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The magnitude and physiological characteristics of biological nitrogen fixation have been studied in the oligotrophic waters of the North pacific gyre. The filamentous blue-green algae Trichodesmium spp. and Richelia intracellularis were the important nitrogen-fixing phytoplankton. Most of the nitrogen fixation occurs in the upper 40 m of the water column, with detectable fixation as deep as 90 m, which corresponds to about the 1 % light depth. There was no evidence of photoinhibition of nitrogen fixation, although CO2 reduction was depressed slightly at the highest light levels. The rate of nitrogen fixation in the water column varied throughout the day, being highest in mid-morning and in late afternoon. Relatively high fixation rates were also found during periods of darkness. Elevated oxygen concentrations had a marked inhibitory effect on rates of nitrogen fixation, a pO2 of 0.4 atm causing a 75% inhibition. Data from studies of nitrogen fixation and assimilation rates of 15N-labelled nitrate, ammonium, and urea indicate that nitrogen fixation furnished about 3% of the total daily fixed nitrogen requirement for phytoplankton growth. Studies with isolated colonies of Trichodesmium spp. indicated that 100% of their nitrogen requirement was met by nitrogen fixation. Chemical composition of the Trichodesmium colonies showed that the C:N ratio was 4.1 and that their phosphorus content relative to carbon or nitrogen was much lower than that of the total particulate material in the water column. Elevated ratios of carbon: adenosine triphosphate (ATP) also suggest that phosphorus deficiency may be limiting the growth of Trichodesmium. The magnitude of nitrogen fixation in the gyre is seasonally dependent, with high rates in late summer and autumn. At these times the water column is stratified, with phosphate and nitrate barely detectable in the upper 100 m. Our data suggest that during these months of stratification, biological fixation of nitrogen amounts to about 33 g-at N/m2/day.  相似文献   
Clinal differentiation of stipe traits in Laminaria (simplices) populations occurs on a gradient of exposure to wave action. Crossability tests and the production of fertile hybrids established interfertility between populations from the extremes of the morphological range. Reciprocal transplantation experiments between exposed and sheltered sites did not produce significant changes in stipe morphology. Quantitative genetic analysis of the degree of resemblance between relatives indicated a relatively high genetic component in the interpopulation differentiation. This is consistent with the results of the transplantation experiments. Within-population heritability estimates at the exposed site were low, perhaps because of intensive local stabilising selection which acts to reduce genetic variability. The question of conspecificity of L. saccharina and L. longicruris in view of these results is discussed.  相似文献   
建立我国生态环境标准体系的初步构想   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国的生态环境标准极其薄弱,建立生态环境标准体系是我国生态环境保护的迫切需要。借鉴我国目前针对污染防治的环境标准体系,提出了我国生态环境标准体系的基本框架,以及生态环境标准制订的原则和重点。  相似文献   
A widely accepted view of intertidal community organizatiton in the NW Atlantic proposes that fucoid vegetation is maintained by the actions of predators which remove species competitively superior toFucus species. Herbivory is an important component of these predatory interactions, but has been studied largely with reference to the interaction betweenF. vesiculosus andLittorina littorea. There are many species of fucoids and herbivorous invertebrates on the shores of the NW Atlantic and this paper reports field and laboratory experiments performed in 1987 (in or near Halifax, Canada) on the effects of grazing by three species ofLittorina on adults and juveniles of four species ofFucus. In laboratory experiments, portions ofFucus species were presented singly (no choice) or together (multiple choice) to single species ofLittorina. AdultF. distichus was grazed to only a small extent.F. evanescens andF. vesiculosus adult tissues were heavily grazed in most laboratory experiments.F. spiralis adults were heavily grazed in no choice experiments, but were grazed only slightly in multiple choice tests. When adult fucoid tissues were exposed to a mixed suite of grazers in the field, onlyF. vesiculosus was grazed heavily. Tests done on adult tissues showed clearly thatFucus species are highly variable in their vunerability to grazers. Moreover, we found variability among periwinkle species in grazing rates on adultFucus. We also found a great disparity in the feeding rates of different periwinkle species on juveniles ofFucus. Therefore, it is not possible to extrapolate from a single periwinkle species/single fucoid species interaction when attempting to identify vegetation structuring processes.  相似文献   
Lithophaga date mussels from three species (L. lessepsiana, L. simplex and L. purpurea) were removed from their stony coral hosts in the Red sea at Eilat, Israel. Spawning, observed in the laboratory on several occasions during 1987–1988, appeared to be closely tied to lunar periods, occurring primarily during the last quarter and the new moon. Embryonic and larval development was typical of that described for other mytilids and, except for pigmentation differences, which could be discerned during embryogenesis, the developmental stages of the three species were indistinguishable. Development to the pediveliger stage took 3 to 4 wk in standard culture conditions, but raising the temperature to 27.5 °C increased the growth rate of larvae of L. lessepsiana by as much as three-fold, so that the pediveliger stage was attained in 16 d. Larvae resulting from spawning by L. simplex adults removed from the coral Astreopora myriophthalma grew significantly faster in culture than larvac from adults removed from the coral Goniastrea pectinata (comparison of slopes, p<0.05). The latter individuals showed a 6-d growth plateau at the early umbone stage. Metamorphically competent larvae were capable of delaying metamorphosis for up to 4mo, which would allow an extended period for dispersion and would increase the chance of finding a suitable substratum in the natural environment.  相似文献   
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