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The effects of seawater temperature on the degree of success of self-fertilization versus cross-fertilization and on embryogenesis were investigated in the scleractinian coral Diploria strigosa (Dana 1846). Gametes from nine colonies were collected from the Flower Garden Banks reefs, a set of coral reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico, ~110 nm offshore from Texas, United States. Gametes from the coral colonies were combined in all possible combinations and placed in 30°, 31°, and 32°C water baths on successive nights, respectively. Each cross, whether selfed or out-crossed, and each temperature treatment, was replicated twice. A high frequency of successful self- and cross-fertilization was observed at all temperature treatments and in both blocks. Higher temperatures, however, commonly produced numerous developmental aberrations during embryogenesis of the larvae. Thus, although fertilization rates can remain high under high temperature conditions, if temperatures remain high for several days, embryonic development and larval viability may be expected to decrease dramatically. We propose that the success of coral larval development may be diminished in areas where abnormally high sea surface temperatures occur during the spawning season. We also propose that highly successful selfing may enhance the abundance of locally adapted genotypes, which in turn may be advantageous where reefs, such as the Flower Garden Banks, are relatively geographically isolated.  相似文献   
Biomass, photosynthesis and growth of the large, perennial brown alga Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamour. were examined along a depth gradient in a high-arctic fjord, Young Sound, NE Greenland (74°18'N; 20°14'W), in order to evaluate how well the species is adapted to the extreme climatic conditions. The area is covered by up to 1.6-m-thick ice during 10 months of the year, and bottom water temperature is <0°C all year round. L. saccharina occurred from 2.5 m depth to a lower depth limit of about 20 m receiving 0.7% of surface irradiance. Specimen density and biomass were low, likely, because of heavy ice scouring in shallow water and intensive feeding activity from walruses in deeper areas. The largest specimens were >4 m long and older than 4 years. In contrast to temperate stands of L. saccharina, old leaf blades (2-3 years old) remained attached to the new blades. The old tissues maintained their photosynthetic capacity thereby contributing importantly to algal carbon balance. The photosynthetic characteristics of new tissues reflected a high capacity for adaptation to different light regimes. At low light under ice, or in deep water, the chlorophyll a content and photosynthetic efficiency (!) were high, while light compensation (Ec) and saturation (Ek) points were low. An Ec of 2.0 µmol photons m-2 s-1 under ice allowed photosynthesis to almost balance, and sometimes exceed, respiratory costs during the period with thick ice cover but high surface irradiance, from April through July. Rates of respiration were lower than usually found for macroalgae. Annual elongation rates of leaf blades (70-90 cm) were only slightly lower than for temperate L. saccharina, but specific growth rates (0.48-0.58 year-1) were substantially lower, because the old blades remained attached. L. saccharina comprised between 5% and 10% of total macroalgal biomass in the area, and the annual contribution to primary production was only between 0.1 and 1.6 g C m-2 year-1.  相似文献   
During 1976 and 1977, movements and foraging activities of Pempheris schomburgki were studied on the shallow coral reefs of northeastern St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. P. schomburgki emerge from daytime refuges on the backreef at about local sunset. Fifteen to 20 min after sunset, local milling groups move beyond the confines of the reef and assemble into larger groups. Twenty-five to 30 min after sunset they move in several waves along complex routes through the reef to forereef feeding grounds. Migrations of up to 1 km occur along the forereef. The reverse sequence occurs in the morning, but is earlier with respect to ambient light levels. The principal stages of these activities appear to be triggered by a combination of absolute light level, rate of change of light and state of adaptation of the eye. Migrating aggregations gradually split up into small, well-dispersed feeding groups, relatively evenly spaced along the forereef. Few individuals feed on the backreef. The principal available food consists of meroplanktonic crustaceans not available during the daytime. P. schomburgki mainly select the larger-sized individuals (mean length 5 to 6 mm), although some particles less than 1 mm are taken. These events probably represent adaptations to optimize diurnal sheltering sites, feeding grounds and the avoidance of predator activity.  相似文献   
Biomass of suspended bacteria over coral reefs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The biomass of bacteria suspended in water flowing over coral reefs at Lizard Island and Yonge Reef (Northern Great Barrier Reef) was estimated by measurement of muramic acid. Values ranged from 20 mg C m-3 in the open water up to about 60 mg C m-3 over the reef flat. Direct counts of total numbers of free bacteria were made for comparison. Values of around 2.0x109 cells g-1 muramic acid showed that there was a good agreement between direct counts and muramic acid content of free bacteria in the open water. In samples containing suspended particulate matter, ratios of direct counts to muramic acid concentration were lower, because bacteria on particles could not be counted. Thus, these ratios were used to indicate the proportions of bacteria attached to particles. Changes in the biomass and numbers of bacteria were determined in water masses identified either by a drogue or fluorescein, as they moved across the reefs. In the zone on the outside of the reef, the number of free bacteria decreased compared to open sea water, but total biomass increased, showing that particulate matter containing bacteria was thrown up into suspension. About 50% of bacteria were attached to particles. Water flowing over the reef flats contained much particulate material with bacteria attached. Bacteria constituted between about 5 and 20% of particulate organic carbon.  相似文献   
An osteological study of the dugong (sea cow) Dugong dugon (Müller) from India, based on complete skeletons of an adult male and a juvenile female indicated certain morphological variations with age. It has also revealed a close osteological similarity between the dugongs from India and the Red Sea. Based on a statistical analysis, regression equations for certain typical skull measurements have been calculated; these equations, characteristic of the dugong from India, could be used for comparing dugongs of different regions.  相似文献   
