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生物结皮是旱区普遍存在的活性地被物,在生态系统中发挥重要的生态功能,研究其发育特征与形成机理是有效管理和利用该资源的基础。退耕还林(草)工程实施以来,黄土高原地区生物结皮大面积发育,但相比荒漠地区,相关的研究工作还较薄弱。生物结皮的发育具有过程的复杂性和空间的分异性,诸多荒漠地区的研究结果不能直接外推至黄土高原地区。鉴于此,论文选择黄土高原典型小流域,通过全面调查和测算分析,应用GIS 软件,探讨了生物结皮的空间特征及其影响因子。结果表明:①流域内藓类共有2 科8 属13 种,狭网真藓、真藓、尖叶对齿藓分布最广;②苔藓结皮占绝对优势,面积为4.18 km2,占流域面积的60.7%,主要分布在干扰少、侵蚀弱、水分好的梁峁坡或梁峁顶上;③土壤、植被、坡向均对苔藓结皮的发育有显著影响。同黄土地相比,沙地苔藓结皮的覆盖度高、呈连片分布。乔、灌植被下的生物结皮发育优于草本群落,植被盖度对苔藓结皮产生先促进后抑制的作用(拐点约在覆盖度30%处)。总体上,阴坡生物结皮的覆盖度、厚度均高于阳坡。  相似文献   
通过对注意涣散时驾驶员头部运动及面部表情变化特征的分析,系统实时监测驾驶员眼睛、嘴巴位置和运动状态信息,构建驾驶员注意涣散特征表征参量,实现对驾驶员注意涣散状态信息的检测与提取。驾驶员注意涣散表征量具有复杂的非线性特征,利用BP神经网络非线性识别的优势对驾驶员注意特征进行模式分类,实现驾驶员不同注意涣散状态下的特征捕捉。同时采用Dempster-Shafer证据推理技术,对驾驶注意涣散多源表征信息进行决策融合,实现对驾驶员注意涣散状态的判断。结果表明,BP神经网络与D-S规则多源信息决策融合技术的运用提高了驾驶员注意涣散特征检测的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   
地下空间在节能减排中的应用及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在能源短缺和环境污染的双重压力下,我国出台多项措施加大节能减排力度。总结概括了地下空间的几种类型,认为盐岩洞穴、废弃矿洞、废弃油井、枯竭油气层等地下空间经过技术改造,可以埋存CO2、固体垃圾、废弃核原料,储存油气,地热利用等,能创造可观的社会价值和环境保护效益,可作为节能减排的一种有效措施。以山东地区为例,调研分析了山东多处地下空间利用现状,给出了地下空间的三种发展方向。  相似文献   
本文应用东大别地区层析成像研究结果,对研究区重大地震事件的深部地壳结构特征进行了研究,结果表明:霍山地区的2次MS≥6.0级地震在深部地壳结构上具有一定的相似性;1970年以来的12次MS≥4.0地震在25 km深度的地壳速度结构特征比较接近。  相似文献   
根据云南省1985~2003年能源消耗的统计数据以及人均GDP统计数据,分析人均GDP与能源消耗之间的相关关系,选取相关性较好的能耗指标(煤炭消耗量、石油消耗量、天然气消耗量、电力消耗量)建立两者之间的计量模型。并在此基础上分析能源消耗与人均GDP增长的关系。经研究发现,云南省经济增长与能源消耗呈类似于EKC的倒U型曲线,且曲线尚未到达转折点,能源消耗量随着经济增长将持续增长。有必要采取有利措施倡导“循环经济”、“绿色GDP”等使曲线走势向良性方向发展。  相似文献   
分别采用有/无隔膜电解槽,以活性炭纤维(ACF)为阳极和阴极,研究了不同电流密度下蒽醌染料活性艳蓝KN-R的电化学脱色。在染料脱除量、电耗、脱除当量等方面比较了两种电解槽的脱色性能。结果表明,1.0~1.5 mA/cm2时,两种电解槽中均发生阳极电氧化和阴极电还原同时进行的成对电解脱色,无隔膜槽脱色性能优于隔膜槽。  相似文献   
贵州丹寨汞矿土壤汞含量的变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在自然条件下,尽管汞在土壤中相对较稳定,但对丹寨汞矿区土壤中汞含量检测表明:土壤中汞含量自1996年以来有相当大的减少。笔者认为,导致此结果的原因可能是土壤中汞在物理化学的影响下大部分转化为单质并向大气中迁移。但最近和将来一段时间,由于受汞价上涨的影响,小规模土法炼汞又会给当地环境再次造成新一轮的污染。建议对造成环境污染的工矿企业进行严格的管理。  相似文献   
A pilot-scale multilevel contact oxidation reactors system, coupled with saran lock carriers,was applied for the treatment of poultry farm wastewater. The removal efficiencies of CODcr, ammonia, and the total nitrogen as well as the elimination performance of CODcr and total nitrogen along the three-level contact oxidation tanks under six designed operational models were investigated. Based on the performance of the nitrogen removal of the saran lock carriers and the distribution of anoxic–aerobic interspace under the suitable operation model, the mechanism of nitrogen removal of the system was also explored. The results revealed that the intermittent aeration under parallel model is the most suitable operation model, while the removal efficiencies of CODcr, ammonia, and the total nitrogen were 86.86%, 