum lake level most probably never reached beyond 57/58 mean average sea level (masl). Furthermore the regression during the 15th–16th centuries has been underestimated. It may have been lower than the present day level. Thus the present desiccation of the Aral Sea is historically not unique, as a similar regression, probably induced by man as well, has occurred at least once during history. A readjustment of the water level is, therefore, possible at any time.  相似文献   
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by promiscuous cultivars of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in cereal-based cropping systems of Nigeria’s moist savanna zone offers a potential for minimizing the investment made by resource-poor farmers on nitrogen fertilizers. A 3-year trial was conducted on five farmers’ fields in the southern Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria to assess the residual effects of two successive crops of promiscuous soybean cultivars on the yield of a following maize (Zea mays L.) crop. The soybean cultivars, TGX1456-2E (medium maturity) and TGX1660-19F (late maturity), were grown in 1996 and 1997. Treatments, imposed only in the first year of the trial, were: (i) uninoculated, (ii) inoculated with a mixture of two Bradyrhizobium strains, and (iii) fertilized with 60 kg N ha−1. A fourth treatment was a plot left to fallow. In 1998, all the previous soybean and fallow plots were sown to maize without any fertilizer application. Results in 1996 and 1997 showed a soybean response to inoculation in the first year, but differences due to the residual effect of inoculation in the second year were not significant. Both cultivars showed a similar response to inoculation but responses at the five sites were varied. Soybean cultivar 1456-2E fixed 43–52% of its N amounting to 56–70 kg N ha−1 and cultivar 1660-19F derived 39–54% of its N from N2-fixation which amounted to 51–78 kg N ha−1. Both cultivars had a high N harvest index resulting in a net removal of 52–95 kg N ha−1 when both grain and stover were exported. Even when the stover was returned, there was a depletion of 23–65 kg N ha−1, with 1456-2E removing more N than 1660-19F. Arbuscular-mycorrhizal infection on maize roots was 11–27% and dependent on previous soybean treatments and farmers’ fields. Plant height, shoot biomass, grain yield, and N uptake of maize were significantly greater in plots previously sown to soybean than in the fallow plots. In general, plots sown to the late maturing cultivar 1660-19F exhibited better residual effect, producing larger yield parameters than the plots planted with medium maturing 1456-2E.  相似文献   
The present dispersion of nature reserves in South Africa is the historical result of a series of ad hoc decisions and may not be biologically optimal We have adopted a method to identify the optimal geography of nature reserves for the conservation of South Africa's snake fauna. The method of reserve selection operated on two tiers, and the spatial unit of analysis was a quarter-degree-square cell (∼625 km2). First, two scoring indices were used to rank cells with respect to species richness or to rarity. Second, two different iterative reserve-selection algorithms selected sets of cells (reserves), where each set represented all snake species at least once. Finally, the selected cells were examined for their present level of protection and their ranked scores. Depending on the algorithm chosen, only 23 or 29 cells were required to represent all species at least once; 72–78% of these cells already contained some level of protection; 59–70% of cells fell in areas of high species richness; and 72–91% of cells fell in areas with high rarity scores. Thus we conclude that most of the snake species in South Africa may be adequately protected with only modest acquisition of new reserves, and that the iterative algorithms appear to be efficient at siting cells in areas of high richness and rarity. We recommend that the reserve placement method outlined in this report be applied to as many other taxa as possible in the formulation of a national plan for an optimal reserve system for South Africa.  相似文献   
