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双室火灾烟气特性的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在1/2缩尺建筑模型中,取双室-走廊结构,以标准木垛为火源,对建筑火灾的初始阶段进行了实验模拟。着重研究了火灾初期的烟气特性及其变化,包括烟气温度及烟气中CO_2气体和炭颗粒浓度。本文目的在于在探索和发展中等尺寸火灾实验模拟手段和方法的同时,定性地确定火源功率对烟气特性的影响,并积累一定的实验数据,为建筑火灾的分析和模化提供实验基础和依据。  相似文献   
喷射溶气回流浮选工艺处理含油废水   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用喷射溶气回流浮选工艺处理含油废水,替代原来的全加压溶气浮选工艺,提高了浮选过程的处理效果,增强了系统的抗负荷冲击能力,浮选出水油含量由原来的〈40mg/L降至〈20mg/L,COD由原来的〈150mg/L降至〈110mg/L。  相似文献   
采用应变软化的模型,使用连续介质快速拉格朗日分析法(FLAC,FastLagrangianAnaly-sisofContinue)进行数值模拟计算;研究截齿截割作用下煤体变形破坏过程;分析各种工况下不同参数对煤体塑性区、最大位移、最大主应力、最大剪应力的影响。研究表明:截割力与塑性区大小成正比,位移、剪应力、主应力随截割力增大而增大;截深与塑性区大小成反比;截割角度与塑性区面积关系密切,试验用煤体最佳截割角度为5°左右;截割速度增加,塑性区面积减小;通过分析截割动态过程,得到位移矢量图及剪应变等值线图,发现截割过程中煤体的破坏是拉、剪联合作用的结果,以剪破坏为主。  相似文献   
The distribution and impacts of different nitrogen pollutants are inextricably linked. To understand the problem fully, the interactions between the different pollutants need to be taken into account. This is particularly important when it comes to abatement techniques, since measures to reduce emissions of one nitrogen pollutant can often lead to an increase in another. This project represents a step towards greater understanding of these issues by linking together new and existing nitrogen flux models into a larger framework. The modelling framework has been constructed and some of the nitrogen flows between fields, farms and the atmosphere have been modelled for a UK study area for typical farm management scenarios.  相似文献   
Amino acids constitute one of the largest inputs of organic nitrogen (N) to most polar soils and have been hypothesized to be important in regulating vegetational succession and productivity in Arctic ecosystems. Our understanding of amino acid cycling in these soils, however, is poor. The aim of this study was to investigate the size and rate of turnover of the amino acid pool in a range of Arctic and Antarctic soils. Our results indicate that in polar soils with either high or low ornithogenic inputs the amino acid pool is small in comparison to the inorganic N pool (NO3 and NH+4). The free amino acid pool constituted only a small proportion of the total dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) pool in these soils. Here we show that these low concentrations may be due to rapid use by the soil microbial community in both Arctic and Antarctic soils. The turnover of the amino acid pool in soil was extremely rapid, with a half-life ranging from 2 to 24 h, indicating that this N pool can be turned over many hundred times each summer when polar soils are frequently unfrozen. The implications of amino acids in N cycling and plant and microbial nutrition are discussed.  相似文献   
The potential for metabolic fingerprinting via Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to provide a novel approach for the detection of plant biochemical responses to N deposition is examined. An example of spectral analysis using shoot samples taken from an open top chamber (OTC) experiment simulating wet ammonium deposition is given. Sample preparation involved oven drying and homogenisation via mill grinding. Slurries of a consistent dilution were then prepared prior to FT-IR analysis. Spectra from control, 8 and 16 kg N ha–1 yr–1 treatments were then subjected to cross-validated discriminant function analysis. Ordination diagrams showed clear separation between the three N treatments examined. The potential for using Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull as a bioindicator of N deposition is further evident from these results. The results also clearly demonstrate the power of FT-IR in discriminating between subtle phenotypic alterations in overall plant biochemistry as affected by ammonium pollution.  相似文献   
为满足《水污染防治行动计划》近岸海域水质考核要求,根据目前近岸海域环境监测工作的实际情况,在考核范围、评价方法、目标分解、计分方法等方面进行了比较,在保证公平、公正的前提下,以一致性、可比性和适应性为原则,提出的考核评价方法以单因子评价法和点位评价法为基础,在未达标情况下,按照水质目标完成比例计分;达标情况下,在达标分值基础上按水质的保持和改善给予不同程度的加分,通过实例研究分析能够适应近岸海域水质状况变化的考核工作要求。  相似文献   
气象因子对臭氧的影响及其在空气质量预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高重庆市臭氧(O_3)预报准确率,利用2013—2015年5—10月O_3监测数据和气象数据,通过主成分分析、逐步回归分析等方法,确定了影响重庆O_3浓度的主要气象因素为最高温度、温差、太阳辐射、降水量、相对湿度、水气压和压差;通过基于O_3污染水平相似的主要气象控制因子筛选和最优组合的预报结果优化方法,提高了O_3预报准确率,使2016年5—8月O_3的AQI类别预报准确率由57.7%增至72.4%,O_3超标的预报准确率由38%增至46%。  相似文献   
典型湖泊水华特征及相关影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2011-2015年对太湖、巢湖和滇池水华高发季节的连续监测,以藻类密度和水华面积为判据评价了3个湖体的水华情况及变化趋势,探讨了水华发生的主要影响因素。结果表明:太湖水华程度以"轻度水华"为主,巢湖水华程度以"轻微水华"为主,滇池水华程度以"中度水华"为主;太湖、巢湖和滇池水华规模均以"零星性水华"为主;太湖和巢湖藻类密度与水温、pH、溶解氧、总氮、总磷和高锰酸盐指数均呈显著正相关,与透明度呈显著负相关,与氨氮无显著相关性;滇池藻类密度与水温、总磷和高锰酸盐指数均呈显著正相关,与透明度和氨氮呈显著负相关,与pH、溶解氧和总氮无显著相关性。  相似文献   
常州市臭氧污染传输路径和潜在源区   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用NCEP全球再分析资料和HYSPLIT4模式,计算了2013—2015年常州市臭氧(O_3)超标日的气流后向轨迹。结合聚类分析方法和常州市PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、O_3数据,分析了O_3超标日不同类型气团来源对各污染物浓度的影响,并利用引入权重因子后的潜在污染源贡献函数分析了影响常州市O_3超标的潜在污染源区分布特征。结果表明:常州市O_3超标期间易受到东南和西南方向气流影响,其中从东海和黄海途经浙江东北部、上海、江苏南部等地的东南气流占比达50%以上。自内陆途经黄山-湖州-宜兴到常州的气流对应的O_3平均质量浓度最高,为116μg/m3。自山东经枣庄-宿迁-淮安-泰州-苏州-无锡到常州的气流对应的O_3平均质量浓度最低,为78μg/m3,但该气流对应的SO2和NO2平均值为各聚类中的最高。影响常州市O_3的潜在污染源区主要在常州周边200 km以内的区域,且集中在从南京至上海的长江下游沿线区域和杭州湾区域;其中太湖湖区为重点污染源源区之一。O_3超标日影响常州NO2的潜在污染源区主要集中在江苏南部、浙江东北部和上海3个区域,太湖周边的常州、无锡、苏州和湖州等几个临近城市为潜在的重点污染源区。与影响常州O_3的WPSCF高值区相比,影响NO2的高值区分布范围更大、距离更远。影响常州O_3的潜在污染源区分布,与长江三角洲地区人为源大气污染物的高排放区域较为一致,说明长江三角洲地区的O_3污染与本区域的人为源大气污染物排放有着极为密切的关联。  相似文献   
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