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Incinerator bottom ash (IBA) is a residual produced from incinerating municipal solid waste. In the past, IBA presented a big waste disposal problem; however, various recycling approaches have been adopted in recent years to mitigate this problem, as well as to provide a useful alternative to using primary aggregate resources. The use of IBA as an alternative to conventional aggregates in different civil engineering construction applications helps to conserve premium grade aggregate supplies; however, when IBA is in contact with water in the field, as a consequence of precipitation events or changes in water table, elements, such as salts and heavy metals, may be released to the soil and ground water. In this work, IBA waste was mixed with limestone aggregate to produce a blend with acceptable mechanical properties and minimum environmental risks for use as road foundation. The study focused on evaluating potential environmental impacts of some constituents, including sulphate, chloride, sodium, copper, zinc and lead in IBA blends using a lysimeter as a large scale leaching tool. Moreover, a specific scenario simulating field conditions was adopted in the lysimeter to assess the potential impact of changing conditions, such as IBA content in the blend, liquid to solid ratio (L/S) and pH value, on long-term release of heavy metals and salts. Then, numerical modelling was used to predict the release of the aforementioned constituents from IBA based on initial measurement of intrinsic material properties and the kinetic desorption process concept. Experimental results showed that zinc and lead were released in very low concentrations but sodium and sulphate were in high concentrations. The control limestone only blend also demonstrated low release concentrations of constituents in comparison to IBA blends, where constituent concentrations increased with increase in IBA content. Experimental results were compared with numerical results obtained using a non-equilibrium desorption model. Good agreement was found between the two sets of data.  相似文献   
To simulate the substrate degradation kinetics of the composting process, this paper develops a mathematical model with a first-order reaction assumption and heat/mass balance equations. A pilot-scale composting test with a mixture of sewage sludge and wheat straw was conducted in an insulated reactor. The BVS (biodegradable volatile solids) degradation process, matrix mass, MC (moisture content), DM (dry matter) and VS (volatile solid) were simulated numerically by the model and experimental data. The numerical simulation offered a method for simulating k (the first-order rate constant) and estimating k20 (the first-order rate constant at 20 °C). After comparison with experimental values, the relative error of the simulation value of the mass of the compost at maturity was 0.22%, MC 2.9%, DM 4.9% and VS 5.2%, which mean that the simulation is a good fit. The k of sewage sludge was simulated, and k20, k20s (first-order rate coefficient of slow fraction of BVS at 20 °C) of the sewage sludge were estimated as 0.082 and 0.015 d?1, respectively.  相似文献   
In this study, an inexact fuzzy-stochastic constraint-softened programming method is developed for municipal solid waste (MSW) management under uncertainty. The developed method can deal with multiple uncertainties presented in terms of fuzzy sets, interval values and random variables. Moreover, a number of violation levels for the system constraints are allowed. This is realized through introduction of violation variables to soften system constraints, such that the model’s decision space can be expanded under demanding conditions. This can help generate a range of decision alternatives under various conditions, allowing in-depth analyses of tradeoffs among economic objective, satisfaction degree, and constraint-violation risk. The developed method is applied to a case study of planning a MSW management system. The uncertain and dynamic information can be incorporated within a multi-layer scenario tree; revised decisions are permitted in each time period based on the realized values of uncertain events. Solutions associated with different satisfaction degree levels have been generated, corresponding to different constraint-violation risks. They are useful for supporting decisions of waste flow allocation and system-capacity expansion within a multistage context.  相似文献   
为修复受到污染呈黑臭状态的金湖水体,建设金银湖国家湿地公园,在分析金湖水质、底质概况及黑臭水体成因的基础上,采取点源污染、面源污染、内源污染同步控制和边治理边修复的方法,在不进行大规模清淤、不扰动水体情况下建设湖滨缓冲带,对湖泊底质进行修复。结果表明:湖泊水质得到了明显改善,各项水质指标均低于《城市黑臭水体整治工作指南》中的轻度黑臭标准限值,修复后水质达到了地表水Ⅲ类标准;在中央环保督察组巡视反馈重点整治湖泊水质变化报告中被评为“好转”等级,实现了黑臭水体治理以及生态修复的目标。该治理修复案例可为城市内陆景观湖泊生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   