The ultraplankton (cell diameters >3 μm), which compromises about 70% of the biomass of phytoplankton in subtropical surface waters near Oahu, Hawaii, was isolated for growth rate studies. The specific growth rate (μ) was estimated from the rate of increase of the chlorophyll biomass during incubations in the absence of grazers. This growth rate of the ultraplankton ranged from 0.037 to 0.071 h?1 (=1.3 to 2.5 doublings d?1) during a period when P:B ratios of 5 to 14.5 μg C μg?1 chl a h?1 prevailed. The co-occurrence of atypically high P:B ratios and nonlimiting ambient nutrient concentrations suggests that the calculated values are higher than those characteristic of such subtropical ecosystems in general. Rates of ammonium uptake and photosynthesis by the >3 μm fraction were also compared to those of larger fractions. Organisms in the >3 μm fraction assimilated NH 4 + at a rate which was about 75% greater than that of the 3 to 20 μm size fraction. Comparison of μ and P:B data collected over a 2 mo period (November–December, 1980) shows that the correlation between these two rate indices is nonlinear. The predominance of small-celled phytoplankton in oligotrophic waters is explained, in part, by its higher μ, its higher nutrient assimilation rates, and the absence of its loss through sedimentation.  相似文献   
Summary Pollimyrus isidori's electric organ discharge (EOD) is of the pulse type. Patterns of EOD intervals were investigated prior to, during and following spawning behaviors as related with overt behaviors, and with the sound production by the nestbuilding male. Prior to the time of reproduction, isolated and socially interacting fish (n=15) showed characteristic discharge interval patterns for resting, swimming, probing, hovering and hiding activities. Males (n=8) and females (n=6) did not differ in their mean EOD repetition rates during resting (11.6±2.5 Hz), nor Short Bursts/min (less than 20 intervals of 8–13 ms). In interacting fish Long Bursts (greater than 20 intervals of 8–13 ms, lasting for more than 300 ms) were observed only during the attack and bite sequence. A pursuing fish displayed a rapid alternation of Long Bursts with Discharge Breaks (300–1000 ms silence) during the chase behavior. Avoidance behavior which followed from several attacks was correlated with a Medium Uniform Rate (8–12 Hz) normally lasting for 20 to 60 s, or a Discharge Arrest (silence greater than 1 s) in the submissive fish. The nocturnal courtship behavior began soon after dark (1900 h). Spawning typically started 2 to 5 h after dark, continuing for 2 to 6 h until about 0200 h. During courtship and spawning the female's brief visits (15–25 s) to the male's territory recurred every 30–60 s. At all other times the female was aggressively excluded from the nest region. Courtship and spawning behaviors are described along with the electrical displays identified from 19 spawnings in three fish pairs (from a total of 37 spawnings in 4 males and 4 females). Just prior to the onset of courtship behavior, with male territorial aggression beginning to decline, females switched from a Medium Sporadic Rate pattern (resting and hiding patterns; 13 Hz) to a Medium Uniform Rate pattern (6–8 Hz) while still in their hiding area. Females continued to display this uniform rate throughout the courship and spawning period, including the courtship and spawning bouts when Discharge Breaks or Arrests also occurred. This persistance distinguishes the courtship pattern from the similar avoidance pattern (see above). The male courtship and spawning EOD pattern was similar to the female's and unique for a territorial male. He switched from a High Sporadic Rate (swimming EOD pattern; about 18 Hz) to a regularized Medium Uniform Rate (about 9 to 11 Hz) only during courtship and spawning bouts, including 1–3 EOD Breaks during Vent-to-Vent coupling (average interval: 272±71 ms, n=37). No sooner had the female left the spawning site than he resumed displaying a High Sporadic Rate. This temporal correlation of reproductive behaviors with electrical displays suggests their instrumental role in mutual acceptance of mates. Males showed their sex-specific type of EOD phase-locking, the Preferred Latency Response, only during the first few hours of entry of a fish in their tank. Two females with EOD waveform features more typical of males also spawned repeatedly; waveform does not appear to be critical. Males stopped their nocturnal sound production for the later part of courtship and the whole spawning period. Except for infrequent attacks on the female between spawning bouts, the male did not resume singing until the end of spawning when all eggs were shed (around 0200 h); from this time on the male sang until dawn. The sequencing of the three acoustic elements (moans, grunts, growls) are described. A catalogue of discharge patterns correlated with overt behaviors (Tables 1, 2), and an integrated summary time table of P. isidori's complex reproductive behavior are presented.  相似文献   
