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Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DLPCBs) are ubiquitous persistent pollutants that cause adverse effects in many environmental organisms. DLPCBs in marine sediments can be absorbed by benthic organisms, bioaccumulate, and biomagnify through the food chain and threaten animal and human health. There are no reports of DLPCBs concentrations in the Zhanjiang Gulf seabed. This study was designed to investigate the concentration of DLPCBs in the Zhanjiang coastal sediment and histopathological changes in zebrafish (Diano rerio) embryos exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of DLPCBs. Of the five sites selected, two sites TS and JSW contained DLPCBs at concentrations of 0.08 and 22.54 ng/g dry sediment, respectively. Two groups of zebrafish embryos were used. One group was exposed to 3.75, 7.5, 15, 30, and 60 mg/ml of DLPCBs extracted from the sediments sampled from the TS site and the second group to 4.375, 8.75, 17.5, 35, and 70 mg/ml of DLPCBs from JSW site from 0.75 h post-fertilization (hpf) to 96 hpf. The zebrafish exposed to 60 and 70 mg/ml of DLPCBs at 96 hpf displayed gross histopathological changes with cardiac lesions including pericardial edema being the most deleterious. Other changes observed were hydropic degeneration of gill filaments and hepatocytes, loss of intestinal folds, and uninflated swim bladder. It appears that only a few sites of the Zhanjiang gulf are contaminated with DLPCBs. This is the first report of histopathological changes in the gills, hepatocytes, intestines, heart, and the swim bladder in zebrafish embryos exposed to DLPCBs from a coastal sediment. Further studies with sampling at different stages of development are required to identify which organ/tissue is most sensitive to DLPCBs.  相似文献   
This paper describes and analyses the public health system response to the deadly earthquake in Sichuan province, China, in May 2008. Drawing on an experiential learning project consisting of a literature review and field research, including a series of interviews with medical and public health professionals, policy‐makers and first responders, a conceptual framework was developed to describe the response. This approach emphasises the pre‐existing preparedness level of the medical and public health systems, as well as social, economic and geo‐political factors that had an impact on mitigation efforts. This framework was used to conduct post‐disaster analyses addressing major response issues and examining methods employed during the public health response to the disaster. This framework could be used to describe and analyse the emergency response to other disasters.  相似文献   