为提高水质自动监测数据质量,在地表水水质自动监测系统实际监测运行环境中,基于统计分析方法,探讨水质自动监测日常运行维护质控手段对运行维护质量监督考核结果的影响,探索提高水质自动监测质控考核结果合格率的运行维护质控技术要求。结果表明:零点漂移检查、量程/跨度漂移检查对水质自动监测质控考核结果虽无显著影响,但却是保障水质自动监测数据质量的基础;水质自动监测仪标准物质核查结果相对误差的合格判定标准由±10%加严至±6%时,水质自动监测仪标准物质核查、实际水体样品比对测试、实际水体样品加标回收率测试及盲样考核结果的合格率均显著提升;标准物质核查合格率由74.6%~77.9%提升为98.4%~100%,实际水体样品比对测试的合格率由62.5%提升为75.9%,实际水体样品加标回收率测试的合格率由75.0%提升为87.5%~100%,盲样考核合格率由75.0%提升为100%;标准物质核查及实际水体样品比对测试相对误差均不服从正态分布,且数据分布为正偏态分布;实验所用水质自动监测仪器可能存在负偏离的系统误差,手工比对实验环节对实际水体样品比对测试结果也可能存在一定干扰。综合上述结果,在进行水质自动监测仪器设计和选型时,应消除可能的系统偏差;在开展实际水体样品比对测试过程中,应加强对比对实验相关环节的质量监督和检查;在水质自动监测系统运行维护时,应采用更严格的标准物质核查结果相对误差合格判定标准,以提高和保障自动监测数据质量。相关研究成果可为水质自动监测系统运行维护采取的质量控制措施和评价标准的制定提供技术支持。  相似文献   
A shortened version of Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe method (QuEChERS) for determining the dissipation and residue of imidacloprid present in Zizania latifolia and purple sweet potato was established by using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The average recoveries of imidacloprid in the two crops ranged from 82.12 to 113.79%, with relative standard deviation (RSD) of <7.32%. The dissipation dynamics of imidacloprid in Z. latifolia plants and purple sweet potato plants followed first-order kinetics, with half-lives of 3.2–5.5?days in each of sampling locations. The terminal imidacloprid residues in Z. latifolia and purple sweet potato at each of location were <0.005–0.120?mg kg?1. According to the risk assessment results, both the acute dietary risk quotient and chronic dietary risk quotient values were <1, indicating that imidacloprid is unlikely to pose health risks to humans with normal recommended use. The present study may serve as a valuable reference for the safe and reasonable use of imidacloprid in Z. latifolia and purple sweet potato fields.  相似文献   
Chen  Hui  Mao  Wei  Shen  Yiqiu  Feng  Weiwei  Mao  Guanghua  Zhao  Ting  Yang  Lanqin  Yang  Liuqing  Meng  Chunfeng  Li  Yong  Wu  Xiangyang 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2019,26(24):24609-24619

Phthalates (PAEs) in drinking water sources such as the Yangtze River in developing countries had aroused widespread concern. Here, the water, suspended particulate matter (SPM), and sediment samples were collected from 15 sites in wet and dry seasons in Zhenjiang, for the determination of six PAEs (DMP, DEP, DIBP, DBP, DEHP, and DOP) using the solid-phase extraction (SPE) or ultrasonic extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The total concentrations of six PAEs (Σ6PAEs) spanned a range of 2.65–39.31 μg L?1 in water, 1.97–34.10 μg g?1 in SPM, and 0.93–34.70 μg g?1 in sediment. The partition coefficients (Kd1) of PAEs in water and SPM phase ranged from 0.004 to 3.36 L g?1 in the wet season and from 0.12 to 2.84 L g?1 in the dry season. Kd2 of PAEs in water and sediment phase was 0.001–9.75 L g?1 in the wet season and 0.006–8.05 L g?1 in the dry season. The dominant PAEs were DIBP, DBP, and DEHP in water and SPM, DIBP, DEHP, and DOP in sediment. The concentration of DBP in water exceeded the China Surface Water Standard. The discharge of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater might be the main potential sources of PAEs. The risk quotient (RQ) method used for the risk assessment revealed that DBP (0.01 < RQ < 1) posed a medium risk, while DIBP and DEHP (RQ > 1) posed a high environmental risk in water, DIBP (RQ > 1) also showed a high risk in sediment.

基于RS和GIS的长江安庆段岸线资源评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用遥感影像结合GIS相关技术对长江安庆段岸线进行解译、分类,查清长江安庆段岸线资源分类长度,并采用岸前水深和岸线稳定性两个评价指标对岸线资源进行分等评价,兼顾岸前航道水域宽度和后方陆域场地条件两个限制性因素,综合确定岸线条件的优劣。评价结果:长江安庆段岸线总长度为249.6km,一级、二级优良岸线62.4km,三级岸线187.2km;开发条件较好的岸线有周家湾一套口、沟口-老湖塔和谭家沟-马船沟三段。最后结合安庆市经济发展背景、区位条件对安庆沿江岸线资源开发分段提出若干建议。  相似文献   
Yang L  Jiang L  Zhou Z  Chen Y  Wang X 《Chemosphere》2002,48(4):461-466
Natural montmorillonite was modified with a quaternary ammonium compound, hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA). The sedimentation capabilities of unmodified and modified montmorillonites were then investigated. The sedimentation velocity of modified montmorillonites increased if the amounts of adsorbed HDTMA were from 0.3 to 1.0 times the cation exchange capacitity (CEC). It also emerged that the sedimentation capability of modified montmorillonites was improved and that the variously CEC-modified montmorillonites had similar sedimentation capabilities after they had sorbed organic matter from oily wastewater. Thus, modified montmorillonites (especially 0.5 CEC treatment) had good sedimentation capabilities for sorbing organic substance and can act as carriers in wastewater biotreatment.  相似文献   
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