84.04%, and 80.96%, respectively. The effluent concentration of CODcr,ammonia, and the total nitrogen were 55.6 mg/L, 8.3 mg/L, and 12.0 mg/L, which satisfy both the discharge standard of pollutants for livestock and poultry breeding industry(GB18596–2001) and the first grade of the integrated wastewater discharge standard(GB 8978–1996). Moreover, the mechanism for the nitrogen removal should be attributed to the plenty of anoxic–aerobic interspaces of the biofilm and the three-dimensional spiral structure of the saran lock carriers, where the oxygen-deficient distribution was suitable for the happening of the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process. Therefore, the multilevel contact oxidation tanks system is an effective pathway for the treatment of the poultry farm wastewater on the strength of a suitable operation model and novel carriers.  相似文献   
Traffic vehicles, many of which are powered by port fuel injection (PFI) engines, are major sources of particulate matter in the urban atmosphere. We studied particles from the emission of a commercial PFI-engine vehicle when it was running under the states of cold start, hot start, hot stabilized running, idle and acceleration, using a transmission electron microscope and an energy-dispersive X-ray detector. Results showed that the particles were mainly composed of organic, soot, and Ca-rich particles, with a small amount of S-rich and metal-containing particles, and displayed a unimodal size distribution with the peak at 600?nm. The emissions were highest under the cold start running state, followed by the hot start, hot stabilized, acceleration, and idle running states. Organic particles under the hot start and hot stabilized running states were higher than those of other running states. Soot particles were highest under the cold start running state. Under the idle running state, the relative number fraction of Ca-rich particles was high although their absolute number was low. These results indicate that PFI-engine vehicles emit substantial primary particles, which favor the formation of secondary aerosols via providing reaction sites and reaction catalysts, as well as supplying soot, organic, mineral and metal particles in the size range of the accumulation mode. In addition, the contents of Ca, P, and Zn in organic particles may serve as fingerprints for source apportionment of particles from PFI-engine vehicles.  相似文献   
含氯有机化合物被广泛用于工农业生产和人们的日常生活中 ,对环境污染也日益严重。缺氧环境下对含氯有机化合物的非生物转化是自然界自我调控的过程之一 ,而广泛存在于这一环境中的铁硫化物矿物在这一过程中起着重要的作用。本文主要从反应机理角度回顾了铁硫化物矿物作为有机氯污染物主体还原剂的研究现状 ,并对进一步研究中可能存在的问题及研究重点提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   
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