Commercial available zero valent aluminum under air-equilibrated acidic conditions (ZVAl/H+/air system) demonstrated an excellent capacity to remove aqueous organic compounds. Acetaminophen (ACTM), the active ingredient of the over-the-counter drug Tylenol®, is widely present in the aquatic environment and therefore the treatment of ACTM-contaminated water calls for further research. Herein we investigated the oxidative removal of ACTM by ZVAl/H+/air system and the reaction mechanism. In acidic solutions (pH < 3.5), ZVAl displayed an excellent capacity to remove ACTM. More than 99% of ACTM was eliminated within 16 hr in pH 1.5 reaction solutions initially containing 2.0 g/L aluminum and 2.0 mg/L ACTM at 25 ± 1\textcelsius. Higher temperature and lower pH facilitated ACTM removal. The addition of different iron species Fe0, Fe2+ and Fe3+ into ZVAl/H+/air system dramatically accelerated the reaction likely due to the enhancing transformation of H2O2 to HO. via Fenton's reaction. Furthermore, the primary intermediate hydroquinone and the anions formate, acetate and nitrate, were identified and a possible reaction scheme was proposed. This work suggested that ZVAl/H+/air system may be potentially employed to treat ACTM-contaminated water.  相似文献   
以重点水力发电厂和大中型水库为主要考量,并兼顾地形地貌和中小河流的分布特征,将广西划分为23个电网流域,研究了基于非线性的神经网络电网流域面雨量预报方法。以5-6月龙滩近库区、龙江流域等6个电网流域为例,利用遗传算法优化BP神经网络的连接权和网络结构,建立了各电网流域的遗传-神经网络电网流域面雨量预报模型。对独立样本的预报结果表明,基于遗传-神经网络的电网流域面雨量预报模型的预报能力要优于传统的逐步回归预报模型,也明显优于日本、德国数值模式预报产品所换算成的电网流域面雨量预报,并与气象部门同期制作的综合面雨量预报产品能力相当,因而,遗传-神经网络面雨量集合预报模型有较好的业务应用前景。  相似文献   
人尿中1-羟基芘浓度与多环芳烃日暴露量的关系   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
采集并分析了100名不吸烟成人24h的呼吸带空气(PM10和气相)、食物及尿液样品,建立了尿中1羟基芘与多环芳烃日暴露量的关系结果表明:晨尿1-羟基芘(μmol·mol肌酐-1)浓度与芘、苯并(a)芘等13种多环芳烃日暴露量的对数线性回归方程拟合度R2达0.12—0.67,方程各项参数也均达到了显著性水平(P0.001)  相似文献   
采用二氧化铅电极对酸性红G溶液进行电催化降解,主要研究酸性红G的紫外-可见谱变化及其可能降解机制,考察不同因素对降解效果的影响。结果表明,酸性红G在电极表面是以间接氧化机制被羟基自由基氧化。电解过程中,偶氮键断键速率显著高于苯环及萘环,酸性红G去除率显著高于TOC去除率。电解时间延长有利于有机物去除,但会提高能耗值,且单位TOC去除能耗远高于单位酸性红G去除能耗。电流密度提高会促进酸性红G降解与TOC去除,却使单位能耗显著增加,且高电流密度会导致矿化电流效率下降。染料浓度增加使得酸性红G与TOC去除效率降低,但单位能耗随之降低,表明高有机物浓度有利于降低单位能耗值。温度升高有利于有机物降解去除。  相似文献   
为研究纯氧曝气对垃圾渗滤液生化反应池的处理效能和工艺运行的稳定性,于2014年10月21日至2015年1月5日在某垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液处理站进行工程性实验。在生化反应池的O段安装纯氧曝气器,以COD、NH3-N为综合指标,考察渗滤液的处理量和设备的运行维护情况。结果表明,初期纯氧曝气可以改善生化系统中污泥的性状,使渗滤液的处理满足生产需要;2台曝气器运行时,A/O系统平均可处理87.5%的COD和98.3%的NH3-N,而单台运行时,平均去除83.0%的COD,98.9%的NH3-N,表现为对NH3-N有很强的去除效率;纯氧曝气有很大的耐COD负荷冲击能力,可使工艺运行处于稳定状态;高效的渗滤液处理能力增加了容积负荷,从而降低曝气池的体积;无需鼓风机和鼓风机房,降低了环境噪音和土建占地。综上所述,它是一种简单、经济、实用的渗滤液处理工艺,且维护方便,适用于新建和改扩建工程项目。  相似文献   
污水处理用聚乙烯醇凝胶的制备及结构与性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李贤玉  叶林 《环境化学》2010,29(2):305-309
采用化学交联法研究制备聚乙烯醇(PVA)固定化微生物凝胶用于污水处理,通过对固化剂种类、固化时间等制备工艺研究,获得了具有较高力学强度和通透性的PVA凝胶小球.对固化剂与PVA分子间相互作用、PVA凝胶交联程度及凝胶形貌进行了探讨分析.将所制备PVA凝胶小球用于污水处理,其COD去除率可达90%以上.  相似文献   
脱硫灰与钾矿石复合生产钾钙硅镁硫肥料研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
石林 《环境工程学报》2010,4(10):2339-2342
对脱硫灰与钾矿石复合生产钾钙硅镁硫肥的研究意义、反应原理、生产流程、环境安全性能以及施肥方法等进行了介绍和评估,并对其应用前景进行了展望。研究结果表明:利用脱硫灰与钾矿石复合生产钾钙硅镁硫肥在理论上可行;生产出的产品中硫酸钾的含量达10.34%~12.0%,枸溶氧化钙19.06%~32.28%,枸溶二氧化硅10.98%~14.46%,枸溶氧化镁1.46%~1.82%。产品的pH值从原脱硫灰的10.65下降到9.60。重金属含量低于农用粉煤灰国家标准,生产过程中不会产生SO2等有害气体污染。肥料的生产成本低于350元/t,该肥料不但可以增加土壤中钾、钙、硅、镁和硫等中微量元素的含量,而且可以提高或改善农作物的产量和品质。达到变废为宝,促进循环经济发展之目的。  相似文献   
底泥中重金属毒性的室内孔隙水分析技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
林玉环  郭明新 《环境化学》1998,17(3):218-224
根据孔隙水中重金属的浓度可以判定底泥中重金属的毒性,但获得真正的底泥孔隙水十分困难,本文提供了一套简便易行的室内原状孔隙水取样技术,将碳化硅砂芯埋入底泥,添加表层水并静置90d,通过渗滤获得孔隙水,测定孔隙水中重金属的浓度,所得结果与微生态系统暴露试验中生物指示的重金属的毒性大小相吻合,与生物积累重金属的浓度显著正相关。  相似文献   
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