The in situ decomposition rate of urea was measured using 14C-labelled urea at 3 areas in the North Pacific Ocean: Sagami Bay on the southern coast of central Japan, the northwestern Pacific central waters and the subarctic Pacific waters. The mean values of the decomposition rates of urea in surface waters of these areas were 44.5, 1.51 and 1.32 mol urea m-3 d-1, respectively. These rates decreased with depth. High rates of urea carbon incorporation into particulate matter and the CO2 liberation from urea carbon into seawater were obtained in light bottles in the euphotic zone, while low rates were found in dark bottles. The turnover rates of urea in the 3 areas were calculated respectively as 12, 113 and 110 d at the surface, and the values increased with depth.  相似文献   
Observations have been made on seasonal fluctuations in dissolved inorganic nutrients, internal reserves of nitrogen and growth rates in Laminaria longicruris. The onset of winter growth in shallow-water stations (6 and 9 m) correlated well with improved dissolved nitrate conditions in the sea. During the winter, reserves of NO 3 - were accumulated by the plants and reached maximum values of 150 moles per g fresh weight in March. This represents a concentration factor of approximately 28,000 over the ambient levels, or an internal nitrogen reserve of 2.1% of the dry weight of the tissue. Depletion of this nitrogen pool followed the disappearance of the external NO 3 - with a lag period of up to 2 months. Rapid kelp growth was measured during this period. Reserves of organic nitrogen also reached maximum values in March and declined slowly throughout the summer into autumn. It is suggested that the combined inorganic and organic nitrogen reserves sustain the rapid growth rates into July and at reduced rate through the late summer. Fertilization of an experimental perimental kelp bed with NaNO3 increased the internal plant reserves of NO 3 - and produced a much improved summer growth rate. The enriched plants developed very small reserves of carbohydrate during the rapid summer growth phase.NRCC No. 15549.  相似文献   
The surface abundance and species composition of phytoplankton communities were studied in a section across the continental shelf between the Río de La Plata and the oceanic waters of the Subtropical Convergence, during late spring (November 1999). Algal communities were examined using light microscopy and HPLC-derived (high-performance liquid chromatography) pigment concentrations. The CHEMTAX program was used to estimate the chlorophyll a (chl a) biomass of different algal classes. The inclusion of the most abundant members of the chl c pigment family (chl c1, chl c2, chl c3 and chl c2 monogalactosyldiacylglyceride esters) in the pigment matrix improved the CHEMTAX interpretation of field data. Using this novel approach four haptophyte populations were distinguished across the studied section, even though they had qualitatively similar pigment signatures, although one subtype lacked 19-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (Hex-Fuco). Five different phytoplankton assemblages, spatially segregated by the prevailing environmental conditions, were distinguished during the studied period. All of them showed a complex community structure, formed by a background of small-sized cells such as cyanobacteria, cryptophytes, haptophytes and prasinophyceans, on which diatom, cryptophyte or some haptophyte blooms were overlapped. In the estuarine assemblage, where maximum chl a concentrations where found, diatoms were always the dominant group (30–60% of total chl a), but cryptophytes (10–40%), prasinophyceans (2–20%) and dinoflagellates (2–12%) were also relevant. In the coastal assemblage diatoms were also the dominant group (35–45%), but haptophytes lacking Hex-Fuco were subdominant (20–35%). The continental shelf assemblage showed an almost exclusive dominance (90%) of haptophytes resembling the coccolithophorid E. huxleyi. Another haptophyte (Phaeocystis sp.) was dominant (75–85%) in the Malvinas Current assemblage. The Brazil Current assemblage was characterized by the codominance of cyanobacteria (45%) and haptophytes (35%). These results are discussed in relationship to the complex hydrographic features of the area.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   
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