Hard shell clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, from the chronically polluted environment of the Providence River, USA, were transferred to a clean laboratory system located in lower Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. The hydrocarbon contents of these transplanted clams were monitored for 120 days after transfer. After this period only slight depuration had occurred. A 41.9 g g wet weight-1 average initial hydrocarbon burden decreased to 29.3 g g-1, a decrease that became statistically significant (P<0.1) only after 120 days. At most, only 30% of the clams' hydrocarbons were lost. These findings indicate that the duration of the exposure period and the chemical nature of the source hydrocarbons are both instrumental in determining the persistence of these compounds in filter-feeding bivalves. Chronically accumulated petroleum hydrocarbons are strongly retained by the organisms and are only very slowly depurated.  相似文献   
Species-specific rates of photosynthetic carbon uptake (P), chlorophyll a content and P versus irradiance (P-I), have been measured for cells of Pyrocystis noctiluca and P. fusiformis isolated from natural populations collected in the euphotic zone within and below the surface mixed layer in the Sargasso Sea. These same measurements and the assay for ribulose bis-phosphate carboxylase (RuBP-Case), have been made for cultures of P. noctiluca in a 12 h L: 12 h D photoperiod at 9 different constant or at changing light intensities. In nature chl a cell-1 was constant throughout the euphotic zone. The photosynthetic capacity (Pmax), of cells captured below the surface mixed layer was lower by a factor of 10 compared with cells collected from the surface mixed layer. The Pmax for P. noctiluca collected and incubated within the surface mixed layer was the same as for cell cultures grown under high light, non nutrient-limiting conditions, suggesting that photosynthesis in the natural system was not nutrient limited. In laboratory cultures under constant low light intensities, chl a cell-1 increased by a factor of 5 while both Pmax and RuBPCase activity decreased by a factor of ca 4 compared with high light intensities. In changing light intensities both Pmax and RuBPCase activities were decreased by factors of 4 during low light intervals while chl a cell-1 approached a constant intermediate value. The change in chl a cell-1 in response to prolonged exposure to constant low light intensities was first order with a rate constant of 0.33 d-1. For all irradiance conditions in culture, the P-I dependence could be described by the simple Michaelis-Menten formula. The ratio of Pmax to KI, (the light intensity where P=Pmax/2) was a constant with a Coefficient of Variation of 12%: The constancy of this ratio, the parallel changes in RuBPCase activity with Pmax and the constant chl a cell-1 in the Sargasso Sea imply that for P. noctiluca and presumably P. fusiformis in nature, a dark enzymatic step rather than changes in photosynthetic pigment concentrations may regulate the photosynthetic capacity in the changing photic environment.Contribution no. 1141 from McCollum-Pratt Institute and Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University. Supported by DOE contract no. EY 76S20 3278, NSF no. OCE 76-02571 and ONR no. N300014-81-C-0062  相似文献   
Kinetics of light-intensity adaptation in a marine planktonic diatom   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The marine planktonic diatom Thalassiosira weisflogii was grown in turbidostat culture under both continuous and 12 hL: 12 hD illumination regimes in order to study the kinetics of adaptation to growth-irradiance levels. In both illumination regimes adaptation to a higher growth-irradiance level was accompanied by an increase in cell division rates and a decrease in chlorophyll a cell-1. The rates of adaptation for both processes, derived from first order kinetic analysis, equaled each other in each experiment. The results suggest that during the transition from low-to-high growth-irradiance levels chlorophyll a is diluted by cell division and is not actively degraded. Introduction of a light/dark cycle lowered the rate of adaptation. In transitions from high-to-low growth-irradiance levels there was a sharp drop in growth rates and a slow increase in chlorophyll a cell-1 under both continuous and intermittent illumination. In the 12 hL:12hD cycle there was a circadian rhythm in chlorophyll a cell-1, where cellular chlorophyll contents increased during the light cycle and decreased during the dark cycle. This circadian rhythm was distinctly different from light intensity adaptation. For kinetic analysis of light intensity adaptation in a 12 hL: 12 hD cycle, the circadian periodicity was separated from the light intensity response by subjecting the data to a Kaiser window optimization digital filter. Kinetic parameters for light-intensity adaptation were resolved from the filtered data. The kinetics of lightintensity adaptation of marine phytoplankton are discussed in relation to their spatial variations and time scales of mixing.This research was performed at Brookhaven National Laboratory under the auspices of the United States Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76 CH00016  相似文献   
Seasonal variation in settlement and spiculation of sponge larvae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A settlement study, based in the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland, New Zealand, has revealed 3 different seasonal reproductive patterns among Demospongiae. Species which settled on our substrates can be divided into summer settlers, winter settlers, or all-year-round settlers. The composition of these groups is given, and the affinities and habitats of the constituent species are commented on. Variation in aspects of the spicule complement have been observed and discussed for three species: Mycale macilenta, Microciona coccinea and Ectyomyxilla kerguelensis.  相似文献   
Distribution of the cladoceran Podon polyphemoides in the Chesapeake Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of the cladoceran Podon polyphemoides (Leuckart) in the Chesapeake Bay (USA) estuarine system was determined by a quantitative pump sampling method, and the patterns of abundance were correlated with temperature and salinity distributions. The species was seasonally recurrent, with distinct population maxima in the central portion of the bay. Population densities in excess of 60,000 podonids/m3 have been recorded. The podonids first appeared in the spring in the shallow tributaries, when water temperatures near the bottom reached 6°C. The vernal populations disappeared when summer temperatures exceeded 27°C, but reappeared in the fall as the water cooled. The species was euryhaline and eurythermal in its distribution, but the greatest concentrations were attained within relatively narrow zones of temperatures between 11o and 26°C, and salinities between 8 and 18. The production of males, sexual females and sexual eggs occurred both in the spring and the fall between the thermal limits of 11o and 17°C.  相似文献   
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